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The rest of the day following Chad's adventure as an applicator for his lovely wife had gone by without much in the way of an incident. It was something to be thankful for, and it meant that the family could enjoy themselves for a change. Anna, Victoria, and Pam kept close to one another and talked as they enjoyed the beach atmosphere. Chad had spent the better part of his day chatting with Stewart when he wasn't enjoying the warmth of the sun or the feeling of the sand between his toes. The young man was surprisingly easy to get along with, given their history and how he'd been towards Victoria. Of course, it helped that Stewart had tried his hardest to rescue Chad. Even Bram had eventually elected to rejoin them before the day was done, much to Chad's relief.

While Bram hadn't been entirely aware of what had been happening to his father, he'd heard enough to feel guilty for his inaction. His decision to isolate himself had left his father in danger, and if Stewart hadn't been there to try to help, he wasn't sure what might have become of him. Combined with the fact that Anna seemed ready to bury him in the sand, Bram had consciously decided to try to turn things around for the day. Deep down, he knew that trying to forget what he'd gone through would only be a temporary fix, but focusing on it was hurting himself and his family today. No, an escape, however brief it may have been, was what he needed. Moreover, it was part of why Pam had decided to take this trip when it became available.

Bram couldn't deny that it felt good to relax alongside his family for a change. He let his guard down for the first time in a while, and he'd almost forgotten what it felt like to laugh. He still wouldn't open up about what had happened to him, but he seemed and felt like his old self again. Strangely enough, it was searching for seashells that brought Bram some peace. He couldn't pick any of them up, and it had only been himself, Chad, and Stewart looking, but it served as a pleasant distraction for his young mind. Seeing the broken fragments of the shells scattered throughout the sand reminded him of simpler and more innocent times. It was something he remembered doing with Victoria and his father years ago that was near to his heart.

As the day slowly turned from afternoon to evening, everyone began to pack up their little spot. Victoria helped Pam, but Chad had asked if he and the others could look out from Anna's hand at the water. It was a request that Anna didn't mind granting, and it gave the four of them a chance to enjoy a comfortable silence for a change. The way the sun reflected off the glistening waves was like looking at a sea of diamonds shimmering in the distance. With all things considered, it had turned out to be a decent day for everyone. With a final parting glance, Anna carried the three boys back to the wagon for their journey back to their hotel.

The sleeping arrangements for everyone had been simple enough to decide. Chad and Pam shared a room, Victoria and Stewart had one for themselves, and Bram and Anna were placed together. Rose had been ecstatic to hear about the family's getaway plans and even more overjoyed when they'd invited her along. She'd left later than the rest of the McCallum family, but she would be staying with Anna and Bram to keep an eye on the two. Anna was actually looking forward to spending some time with Rose as well. Even before Anna and Chad had come to an understanding, she'd enjoyed spending time with the older woman. She was kind and funny, reminding her of the grandmother she'd never known. Then there was the added benefit of having a buffer between Anna's temper and Bram’s more sullen demeanor.

As everyone slowly started to settle in and settle down, Chad was sitting on the bed in his and Pam's room. Pam was in the bathroom trying to get changed as Chad waited for his titanic wife to return. She'd thoroughly washed him shortly after they'd returned, and Rose was supposed to be arriving in time for dinner. They planned to go out as a family and enjoy a meal and quality time together. However, Rose was still an hour away, and she'd certainly want to shower and change before going anywhere. Thankfully, Pam had anticipated a slight delay from her mother-in-law and booked a reservation for a little later than initially discussed. This meant that everyone had a little extra time while waiting.

The television was on as Chad waited, and he sat in a small wrinkle on the bed, watching idly while he waited. He couldn't place the name of the show if his life depended on it, but it had its comedic moments. Truthfully, Chad was more focused on everything that had happened over the last week than the noise from the television. It felt wild to be this far from home for a wedding, but more than that, it felt good to get away for a little while. The time out seemed to be helping everyone's spirits, and Chad felt better after seeing a glimpse of his son's old personality. It gave him hope that Bram could find a way out of whatever funk he'd found himself in.

The door to the bathroom swung open, and Pam walked out wearing a towel. Chad looked over at his wife and felt his heart skip a beat. Harrowing as his size could be, Pam was truly breathtaking to behold. She walked over to the bed and smiled down at him, "You okay, hon? I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?"

Chad smiled up at her as she bent down to get closer to him, "Not at all. I'm perfectly fine if it means I get to look at you."

"You're such a sweet little flirt," Pam giggled, and Chad widened his smile at the sweet sound of her laughter, "I can't believe that David is getting married here, of all places."

