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Chad had scaled down the strap of the gym bag to the floor below. He felt a strange mix of terror and excitement as women passed by without a clue. Every footfall that came close to him caused his heart to skip a beat. He'd spent the better part of his day dodging death, and now he was in the lion's den. Still, he was a man, and the sight of these goddesses in their nude glory was almost hypnotizing. More than once, he caught himself staring up at the frame of one of the unknown giants as they went about their routines. These women had no idea of his presence, and he was reminded of his fantasies in high school. Being able to spy on gorgeous women while they undressed, showered, and conversed while being practically invisible. Chad returned to reality by fiddling with where his wedding ring had once sat; it was the only way to keep from getting lost in the sea of flesh spread out before him.

Terror threatened to keep him rooted in place. He couldn't stay where he was, though, but moving meant running the risk of getting stepped on. The shadows of the women passing by only added to the bundle of nerves in his stomach. Steeling himself as best he could, Chad forced himself to run forward. The wooden benches would most likely be his safest place, and he could use them to cover more ground without fear of getting crushed. He had a goal in mind, and he pushed his legs to carry him as fast as possible. He felt exhausted, but he had to keep going. Somewhere out there, Jeremy was hopefully alive and scared. He wouldn't let the poor boy down, and he refused to leave him to struggle alone.

His feet padded along the cold stone floor as he ran. He found the first of new obstacles in the form of a groove that was like a valley to him. Chad skidded to a halt in front of it. The drop wouldn't kill him, but falling in meant having to work harder to get out. He wondered if he could jump the gap, but he didn't have long before he felt the wind from another gym-goer approaching. With a sigh, he did the unthinkable: he headed down into the crevasse in front of him. He only hoped that there was nothing down there waiting and hungry. Insects had proven to be a horrifying encounter at his size, and on top of their unsettling appearances, they often saw him as a meal to satisfy their appetites.

The rough and cracked foundation provided decent footholds for Chad as he climbed down into the darkness. His decision to descend was validated when he looked up to see a sneaker land where he had been less than a moment ago. It would take longer to get back up, but at least he was still alive. He tried not to think about what might be lurking below as he climbed down. There was a good chance it was nothing, but he didn't trust his luck to hold out anymore today. If he'd learned anything today, it was to expect the unexpected.

Chad's feet touched down on the filthy bottom of the crevasse. It was clear that this was an area that couldn't be cleaned of the grime, debris, and dirt around him. He looked around, expecting to see a roach or another bug staring at him, but to his surprise, he was alone. It was a small victory, but he would take whatever he could get after the day he'd had. It occurred to him that he didn't have a way of seeing who or what might be waiting for him above once he re-ascended. He decided to throw caution to the wind and get his climb over with. As he approached the rock wall, he spotted something moving out of the corner of his eye. Something large and black was marching towards him, and he quickened his pace to avoid what he assumed were ants heading straight for him.

"Can't a guy catch a break?!" he asked himself as he hurried to find a way to climb up, "I don't know how much more of this I can take."

The ants approached with haste as Chad struggled to find a way up. He hadn't dealt with them at his size, and if it were up to him, he would prefer to keep it that way. He pulled himself up and searched for his next foothold, taking hold of a small crack. Every muscle in his body ached from the sheer exertion of today, but through sheer force of will, he pressed on to his destination. He glanced below him to see the line of ants marching in time. The thought of falling into them helped spur his spirit on as he climbed the valley wall. It took time, but eventually, he reached the apex of his climb. He pulled himself up and onto the floor, exposing himself yet again to the ever-present dangers of the titans above.

Chad checked his surroundings for any imminent danger, but the room was calm for the moment. He looked over to the bench beside the lockers. It may have been miles away for him, but he swore he saw somebody sitting underneath it. No, it wasn't just one person, it was two! Two of his fellow infected were here. Maybe one of them was Jeremy, or perhaps whoever it was could help him find the missing boy. It was a long way away, but he could make it if he tried. He had to avoid getting crushed, kicked, or misplaced by the giantesses lurking about. It wouldn't be easy, but he was confident that he could manage the trek. What he wouldn't have given to have someone, even Anna, help him get there safely. Alas, he was on his own. He sprinted towards the others with as much vigor as his little body could muster.


