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While Chad had been overcoming his fears with his wife, Victoria had taken Stewart back to their room. The day at the beach had left them feeling rested, relieved, and rejuvenated despite the surprise mishap with the boys. Seeing Stewart get along well with her father for a change had been nice. Victoria had been worried that bringing her miniature boyfriend along would create tension, but Stewart seemed to be the balm the family needed. It was strange to say it aloud, but he'd managed to diffuse several possible disastrous scenarios. From Bram's sullen attitude, her father's potential endangerment, and Anna's temperament, Stewart had weathered the storms of her family well enough so far. He was a surprisingly remarkable little man; she couldn't have been happier with her choice to take a chance on him.

Victoria was excited about their dinner plans this evening. Rose would finally join them, and Stewart had only heard about her sweet grandmother until today. While she could sometimes be oblivious to matters within her immediate vicinity, her heart of gold endeared her to Victoria and the rest of the family. It was also a chance to see what her grandmother thought of her new suitor. Generally, Rose saw the good in people, but she'd always been honest with her granddaughter. The happiness of her grandchildren meant more than anything to her, and that included sparing feelings. If Rose didn't like or trust Stewart, Victoria would hear about it. However, she was confident her grandmother would take to him and his light-hearted disposition.

Stewart sat on the single bed, waiting for Victoria to finish in the shower. After spending a day at the beach, they needed to get cleaned up. Stewart had taken a quick soak, opting for it first so that Victoria could relax in the shower. He'd been surprised to find her so responsive to his suggestion, but she was one of the more selfless people he'd met. She'd waited patiently for him to finish and lightly dried him off before carrying him where he wanted to be placed. Once again, he hadn't expected her to wait for instructions like she had. Her main goal seemed to be making sure he was comfortable and content. It didn't bother him, but having someone so big following his instructions felt odd.

Once she turned on the television, Victoria grabbed some clothes and returned to the bathroom. Truthfully, some of Stewart wanted to accompany Victoria into the shower. As terrifying as things could be at his size, he was still a young man with urges and desires. When he told Victoria how he saw her weeks ago, he'd meant what he said. She was breathtaking in every sense of the word and like a titan of beauty at his size. It would have been a lie to say that he didn't want to see those magnificent curves laid bare, up close, and deeply personal. While he'd been trying to be a better man, his original attraction to Victoria was still present beneath his gentlemanly demeanor.

That wasn't to say that he wasn't trying to be better. The revelations he'd shared with Victoria had all been rooted in truth. His experiences after catching the virus had caused a shift in his little mind, and they'd been the wake-up call that he had desperately needed to, ironically, grow. However, fragments of his old self still lurked beneath the surface. While they were more removed and distant than in the past, old thoughts still sometimes found a way to creep into his head. Often, it was late at night when his curiosities would override his sense of self-preservation. Alone in the dark, his mind would wander to lewd places and fascinations.

Yes, he'd read countless stories of horrific and harrowing events, but it was impossible to deny the captivation of looking up at a giantess. His life could be extinguished in an instant, but somehow, that added another layer to his excitement. Stewart wasn't an idiot, though. Acting on these impulses would most likely result in something negative. Even if he survived, he'd risk losing his progress with Victoria if he were found out. He could still vividly recall the ride to the restaurant tucked away in her bra. The feeling of those supple and smooth breasts against his back had been incredible. Being so close to something so massive, yet unbelievably soft, had been indescribable. It had taken everything he had to keep himself in check that night, but he was glad he had.

Perhaps part of what drew his attention and fascination was an element of separation between the person and their body parts. One breast, or even one ass cheek, may as well have been an expanse separated from the person in question. A leg, a hand, a tit, even a face were all components making up a person; an obvious fact, sure, but perspective was a funny thing. Stewart's size allowed him to break down those parts, remove them from the individual, and see them as something else entirely. It sounded silly, but it was the only explanation he could come up with. Considering that it was often fleeting thoughts, Stewart could only assume that this idea played some part in his more lustful thoughts. How else could he explain reigning things in so quickly whenever the voice of Victoria, or even Amber, broke through his more perverse musings.

