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Pam lost her composure and control when she felt Chad lightly sucking on her clit. She couldn't wait any longer, and it was as clear a signal as any. 

In the blink of an eye, Chad was in her grasp. The rush of power combined with her longing put her in a provocative state. She reminded herself that it was her husband in her hand, not some insignificant little toy. Over and over, she repeated this until it stuck. The last thing she wanted was to lose her love in the wake of her own pleasure and bliss. As prominent as that thought was, it did little to spoil her excitement. The first plunge was by far the most rewarding for her. Chad squirmed in her grip, but she wasn't sure if it was out of fear or an attempt to pleasure her. In the heat of the moment, she honestly didn't care. He was moving, and that meant he was breathing.

The first one was always the hardest. The dive into the folds of Pam's hungry pussy was still something he wasn't used to. Being submerged amidst the juices and inner walls of her vagina was a shock to his system. Feeling those walls constrict and tighten around him, that first gulp of her juices and the waves of heat made for a harrowing combination. As quickly as it came, though, it was over before he could panic. It didn't stop him from squirming and struggling, but his movements were merely vibrations meant to send waves through his wife. It wasn't meant to be malicious, but he knew Pam's libido well enough by now.

She pulled him out, and Chad sucked in a breath of fresh air in the milliseconds he had. No sooner had he taken a breath than Pam dragged him along the outside of her clit. Teasing and taunting both herself and him in one swift motion. Her hips bucked in response to the combination of Chad's struggles and her deft movements. Skillful hands with years of practice worked carefully and deliberately to continue to spur herself on. Chad could feel himself slipping into the throes of panic, but the sweet sound of an appreciative and horny moan above put his mind at ease. Trust, he had to trust Pam despite his misgivings and negative experiences. He could survive this. Perhaps, he could even take some enjoyment out of it.

His body was lifted up, then back down again as Pam continued teasing herself. The thick and viscous liquids from her pussy began to coat and cover his little body, and he'd only been slipped inside once. The sweet taste and scent of his wife's arousal lingered and tainted his oxygen, yet to Chad's surprise, he found himself at peace with it. A distant echo in the back of his mind seemed to want more, to be closer. That echo, and the sound of Pam's sweet moans, became his focus. A distant distraction that served to ground him in the face of uncertainty. The dive was coming, and he was as ready as he could be to experience it yet again.

At least, that was what he thought. As Pam neared the peak of her efforts, she plunged him into the depths of her flower. Immersed and surrounded once more, Chad couldn't fight against his base instincts. Try as he might, his body began to react to the pressure surrounding him. It wasn't a comforting warmth but rather an oppressive heat. Mouth open, he gulped down the juices from his Goddess of a Wife. As he began to grow lightheaded, Pam withdrew him for a fraction of a second. It was just enough time for Chad to catch his breath, but it was a short-lived reprieve for him. Once more, he was forced into the breach, and once more, Chad felt himself begin to slip into the throes of panic.

As Chad continued his struggle between pleasure and terror, Pam rode the waves of ecstasy and bliss above. Feeling her little man kicking and squirming within her was indeed a remarkable feeling. Her delicate fingers pumped in and out, but she kept her grip on her miniature lover as she did so. Her breathing became heavy and labored as she worked herself into a frenzy. Her concerns were overshadowed by longing, and she found herself adrift in a sea of bliss. She'd missed this feeling. Not having Chad inside of her, but rather the sense of intimacy as they became one. The power was intoxicating, yes, but she'd truly longed for that feeling of closeness.

That still, small voice in the back of her mind continued to ring out regarding Chad's well-being. Above all else, his safety was paramount. Her joy was second only to that. Yet, as Chad writhed, wriggled, and squirmed inside of her, it became more difficult to focus on that voice. It faded into the distance until it became a faint murmur in the wake of her screaming passion. Her vigor renewed; she pumped harder and faster, driving her lover deeper. Her lips split into another moan as she felt him tickling her from the inside. She'd be sure to reward him for such a fantastic performance. That was the least she could do in exchange for what he was doing for her.