Pam had just finished working with one of her clients. She felt great, better than she'd felt in a long time. She and Chad were finally returning to something resembling normalcy, and LIFT had taken her suggestion and ran with it. The area still needed work, but at least they had a working prototype. Things were still far from ideal, but at least the world seemed to find a way to cope with all the changes. She'd hoped that giving the shrunken men a safe space might help other women find some peace of mind. Keeping business going for LIFT was a plus, but what Pam cared about was making a difference for other women.

There were hazards and risks that came with her idea, but the pros outweighed the cons in her mind. She figured that most men would be like Chad and want somewhere safe to relax while their caretakers kept themselves busy. Lord knew that she'd inadvertently put Chad in some compromising and downright debilitating situations without even trying. Having someplace to be around others their size for a change without fear of repercussions had to be appealing. At least, that was how she'd come up with the idea. It was a lot like the meetings she attended, or at least that was what it was meant to represent.

It was time for a break, so Pam decided to check in on her husband and daughter. She took a small drink from her water bottle and meandered over to the area she'd helped create. To her surprise, Anna was gone. Maybe she was off working with Jody, but something else was amiss. She could have sworn that there were more men here earlier. Her eyes could have been playing tricks on her, but somehow she doubted that was the case. "Chad?" she called out, but no one turned to face her.

She frowned and bit her bottom lip. Something wasn't right, and she could feel her anxiety beginning to rise. Where was Anna? Where was Chad? She knelt in front of the fencing to look at everyone within. It was hard to tell, but she swore they looked scared. However, more concerning was that she couldn't spy Chad's little bald head anywhere. Something wasn't right. Part of her wanted to demand answers from the little ones, but she'd only serve to terrify them further. She stood up and stepped away from the small pen.

"Pam!" Jody's voice caught her attention, "Aren't you supposed to be with Mrs. Winthrop?"

"We just finished her session," Pam answered, looking at her friend as she approached, "I was about to take lunch, and I thought I'd see if Chad and Anna were hungry. Speaking of, where is Anna? I thought she was helping you today."

Pam observed Jody as her friend visibly reacted with panic before speaking in a more even tone, "I thought she was with you. She might have gone off to the restroom, or she could have volunteered to help out one of the other girls. You know her; she's got more initiative than most of the people we hire."

"I guess you've got a point," Pam nodded before gesturing to the small pen, "Maybe she took Chad to the bathroom. I noticed he's not here, but then it looks like we're missing some others too."

This time Jody flinched, and Pam was sure of it. Her friend cleared her throat before replying, "Maybe she did, but are you sure you're not just miscounting? Plus, some of them may have been taken home. Hon, you seem like you could really use something to eat. Why don't you go on out to lunch, and I'll let Anna and Chad know you stopped by. If they're hungry, I'll take them out to get something."

"I think I'd rather wait for them, Jo," Pam said, "Just to be on the safe side."

"Nonsense," Jody argued, "Anna has been worrying about you constantly, and she'll only be more upset if you don't take care of yourself. Trust me. They're probably fine."

"Jody, is there something you want to tell me?" Pam asked, crossing her arms.

"What?! No!" Jody exclaimed nervously, "Pammy, you're being ridiculous. Go and get something to eat. Trust me. You have got nothing to worry about."

Pam wanted to believe that, but the more Jody talked, the less assured she felt. She decided to relent, though, but she wouldn't be leaving for lunch as initially planned. "Alright, Jo, if you say so," she said, getting ready to walk off, "Be sure to let Anna and Chad know that I stopped by. I'll be back after my lunch break, so I'll see them then."

"Yeah, of course," Jody smiled, "Just go and enjoy yourself for an hour. They'll see you when you get back."

"Mhm," Pam hummed as she turned to leave.

