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Bram was walking the desk in his room looking over character sheets, item cards, and campaign notes while Victoria thumbed through his player's handbook. They'd spent their morning going over finer details for the upcoming game night, and Victoria was trying to familiarize herself with her patron deity, racial bonuses, and other details to help streamline her role within the party. They'd been working together to finalize everything over the last few weeks, and Bram was surprised at how excited his sister seemed to be. Victoria had been an asset to him, and she'd agreed to help keep notes during battles.

Working beside his sister felt good, and it helped to keep his mind from wandering. Over the last week Bram's thoughts had begun to shift into more devious territory. It was only when he was left alone to his own devices that his mind really began to drift. It felt strange to view such an enormous and terrifying world with such a lustful wonder, but he chalked it up to being a teenager. Still, he couldn't help but feel slightly at odds with himself. Chad had told him about some of the dangers he'd faced, and Bram had experienced the helplessness of being at someone's unaware and unintentional mercy already. There was an almost electrifying thrill that came with that feeling, though. It was something he couldn't explain, and it was something that held a powerful captivation over him. What was it about being so small that evoked such big feelings within him? He'd spent many nights pondering that question.

"Bram, did you hear me?" Victoria asked, jarring him from his present thoughts.

"Huh?" he asked, shaking off his stupor and looking up at her, "Sorry, what was that?"

"I said I'm going to have to get ready to go," Victoria repeated herself, "Honestly, where do you go, little bro? Are you that wrapped up in perfecting things?"

Bram laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head, "I, uh, tend to get a little distracted when I'm working on a campaign."

"That's like the third time this week," Victoria replied, skepticism evident in her tone, "I know this is important to you, but don't let it consume you, Bram. Don't get me wrong, I'm relieved to see you enjoying yourself, but don't forget why you're doing this."

"I know, I just want things to go well," he replied with a half-truth, "Everyone's been so on edge up until recently, and I really want to create something that can bring us together again."

"It will, Bram," Victoria said grinning, buying his story entirely, "Don't stress too much about it. I'll come get you once I'm about to leave. Gran will be here soon, so I hope you're ready for a break."

Bran rolled his eyes and scoffed to hide his mild excitement, "Ready for some broken bones, you mean. I love gran, but dad and I have had more close calls with her than anyone else!"

Victoria laughed and tried to downplay his statement, "It's not that bad, Bram. You're the one who went into her shoe, if I remember right."

"Ugh, don't remind me," he said, visibly shuddering for more than one reason, "She thought I was dad, and she went on that weird topic about liking feet."

"Either way, you're being dramatic," Victoria laughed at his reaction as she held out her hand for him to climb aboard, "You'll be fine. I'd take you with me, but after the incident with dad, I don't want to risk losing you."

"Yeah, I'd rather not end up in someone's pocket with their change," Bram admitted as he settled himself on Victoria's palm.

He'd started to get used to the feeling of being carried over the last week. The feeling was somewhat comforting to him, and a large part of him relished the security of being held. The perks of looking out from someone's hand were rather nice as well. His world was entirely different at his size. His shared room alone may as well have been an expansive city to him. His viewpoints had changed dramatically over the last few weeks, but he'd gained an appreciation for so much more in that time. There was something to be said about the marvel of getting lost while simply walking along the grounds, and Bram found it almost exciting in a way. Combined with the sight of literal titans walking his home, and it created an almost fantasy land for himself.

Speaking of, he found himself looking up at his sister in amazement. His gaze didn't hold an attraction, per se, but rather it was genuinely mesmerizing to him that she moved with such ease. She and the other women of his family navigated their home with such grace and elegance that he'd overlooked for the better part of his life. There was so much that he took for granted before he'd caught the shrinking virus. Maybe some part of him missed it, but there was another part that thrived in his new state. Even the simple trip to the bathroom with Victoria was exhilarating. She placed him on the sink and he was left looking up at her phenomenal physique. She was impressive, there was no denying that.

"I've got to get changed, little bro," Victoria said, preparing to take a short leave, "I'll be back to wash you up, and make sure you can go to the bathroom before gran arrives. Try not to get lost while I'm gone, please."

