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Game Maker's Toolkit - The Mechanics of Movement

Uploaded by Mark Brown on 2015-11-29.



Very nice! My favorite is probably Mirror's Edge. I played through it recently (skipping every crappy cutscene) and the gameplay felt just as tuned in as I remembered it.


Keep it up Mark! These videos are such an inspiring resource. It's great to read you're enjoying making these videos as much as we enjoy watching & learning from them.


Love this video! I feel like you're tapping into my brain and finding a load of design issues that have bothered me for ages, but then articulating them in ways I was never able to. Amazing work. Another related note that I've picked up on in games like Tomb Raider and Uncharted is how the climbing/traversal is almost always restricted along a single, linear route. I yearn for more freedom in traversal. I want to look at a gigantic cliff face and have to plan a route, looking for the best handholds and the safest platforms. Instead, you tend to get a sequence of 'look for the next shiny ledge and then just jump to it'. That has its benefits (for the reasons you listed in your earlier video about navigation) but it doesn't leave much room for player expression or divergent paths.


Splatoon has a very interesting movement mechanic because you have to shoot your path with ink first and then use it to gain speed and make jumps. The single player starts to utilize it, but I think they could have more fun with it. Multiplayer really needs it, but unless you get into higher ranked matches you probably won't notice the high importance to moving. What is really interesting about the ink is that your enemy can actually see where it is possible for you to move and where it isn't. So you can say, "I can't be flanked because I'm surrounded by my ink." It really adds strategy to movement and I think it is a highly unrealized element to the game outside of Japan.


Well-done. I enjoy how you're rapidly progressing towards defining that feeling known as "game feel" and all the thought and decisions that go into that sensation.


Thanks Mark! This is actually the exact topic I was expecting when you sent us the pic of the game pile you'd been working with haha


I'm absoLUTELY onboard with your idea for a Tomb Raider game! And let's call it "Lara Croft" because let's be real Tomb Raiding doesn't really make any sense anymore? And moreover let's make it like 6 hours and well-written? I'm sorry what were we talking about.


Now that I think about it, Titanfall has the best first-person movement since Mirror's Edge.