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Chad was sweating bullets while trying to avoid getting crushed by the ebony sphere surrounding him. Time was an irrelevant concept from his position. All that mattered was surviving his ordeal and finding a way out. His sweat had begun mingling with his unaware host's. A sickening cocktail of filth and grime coated his body. Beyond survival, he desperately wanted a shower. He'd settle for a soak in cold water at this point. He could almost hear Anna mocking and chastising him for his escapades. Chad almost chuckled as he imagined what she might say if she knew where he'd been. Wherever she was, she was most likely furious with him. Facing her was the least of his worries right now, but he wasn't looking forward to that interaction.

Right now, he had much bigger problems to worry about. Figuring out how to free himself from this woman's sports bra was at the top of his list, right next to avoiding getting crushed by her titanic breasts. It was a seemingly impossible task for him. Not only was he getting constantly bounced around, but her skin was slick and smooth to the touch. There was nothing for him to grab onto, and the bra she wore lacked anything prominent for him to use for footing. The experience was exhausting, strenuous, and humiliating on multiple levels. Being left so helpless in the face of a stranger who had no idea he existed was harrowing. Continually getting tossed around also meant he had no time to think.

Gravity took hold of his small frame once again as she stepped down. He was sent careening down to the bottom of her cup. He wasn't fast enough to avoid the ebony orb as it came crashing down on top of him. His body was crushed beneath the soft flesh of her tit, and unfortunately, his mouth was open when it happened. On top of getting mashed by her pillowy breast, he got a mouthful of her salty skin. It was brief, and the pressure was tremendous. The taste of her sweaty skin was revolting and offensive to his taste buds. The second he was able, he scrambled to find out from beneath her mammary. He had to figure something out fast. The process was only going to continue to repeat, and he wasn't sure how long he could take this treatment before his body gave out.

Chad was drenched in his sweat and this woman's by this point. The heat from her chest was akin to a sauna. He grunted as he forced himself to turn around and face the fabric of her bra. Maybe he could recreate his success from his previous escape attempt. He had to try. The problem was that the interior of the bra was smoother than the cotton he'd worked with earlier. Even with the thick coating of sweat on him and the bra, he could only get a few feet before sliding back down. It didn't help that her moderate endowments would erase his progress with every step this woman took. Once again, he slid down and underneath her bust as it crashed into him. Bested by breasts, a humbling and humiliating sentiment, and a testament to what his life had become.

If he could find a loose thread, he could use it to his advantage. He scrambled to get out from beneath the behemoth boob at the first opportunity. How she didn't feel his struggles remained a mystery to him. Something hard scraped against his skin, and he winced as it raked across his back. Then it hit him. The underwire was coming loose! It seemed that fate still had a surprise or two in store for him, and his fortunes hadn't entirely run out. All he had to do was fight the torrential bounce of this stranger's bosom. At least now, he had something to use as a foothold.

He latched onto the metal wiring and braced for the next bounce. Chad felt her soft skin brush against him, but he managed to remain in place. It threatened to drag him down again, but he managed to resist successfully. If he could manage to scale his way along it, then maybe he could get free. He still had the option of trying to garner this woman's attention, but there was the fear of how she would react. She could see him as a pervert, a victim, or even a toy for her amusement. Coupled with the potential of jeopardizing Pam's idea, it didn't sit well with him. Although the issue of getting down was still prevalent, he could only worry about one thing at a time. Chad began his ascent out of the mountains surrounding him, Steeling himself.


Anna walked at a brisk pace through LIFT. Kevin sat in her hand beside the injured little man. Anna kept her eyes peeled for Jody. She trusted her, and as much as she hated to admit it, Kevin had a point about needing help. The more eyes they had searching for the missing men, the quicker they could find them. Despite her disposition towards men, she didn't want any of them to die. It wasn't necessarily their fault that they were royal pains, and seeing the injured tiny in her hand had evoked something within her. Kevin had told her that he, the others apparently, had been swept up in the charisma of one man. According to him, most of the guys hadn't come here to try to sneak peeks at the other women.

She'd agreed to help Kevin find Rachel, but first, she needed to get her current charges to safety. She spotted Jody walking away from a machine and an older woman. She waited until she was sure they would be out of earshot to approach.

Jody smiled at her, "Anna, where did you run off to? You missed a good opportunity to work with an elderly client."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Anna said, "Uhm, can I talk to you privately? Somethings come up, and I need your help."

"Is everything alright?" Jody asked.

