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Thank you for donating to this project! I really appreciate the support and it is a tremendous motivator for me to work to make the best possible experience! I wanted to use this post as a means of communicating where the mod is currently.

I'll start by describing the features and mechanics that are currently implemented(but a few bugs need to be worked out):

- The actual creation of the faction. You can choose the name of your faction and what you want your troops to be called.

- The ability to recruit any NPC you have a positive relationship with into the government of your faction. These are the NPCs you that say things like "it's a nice day with you around" or "you've been a good friend to me, that means something".

- The ability to recruit these NPCs as commanders, who will be in charge of small armies that you raise(so that you don't have to ask every single troop to follow you). You can give these commanders orders like following you, patrolling a city, or hunting for food and they will take their armies and carry out those orders.

- A war system with the Imperials and Stormcloaks where you can declare war on either of them(even if you helped them win the Civil War). After you declare war, you simply need to approach one of their forts, villages, or cities and it will initiate the battle. Once you win the city, that faction will continually send troops to try to retake it until you take all of their cities.

- The actual battles involved in taking villages, cities, and forts. For forts and villages, all you need to do is defeat all the troops in them and you will be able to conquer them. For cities, you need to defeat the troops in the city as well as fight the current Jarl to force them to surrender. Once the battle is over the holding is yours.

- A resource system where you can store coin, food, wood, and metal for your faction and cities. Food is required to sustain your citizens in your cities and villages as well as your armies. Wood is required for building upgrades in your cities and villages(though I'm still working on adding physical models to the world when you purchase an upgrade). Metal is required for troop upgrades of equipment.

- A troop upgrade system where you can spend Coin and Metal to purchase equipment upgrades for your troops and guards.

- Arrest any NPC in a captured city and send them to prison.

There are a few things that are partially implemented:

- A court system where you can sit on the throne and hold court in which citizens come to you with their problems. The mechanics of this are implemented but I just need to come up with different scenarios they can approach you with.

- A trading system where the cities and villages in the game trade with each other in order to get the resources they require. When you take a city or village, you will be responsible for managing its trade until you appoint a Jarl to take care of it.

Here are some things I'm planning for the future:

- A way to create laws such as restoring/restricting Talos worship, freedom to protest, etc.

- Rebellion system where citizens in cities that are unhappy will rebel against you and form their own army to try and take the city.

- Diplomatic relations with factions outside of Skyrim. For example forming an alliance with the Aldmeri Dominion or Hammerfell or declaring war on them.

I will go into more detail on these in the posts to follow.



This is going to be amazing, thanks for putting your time and effort into this. Glad to be able to contribute monetarily


Edit: sorry one last thing.. there are gates on the Riverhelm and jarl of ivarstead cities and castles.. probably city fights sound be possible but perhaps using ocw these particular hold could be attacked via wargamer option. And be noted as such. Regardless, it’s still a good idea to incorporate these mods. That’s all.. gl with everything