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Hey. Just wanted to be completely upfront about this. I've turned on "display ads" on YouTube, as an experiment.

These are the ones that show up in the list of related videos on the right sidebar. So, nothing popping over the video. Nothing at the start of the video. No sponsored cards. None of that horrible stuff. 

I just wanted to see if they make any cash, without messing up the videos themselves. If you notice any funny business (YT's monetisation stuff is a little tricky to use), do let me know and I'll tear them straight down.

I doubt they'll do anything so I'll probably remove them soon anyway. But would be interesting to know!



Have you seen any income from YouTube Red subscribers yet? I'm not sure what they did during their trial so maybe you haven't yet. I'm giving it a go so it'd be nice to know you got a few bucks (pounds?) from it.


Hey Mark. will you be doing anything on the game awards?


Nah. Never been that fussed about Georff Keighly's award stuff. All pizazz, little substance. I'm also a little considered about the diversity of the judging panel: 2 women among 32 judges is not very representative of all the different types of people making, playing, and writing about games


Mark, if you are synced up to gdc vault, check out "Interior Design and Environment Art: Mastering Space, Mastering Place by Dan Cox" you might find it interesting. Fun little GDC video discussing Interior design. Might spark you a video topic. Keep up the awesome videos you rock :)


A fun update to this: These adverts make, drum roll please..... zero money! It all goes to YouTube. So I'll turn them off. Experiment finished!