As nice as it was to have time alone with the girl he'd crushed on for so long, it did come with its share of challenges. Keeping himself in check was becoming increasingly difficult as time wore on. Seeing Victoria in her swimsuit had been a truly awe-inspiring sight. It didn't help his little hormones that she occasionally would forget he was in the room and undress in front of him. He hadn't called attention to it yet for two reasons. The first was that he didn't want to embarrass her, but the second was more selfish. Seeing her curves laid bare was something he'd dreamt about for a long time, and he happily drank in the image and saved it in his memory. Every inch of her was just as beautiful as he'd imagined.

Being so close, yet so far, was more of a challenge than he'd considered when he agreed to accompany her this weekend. It wasn't something he regretted, not by a long shot, but those lustful urges grew stronger as time passed. With the way Victoria was so happy to grant him his requests, it was even harder not to push for something more than what they had. She seemed more than willing to cooperate in whatever Stewart asked or suggested. So much so that it might have been easy to get her to agree to something a bit more intimate, but doing so ran the risk of ruining their progress together. Maybe he could try something small that wouldn't push her too far, too fast. It was worth considering, and it might just be enough to put some of his thoughts to rest.

Victoria opened the door to the bathroom, and Stewart found his musing ruptured by her stunning figure, walking out. A towel was wrapped around her perfect curves, and another was wrapped tightly around her hair. Watching her from his place on the bed, Stewart was reminded of just how incredible she was. Even in something as simple as a towel, it was clear that she was out of his league. That thought alone helped to quell his more selfish urges. She'd taken a chance on him, and he wasn't fond of the idea of jeopardizing this opportunity. He could be patient and take things slow if it meant they could continue to build on whatever this was between them.

That thought became increasingly difficult to hold onto as he realized Victoria had once again forgotten about him. She let the towel fall away and expose her exquisite curves. Her back was turned, so he couldn't see her lovely flower or her impressive bust. However, the well-toned curves of her backside and thighs were on full display before him as she stopped in front of her bags. He'd spent more time than he was proud of buried within the valley ahead of him, but it was an incredible sight. He could see the muscles of her glutes flexing and tensing as she rooted and searched her bag for clothes. She wasn't trying to put on a show, but that didn't mean Stewart wasn't enjoying himself.

The way Victoria wiggled her hips as she continued her search and the light tune she hummed created a teasing and compelling site. Stewart couldn't bring himself to turn away. His eyes were glued to her backside as he studied every nook and cranny before him. At his size, he could make out more details than usual. It was faint, but he could see the subtle curve of her lips just beyond the shadow of her valley. It was a death sentence for sure, but one that a part of him was willing to face.

Eventually, Victoria stood up straight while holding a pair of panties that caught Stewart's attention. They dangled from her fingertips as she stood up with a skirt and a yellow top in hand. The panties in question were a lovely shade of white and black. An intricate and almost hypnotic pattern was embroidered on them. Stewart swore he could get lost in that lace pattern if given the chance. He watched with bated breath as Victoria stepped into the panties and slipped them up those incredible legs. He had a little daydream of laying in the gusset as she pulled them up and being buried in, from his low bed vantage point, soft smooth lips. It was a sight to behold albeit a very brief one, and he felt a little pervy for doing it, but wow, what I rush! Snapping out of his little dream still came with details to appreciate, as the panties didn’t just hug her curves but masked them as she let the waistband snap into place. God, she was really something else to behold.

Victoria hadn't had a thought in her head beyond getting dressed when she stepped out of the bathroom. They had some time before dinner, but she wanted to go ahead and get ready. She'd already picked her outfit out and was set on getting everything together. It wasn't until she had retrieved her panties that she remembered she wasn't alone. Her cheeks turned a deep shade of scarlet as she turned around and spotted Stewart on the bed. He was staring up at her, and she immediately felt self-conscious. She covered herself as best she could, but she didn't make a move to run. Granted, she had to remind herself that Stewart was, by all rights, her boyfriend now. He'd seen her naked more than once, primarily due to her forgetfulness, but she still wasn't comfortable in her skin.