"I can't believe he's getting married to a woman almost half his age," Chad admitted, "I didn't think he'd actually settle down, and part of me is questioning Heather's judgment for saying yes."

"I thought David was your best friend," Pam said.

"Oh, he is, but I wouldn't want a guy like him dating someone like Victoria," Chad replied.

"You said the same thing about Stewart, and I saw how the two of you were getting along today," Pam pointed out.

"That's fair," Chad sighed, "I'm big enough to admit when I'm wrong about something or someone. Well, metaphorically speaking, I guess. Maybe there’s a bright side to all of us shrinking? I can't say I'm surprised that David picked this place, though."

"What makes you so sure that Heather didn't choose it?" Pam asked.

"She probably suggested it, but the venue screams David," Chad answered, "Beautiful beach, hours away from home, expensive, and it makes a statement. That's David to a tee, hon."

"Well, I think it's a lovely venue," Pam said, "This is something that deserves to be done right too, and I think that as long as they're both happy, that's what matters."

"You're right, as always," Chad grinned at her, "Are you going to Heather's Bachelorette party tomorrow night?"

"Yes, actually," Pam nodded, "Victoria and I are both planning on going and cutting loose. I think it will be good for the two of us to get out and spend some time together without worrying about you boys for a change."

"I think you both deserve at least that much," Chad agreed, "We can manage ourselves just fine for a few hours while you enjoy yourselves. I'm supposed to be planning something for David, but I think Chris is going to be taking the lead on this one." Chad was acquainted with Chris, liked him well enough, but really only knew him as one of David’s coworkers.

"Nothing too risqué, I hope," Pam smirked.

"If it were up to me, we'd be staying in and hanging out," Chad replied, "But, it's a bit difficult to make plans at this size, hon. Knowing Chris, I'm not going to make any promises as far as what's on the table."

"Well, just as long as you come home to me, I'll still love you," Pam smiled sweetly down at him.

"Always and forever, hon," Chad beamed at her.

"You are too sweet," Pam chuckled at her miniature sweetheart, “I actually wanted to ask you something, hon. Would you be willing to do me a little favor?”

“What do you need, Pam?” Chad answered her question with one of his own.

“It’s a little embarrassing, and I hope you don’t take this as any type of insult,” Pam started, torn between excitement and apprehension, “I know I just got out of the shower, but I had a little difficulty getting all the sand out of all my areas. So, I was wondering if maybe you’d be willing to lend me a hand?”

Chad flinched for a fraction of a second, but he hid it before Pam could see it. He knew exactly what she was referring to, but it was something that was still difficult for him. While less terrifying whenever Pam was sober, his past experience of being used as a toy for her pleasure still lingered in the back of his mind. However, he’d done it willingly since that night with his lovely wife. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind about her being careful with him. Pam wasn’t asking him to help her get off right now, but he knew his wife well enough to know that it wasn’t entirely out of the question. One thing would undoubtedly lead to another, and he was sure Pam would want more than just a simple cleaning.

Pam may have missed Chad’s minor flinch, but his hesitation wasn’t lost on her. “You can say no, hon,” she reminded him, not wanting to push her husband too far outside of his comfort zone, “You know what, don’t-”

“I’d be glad to help,” Chad surprised her by cutting her off.

“Are-are you sure, Chad?” Pam asked, shocked and trying to contain her excitement.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Chad answered, taking a deep breath to compose and brace himself, “You’re not asking a lot of me, and we’ve got some time before dinner anyways. Just keep an eye on me while I’m down there, yeah?”

“I’ve got you, honey; I promise,” Pam assured him, “You know you don’t have to do this just to make me happy, right?”

“I know, babe, but I’m doing it because I want to,” Chad replied, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, but I need to trust you. I know you’d never do anything deliberately to hurt me, Pam. Let’s get this underway before I lose my nerve, though.”

Pam closed her eyes and smiled as she stood up. Her smile turned to the seductive smirk that used to drive Chad wild. She dropped her towel and exposed her magnificent curves to her beloved husband. Chad looked on with a mixture of awe and fear as Pam gave her hips a little shimmy to put on a show. It was a gesture that sent shivers down his spine, but it wasn’t just excitement running through Chad’s little mind; it was the lingering fear from his memories. He did his best to push the negatives out of his mind. His breathing started becoming heavier as Pam reached for him with one hand. Chad managed to keep himself from shaking as Pam carried him to a better position on the bed.