"Yeah, well, no, not really," Anna replied, "Just...I really need your help."

"Okay, I've got to take lunch anyways," Jody said, "Lead the way, kiddo."

Anna nodded and walked away from the machines and equipment. Her eyes scanned the ground for any signs of movement as she walked. Her pace was slow and careful with every step she took. She could feel Jody eyeing her curiously as she walked, but she didn't want to tell her what was happening in the open. "I take it this is someone you trust?" Kevin asked on her shoulder.

Anna didn't want to draw more attention to herself by responding verbally. She nodded in hopes of subtly conveying her reply. She rounded a corner and felt safe enough to open up. Jody put a hand on her hip and asked, "Alright, Anna, what's going on?"

"Okay, promise me you won't freak out," Anna said.

"Never good when that's the first thing someone says, but I'll try not to," Jody said.

Anna took a deep breath and held out her hand, "The little douchebags got out. I don't know where they are, how many there were, or if any more of them are hurt. I've got a few on me, one on my shoulder, and this little guy got stepped on."

"Oh my God!" Jody said, carefully taking the little man from Anna and examining him, "Is he alright? How long have they been missing?"

"He's far from fine, but he's still breathing," Anna replied, "I don't know how long they've been out exactly, but I noticed the area was open after I came back from helping you. I don't want to get mom in trouble since this was her idea."

"So you came to me," Jody sighed before her eyes widened, "What about Chad? Surely he didn't leave."

"He did, and I haven't found him," Anna said, "There's no telling where that lying little asshole is either."

"Lying?" Jody asked before shaking her head, "We don't have time to get into where that aggression is coming from. Am I the only person you've told about this?"

"Yeah," Anna said before grabbing Kevin, "This little guy wants me to find his girlfriend to get her to help. His name is Kevin, and according to him, she'll be willing to help and keep this quiet."

Jody held out her other hand, and Anna deposited Kevin into it. She brought him to her face, and he waved nervously, "Hello, so, uh, a bit of a predicament here. Look, I'm not going to lie to you; this situation could be bad for your establishment and the other guys. Anna is right about keeping this quiet, and Macey is someone we can trust."

"This whole ordeal should have been easily avoided if you all would have stayed put," Jody said, "What the hell made any of you think this was a good idea?"

"Long story, but you're right," Kevin replied, "I'll tell you everything once everyone is safe. There's a kid out there who's terrified and in danger right now. That kid is why Chad and I didn't stay put."

"What are you talking about?" Jody asked.

"Jeremy, a young kid who came here with his mother, got himself into some trouble," Kevin explained, "When everyone else ran off, the three of us were gonna wait it out and hope for the best. The kid nearly got stepped on and panicked. He grabbed hold of a loose shoestring and was taken for a ride. Chad and I were together, but he got knocked into the air, and I haven't seen him since. I was looking for Jeremy when I saw Marcus get stepped on. That was about the time that Anna happened to find me."

"So we've got a missing kid, an injured man, and no telling how many others are running around," Jody said, "This was not how I envisioned this day going. Alright, Anna, I want you to find this Rachel woman. Take Kevin with you, and give me the others you've managed to find. I'll get them somewhere safe, and I think Briana may be able to have a look at this little guy."

"You're not gonna tell my mom, are you?" Anna asked, "She's been so stressed lately as is, and I'm not sure she could handle all this."

"She needs to know, Anna," Jody said before sighing, "I understand what you're saying, though. Nice as it would be to have extra help, the last thing we need is panic."

"Thank you, Jody," Anna said, "We'll find this Rachel woman and get her to help. Let me get these other little tools out real quick."

"Anna, be nice," Jody said as Anna fished the others out of her pockets.

"Two of them were trying to perv out," Anna said as she pulled them out of her pockets, "Some of them were just running scared, but they shouldn't have left in the first place. Listen up, you little punks, this is Jody, and she's going to take you back to your little holding area. Runoff again, and I will find you and make you regret it."

"Anna," Jody sighed, "I understand you're upset, but don't threaten them."

"They need to know that their actions have consequences!" Anna argued.

"You're a real charmer; you know that?" Kevin asked before sighing, "Let them see Marcus, and they'll understand better than you threatening them. It was a stupid decision to run, but people make mistakes, kid."

"I didn't catch a word of what he said," Anna sighed, handing the others over to Jody, "All I heard was squeaking."

"He said that you're being too hard on them," Jody paraphrased, "He's not saying you're wrong, but one look at their friend should be enough for them to get the picture. I need you two to get along while you work together. We cannot afford any problems between either of you while you search for the others. If you find any more, keep them on you until you find Rachel."