"Uhm, hey," Stewart waved, unsure what to say, but seeing Victoria's cheeks practically burning with embarrassment, "I, uh, I like the outfit you picked out."

Victoria released a shaky breath as she tried to relax. She didn't take her eyes off of Stewart as she reached down and fumbled for a bra from her bag. "Uhm, t-thanks," she said, setting the clothes down on the dresser and slipping the matching black and white lace bra on, "I was hoping it would be a surprise, but I guess I kind of spoiled that."

Stewart frowned as he stared up at Victoria. She was somehow even cuter when she blushed, but he didn't like seeing her this uncomfortable. It reminded him of how she'd get before the virus, how she'd practically shudder just from being near him. "Hey, I still haven't seen what it looks like on you," he shrugged, "I was just saying that I think the colors are a good fit. I bet it'll look even better when you put it on."

A small smile spread across Victoria's face as she looked down at Stewart, "You're such a corny little guy, you know that?"

"Whatever it takes to see you smile," Stewart countered, adding, "I should have turned around when you came out and started changing. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, Victoria."

There it was. The reminder that Stewart was more thoughtful than she had given him credit for. It didn't overshadow her mild sense of shame, but it was good to know her little man was something of a gentleman. "It's okay," she assured him, "I should really know better than to just waltz out stark naked by now. Bram has probably seen me like this more times than is healthy. I've been living with two tinies for months, but I still manage to forget so easily."

That was something Stewart knew to be a fact. For all the wonderful things about Victoria, her greatest fault was how absent-minded she could be. Their first date still stuck out as a reminder where she'd sat on him without looking, but that hadn't been the only instance. She'd left him in her bra on more than one occasion, had mistakenly let him fall into her shoe, and buried him under discarded clothes twice now. The latter hadn't been entirely unbearable, but it was still not what he'd consider pleasant. There could have been worse predicaments for him, but being covered in dirty laundry wasn't near the top of his list of wants and desires. Thankfully, she'd found him before sending him to an untimely demise at the hands of a washing machine. That would have been a genuinely horrendous way to go.

"If I'm being honest," Stewart started, "I'm not going to complain about it. You really are like a Goddess from some mythology to look at. I should have turned my back, but you're just so amazing it's hard to think straight. Of course, that's a pretty sorry excuse for me to be selfish."

It still felt strange to hear Stewart compliment and compare her to a deity, but it was touching each time he did it. It had become a standard for him to refer to her as a Goddess of immeasurable beauty. Hearing it slip from his lips was meaningful and heartwarming. He'd said it so many times now that she genuinely believed that was how he saw her. Victoria didn't see herself that way, not by a long shot. In her mind, she was still the same nerdy little girl with braces from when she was in school. Although Stewart hadn't been the first boy to chase after her after she graduated, maybe there was something that she couldn't see.

"You're too sweet," she finally sighed, deciding that standing in her underwear was probably only making things more awkward, "So, are you excited about dinner tonight?"

The change in topic was one that Stewart welcomed. It meant she was starting to relax, and that was what he really wanted. "I'm excited to eat with you and the rest of your family, but I'm a little anxious between Anna and Rose," he admitted, "I've heard nothing but good things about Rose, but I haven't had the best luck with first impressions."

"That's not entirely true," Victoria advised, slipping her skirt on and getting ready to put her top on, "Pam loved you the first time you met her. Bram thinks you're alright, and you won my dad over pretty quickly, too. Anna is rough around the edges, but I don't think she dislikes you."

"How can you tell?" Stewart asked, "All she does is glare at me and insult me."