Something was going on. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen Jody this nervous, and she didn't buy that Anna and Chad were just in the bathroom. She'd get to the bottom of it one way or another. Whatever was going on, it didn't sit well with her. Maybe she was being paranoid, but something told her there was more to it than that. She rounded the corner towards the exit and stopped off near the doors. She glanced back at where Jody was before shaking her head. She slowly headed off towards the break room while trying to figure out why Jody wanted her out of the gym. Why was one of her best friends trying to get rid of her? What was going on?

She spotted something small yet familiar moving along the floor between machines. Frowning, she bent down to take a closer look. It was a man. He must have realized that he'd been spotted because he froze as soon as she crouched. She gently reached down to scoop him up before bringing him to her face, "Hello there, little one. What are you doing outside of the pen?"

The man stared up at her and nervously replied, "Uhm, that's a bit of a long story, miss. I, uhm, I don't suppose you'd mind taking me back, would you?"

"That depends," Pam replied, "Are you going to tell me what's going on, and have you seen my husband?"

"I mean, I can tell you what happened before all the craziness as long as you keep me away from that young woman going around and snatching us up," he replied, "That girl is scary, and I'm afraid I don't know who your husband is."

"Tell me everything on the way," Pam sighed before asking, "Is the young woman you're referring to a brunette wearing jeans and scowling?"

"You know her?" the man asked, "She's been scooping us up, and I think she's been taking us back to the pen. Not before threatening us, though."

"I think I might know who you're talking about," Sam frowned, "Start talking, and don't leave anything out."


Anna was scouring the floors and corners of the gym on her way to the locker rooms. She was growing more frustrated by the second, but she was trying her best to keep it under control. She hadn't had much luck finding any more of the missing men. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket, and she quickly fished it out. Jody was calling her, but what for? "Hello?" Anna answered.

"Anna, your mom just came by looking for you and Chad," Jody said, her voice slightly frantic, "She's going to lunch, but she knows something isn't right. Tell me you've found Chad and are on your way back."

"Damit," Anna cursed, "No, the little shit is still somewhere out there, and I've got no clue where he could be."

"You need to hurry," Jody said, "You need to find him and get back here before your mom gets back. I hate lying to her, and she will find out about this incident sooner than later. I don't see it going well, but as long as Chad is safe, then it should go smoother."

"I'm working on it," Anna snapped before sighing and apologizing, "Sorry, this whole thing is stressing me out, and Chad running off has really pissed me off. Have you had any luck finding anyone?"

"It's alright, Anna, this is a stressful situation," Jody replied, trying to reassure her, "I've managed to find a few, but I'm not completely sure how many there were, to begin with. What about Kevin and that Macey girl? Did you find her?"

"I did," Anna replied, looking beneath a weight bench as she spoke, "She is on board with helping us, but she's not what I was expecting. Kevin and Macey are covering the other wing of the gym while I make my way to the locker rooms."

"You think that's where Chad went?" Jody asked, "That doesn't seem like the kind of place he'd want to go."

"Yeah, well, I didn't think he'd break out and run around someplace like this either," Anna said, "This day is full of surprises, and he's probably in there perving out as we speak."

"Anna, if he's in there, I'm sure it's not to be a peeping tom," Jody sighed, "Focus on finding him, and if you find any others, pick them up on the way. We've got less than an hour before your mom is back, so I need you to hurry. I'll keep looking around the machines, and if you need me, you call me."

"Got it," Anna said, "Thanks again, Jody."

"You're welcome; I've got to go," Jody said before the line disconnected.

Anna hit the lock button on her phone and put it back in her pocket. She took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves. She needed to find Chad first and foremost. She had already felt pressed for time, but now she had even less than she'd thought. The others could wait, and something told her that Chad was in the changing rooms. She didn't know whether he was in there skulking and perving, she didn't know, but she could get to the bottom of that later. Things would go from bad to worse if she didn't find him soon. She could interrogate him once they were back home, and she fully intended to do just that. Still, there was some part of her that was worried about him. Anna wouldn't admit it, but a part of her still wanted to believe in Chad. That small part of her only served to fuel her frustrations, though.