"Yes, ma'am," Kevin said, "I'll do my best not to antagonize her."

"Good, here you go, Anna," Jody said, handing Kevin back to her, "Get to work and be careful."

"You got it," Anna said, taking Kevin and placing him back on her shoulder before they headed off in search of Macey.


Chad had managed to climb to the upper section of his host's bra. The consecutive bouncing from her steps made his climb difficult, but he'd avoided tumbling back down. Every inch was a fight, and his body felt exhausted. He still didn't know how to get down, let alone out, but all he cared about was escaping those boulders this woman called breasts. If there were a way, then he'd find it. He felt like he'd spent an eternity in some sweaty hell. These women had no idea the torment they'd put him through either.

The ever-present bouncing of her boobs finally came to a stop. Chad froze alongside the ebony mountains beside him. She was finished at long last. What would she do now? Where would she go? Would getting out and away be simpler now? These were three of the more prevalent questions that swirled around in his head. He couldn't give up his footing. He wouldn't risk falling and getting trapped again. The world around him shook as she stepped down from the machine, but it was trivial compared to the earthquakes he'd been subjected to. Now he just had to decide his next move. He could either stay put or risk a continued ascent. There were risks to both, but he felt holding his position would be the wiser choice for himself.

Deidre exhaled as she stepped off of the machine. She'd spent longer on it than originally intended, but she felt good. She was dripping with sweat, but there was a feeling of accomplishment from having lasted as long as she did. The only thing wrong was the underwire of her bra had been rubbing against her left tit. It was a mild inconvenience, but it was bothersome all the same. Indeed, this bra was on its last legs. She debated whether or not to hit the showers or give the weight bench a shot. The elliptical had been meant to be her cooldown, but she felt more invigorated than ever. Maybe getting a few reps in wouldn't hurt while she had the energy.

Deciding to lean into her endorphin rush, Deidre headed towards the bench. A quick set before grabbing a shower wouldn't hurt. She could deal with the mild discomfort of her bra for a little longer. She checked the weights on the bar before sitting down. Nothing too heavy or too light for a quick set. They were just enough to be challenging without being too difficult. She laid back and tried to ignore the odd sensation rubbing against her sensitive skin. She took a few deep breaths before reaching up and wrapping her hands around the barbell. A short set of fifteen would be more than enough for her.

Chad's world was thrown out of balance again as the stranger changed positions. He started to fall from his perch, but thinking quickly, he reached up and grabbed onto the underwire to hold himself in place. He'd come too far to have his progress be undone so easily. His arms ached along with the rest of his body as he held on for dear life. Then, just as suddenly as it began, it stopped. He was left hanging in the balance by the thin wiring that protruded from the fabric. His world had shifted yet again, and now, this woman was lying down if he had to guess. This was his chance to escape, but the only option he saw was letting go. He'd fall if he did so, but he could make it out of his slick and sweaty prison if he were quick. It was a risky situation, but he didn't see another alternative.

Chad released his hold on the underwire and plummeted back down, sliding along her skin as he did so. He could feel every breath she took, and he felt her chest tighten as she began another workout. His gut told him she was on the bench press. How long she would remain, but he couldn't afford to waste time wondering. He'd gotten himself sandwiched between her breast and the cup of her bra when he finally stopped. Chad summoned every last ounce of his strength as he tried to pull himself free. There was a slight pop as he got loose, and he crawled up the pillowy mound before him. Every inch was careful and deliberate as he made his way up. Maybe the better choice would have been to find a way to the center, but he couldn't risk jeopardizing his opportunity.

He lost his footing more than once whenever she'd take a deep breath, but he never fell back into the abyss. Gaining more ground than he lost, he slowly ascended to the top portion of her breast. The space between the bra and them was tight, but not so much that he couldn't work within it. This was perhaps the only advantage he had for his size's disadvantages. It wasn't much, considering it was also why he was trapped here, but it was something to be thankful for. His optimism had taken a beating over the last month, but he was still a glass-half-full kind of guy deep down. He maintained that pessimism hurt more than it helped. Maybe that was why he had been able to overcome as much as he had.

"Look at me," he scoffed as he neared the top, "Patting myself on the back when I haven't even managed to free myself. Heh, Anna is probably going to kill me if I make it out of here alive."