Chad's struggles were growing at an alarming rate as Pam doubled down on her efforts. She was losing herself to her wants, just as he was losing himself to his anxieties, and thrashing, kicking, and bucking only served to spur the Goddess above him on. Every movement on his part earned him a deeper trip into the depths of her pussy. His breaks were becoming less frequent, and he began to fear that he'd suffocate inside of his wife. Of all the things he'd experienced and overcome, the fear of death was one that he couldn't shake. That thought crept into the forefront of his mind, slowly consuming every fiber of his being. The idea of being crushed and entombed within the walls of his beautiful wife was as unnerving as it was terrifying. Maybe it would be a dream to some, but it was simply a nightmare to Chad.

His saving grace was the small pockets of air deep within Pam. Whether it was from her continued pumping, or something else, he couldn't say. Regardless, he was grateful for them when they came. However, they were few and far between. Even so, those brief seconds bought him the time he needed to hold on. Despite how terrifying this had become, he clung to the hope that he'd survive. Had he made a mistake in taking this chance? Would this cost him his life?

Moreover, was Pam willing to pay that price? No, he had to believe that she'd keep him safe. Trust everything they'd built between their marriage to this point was centered on trust. She loved him, and he had to believe she wouldn't sacrifice him for a fleeting few moments of pleasure.

With his mind focused and resolved to return, Chad tried to hold his demons at bay. It didn't diminish his panic, and his struggles continued, but he could stave off that underlying terror gnawing at the depths of his soul. Rather than focus on the war waging within, Chad focused on what he could physically feel. He'd started to become accustomed to the intense heat, and his body could feel the subtle give and squish of Pam's inner walls. Her grip on his little body remained firm, but she wasn't squeezing him between her fingers. She was ensuring that he wouldn't be lost to the depths, and there was a mild comfort that came with that knowledge. The taste that invaded his mouth wasn't unpleasant, but it also brought familiarity. Not enough to calm the storm raging within himself, but enough that he could distract himself from his fear.

Perhaps the most challenging thing was also the most prominent reminder of his size. As Pam worked harder to achieve her climax, Chad's face was rubbed along the walls within her time and again. Sure, he'd been in more painful situations, but it was a feeling unlike any other. The slick and fleshy feeling was strange. It was so much different than feeling it on the tips of his fingers or even the tip of his tongue. To experience it across his entire body felt odd and unsettling. It wasn't painful compared to some of the other things he'd dealt with, but it wasn't what he'd consider pleasant either. Degrading, unusual, and brutal were a few words that came to mind to describe how he felt about his predicament.

Yet, somehow Chad didn't feel entirely miserable. Sore and spent, yes, but the sweet sound of Pam's ecstasy was something of a balm to his otherwise shot nerves. It was a sound he'd missed hearing and one that filled him with the smallest amount of pride. It might not have been the most enjoyable experience for him, but Pam's joy was a small consolation. If it wasn't for his desperate need to breathe, maybe Chad could have found his own joy in this beyond pleasing his wife. As nice as it was to bring Pam this level of bliss, it wasn't enough to overshadow his worries. It didn't help that he felt more like an object than a person with every thrust and pump. While the bigger part of him knew Pam didn't see him like that, it didn't erase the thoughts from his mind.

In and out, up and down, Chad was continually used and strained as Pam fell deeper into her lustful haze. As Pam continued down the rabbit hole of want and desire, Chad's panic once more began to soar. It started to feel similar to that drunken night of passion and terror months ago. His concerns only continued to grow as the seconds turned to minutes at an agonizingly slow rate. The feeling in his gut wasn't entirely unlike what he'd felt that very night. As time ticked by, he began to pray that she'd finish sooner rather than later. He could accept that he would survive, but he began to wonder if he'd pass out before Pam finished.

Chad's struggles started to wane as did his energy at a rapid rate. The short breaks and bouts between Pam's vigorous pumps were doing less and less to keep him going. His breathing was ragged and heavy as he gasped between plunges. Chad was closer to a breaking point than he'd been in a long time. He'd need a bath and a nap before dinner at the rate things were going. Beyond the walls of his fleshy prison, he could hear Pam approaching the peak of her efforts. A climax was imminent; that much was obvious to him. The walls of her vagina began to constrict and tense as she neared the pinnacle of ecstasy. It was a bittersweet revelation for him. It meant his time here was coming to an end, but the flood would soon be upon him. The crashing waves of an orgasm were always disorienting, shocking, and choking.