"She does that with every guy she meets," Victoria explained, "You should have seen the way she was with Dad when they first met. She's better with Bram, but he's been getting on her nerves recently. If she didn't like you, you'd probably have gotten hurt by now. For all her faults, Anna has shown she's probably the best at keeping up with tinies. We all make mistakes, but she's saved Dad and Bram a few times."

"So, insulting and glaring is good?" Stewart asked.

"Sort of," Victoria replied, "Like I said, she's rough around the edges, but that's just how she is. You'll know if she doesn't like you, trust me."

"I'll take your word for it," Stewart shrugged, staring up as the blanket of yellow fabric fell down and over Victoria's midsection, "Any advice for Rose and meeting her?"

"Just be yourself, and I think you'll be fine," Victoria assured him, "Gran can be a lot at times, but she's the sweetest and most open person you'll ever meet. She can be an oversharer, sure, but she's awesome. She was like my best friend for the longest time."

"So, meeting your grandmother and best friend on the same night," Stewart nodded, "No pressure, got it."

Victoria knelt in front of the bed and gently scooped Stewart up. She brought him to her face and smiled, "You'll be great, I know it. Just relax, be yourself, and enjoy dinner with everybody. I hear the restaurant is amazing, and there's even a couple of shops that are tailored to guys like you."

"What do you mean?" Stewart asked, not sure if she meant his size or something else.

"There's a clothing shop that's opened up that sells outfits for guys who caught the virus," Victoria explained, "Amber gave me your card, and if you're up for it, I thought maybe we could get you some new clothes before dinner."

"If it means I get to spend more time with you, I'm all for it," Stewart answered, holding on as Victoria stood up straight, "Man, you look amazing. I was right, by the way. That outfit looks better on you than hanging from your arm."

Victoria giggled at his remark, and Stewart felt his heart skip a beat. Her laugh was one of the sweetest sounds he'd ever heard. "You're such a flirt," she smirked, pulling him in for an all-encompassing kiss.

Kissing was still an unusual activity at Stewart's size. He could try to kiss her back, but he knew Victoria wouldn't feel it. Instead, he'd taken to simply hugging her lips alongside planting a kiss on her top lip. She wasn't wearing lipstick this afternoon, so he wasn't getting covered in a sheen of red or pink. While a bit awkward, it was the closest they could get to mutual intimacy for the time being.

Victoria pulled Stewart away and smiled down at him. Stewart returned her smile with his own, "Alright, I guess we're going shopping. Now, don't be trying to sneak any peeks at me while I'm changing, okay?"

Victoria snorted at his little joke, "You're such a dork. It's not like I haven't seen you naked already, little guy. Besides, weren't you just staring at me?"

"Yeah, but that's different," Stewart argued, "You're much better to look at than me."

Victoria rolled her eyes as she sat him back on the bed, "I don't think that qualifies as an excuse, mister. Let's get you dressed, and I'll call Pam to let her know we'll meet them at the restaurant."

Not long afterward, Victoria had called and informed the rest of her family that she and Stewart would meet them at the restaurant. Stewart had gotten dressed in the makeshift clothes his sister had sent with him, and the young couple was on their way to the boardwalk for some quality shopping time together. It was a lovely evening, and the boardwalk was only a short distance from their hotel. Victoria walked with Stewart resting securely in her palm so he could see the sights with her. The evening sun's orange glow reflecting the ocean water gave off an air of serenity as they walked.

The difference in the beachfront community from their home was surprising. It seemed that they'd embraced the changes happening within society thanks to the introduction of the virus. While there weren't miniature buildings, quite a few boutiques had been erected and repurposed to fit the needs of a much smaller clientele. They passed by a couple of advertisements for shows featuring shrunken men hanging around and outside different shops. Perhaps most interesting were the fliers for lost tinies and a shelter established for them—a supposed safe haven for tinies that had been either abandoned or separated from their caretakers.