Finally, after an excruciating amount of effort, he reached the summit of this woman's breast. It was the first time since falling in that he could stand and walk. It never ceased to amaze him how magnificent things could look from this perspective. Her nipple stood like a pillar in the distance. Her flesh felt like walking on some sort of doughy cloud. If it weren't for the dangers present and the stinging stench in the air, he'd have been amazed. For all the hazards present, this was indeed a sight to behold. He willed himself to press on. This was only a small victory for him. Freedom was the end goal, and he could finally see the light at the end of his proverbial tunnel.

Traversing the top of her breast proved more difficult than he'd imagined. His feet sunk into her flesh, and the sweat continued to be an issue. It was a battle to remain on his feet while moving forward. Whenever she exerted herself, it only became more brutal. He found himself dangerously close to getting knocked off his feet each time she did. The last thing he wanted to do was draw attention to himself so close to such an intimate area. The fear of being discovered in such a compromising situation by a woman he'd never met was petrifying. He couldn't let said fear overtake him, though. Chad had come too far to let terror paralyze him so close to his goal. He carefully passed her areola, desperately trying to avoid detection as he did so.

Chad could practically feel the cool and fresh air as he drew closer and closer to the exit. Never again would he take the open spaces for granted if he made it out in one piece. He broke into a sprint as he neared his freedom. Droplets of sweat rolled past him, and he tripped as he stepped in one. His face collided with her soft skin, and the bead burst as he smacked into it. The disgusting taste of sweat stained his mouth and burned his eyes. It was enough to make him want to vomit, but he choked it down to keep from wasting more time. He had to get out of here. He couldn't take much more time with this stranger and her unwitting torture.

Deidre was finishing her last rep when she felt something tickle her chest. Perhaps it was a stray bead of sweat, but whatever it was almost made her drop the barbell. It was gone as quick as it came, though. She ignored it, pushed the bar up, and set it back in the rungs. She was ready for a shower now. All good things had to end as lovely as this escape had been. After her shower and change, it would be back to the cold reality of the new world. She sat up and reached down to grab her water bottle. She took a drink and sat there to catch her breath.

Chad had made it to the apex of his climb when everything shifted yet again. She was sitting up! For the love of all that was holy, why did this have to happen now? He refused to go back into the canyon behind him, and he jumped onto the soaking navy blue shirt she wore. It squished under his grip, but he managed to hold on despite it. He pulled himself up and gazed out across the expanse of the gym. However, his strength was fading, and he couldn't hold on forever. Time was running out, and his body was failing him rapidly. When the woman leaned over to get something, his grip faltered, and he fell to the side.

He went back into the abyss, but his trajectory took him away from her chest. Those pillowy mountains of torment would have been a welcome alternative to where he was headed. He was knocked around the fabric of her shirt until he came face to face with a cavern he had hoped never to see again. He'd experienced it only once before with Anna, and seeing another was the stuff of nightmares for him. The putrid odor of sweat and body odor surrounded him as he grabbed at a loose thread in the arm of her shirt. Chad had managed to land himself in front of her armpit. The smooth skin dripped with sweat as it lost a battle with her antiperspirant. His day continued to go from bad to worse at every turn.

Fate dealt him another bad hand when this woman stood up. Her arm drew closer to her side, and he was smashed face-first into the revolting crevice. The sweat coating it and his body caused him to stick to the skin. Chad struggled against it, but it was no use. She kept her arm down and at her side as she walked, and whatever hope he had was again ripped from him. What was worse was that he was ground against it with each step she took. His body was bombarded with filth and grime, the likes of which he'd hoped to avoid. The taste and smell assaulted his senses despite his best efforts. His skin crawled as he was forced to endure yet another unorthodox and unpleasant form of torment. With no way of knowing where she was going, he was left with little choice but to suffer. He only hoped to be rid of this nightmare sooner rather than later.


Anna walked through the gym searching for Macey with Kevin on her shoulder. So far, they'd managed to find another two of the missing tinies. Thankfully, they hadn't been injured, but it was evident that at least one of them had gotten close to a woman. Anna had found one of them on a bench after a large woman in red and black spandex had moved. He'd been eager to be discovered, and he practically jumped into her hand when she bent down to retrieve him. His body was slick and slimy to the touch. She hadn't bothered to lecture him because he all but hugged her fingers when she picked him up. He was pathetic, but he apologized profusely when she brought him close to her face. The young man didn't protest being carried in her front pocket, and he swore that he'd keep as still as possible.