Pam could feel herself getting closer by the second. However, she could feel her little lover starting to fall slack within her. She was so close, and she just needed him to hold on a little longer. Past the point of no return, Pam was determined to achieve what she'd been longing for. Her moans grew into cries that slowly built into screams. Her legs tensed as she drew nearer to that wondrous sensation she'd been craving. A final and parting press into herself, and she entered into a toe-curling state of euphoria. The cascade of juices that practically exploded from her flower pushed her fingers and Chad outward and onto the bed. Her body fell limp, her legs extended, and her head fell back onto the pillows behind her. 

Chad had been fading and teetering on the brink of blacking out when it finally happened. The familiar clutch of Pam's pussy squeezing and compressing around him. Those seconds were brief, but they were still incredibly draining and scary. The wave that followed signified the end of Chad's exhausting adventure, but it was also the most difficult part. The torrent of juices that spewed forth crashed against his little body, pushing him and Pam's hand out into the fresh air. Freed from the confines of his wife above him, Chad coughed and sputtered as he swallowed more of Pam's cum than should have been possible. He collapsed in her open hand as she went slack above him. His body felt like a sticky and slick mess, but he was too tired to care. Gripped by mild fear and a sense of relief that his time was finally at a close, Chad simply laid still and tried to catch his breath. 

Pam gently, reassuringly, and tentatively rubbed her thumb along Chad's sticky and dripping body. It was all she could do right now, but at least she could check on him. The soothing and gentle touch of Pam's thumb stroking his back sent a wave of comfort through him, something he desperately needed right now.

Both of them spent, they laid there on the bed for quite some time. Chad, breathing heavily and trying to keep calm; Pam, basking in the magnificent afterglow of her orgasm.

She carefully closed her fingers around Chad, and she brought her hand to her chest. The one thing that was missing from such a wonderful experience was being able to hold her husband. That was one of the most challenging parts of her new life. She could keep him in the palm of her hand, but it had been so long since she'd felt his arms around her or hers around him. All she could do was gently cradle him against her breast and hope he was okay. Pam knew she needed to check on him, but she was still working up the strength to do so.

Chad didn't panic or move as Pam closed her hand around him. The worst was over, and he welcomed what came next. Pam turned her hand slightly to deposit him on her breast, and her fingers continued to gently stroke his back. Her bosom's soft and delicate flesh was a welcome reprieve from his previous placement. There were no words spoken, not yet, only silence between the two of them. The gentle rise and fall of Pam's chest and the sound of her heart beating beneath him helped to soothe his shot nerves. Harrowing as his time with her had been, he'd have been lying if he said he didn't enjoy the moments after. The silence continued to yawn between them, but it wasn't awkward or unwelcome—two lovers basking in the light of a union. One feeling blissful and content, the other recovering from terror and misplaced pride. Still, Chad didn't regret his decision. Pam's happiness was worth the price, and she'd kept him as safe as she could, given the nature of their activity.

Minutes passed before Pam finally found the will to lift her head and speak, "Chad, honey, are you okay?"

Chad heard her but couldn't bring himself to muster a verbal response. Instead, Chad tried to convey his sentiment with a nuzzling nod. It was faint, and he wasn't sure if Pam felt it or not. It was the most he could offer her at the moment, though. He was spent in every sense of the word. It seemed a safe bet that Pam felt his nonverbal response when her fingertips pressed against his back. It was a simple gesture that they'd found months ago. This was the closest they could get to holding and hugging one another. Her touch was gentle, and Chad savored the feeling of safety that came with it. Soon, her fingers were off and back to lightly rubbing his back. If she kept this up, he'd fall asleep before too long.

"That was incredible, Chad," Pam smiled, craning her neck to look down at her husband, "I didn't push you too hard, did I?"

Chad forced himself to keep his eyes open. Pam may have been riding a wave of endorphins, but he knew her well enough to know she was still concerned. "It's never easy, hon, but I'm okay," he answered, choosing to be honest, "I knew I'd be okay. I trust you, Pam."

Pam relaxed at the sound of Chad's tiny assurance. The voice of reason had returned shortly after the waves of pleasure had begun to subside, and she had started to become fearful that she'd pushed Chad back into that same dark place they'd only recently overcome. To say it was a relief would have been an understatement. Moreover, hearing him affirm his trust in her was truly heartwarming. She hadn't asked him to do what he'd done, but he'd taken the chance because he didn't doubt her care for him. That spoke volumes about how far they'd come since he'd caught this dreadful virus.

