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Greetings Conquerors!

Exactly one year ago, I received my second vaccine. As I was suffering from the symptoms that was commonly associated with getting vaccinated, I had a revelation! After years of constantly searching the Nexus for a mod that would allow me to conquer cities and take my rightful place on the throne, I made a decision to make my own. I had taken a few coding classes in college so I felt that I was more prepared than before to try it out!

Originally I only planned for the mod to just allow me to recruit an army and then prevent enemy troops from spawning in cities after we killed them all and then pretend like we conquered it. However as I made progress with the mod, I felt that it could be a lot more fleshed out than my original ideas. I then proceeded to incorporate more faction centered elements like naming the faction, upgrading troops, and declaring war. One thing led to another and 7 and a half months later became what you all tried out in late March.

Over the past year my skills in modding have gotten a lot better, and I've found easier and more efficient ways of doing things that were in the original WIP release and I am enjoying working through this next year for this mod's development! Thank you all for being a part of this journey!

Without further ado, here are the features that I have been working on these past couple of weeks.


When you capture a fort, you will now have the option to assign one of your commanders to become the commander of the fort:

(ignore the POW part I haven't added that in yet)

The army that the fort commander is leading will then become the army in charge of garrisoning the fort and defend it from attacking armies, which by the way, can attack your forts now:

Once you defeat the attackers, they will surrender and you will be able to take them prisoner:


Did you ever find it a bit odd how whenever you ordered an army to garrison a city or follow you, they would somehow immediately get listed in the cities garrison or the commander would somehow teleport behind you? Well the days of your troops teleporting across the land to go places is over! Now they actually need to take time to go where you want them.

The time it takes for them to go anywhere is determined by how far away they are on the map. For reference, it takes about 20 hours for them to travel from Windhelm to Markarth. This is going to be a big deal in wars when you have to plan how long it will take to get your armies to a certain location when deciding invasions and defenses. This also prevents you from easily steamrolling through your enemies in a day.


Now this is a feature that I'm sure everyone will appreciate. You know how when your troops die and you have to re-recruit them in a menu and keep clicking on the troops to recruit them? Well say goodbye to that because 0.3 adds the ability for auto recruitment whenever troops die!

The 'Start Automatic Recruitment' button will appear in your army management menu. Activating it will cause the army to automatically recruit troops based on the troops that it currently has. While it is activated you can not recruit more troops. However, it's easy to deactivate it while you recruit more troops and then activate it again.


Additionally, the recruiting each individual troop is now faster as I have changed how the mod recruits a troop. It used to recruit the troop at you and then teleport them to their commander (you may have noticed this). Now it stores the troop as a number and only spawns them once the commander loads in, causing the scripts to run a lot faster.


And now some aesthetic improvements to make the UI less word-intensive:

Anyway, that's it for this progress update! It's been an exciting year working on this mod and I'm excited to for this next year of working on it!



Glad to see so much progress is being made with this mod. Looking forward to playing the end result :-)


Thanks for sharing the update glad to hear from you again and that your alive and well! And sorry you had negative effects from that. I once had a flu shot and got bronchitis real bad for months. Was a nightmare. Plus a previous cholesterol medicine made had me in tremendous pain.. so it happens. They call me the side effect guy my doctors are always scared to try new meds with me, if there is ever even a 5% chance from something horrible I am the guy that gets the rare stuff... lol. Anyway I'd say you've come a long way and turned what was a small great idea/dream into a large brilliant accomplishment that tends to get better and better, and you should be proud of yourself for what you have achieved, believe me I've worked with alot of modders and the knowledge, time and work you put into your mod, most modders would take years or months just for even a small fraction of that with scripting, writing, ect. Fort commanders will be cool, auto recruitment is nice too. Love how they can get attacked now too, and armies move around, adds realism and I'm so looking forward to downloading 0.3 whenever that may be, would be cool if it showed say an imperial army of troops approaching from solitude to attack you and actually say where enemies are being dispatched from and give an estimation on when they may show instead of just showing out of the blue, just an idea since it will give an estimate when our own troops can arrive somewhere would be neat if we could also see where enemies come from and if they are headed somewhere and an estimate on when an attack may happen from the enemy, like even when Ulfric attacks Whiterun they know he is sending troops to attack as a large army of forces can be seen approaching according to dialogue, and multiple attacks would be cool also, POW system for forts will be a superb addition. I hope that at some point soon the update will be available, although I can wait I'm just so eager to play it! You wanted something in Skyrim, so you took the initiative and made it happen yourself, very commendable. My favorite new strategy game, #Skyrim #ConquestOfSkyrim