The other tiny insect had been a different story. An older man who'd been wandering around gawking at any woman who got close. When Anna bent down to scoop him up, he didn't try to run. Instead, he let himself be picked up and proceeded to try to hit on her. It took everything she had not to squeeze his little body into oblivion. She reprimanded him for his carelessness and stupidity and swore that if he tried to squirm, she'd suffocate him. Kevin disagreed with her treatment of him, but all he'd really said was that threats weren't necessary. She ignored him and stuffed the little pervert into her back pocket. She hoped that he hurt as she walked, and the denim of her jeans rubbed against him.

"Where would she be?" As she looked for the woman in question, Anna asked, "What's her routine?"

"If I had to guess, she's probably using free weights or on the treadmill," Kevin replied, "Macey takes her fitness pretty seriously, and she's been studying boxing for the last six months. Is there a ring around here anywhere?"

"You're her boyfriend, and you don't know if there's a boxing ring here?" Anna asked, "Honestly, what good are you?"

"At this size, not much," he admitted, "This is her time, and I don't pry into it unless she brings it up. Can I ask you something?"

"You're probably going to even if I say no, so sure," Anna sighed, heading towards the weight area.

"Why are you so hateful towards men?" he asked, "Don't deny it. It's not worry or frustration that's making you act out. There's a clear dislike for my gender."

"I thought you said you didn't like to pry," Anna replied.

"We're working together, kid," Kevin said, "It's an observation, and I think I have a right to know. I'm not asking for all the intimate details, but I think you could at least give me something."

"I don't hate men," Anna sighed, "Most of you are stupid, but I don't hate you all. Example, thinking it's a good idea to run out of your safe space and into a place filled with women who don't even know you exist."

"I mean, that's a fair point," he said, "Still, there's something you're not saying. When you talk about Chad, you get this look and a tone full of disdain and spite."

"That's complicated," Anna sighed as she looked around.

"Hmm," Kevin hummed while keeping his eyes peeled, "If I had to wager a guess, I'd say it's something to do with your mom. Single parent for the better part of your life, close and protective relationship with her, and I'm going to guess you're worried Chad will hurt in the long run. That thought probably worries and infuriates you, am I right?"

Anna stopped dead in her tracks. He was spot on. "What are you a shrink?" she asked.

"Was that pun intended?" he asked, chuckling, "Nah, kid, I was a detective before all of this viral mess. I'm just piecing together what little Chad told me and what I've been able to gather from you. I take it I'm right?"

"Don't get cocky," Anna snapped, resuming her walk, "Let's say you are; what does any of this matter to you?"

"I guess it doesn't really," he admitted, "You seem like a good kid. You're smart and more observant than most people your age, let alone mine. I guess I don't want to see you brought down by past hangups. My opinion doesn't mean much, but your stepdad seems like a good guy."

"You just met him today," Anna pointed out, turning towards the boxing studio, "Are you sure Macey will be in the ring?"

"If she's not working with free weights, then that's where she'll be," he replied, "She's got a hell of a right hook, so try not to get on her bad side. For the record, I'm a pretty decent judge of character. Anyone willing to run out into the chaos that's out here to save someone else is good in my book."

"You really expect me to believe that you both were trying to save some kid?" Anna asked.

"Last I checked, I didn't have a reason to lie to you," Kevin replied, "I've seen how you can get when someone is grating on your nerves, and I'm not keen on being on the receiving end. I'm just going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing honesty is important to you."

"I hate liars," Anna affirmed, "Your girlfriend ever knocked you out?"

"Got on her bad side once, but that wasn't what made her do it," he said, "I worked a surprise double shift one night, and when I came in, she thought I was an intruder. She knocked me out in one punch to the jaw. Still hurts whenever I think about it."

"I like her already," she said as she walked towards the back, "Part of me wants to believe you about you and Chad, but I'm skeptical about it."

"Cynical, not skeptical," Kevin corrected, "Skepticism is good, but you're biased when it comes to men. I'm not saying anything bad; before you get angry, I'm just stating a fact. You've got your reasons to feel that way, kid, and those feelings take a long time to work past."

"Whatever," Anna sighed, "Let's just focus on the task at hand. If I want someone to analyze me, I'll go to a therapist."

"Fair enough," Kevin said, "For what it's worth, Anna, I think you've got a lot of potential. You might even make for a good investigator with your keen eyes."

