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Greetings Conquerors!

This week we talk primarily about the troops in your army and how you will be able to make them stronger and more customizable.


Don't you find it odd how easy it is to raise scores of highly-trained troops within the span of a few days? How is it possible that these troops can match the strength of the fully-trained armies of the Empire or Stormcloaks? Well say goodbye to this luxury because Version 0.3 will introduce a new progression system for your troops.

Troop recruitment will remain the same... however, what will be different is that the first troops you recruit will be very weak compared to the rest of the fighters in Skyrim. You will need to spend resources in order to train each troop type to become better fighters. You can do this at your General.

Each troop type has 10 upgrade levels that you can purchase. Each upgrade level will increase the attack damage and defense of the troop type. Certain level will also unlock the equipment that you had to pay for standalone in previous versions. 

Once a troop reaches these unlock levels, you can freely change their equipment to that armor type at your blacksmith. 

Custom armor works the exact same way as it did in previous version and that will not be restricted by this system.


Tired of watching your commanders charge into battle in their farm clothes? Well now you will be able to assign them a uniform and equipment to wear while they serve as your commander!

Instead of going around to each commander and changing their gear one-by-one, there is a template system, where you can place the equipment you want in each template then assign the template to each commander, making it easier to give equipment to all of them.

In these images I placed Ebony armor in Template 1 and assigned it to both Brenuin and Sven.


It is now possible to give each army their own unique equipment that only they will wear. This equipment will take priority over the equipment that all of your troops equip.

For example, for Army 1 I set their unique equipment to be a Dwarven helmet:

And Army 2 gets an Orcish helmet:

With the end result being both armies wearing different helmets:

You can choose if you want the Commander to wear the unique army equipment as well. This is primarily for those that want to differentiate their armies in some way like having each wear a different colored cape or unique banner on their back.



Excellent work as always Galvatron! Upgrades are very nice, I like being able to work towards upgrades makes it more immersive and rewarding, and customizing each army that is very cool, commanders having unique equipment is something I've wanted from the start. And it makes sense that we would have to train them to get better. Very nice. I mentioned a while back but I would love the option for each hold to be able to have the option of different guards too, like the same way vanilla Skyrim holds are all different just as an option, would be super cool, just a request. Anyway please do keep up the great work! Great job! Once again I look forward to 0.3, Ahh can't wait!