The latter was intriguing and sad. Was it really becoming this common for tinies to be utterly abandoned? It was a troubling thought, but perhaps caring for the victims of the virus was too much for some people. Victoria was reminded of a story Pam had shared about one of her girlfriends who'd found a shrunken man that had been left on a bench after a breakup. From what Pam had said, it had worked out well enough for the little man, but how many of these stories had unhappy endings? The reality taking shape in the world was still hard to believe, but it was far from pretty.

Stewart had seen the same flier for the shrinkies, but his mind went to a much darker place. All his time diving through the internet had left him with a tainted world view. An institution could easily be established with the guise of good intentions, but that wasn't always the case. It was easy for people his size to be taken advantage of, and people could easily hide their intent. These victims had been left alone, and their lives were entrusted to complete strangers. Who was to say that their workers really wanted what was best for the tinies there? It could have been cynical, but he'd read enough stories to know to be cautious in the face of the unknown.

As Victoria carried him into the clothing store for tinies, Stewart tried to banish the thoughts from his mind. It was an odd sight to behold as they walked into the storefront. Rather than the usual racks and hangers holding different outfits, dozens of tables were set up around the store. Each table had various miniature racks placed on them and even a few small shades to act as changing rooms for shrunken men. Couches and chairs were spread out for those not vertically challenged to relax while their minuscule charges changed and tried on clothes.

A young woman wearing black slacks and a white blouse approached them as they walked in to look around, "Hello, welcome to Tom Thumb's Threads. Are we looking for anything in particular today?"

"Hi there, we were just hoping to browse a little bit for my little friend here," Victoria replied, nodding at Stewart in her hand, "We don't have a lot of places selling clothes and outfits for people like him back home."

The woman smiled warmly at Victoria and brushed a few stray locks of auburn hair from her face, "Gotcha, well, you've certainly come to the right place. Our location has a multitude of options to fit the needs of any little man and their caretaker. Do you have a preference?"

Stewart found it a little odd that she was speaking more to Victoria about taste than himself. These would be his clothes, so why wasn't she asking him? Another woman walked behind the sales clerk carrying a handful of items and a miniature man in her hand, "I don't care if you don't like it. I'm buying them, and you'll wear them, Michael. That's final, and I don't want to hear another word about it, or else."

Stewart flinched at the hateful and stern tone the girl had used. He noticed that neither the sales clerk nor anyone else in the store seemed to bat an eye at the exchange. A stark reminder of the growing acceptance of tinies being viewed as objects and accessories rather than the people they still were. It was wild and scary to see it first-hand. Reading and hearing about it through podcasts, news sites, and other media outlets was one thing, but witnessing it was another entirely. It made him all the more relieved that he was with someone like Victoria and her family and that Amber hadn't adopted this mainstream mentality.

Victoria didn't speak up about the small scene they'd just witnessed. It didn't sit well with her, but calling attention to it wouldn't do any good here. That much was glaringly apparent from how the rest of the store reacted. Instead, she took a slightly more subtle approach, "I think that's a question better suited to him, don't you?"

Both Stewart and Victoria watched the girl's face for any signs of shock or surprise. She didn't betray anything other than a simple nod and that same smile. "Ah, you've got a fair point there. I never know who is shopping for who when someone comes in," she replied as she bent down a bit to speak to Stewart, "No disrespect intended, little guy. What can I help you find today?"

Maybe she was just desensitized to things. He couldn't see it on her face if she had any reservations about helping Stewart versus Victoria. "Well, I'm a pretty average guy in terms of clothes," Stewart began, "Usually just jeans and a t-shirt, but we've got a dinner to attend tonight and a wedding coming up. I'm fine getting her opinion and approval on things, but it's been a while since I've worn anything denim or cotton-based."

"Casual, comfortable, and something a little formal," the girl nodded, standing up and looking around, "I think I can help you find what you're looking for. If you'll follow me, we'll make our first stop at the casualwear table. We can talk about your tastes a bit more, and maybe I can find something that will suit both of your needs."

