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Cover-based shooter Vanquish comes from PlatinumGames - a developer best known for beat 'em ups like Bayonetta and MadWorld. In this video I look at how Vanquish borrowed the best elements of Platinum's brawlers to make a shooter with an extraordinary amount of depth and opportunity for mastery.


Game Maker's Toolkit - Depth, Mastery, and Vanquish

Cover-based shooter Vanquish comes from PlatinumGames - a developer best known for beat 'em ups like Bayonetta and MadWorld. In this video I look at how Vanquish borrowed the best elements of Platinum's brawlers to make a shooter with an extraordinary amount of depth and opportunity for mastery.



Nice video! Do you in any way consider things like your example about the reload animation cancel or the firing speed manipulation to be a bit of a 'barrier of entry' when these games are multiplayer?


That's a good point - things like matchmaking should hopefully keep new players playing together, and those who know the advanced strategies playing together. And because the masterful stuff (like wave dashing in Melee or the crazy feats you can do in Rocket League) aren't advertised as part of the game, new players may not even realise how deep these games can be until they're already committed to playing. Thanks for the kind words :)


I really think you struck it home with this one. I've been playing the division this week with some friends and I am noticing the point about depth and difficulty sticking out like a sore thumb. The divisions depth doesn't evolve regardless of how high the players skill ceiling is. Great video M


yeah I've only played the beta for the division but I could see that it would quickly devolve into grinding through health bars for ages. Not much in the way of meaningful choices or player expression


re:division comment. Whats worse is they had systems in like enemy weak points but they scaled them with the enemies health. Meaning even 'high skill' play had next to no depth because you are just changing the hit box position