"I am going to squash that little twerp once I get him home," she swore to herself as she made a beeline for the locker room, "He is going to regret ever breaking my trust."


Chad grunted as he rolled out of the way of the feet of one of the giantesses passing by. He was nearing his destination, but it had been fraught with peril and danger so far. He'd nearly been crushed by a woman passing by, swept away by ants, and he'd had to resort to leaping over the canyons. Twice now, he'd nearly fallen into the pits of filth, but twice he'd managed just barely to grab onto the ledge. Finally, he could see the bench in the distance. There were no more crevasses to cross. He had to avoid getting trampled by the unknowing titans going to and fro.

In retrospect, it might have been wiser for him to try to hitch a ride on a stray shoestring, but it was too little too late now. Chad skidded to a halt to let a woman pass by. He could hear her talking on her phone above him, but he paid her conversation no mind. At the first opportunity, he resumed his sprint to the underside of the bench. He slowed once he entered the shade, and he stopped once he saw the outline of an infuriatingly familiar silhouette. The shortcut dark hair and the obnoxious tone of voice in the distance made his blood curdle with anger. Chad wasn't typically someone quick to anger, but this individual was the cause of the chaos that had overtaken his day. A short distance away from him was Keith, and the young man was trying to sway whoever else was there to his perverse machinations.

"Come on, kid, do you really want to sit here and mope?!" Keith asked, his tone almost condescending, "You're in the garden of Eden! This is the stuff that dreams are made of, boy!"

Chad walked up without a word. He peered around Keith's shoulder to see who he was talking with. The shaggy hair and somewhat frail-looking body slumped with his knees up to his chest told him exactly who it was. It was Jeremy! He was about to speak up when Jeremy replied to Keith, "I just want to go home, man. I never wanted to leave the area. My sister is gonna kill me when she discovers I'm not where she left me."

"All the more reason to live it up and enjoy this while you can!" Keith exclaimed, shaking Jeremy's shoulders to try to perk the boy up, "Don't be such a stick in the mud, kid. What you've got here is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Leave him alone!" Chad yelled, having heard enough, "This whole thing is your fault, and the poor kid just wants to go home! There's no telling what he's already had to endure to get here, and he's trying to be a decent person, unlike you."

Keith turned around and narrowed his eyes before grinning at Chad, "Well, if it's the old man himself. I guess someone doesn't have the moral high ground that he was so keen to preach on. You come to scope out a few beauties, old-timer?"

"I didn't come here by choice, asshole," Chad snapped, stepping forward and clenching his fists, "I only left the pen because Jeremy happened to get swept up in the hysteria by a woman. Not everyone is out to catch a sneak peek, Keith, and you have no idea what I've been through today. I've been beaten, crushed, covered in filth and sweat, but not because I wanted to catch a glimpse of some skin."

"Sounds like you've had quite the time then, old man," Keith laughed, "I told you that this would be the adventure of a lifetime! Let me guess, you got up close and personal with someone. Hmm, I bet you're an ass man, aren't you, old man?"

Chad's neck began to itch as his nerves started to get the better of him. "Keith, I am warning you," Chad said, trying to keep calm, "After the day I've had, I am in no mood for your attitude."

"What's the matter, old man?" Keith asked in a mocking tone, "Let me guess, you don't like to kiss and tell, right?"

Chad felt an almost overwhelming urge to lunge at Keith, but he pushed it down. "Jeremy, we're getting out of here," he said, ignoring Keith in favor of trying to get the young boy away from everything, "Come on, I bet Anna is out there looking for me. If we hurry, then maybe we can catch her."

"Anna," Keith repeated, "Is that the little hottie that was sitting outside the corral? Man, I wouldn't mind getting closer to her. Maybe I'll tag along and see if I can't sneak into those tight jeans she was wearing. She seems like the type who might even let me in without a second thought."