Victoria followed behind the young woman as she led them to a small table with different racks placed around it. It was unique to see, and a few different guys were already walking and browsing on the table. Victoria gently lowered her hand to let Stewart off and started looking around. It was interesting to watch someone so small shop around. She wondered if she should tell her father and Pam about this place. It would be good for the boys in her family to have clothes that would fit again. Perhaps it would even brighten Bram's more sullen disposition. It couldn't hurt to try.

"I'm Carly, by the way," the sales clerk introduced herself as Stewart walked towards a rack with different pants and shirts, "I hope I didn't offend either of you by ignoring him. More often than not, the girls do most of the shopping and buying, and the guys just get whatever they decide."

"No offense taken," Victoria assured her, "I'm Victoria. Is it really that common for that to happen?"

"Afraid so," Carly frowned, gesturing at the table near the back where several women were gathered, "That table is more pet wear than actual clothes. We keep it in the back because it's still a shock to some people, but it is one of our top-selling lines. It's sad, really. My brother is a virus victim, and I'm glad he's been staying with me. Difficult as it is to imagine, more people treat these little guys like toys and pets than people."

"Ugh, I am not buying you that, Caleb," a younger girl sneered as she scooped up a little man on the table, "You're lucky I'm even buying you anything to wear, but if I am, then I'm going to pick it out. Come on, we're going to look at something else."

"See what I mean?" Carly asked, waiting until the girl was out of earshot, "I had a few customers get upset when I asked their little guy what they wanted, so I adjusted my approach when greeting people. It's honestly a huge relief anytime I see someone else who still treats these guys with respect."

Stewart took his time looking through the different styles of jeans, shirts, underwear, and other items that were on display. He never thought he'd be as relieved to see a pair of boxers as he was today, but it had been a long time since he'd had any. The prices weren't outrageous, but they weren't cheap either. While Victoria talked with the sales clerk, he focused on selecting a few articles for himself. He intended to find a few pieces to wear and to save the bulk of his money for the formal attire. That was sure to be the most expensive of what he was looking at.

As he continued to browse, he noticed the faces of his fellow tinies as he passed. Stewart didn't try to converse with them, but they looked beaten down and exhausted. He'd watched as a younger girl had snapped and snatched up someone who'd found a decent-looking pair of shorts. Whether they were related, dating, or she'd just found the poor guy, he couldn't say. Whatever the case, he'd seen the look on the guy's face as he was roughly grabbed. Acceptance and fear were a funny combination, but it was clear he was used to that sort of treatment. Evidently, his situation could have been much worse by the look of most of these guys and their caretakers.

Twenty minutes of browsing and selecting passed, and Stewart had a small collection of items within his budget. He was fairly confident they'd fit, provided he didn't get any smaller. Once satisfied, Stewart approached the edge of the table where Victoria was still speaking with the young woman. Victoria spotted him and bent down to let him climb onto her hand with his choices. Victoria plucked the clothing items and handed them to the sales clerk to hold onto before leading them to the next table.

"Okay, so darker colors are more your style," Carly remarked, looking over the items in her hand, "I think something casual with a touch of class would work well. Are you wanting a pair of slacks, or are you okay pairing a button-up with jeans and a blazer?"

Stewart looked up at Victoria, "I'm not really sure, to be honest. I've never been to a wedding, and I'm not sure what's appropriate and what isn't."

"Well, we're not actually in the wedding party, so I think jeans would be okay," Victoria answered, "As long as they're a nice pair, anyways."

"Okay, let me see what I can find," Carly nodded, "If you'll give me a few minutes, I'll be back with some options for you to look over."

"Sounds great, thank you," Stewart smiled as she walked away, "She seems nice."

"She is," Victoria agreed.

"Oh my God!" a woman exclaimed, walking over to Victoria and Stewart, "Where did you find this little guy? He is absolutely adorable!"