They walked in silence into the studio in the back. It was a modest setup for the size of the complex, but Pam had said it was their newest addition. A heavy bag hung off in the corner with a speed bag not far from it. Large blue mats were laid out along the floor for training purposes. The room's centerpiece was the large ring that sat in the center. Beyond it were racks for gloves, helmets, and boots for people if they didn't have their own. In the ring was the woman that Anna and Kevin had been searching for. Her shortcut hair had a bit of fringe hanging past her eyes as she stood with her guard up. The tattoo sleeve on her arm was enough of a giveaway, but she wore the navy blue outfit that Kevin had described.

Anna wasn't sure how to approach her about things. Her trainer, a tall brunette woman with her hair tied back, stood adjacent to her. Anna recognized her as one of her mom's friends. Angelina, a fitness instructor who wore the same black shorts and white tank top she always did. She'd only met her a handful of times, but the woman was lively, to put it mildly. She took her work seriously, and Anna definitely didn't want to risk interrupting her during a session. There was also the question of whether or not to involve Angelina in the search or not. Anna didn't have the faintest idea of how to proceed, but she knew she'd have to wait until she was finished before approaching them for help.


Chad felt that the cosmos were punishing him for a crime he'd committed in a past life. Up until now, he'd thought that being submerged in a stranger's ass was the worst thing he could experience. However, his current position dwarfed that by far. Humiliating and degrading, he was powerless to escape the sickening cavern he was stuck to. He'd discovered that his body had become practically grafted to her armpit when she raised her arm. He hadn't budged when she did so, and when she lowered it, he'd been pushed further into the swampy crevice.

Every breath he took was polluted by the musky air from his unknowing captor. Freedom seemed like an impossible dream to him. Nonetheless, Chad clung to the hope that his nightmare would end sooner or later. It had to. He knew that all things came to a close eventually, good and bad. Still, his optimism did little to diminish the foulness of his situation. Every breath burned his lungs, and he feared he'd never get the taste of her sweat out of his mouth. The saddest part was that he felt himself becoming accustomed to the feeling of said sweat rolling over his body. It was almost frightening how it had become the norm for him.

Unlike Chad's previous endeavors, there was no way for him to escape. Even if he could pry himself loose, he'd surely fall to his death. His only option was enduring the humiliation and filth he was subjected to. Plastered to her skin, his only movement came from her steps. Every footfall caused him to rub up and down along her pit. He almost wished he would pass out to end the sensory overload that continued to bombard him. It was made worse when her arm was at her side. The stench was bad enough, but the pressure was unbearable. The longer it went, the more he found himself praying for mercy. What would happen if the pressure became too great? Would he become a stain on this woman's ebony skin? A shade of crimson dotting her dark frame, was that to be his fate?

Chad had survived worse, but that had mostly been at the hands of Anna. The difference was that Anna knew where he was when she was torturing him. These women were blissfully unaware of his existence, let alone the punishment they were putting him through. While Anna threatened to make him suffer, he'd learned that she held a degree of restraint. His captors, however, were systematically, relentlessly, and unknowingly pushing him to the brink.

Optimism and hope only carried him so far. Chad had learned the harsh reality of life at his size some time ago. It wasn't pessimism that pervaded his mind at times like this. It was simple realism. It didn't matter how much hope he held on to. The fact that he could die here was all too real. Alone, discarded, and unrecognizable, he could perish at the unwitting act of this stranger. The fact that these women held such power over him and others were still astonishing to him. Simple actions were the equivalent of an act of God to people his size. The consequences of which were often more significant than any of them realized.

Chad's musings were broken when his captor once again stopped. While it was difficult to tell from his position, the gruesome dragging halted. He turned his head to the side in the brief moment of reprieve. The air was still fetid, but it at least gave his poor mouth a break from her sweat. Amidst the darkness around him, he wondered where they'd gone. The unknown was more terrifying than ever from his position. What if she'd stopped to do more strength training? He shuddered to think what the force of a dumbbell and her curling could do to his small body. All he could do was wait.

Chad wasn't prepared for the sudden motion of what came next. The veil of darkness that surrounded him began to lift ever so slightly. His body was dragged upward in the process of her removing her shirt. The fact that simply disrobing could cause such an upheaval in his world was dumbfounding. The fabric of her shirt whipped against him and wrapped around him. The soaking material fused itself to his already sticky frame. He went with it as she pulled it up, over, and off herself. He became entangled in the material of her shirt, and another wave of vertigo washed over him as he was lifted into the air. The onslaught of her stench had stained his nostrils by this point. Unable to see what was happening, he was forced to rely on his other senses. The feeling of plummeting inside the wadded-up shirt hit him as she discarded it. It hit something solid yet soft, but he was left largely unscathed thanks to the cushion from being within.