Chad stopped and leveled a glare at Keith, "Keep her name out of your mouth, Keith," he warned, "That's my wife's daughter and my stepdaughter."

"Guess your wife must have some low standards for a stuffed shirt like you," Keith laughed, "But hey, maybe that means Anna is easy to."

That was all Chad could take. He was barely aware of his body moving until he tackled Keith to the ground. The two of them rolled on the ground and out from under the safety of the bench above. They tumbled back into the exposed floor with Chad on top of Keith, swinging wildly at the young man's face. Keith threw his knees up to get Chad off of him, but Chad fought to stay on top of him. He'd been through too much today, and he wasn't about to listen to Keith make sleazy remarks about his family. Keith yelled something at him, but he was too caught up in his anger to register. If he'd only been a bit calmer, he would have heard Keith warning him of the woman walking towards them. The two of them were knocked around by the toe of her shoe. They found themselves airborne before either of them could do anything about it.

Chad locked his hands around Keith's throat without realizing what he was doing. They flew through the air like a couple of bugs caught in the wind, and they landed on the cold ground with a painful thud. The impact broke Chad's grip on Keith. Keith cried out in pain, having hit the ground first with Chad still on top of him. Keith pushed Chad off of him and tried to get to his feet. "Dammit, old man!" Keith yelled, wincing in pain, "Are you out of your mind?! You could have killed me!"

Chad got to his feet and rushed forward. He threw a right hook to Keith's jaw and knocked the young man back on his ass. "You're lucky I don't after everything you've done!" Chad yelled, "After everything, you still dare to talk about my family like that?! I nearly died because of you, and there's no telling how many others have been hurt!"

Keith rubbed his hand across his jaw as he yelled, "I was only having a bit of fun, you nutjob! Why don't you learn to loosen up?!"

Chad jumped onto Keith and held him down as another set of shoes approached them. "You are absolutely insane," Chad snapped, "What about any of this has been fun?! Do you have any idea how many lives you've put in danger?!"

"Hold on a minute, gramps!" Keith pleaded, "You're gonna get us killed!"

"Oh, now you're worried about that?!" Chad asked, ignoring the massive feet heading towards them, "You didn't give a damn when you led everyone out!"

"Chad, seriously, we need to move!" Keith exclaimed, "Look, man, be pissed all you want, but all that anger isn't gonna do you any good if we're dead!"

Chad growled in frustration as he stood up, snatched Keith's hand, and hauled him to his feet, "Fine, but I don't want to hear another word from you."

Keith looked ready to say something snarky, but he stopped himself, much to Chad's appreciation. Chad tugged him towards the bench where Jeremy was now standing and watching their exchange. Keith yanked his hand away from Chad and ran beside him, "Look, man," Keith started, and Chad glared at him, "I know you said not to say anything, but you need to hear me out on this."

They stopped and jumped back as another set of feet passed by them. They checked to ensure they were safe before continuing, "I don't need to do anything for you, Keith," Chad said, "Because of you, my stepdaughter will probably kill me, and my wife is probably worried sick."

"So you got a good woman, then," Keith argued, "You can't tell me you're actually afraid of that little firecracker you call a stepdaughter."

"I take it you've never been at someone's mercy since this virus hit," Chad scoffed, realizing they were farther away than he would have liked, "I just started to build a relationship with her, but now, knowing her, she's probably thinking I left for the same reasons you did. Never mind the hell that I've been through today. If I make it home, things are only going to get worse. Combine that with the fact that you single-handedly ruined my wife's grand idea, and you've got a sure-fire recipe for a hellish home life!"

"Don't pin this whole shebang on me!" Keith exclaimed, "I didn't make anyone do anything. All I did was make a proposition about seizing an opportunity! It isn't my fault that everyone chose to follow me!"

"Do you even hear yourself?!" Chad demanded, his frustration and anger spiking again, "Honestly, do you listen to anything that comes out of your mouth?!"