Stewart turned to look at who was approaching. A woman in her mid-forties with dark brown hair, a polka-dotted black and white top, and a black pencil skirt smiled down at him. Something about the look in her eyes didn't sit well with him. Predatory and hungry, it made Stewart take a step back behind Victoria's thumb. The woman reached for him, but Victoria pulled away as her hand got close. Stewart's heart began pounding in his chest as he waited to see what would happen.

"Excuse me, but I don't remember saying you could hold him," Victoria remarked, eyeing the woman suspiciously, "I didn't find him. He's my boyfriend."

"Oh, honey, that is rich," the woman laughed, "I think you mean boy-toy. How is he?"

"Sorry, what?" Victoria asked.

"You know, how is his behavior?" the woman asked, grinning down at Stewart, "Surely you've used that adorable little thing for some fun."

Stewart liked this woman less and less as the conversation continued. "He's not a thing; he's a person," Victoria frowned, pulling the hand holding Stewart further away protectively, "I don't appreciate you talking about him like he's some sort of object."

The woman frowned and finally stepped back, "Don't tell me you're one of those silly activists. These little guys aren't people, dear. People aren't this small."

"Just because he's tiny doesn't mean he isn't a person," Victoria argued, quickly getting annoyed.

"Let's cut to the chase," the woman rolled her eyes, "How much do you want for him?"

"Excuse me?" Victoria asked, taken aback and simultaneously disgusted.

"How much will it take for me to buy this little plaything off of you?" she clarified, "Two, three hundred?"

"He's not for sale!" Victoria snapped, finally having reached a breaking point, "He. Is. My. Boyfriend, lady. He's not a toy, not a pet, and he's not for sale!"

"Is there a problem here?" Carly asked, having returned with a selection.

"No," the woman said.

"Yes!" Victoria glared at the woman, "This woman is harassing me and my boyfriend."

"Don't make this into something it isn't," the woman scoffed, "I was simply admiring her little accessory there and was making a generous offer to take him off of her hands."

"I told you that he's a person, and he's not for sale," Victoria snapped, covering Stewart with her other hand.

"Ma'am, if she's already said no, then you need to leave it alone," Carly sighed, "Management might not care about these kinds of proposals, but she's already given you your answer. Please step away from our customer before you run her off."

“Tch, fine," the woman sneered, turning her nose up at the two of them, "Keep your little pet then, see if I care."

Stewart sat encased in darkness as the woman walked away. Victoria removed her hand and shed some light on the situation. He watched as the woman stormed off and breathed a sigh of relief. "Sorry about that," Carly sighed, "That's also more common than you might think. People treat these little guys like collectibles. My boss doesn't care, but you made your point clear."

"You're not going to get into trouble, are you?" Victoria asked.

"Nah, I can always tell my boss it almost cost me a sale," Carly smiled at her, "If it's affecting the business, then she's pretty understanding. Speaking of, I found a few items I think would be a perfect fit for you."

Carly proceeded to show the two of them a few different options. They both agreed on a sleek and simple black blazer and blue button-up shirt for him. It wasn't anything extravagant, but it was a healthy step up from nudity and makeshift clothing. They checked out, and the two left the store feeling better than they had not long ago. Carly had even been nice enough to let Stewart change after they paid. Their little excursion and outing finished, and they were ready to meet the rest of her family for dinner.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting an array of warm colors across the ocean's expanse, Victoria and Stewart strolled along the boardwalk, wrapped in a shared sense of understanding. The weight of the encounter at the clothing store lingered, a reminder of the changing tides in their world. But as they approached the restaurant where laughter and voices filled the air, they found solace in each other's presence. Stewart's heart swelled with gratitude for Victoria, his beautiful, fierce protector and advocate. As they prepared to join her family for dinner, the waves whispered secrets to the shore and the boardwalk lights flickered to life, their journey together continued; a small yet resolute defiance against a world that often forgot the humanity in its midst.



Oh hell yeah amazing chapter and Stewart and Victoria relationship continues to be amazing and the glimpse of how the world is changing and it’s views on the the infected was just god tier writing ✍️ 10/10 as always