Chad was freed from one prison only to become trapped in another. His height made the task of freeing himself larger than necessary. The ball she'd made unfurled just slightly when it hit whatever she'd thrown it on. It was easier to break away from the folds that held him in place, but finding the exit was akin to navigating a maze. The dark blue material seemed to stretch on endlessly, and while he didn't stick to it, the folds clung together from the moisture. It took more effort than he liked to push through the makeshift path he carved out for himself. It was still far from pleasant, but it was better than his previous predicaments.

After a great deal of work, Chad finally found the exit he desperately sought. A literal light at the end of his damp tunnel. The bright florescent lights of his new location blinded him for a moment. Once his eyes adjusted, his heart sank. He was in the locker room. He was on her gym bag along with her soaking shirt. The scent of her workout attire drifted upward, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. His eyes looked up and around to survey the room. Orange lockers lined the walls similar to skyscrapers from his perspective. High rises where these women stored their equipment and gear. The room may as well have been a city to someone his size.

Then he saw her. The ebony titan that had unwittingly carried him this far while putting him through hell. Her skin glistened from the sweat, and her well-toned legs seemed to stretch on forever. Her curves were sculpted from meticulous exercise routines. His eyes climbed ever higher, and he stared up at her modest bust. Her sports bra still covered those pillowy mounds that had nearly been his undoing, but it left little to the imagination. Craning his neck, he was finally able to see her face. A sharp and angular jawline led to a soft set of caramel eyes. Her hair was cut short, but she wore it well. For someone who's unknowingly tormented him, she was honestly quite fetching.

A set of tanned legs walked by the bag he stood upon. Another set of pale white ones passed by the opposite way. This was going to be difficult for him. There were more women here than he'd thought. The close quarters of the locker room meant the threat level was exponentially higher. He walked over to the edge of the bag to peer down. The drop would prove fatal for him, but the strap could serve as a safe passage. He'd have to climb down it, but he was confident in his ability to do so. Still, once he got down, what was he to do? Maybe Jeremy was somewhere in here. This was the apex of his journey, the point that all roads eventually led to.

He shook his head as he walked towards the strap. This wasn't where he wanted to be, but it was where fate and circumstance had taken him. "Fuck me," he sighed as he prepared to descend and continue his search.


Anna and Kevin had watched Macey and Angelina spar for the last ten minutes. Anna was getting anxious as more time ticked by. Kevin did his best to keep her calm, but he could tell his attempts were failing. Finally, just when Anna was ready to abandon their objective, Macey lowered her hands. Angelina did the same and removed her gloves. Angelina spotted Anna and approached her, "Anna! Come for a free lesson? I normally charge, but I could make an exception for you."

Kevin tucked himself into the strands of her hair. Anna hadn't mentioned involving this woman, and the last thing he wanted was to upset the girl further. "No, I'm just looking around while mom works," Anna replied, "Maybe another time."

"Alright, kiddo, the offer is out there if you change your mind," Angelina smiled, "A girl like you ought to be able to defend herself. Who needs a stick to beat guys off when you've got a solid jab?"

"Right," Anna laughed, "Thanks, Angelina, I'll definitely keep that in mind."

"Sounds good, Anna; I'm going to lunch," Angelina said, "You're welcome to join me."

"That's okay, I'm not hungry right now," Anna lied; she was starving.

"Suit yourself, kiddo," Angelina said, patting her on the shoulder as she walked by.

Anna waited until she was gone before addressing Kevin, "Smart move hiding like that. I like Angie, but I don't know how much help she would be."

"Figured if you said something, I could come out," Kevin replied, "That's Macey over there. Do you want to do the talking, or do you want me to?"

"That depends," Anna said, "Is she liable to believe me, and is she gonna be pissed at you?"

"Do you always talk to yourself?" Macey asked before Kevin could reply, "Word to the wise, honey. If you're going to think out loud, do it somewhere others can't see or hear."

"Huh?" Anna asked, caught off guard by Macey's approach, "Shit, no, I'm not-uhm, you're Macey, right?"

"I am, but I don't think we've met," Macey replied, "You're not another stalker, are you?"

"What? No!" Anna exclaimed, "Sorry, your boyfriend said you might be able to help us."

"Okay, you're making less and less sense, honey," Macey said, wiping herself off with a cooling towel, "How do you know Kevin exactly?"