Pam laid herself down at the head of the bed and spread her legs. She bent her knees just a bit as she brought the hand carrying her little helper closer to her womanhood. Chad watched with bated breath as Pam opened her hand and placed him in front of her flower. It was truly an incredible sight to see at his size and one still difficult for him to wrap his mind around. To put it lightly, seeing something so beautiful that could be so deadly was daunting. His mild terror was alleviated ever so slightly when Pam removed her hand. It might have pushed him over the edge if she pushed him closer. Instead, the fact that she was letting him move at his own pace was somewhat calming. It showed that his trust was indeed well placed in his lovely wife.

Pam bit her lip as she fought to restrain herself. It was tantalizing to know that she had such extreme control over her husband, but she knew acting on instinct wouldn’t end well. Chad had agreed to help her, which was a monumental step in their relationship. She would have been lying to herself if she said she didn’t have hope that this might go further than just a simple cleaning, but time would tell if that would be the case. She’d have to contain herself and be patient for the time being.

Chad nodded to himself as he prepared to begin his task. While Pam was freshly showered, he could already smell the scent of her flower as he stared at it like a moth to a flame. No matter how often he saw it, it was like staring into the abyss beyond a massive gate, a means to an end, whether pain or pleasure. It was truly harrowing to be so close, to breathe in such an aroma, and to know that his entire life could be snuffed out from one wrong move. Dwelling on fear was pointless, though, and he'd learned that the paralysis that came with fear did nothing except cause problems and pain; for him and those he cared about. Rather than focus on the negatives, Chad turned his mind to the trust he and Pam had cultivated.

With his mind as close to clear as it could be, Chad stepped forward slowly to inspect Pam's womanhood. The smell intensified as he got closer, and he suspected there was an underlying layer of excitement in his wife at the prospect of him being so close. While she hadn't asked for anything more than help, he knew his wife well enough to know she was most likely hoping for something more. He could see the specs of sand littering the outside of her lips. He spotted The first set along the crevice between her thighs and hips. There were more, but Chad knew he'd have to work up the nerve to get them. At least for his part now, the smarter play was to focus on the outskirts and work his way inward. It wasn't lost on him just how unbelievable that sounded in his head.

Pam bit her lip in anticipation as she felt her lovely little husband crawl on the inside of her thigh. It was a sensitive area, but she loved the feeling of his little hands and feet padding upward. It was faint, but she knew it was him. The light tickling along her inner thigh as he neared her hips was indescribable. She shivered as she felt him begin to pick out the grains that had found themselves trapped there. It was difficult to keep her mind from wandering to thoughts of lust and want. The notion of taking his adorable little body and plunging it inside her was only stoked by the memory of his fearful demeanor months ago. One drunken night, albeit one that had been fairly pleasurable, and their marriage had landed upon the rocks. No, she had to control herself until he made a move. However, she didn't deny hoping he'd take a chance and give her what she wanted.

Chad was busying himself, cleaning and picking out grains of sand. He tried not to think about the danger he was in, but he had felt that tell-tell shiver from Pam. The lingering scent that tinged the air around him was growing more potent as well, and Chad felt his mind start to become cloudy. He was still a man despite the dangers lurking in the short distance. Pam's pussy had a distinct aroma whenever she found herself aroused, and even now, it drove him wild. A faint fruity scent coupled with the smell of lust sent shivers of anticipation down his spine. It was almost enough to override his apprehension, almost. Yet, the longer he worked, the less there was for him to clean. He'd have to move on shortly, but he wasn't ready for the proverbial main event just yet.

His descent was simple enough, and he was thankful he didn't slip. His feet touched down on the bed, and he wasted no time crossing over to Pam's other leg. He scrambled to climb upward, and he was back to work within no time at all. The haze over his mind continued to grow into a thick fog as he worked. The question pulled at his mind, begging to know what the harm was in trying. Surely Pam would take care of him. Sense slowly drifted out the window in the wake of his own lustful curiosities. He'd be face to face with the object of his terror and desire soon enough. He swallowed thickly as his senses continued into overdrive; the feeling of Pam's smooth and supple skin beneath his feet and hands was truly something else.

Pam let out a shaky and shuddering breath as Chad worked on her other leg. He was so close, and all she wanted was to have some fun with her little man, what she wouldn't give to feel his little body inside of her. She'd never admit it aloud to Chad, but the rush of power from playing with him was intoxicating and addicting. She felt like a literal Goddess anytime she and Chad got intimate. Knowing she had complete control over her husband was a trip she couldn't quite articulate. Of course, she'd never dreamt of hurting her sweet little lover, but knowing just how helpless he was turned her on. He needed her, and she loved that simple little fact. Right, though, she needed him to take that first step. Trust was the cornerstone of their love and the reason their relationship had blossomed rather than fall apart.

