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Don't know about you guys around the world, but here in the UK we're having a four day weekend. And I know exactly what I'm doing...

Thanks to everyone who said hi at GDC. Was a fun show - wish I got to see more talks (was stuck in meetings most of the time) but, hey, that's what the vault is for. 

Hello to all the newcomers, I've been blown away by your support these last few weeks. Some good announcements to come because of that. 

Speak soon





Oh yiss, I love me some Platinum! Probably my favourite developer of all time.


Intriguing! I've wanted to ask you Mark, what do you think about games adopting an episodic business model like the new Hitman games have done? I can see more and more industries using a subscription based service, and perhaps this is something certain games can adopt without becoming soulless pay-to-win / In-app purchase games


I like it - provided it's right for the game. TV style stuff like Life is Strange obviously works, and games that are designed to be replayed like stealth games and whatnot could be good too. But for a movie like experience like Uncharted it might not be so effective. And yeah, if it's a way to cut down costs and everything, I'm pleased to support it. Looking forward to trying Hitman soon.

Casey Jones

It's downright tragic that nobody talks about or remembers Viewtiful Joe anymore. That game was a masterpiece.