"Get over it, old man!" Keith snapped, "You could have stayed put, but you also chose to go out and explore too!"

"I only left because Jeremy was in danger!" Chad snapped.

"You can say that, but the kid is fine and would have been fine without you," Keith scoffed, "Face it, old timer, you just wanted an excuse to get out and see some skin! You talk a big game, but you're no different than me or any other guy on the planet!"

"Shut up!" Chad snapped, shoving Keith.

"What, can't handle the truth?" Keith asked, laughing to himself, "You act like someone wholesome saint, but you're after the same thing as the rest of us. You've got a little lust in you."

"You don't know a damn thing about me, or what I've been through," Chad said, clenching his fists, "I've been used in ways that you can't even begin to imagine. I've experienced all the worst parts of being this damn small, and I'm just trying to find something close to normalcy!"

"Oh, sounds like Chad got to have a little fun with that firecracker of a stepdaughter," Keith teased with a wicked grin, "Two for the price of one, eh Chad? You get to have a go at your wife, and then take a turn with her kid? I'd almost say I'm jealous. I wouldn't mind giving her body a solid appraisal."

Keith continued to stomp on Chad's last nerve, and whatever composure he had left was gone in an instant. Chad lunged at Keith once more, but Keith was ready for it this time. The young frat boy sidestepped around Chad, and pushed him with two hands on Chad's shoulder. Chad stumbled as he tried to recover, and he turned to swing at Keith with a left hook aimed at his jaw. Keith recoiled as Chad's fist connected, and Chad immediately threw a hard right at Keith's stomach. Keith doubled over and grunted, but he stood up and threw a wild uppercut at Chad, knocking him in the jaw and forcing him back into the open. The two of them were overcome by adrenaline and anger, and they began trading blows while moving further away from shelter.

Chad recovered from the daze of a two punch combination, but Keith was quicker than he expected. Keith leaned back just in time to avoid another blow, and he moved in to tackle Chad. They went to the ground and rolled while struggling for dominance. Chad used his legs to toss Keith off of him, but Keith got to his feet before him. Chad was pushing himself back up when Keith ran at him and kicked him in the face. "Get up, old man!" Keith yelled, circling Chad.

"Annoying little punk," Chad grumbled as he wiped his hand across his jaw and got to his feet.

Keith rushed him again as soon as Chad was standing. Another punch to the stomach caused Chad to double over. "You need to drop the holier than thou act, Chad!" Keith yelled as threw another fist at Chad's face, "Stop acting like you're better than the rest of us!"

Chad's ears were ringing from the last punch, but he managed to catch Keith's next attack. He grabbed his fist, and headbutted him in the nose. "I'm not better than anyone," Chad said as he tried to ignore the headache already setting in, "I'm just loyal to my wife."

Chad let go of Keith's hand, and the young man stumbled backward while holding his nose. Chad raised his fists to prepare for another round, but he spotted a woman walking nearby. She was approaching fast as Keith started to yell, "Ah, you bastard! Dammit, I think you broke my nose!"

Before Chad could respond, a shirt fell from the woman's bag and landed atop Keith. A sea of neon green overtook the young troublemaker, and before Chad could try to help him, the woman bent down to scoop it and Keith up. She stuffed the shirt, and Keith, into the gym bag, and moved on without a word. Chad could only watch as the sole instigator behind the day's chaos was hauled off by an unknowing captor. Chad tried to get a look at the woman as she passed by, but she was too fast. He growled in frustration as he chased after her. Keith was a nuisance, yes, but he couldn't let someone get dragged away if he could help it. However, his path was suddenly blocked by an all too familiar tennis shoe slamming down in front of him.

Chad could feel his heart sink as his eyes traveled up the jean covered leg. Anna stood in front of him with a look of irritation bordering on hatred in her eyes. She bent down and snatched him up without a word, and before he could react. She held him tightly and spoke in a cold whisper, ""You are busted, bug-boy, and I am going to make your life a living hell when we get home."