Chad stood frozen in place as he watched Pam's lips from afar. He could see them beginning to drip, feel Pam's subtle shivers as tremors beneath his feet, and that lingering odor only grew stronger. Yet, Pam stayed her hand despite the evident yearning spreading throughout her. She was waiting for him to make the first move. Chad exhaled sharply and made up his mind. Terror and trauma be damned. He wasn't going to be stalled by fear any longer. They'd done this before, and he was slowly realizing that this was indeed something he wanted. They had time, and he reminded himself that Pam wouldn't let anything happen to him as he stepped toward the edge.

This time, Chad slid down Pam's thigh towards that tantalizing flower. The heat radiating off of her was unreal. The temperature rose around him, and he could feel her desire hanging in the air. Being this close to something so beautiful yet deadly was awe-inspiring. The freshly shaven and smooth lips of Pam's magnificence stared back at him as he stepped closer. The first contact always felt strange at his size. Given how small he was, he'd assumed he'd go unnoticed. Yet, Pam always seemed to know exactly where he was. Whether it was because of her heightened senses, or something unexplainable, Chad couldn't say. Whatever the reason, he knew it wouldn't be long before he felt Pam's hand against his back.

His original task was forgotten. Chad inched his way closer to those silky lips that begged for his attention. His breath caught in his throat as he stood before the maw of Pam's womanhood and tried to remember what he'd learned. With a shaky hand, Chad reached out and placed a palm against Pam's clit. He'd felt it many times before, but the difference in his size was remarkable. Her body shuddered in response, and he could practically see those lower lips quivering in anticipation. He exhaled in an attempt to relax as he started rubbing along the outskirts of her pussy. The odds were in his favor as far as getting an inside look sooner rather than later. A moan sounded above him, and while faint, he could tell Pam was aware of his little excursion.

Compelled like a man possessed by longing, Chad leaned in to plant a light kiss on her clit. He doubted she had even felt it, but it was symbolic of overcoming his fears. Daunting as this was, the sweet taste of his wife served as a pleasant sensory memory for him. If he closed his eyes, he could almost forget that he was merely a few inches tall. When he leaned in closer, the thick layer of juices rolling down Pam's lips dripped and covered his miniature frame. That was all the reminder he needed that he wasn't the man he used to be. At heart, yes, but his size was his defining feature now. Still, that didn't mean he couldn't at least try to enjoy himself and the ride that Pam was soon to take him on.

Pam bit her lip as she felt Chad tickling her clit. Soft and delicate touches that only served to work her up further. It was like a tease that whetted her appetite and furthered her lust. She'd been hoping for this but needed to hold out just a little longer. If she acted now, she'd ruin their little game. They'd only done this a handful of times since that fateful drunken night, but every time started similarly. Chad worked to show his appreciative intentions and work up the courage for what was to come. Pam knew how fearful he was after their talk, and she restrained herself out of respect for her husband. Easy as it would be to take advantage of him, that wasn't what either of them needed. Her time would come soon enough, and she'd reap the rewards before too long. She could be patient in the meantime and enjoy the ride before it reached its crescendo.

Slowly, Chad was becoming more relaxed and acclimated to his position. His massaging had become natural, and his hands worked in unison as they explored the crevice before him. That first plunge into the depths of Pam's pussy, even if it was just his arms, always felt strange. Fingers were one thing, but to have an entire arm, let alone his body, inside his wife, was surreal. She knew what he was doing; he could feel her body reacting with every stroke and pump. However, the hand of his wife never came upon him, and he began to grow anxious as he waited. His nerves went back and forth as time ticked by, and part of him worried he'd psych himself out of this before it could begin.

In an attempt to counteract those nerves, Chad leaned in and did something unexpected. He pressed his face against the opening of her slit and began to suck as best he could. The sweet taste of Pam's nectar filled his mouth and overwhelmed his senses. It was the push he needed to keep himself rooted and on task. Pam shuddered in response, and that was the sign that she'd been waiting for. It was now or never, and her patience had worn thin. Chad braced himself for what was to come. He'd endured rougher from Anna and strangers, and he held on to the hope that Pam wouldn't abuse her place of power in their relationship. He felt the wind at his back as her hand scooped him up, and he slid between her fingers to ready him for the journey to come.

Whether or not Chad was ready, remained to be seen.



That was amazing see the story development and character progression is always great to see and I can’t wait to see Rose again with chad and Pam getting it on damn straight flames 🔥 10/10