"I don't deserve someone as amazing as you," Pam whispered, taken aback by just how kind and considerate her husband could be, "Is there anything I can do for you, hon?"

Chad rolled onto his back, trying his best to ignore the sticky layer of cum that was starting to dry. He stared up into Pam's eyes and couldn't help but smile. She truly was something amazing to behold. He'd missed seeing that dazzling sparkle of satisfaction in them. "That depends," he said, pushing himself into a sitting position, "How much time do we have before dinner?"

Pam glanced at the clock on the hotel nightstand and looked back at him, "We've still got a little over an hour."

"In that case, I wouldn't turn down a nice soak in the sink before we go eat," Chad smiled, the thought of a warm bath tantalizing.

"I can do that," Pam said sweetly, pushing herself up and making sure that Chad didn't fall, "I could use a shower after the mess you helped me make. You are absolutely incredible, by the way. Even at your size, you still know exactly where to hit to drive me wild, honey."

Chad let himself fall into Pam's hand, and he couldn't stop himself from chuckling at her comment. He hadn't done anything special, yet Pam's words gave him a slight sense of pride. While he knew that she'd climaxed, it felt good to hear that she was still impressed by him. As strenuous and tiring as it had been, it was nice to be appreciated. He could still smell the lingering odor of sex permeating the room, but it, too, made him feel a hair more confident. As Pam walked to the bathroom, he couldn't help wondering if David had been intimate with Heather since shrinking. For his sake, he hoped they weren't saving it for their wedding night. The first time was the wildest, and both of them needed to be careful.

"Good to know I still have some moves at this size," he said as they entered the bathroom.

"My little man is an expert," Pam beamed as she turned the faucet on and waited for the water to warm up, "Thank you, honey. I know what we did isn't easy for you. You didn't have to do that, but I'm glad you did."

"Just knowing that you're happy and hearing you scream is enough for me," Chad smiled slyly.

"You are such a bad boy," Pam chuckled, pressing the stopper down once the water was warm enough.

"A bad boy who's lucky to have such an amazing woman in his life," Chad said, hopping down as Pam placed her hand on the vanity.

"Anna is right; you are so cheesy sometimes," Pam giggled, "But I love it."

"And I love you," Chad smiled up at her.

Pam dipped her fingers into the shallow water to check the temperature before retracting her hand. Satisfied that it wasn't too hot or too cold, she turned her attention back to her miniature mate. "I love you too, hon," she said, "I think that should be just about perfect for you. I'm going to take another shower before we have to go. Are you okay sleeping with me tonight?"

Chad walked over to the edge of the basin. He paused at the edge to reply, "After what we just did, I think I'd like that. Just, uhm, make sure to look for me in the morning."

Pam left without saying a word, and Chad briefly wondered if he'd upset her. She returned a moment later with her phone in hand. A few quick swipes later, she was back to smiling down at him, "I set a reminder to be on the safe side. Take your time and soak; I'm going to grab some clothes before getting in the shower, okay?"

Chad chuckled at her thoughtfulness. It might have seemed silly, but it was reassuring that she'd have something to keep her from forgetting about him. He wasn't a fool; he knew how easy it was for him to get lost at his size. Coupled with the fact that Pam needed her coffee in the mornings, it was part of the reason he didn't sleep with her more often. However, he meant what he'd said. After the endeavors of spelunking inside of her flower, he looked forward to sleeping with her for a change. Pam left again to grab a few things from her suitcase, and Chad was left alone for a short while.

The water looked nice and inviting. Pam had put some soap in for him to clean himself, and he had a small bubble bath. Well, relatively speaking, it was more akin to a pool for Chad. Ready for a nice long dip, Chad sat down on the basin's edge and let himself slide into the water. The warmth was wonderful, and it felt almost cleansing in a way. He dunked his head under the water before popping up and sighing to himself. Today had been a decent day, and he'd managed to overcome one of his personal hang-ups. Perhaps there was hope to be had and found on this trip after all. Time would tell, but he was going to do his best to enjoy every moment as they came to the best of his ability. He just hoped that his kids would do the same and that more good would come from their getaway than bad. After all, his family deserved at least that much after everything they'd been through.



Damn that was fast and it was a amazing chapter for sure. I honestly didn’t know Chad had the moves to make Pam feel so much pleasure especially at his new size it’s very impressive. 10/10 chapter as always see you again in three weeks 👍