"That's kind of why I'm here," Anna said, feeling more and more like a fool by the second, "I actually just met him today. He's, uhm, kind of with me at the moment."

"Excuse me?" Macey asked, "He's supposed to be at the recreation station for tinies. I was about to grab a shower and pick him up. Care to explain why he's with you and not there?"

"Let me talk to her," Kevin sighed, realizing that this was going nowhere fast.

Anna nodded and reached up to her shoulder to gently grab him. She held out her hand to Macey and said, "It's a long story that he hasn't fully explained yet, but I found him on the floor a little while ago. Maybe he can fill you in on the full details, but we need your help to find the others."

Macey took Kevin from Anna and looked him over. Worry flashed across her face, followed by confusion, and then finally anger. "Kevin, why the hell were you out on the floor?!" Macey demanded.

Anna watched as the exchange unfolded, "It's not what you think, Mace, I swear," Kevin stated, "This girl's stepdad was with me and the kid you saw when you dropped me off. Everything was going fine until this one guy showed up and started stirring up trouble. He started going on about this and that, about how we needed to seize the opportunity at our size. It was a bunch of childish nonsense and perversion to see the women without being spotted. Then, someone knocked the fencing loose, and everyone ran out with him. Chad, that's her stepdad, me, and this young kid were all going to stay put, but Jeremy, the kid in question, got himself into some trouble. A woman walked by and almost stepped on him, but he panicked and grabbed onto her shoelace. He was scared, so Chad and I took off after him."

"And I'm guessing this young lady found you while you were running around," Macey said before sighing, "That bleeding heart of yours is going to get you killed one day, Kev. Wait, if you went with this other guy, where is he?"

"Yeah, that's one of the things we need help with," Kevin replied, "We were on our way across the gym when Chad got the literal boot from a young woman. He went flying, and I haven't seen him since. Anna over here was already looking for the others that got out when she found me. I spotted one of the guys in pretty bad shape. Someone stepped on him, Mace. He's alive, but there's no telling what danger others might be in."

"Dammit, Kevin, why does bad luck seem to follow you?" Macey asked before continuing, "So she found you, the two of you rescued the injured little guy, and now you're looking for help finding the others. I'm guessing that neither of you wants to cause a panic, so you're just rounding up people you trust."

"Got it in one," Kevin said, "You're still as sharp as the day we met. You know me. I wouldn't have any if it weren't for bad luck."

"And you're still a soft-hearted idiot, but that's why I love you," Macey sighed and smiled, "Alright, you two can count me in. This is a big place, though. Even for someone regular-sized, it's going to be difficult to track the others down."

Anna shifted and spoke up, "That's why we need more eyes. If we split up, we have a better chance of finding them before something bad happens."

"She's right, Mace," Kevin said, "We can't afford to risk someone getting seriously hurt here."

"Alright, but I want to ask her a question first," Macey said, studying Anna as she continued, "Angie mentioned your mom, and she clearly knows who you are. That means that whoever your mother is works here. Why haven't you involved her? Chad is your stepfather, so why haven't you bothered to notify her about all this?"

"We really don't have time for this," Anna said, hoping to dissuade Macey from prying.

"Make time," Macey said adamantly, "It's a valid question, and one I want answered if you want my help."

"Fine," Anna sighed, "My mom does work here, and she's the one who came up with the idea for the shrunken guys. She's been going through a lot over the last month, and she's just now starting to get back to her old self. I don't want her freaking out and panicking about all this. I worry about her, okay? The last thing I want is for her to get pushed back over the edge."

"So you're a concerned child," Macey clarified, nodding in understanding, "She's going to find out sooner than later, hon."

"That's exactly why I want to resolve this problem as quickly as possible," Anna countered, "The longer you stand here and grill me, the more time we waste. We need to move fast."

Macey smirked and nodded, "I like her, Kevin. Alright, Anna, let's get to work. Kevin and I will split up to find as many as we can. We'll return them to their little area, and you do the same. I'll give you my number so you can call me if anything happens."

"Sounds good," Anna said, relaxing ever so slightly.

They exchanged numbers and split up. Macey and Kevin would take a section of the gym, and Anna would make her way to the locker rooms. If they were lucky, they'd manage to recover everyone in a short time. It bothered Anna that she couldn't get a read on Macey, but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. It didn't matter now, though. All that mattered was finding everyone and putting this day to an end. She walked off with her eyes peeled and high hopes. There was still time, but she didn't know how much time they had. All she knew was that they needed to hurry.


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