He wasn't expecting anything less from her, but the look in her eyes and tone of voice sent a chill down his spine. She didn't know or care about anything that he'd been through today. Chad knew she wouldn't be willing to listen to him either, but at least he was finally with someone he knew. "Anna!" he yelled, hoping she would be willing to at least listen to him for a moment, "There's-"

"I don't wanna hear it, runt," she cut him off and gave his body a crushing squeeze, "Whatever sick excuses you might have, I'm not interested. I trusted you, you miserable little shit, and you lied to me!"

"There's someone else here!" Chad yelled, trying to ignore the painful feeling of her grip constricting around him.

Anna loosened her grip just enough to let him breathe as she asked, "What? Where?!"

"Under the bench," Chad wheezed, "Please, he's scared and just wants to get to where it's safe."

"You're going in my pocket, and so help me, God, if you try anything, I will make your life worse than you can imagine," Anna said definitively, "I mean it, you little runt, one wrong move and I will make you suffer like you never thought possible. My patience ran out about an hour ago, and I am in no mood for any hijinks. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Anna, I swear!" Chad yelled, already feeling exasperated at her old demeanor, "Just please help the poor kid, and try not to threaten him. He's terrified enough as is."

"Oh, yeah, right," Anna scoffed, "You were hiding out in the locker room. I am sure he's just minding his own business. Like I'd trust anything you say after this shit."

"Anna!" Chad yelled, trying to get through to her, "You don't have to trust me on everything, but I am telling you the truth! That boy has been through enough, and I'm not asking you to show me kindness or mercy! I am asking you to help him without scaring him more than he already is!"

Anna was taken aback by Chad's tone, but she quickly shrugged it off. "You're gonna pay for that later, bug-boy," she warned, "This is the last favor I do for you. Now, keep your mouth shut and stay put until I get your dumbass back where you belong."

Chad didn't argue with her. Anna roughly stuffed him into her pocket, and went looking for Jeremy. Chad didn't bother trying to struggle or move. The last thing he wanted was to irritate Anna anymore than he already had. He knew he was in for some rough treatment later, and he knew that squirming would only earn him more trouble. He wondered what fate would await Keith as he waited for Anna to eventually free him. Would he be found, or would he fall victim to an unwitting death at the hands of an unaware giantess? If he was found, would that woman have mercy on him? Despite Keith being a monumental pain, Chad hoped that the young man might somehow survive and find redemption. However, with Keith gone there was no way of proving that the entire charade was orchestrated by the young troublemaker. That meant that it was his word against Anna's, and he doubted that she would be willing to hear him out anytime soon.


Anna put aside her outrage and anger at Chad on the off chance he was right about whoever was under the bench. The locker room was mostly empty now, so she bent down to see if he was right. It was tough to make out, but she thought she saw a tuft of shaggy blonde hair clinging to the shadows. She rolled her eyes and held out her hand, "Come here, you little dork," she ordered before sighing and softening her tone, "I'm not gonna hurt you. You want to get back to safety, right?"

Whoever it was stayed put for a second before running over to her hand. The little guy practically leaped onto her and held on for dear life. She carefully pulled her hand back and stood up. Anna brought him to her face to try to make out who he was, but when he spoke, she recognized his squeaky little voice, "Anna! Oh man, I have never been so glad to see you!"

"Jeremy?" Anna asked, "What the hell were you thinking?! Jess is gonna kill you whenever she finds out what you've done."

"I know, but please just take me back to safety!" Jeremy pleaded, "Did you find Chad and the other guy?"

"What other guy?" Anna asked, "I found Chad, yeah, but it was just him out there."

"You didn't see Keith?" Jeremy asked.

"I don't know who Keith is, kid," Anna replied, "Are you sure you saw someone else?"

"I-I know I did," Jeremy said, "Dammit, did he escape?"

"I don't know, but I guess I can come back and look after I drop you two idiots off," Anna sighed, "Just hold on tight and try to relax, squirt. I'll get you back somewhere safe, I promise."

