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Hello Everyone!

In this video, I showcase an updated version of city battles. In order to attack a city, you will need to talk to your General in order to plan an invasion. This will be when you can choose to deploy catapults or not. If you deploy catapults, you will face less troops but the city will suffer damage that will need to be repaired. You will also get to choose which army groups you want to participate in the siege.

Once you've made the plans, you will need to talk to your General again in order to launch the invasion. After this you can travel to the army meet up location outside the city and talk to one of your commanders to begin the attack.

The video showcases conquering Riften but right now this system works for all of the cities. There are still a few bugs to sort out, like the random citizens in Riften living their life during the siege but this seems to only happen in Riften and not any of the other cities.

On another note: I'm also working on releasing an early version of the mod with the core features like creating the faction, conquering areas, managing the economy, and more. This'll just be for people who want to try out the features in it and not meant for full-on playthroughs as it'll probably break a lot of quests.


Conquering Riften - Conquest of Skyrim Mod

An initial demonstration of conquering cities in my mod Conquest of Skyrim, where you will have the ability to create your own faction and conquer territory. If you'd like to donate to see updates on the progress of the mod, head to my patreon at https://www.patreon.com/ConquestOfSkyrim . The mod will be free and uploaded on the Nexus so donation is not required!



That’s great news. Getting more excited day by day. Great work! :)


On the note of compatibility would it be possible to make a patch removing ivarstead from the mod? I’m using LC Jarl of ivarstead and it becomes your own city along with other modifications. Or perhaps would you think of making it compatible? I’m sure it would be easier to just patch it out. Thanks!