Anna prepared to leave the locker room with her stepdad, the stranger, and her best friend's little brother safely in hand. She looked around for a few moments longer to try to find anyone else, but she abandoned her efforts after a moment. She needed to get these three back to safety before her mother returned. She walked slowly and carefully out of the locker room. To her surprise, the gym floor was much more empty than it had been only moments ago. She spied several women bent over and looking at the ground. All of them were wearing LIFT tank tops, and she had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

When she arrived back at the pen, she found several women standing around it. Jody was off to the side talking with them, but her mother's voice stopped her before she could approach them, "Anna Nicole, is there something you want to tell me?"

She knew that tone, and she flinched upon hearing it. Pam stood with her arms crossed and an irritated expression on her face. "Hey, mom," Anna said weakly, "Uhm, what's going on?"

"Apparently, there was a breach in the area we set up," Pam said, walking over to her, "Imagine my surprise when Jody told me that you had her cover for you. Why didn't you come to get me?"

"Mom, I didn't want to worry you," Anna replied, "Someone knocked the fence over, and the little guys decided it would be a good idea to sneak out. I figured that I could find them before anyone knew what was happening."

"Anna," Pam sighed, pushing down her frustration, "I know you don't want me worrying, but this is my job that's on the line. If you had come to me, we could have prevented anyone from getting hurt. Jody said that someone already got stepped on, and she tells me that Chad is still missing."

Anna reached into her pocket to fish out Chad. She held out her hand to her mother, "I found him hiding out in the locker rooms. I also found Jess' little brother. I think that's all of them."

Pam took Chad from Anna and looked him over, "What were you thinking?" she asked, "Of all people, I never would have expected you to run off like this."

"It's a long story, hon," Chad sighed, "The little guy Anna has in her other hand is why Kevin and I took off. It has been a day, but I'm glad to see you. Honestly, I didn't know if I'd make it out alive."

"So, she found them?" Macey asked, stepping into view, "Good, at least that's everyone accounted for. Only three have been injured, but that's minor compared to what could have happened."

"I'm sorry, but who is this?" Chad asked.

"This is Macey," Pam answered, "She is your little friend Kevin's better half. While Anna was looking for you, they tried to find anyone else. There will be a lot of paperwork and issues out of this."

"Actually, Kev doesn't seem to think so," Macey said, "Since most of this happened because of a handful of men acting out of perversion, LIFT shouldn't have to worry about any legal disputes. There will probably be statements taken, but I don't think LIFT will be deemed at fault. I'll be more than happy to help with any disputes, complaints, or grievances that customers might throw at you all. Kevin still has some friends on the force, and I think most people will be fairly understanding. Medical bills will have to be paid, but other than that, you shouldn't have too much to worry about."

"Thank you both," Pam said, feeling relief wash over her, "I think we can manage that without too much hassle. It's the least we can do for the little ones and their families. Chad, are you hurt?"

"Nothing major, thankfully," Chad said, "I'm exhausted, but I was lucky to avoid getting hurt."

"Good," Pam said, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to spend some time here sorting this out. Can I trust you all to stay put while I deal with what I can?"

"Of course, hon," Chad said, "We'll stay put, and I'm sure Anna wouldn't mind a break from crawling around."

"Thank you, hon," Pam smiled and walked over to place him back in the pen where his day had begun, "Anna, do not let any of them out of your sight. We're going to be here for a while."

"You got it, mom," Anna said, setting Jeremy back onto the floor inside the fence.

It had been a long day, but thankfully the nightmare was coming to a close. Chad sat down on the floor in front of the phone, and Jeremy sat beside him. It was nice to be able to relax for a change. However, Chad knew that his peace wouldn't last forever. Eventually, he, Anna, and Pam would have to head home. Once they were there, it would only be a matter of time before Anna got him alone again. He shuddered to think what dreadful punishments she was dreaming up, but he knew there was nothing he could do to avoid them. She wouldn't kill him, but that didn't mean she wouldn't push him to his limits. All he could do was wait and try to enjoy the peace while it lasted.


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