It was almost funny how often the people closest to him thought he or his Father intentionally got themselves lost. It was almost always the others that misplaced or endangered one of them. Bram supposed it was easier for them to believe that they weren't directly responsible for their perils. In truth, he could blame them for that line of thinking. He knew how much he and Dad meant to them. Carrying the weight of blame on top of the burden of caring for the two of them would be too much for anyone. Deep down, he knew that was a big part of the reason Chad downplayed the dangers of their lives with their caretakers. Bram was the only one that he'd openly acknowledged the risks that came with their current size. While Bram hadn't directly experienced anything too traumatic himself, he knew that his father had seen things far worse than he.

Bram stood up and dismissed the train of thought from his mind. Thinking about these sorts of things bummed him out, and he was determined to have a good day. He decided to explore the vanity in the bathroom. A faux shire marble surface that was cold to the touch, the large basin that was the sink, and the various toiletries in the distance looked like a foreign world to him. Sure, he'd walked the vanity before now, but he enjoyed seeing things from his unique perspective. It wasn't anything spectacular, but it did help to inspire his imagination. Whilst admiring the large soap dispenser, he caught a glimpse of Victoria in the mirror. Her reflection was obscured by a glare, and it was only her back, but his teenage mind became fixated on the bare skin of her back.

His imagination spurred on by adolescent hormones, her figure transformed into one of Anna's friends. Cynthia Braunkowski, a girl in his class that he found absolutely captivating. The image taking shape within his mind took hold of his thoughts, and he began to swell with excitement as his mind wandered. He swallowed nervously as his mind played out a scenario from one of his dreams. He tried desperately to shake off the dream-like state he found himself in, but despite his best efforts, he drifted into a vexing daydream all the same.

Cynthia entered the bathroom, blissfully unaware of his existence. Bram kept his place carefully hidden behind the soap dispenser as she began shedding her clothes. Cynthia was on the volleyball team at school, and her tight-fitting jersey was the first thing to go. With deft hands, she reached into the bathtub to turn the water on. Bram's temperature rose with the steam of the hot water. Her bra came away next, and he stared in wonder as her breasts caught a breath of fresh air. Her skin glistened with a sheen of post-game sweat. The hair tie she always wore was undone, and her amber locks fell down past her shoulders. She shimmied, as she always did in his fantasies, out of her tight spandex shorts after removing her socks and shoes. It was like watching a Goddess reveal her secrets to his insignificant mind.

Emboldened by the sight of his crush, and her unaware state, Bram pushed himself further into the open. He abandoned his hiding place, and chose to move to get a better view. His eyes never left her supple skin and impressive curves as he drew closer to the edge of discovery. There was a thrill that came with the danger, one that he couldn't get enough of. His feet caught a snag in the form of a loose thread from a nearby rag. Bram stumbled and fell onto the pale fabric. His limbs suddenly became ensnared in the threads, and no amount of struggling could break him free. Cynthia stepped over to the vanity, grabbed the rag where Bram was trapped, and clutched it in her hand without bothering to look down at it. Bram's struggles increased as she stepped over the threshold and into the shower.

There was nothing he could do to free himself, and his heart beat like a drum as Cynthia dribbled some body wash onto the rag. The sting in his eyes felt almost too real, as did the pounding in his chest. Cynthia inched him closer to her chest, but his daydream was shattered by the sound of Victoria's voice cutting in, "Bram, are you all set?"

He jumped and felt his face flush as a wave of shame washed over him. He looked up at his sister, expecting to see a look of disapproval etched on her face, but she merely stood there watching him expectantly. It was times like this that Bram was most thankful for his diminutive size. It made hiding his excitement much easier when others couldn't see his erection. "Y-yeah," he stuttered out, swallowing and shaking off his hormones as best he could, "Let's go."

Victoria noticed her brother's slight shift in demeanor, but she chose not to comment on it. Life at his size was difficult enough without having to answer unwanted questions, so she simply scooped him up and went on her way. Rose had arrived while she was getting ready, and she was sitting in the living room waiting for her grandson. She stood once she heard the door to their shared room close, and greeted her grandkids with a wide smile, "There you two are!"

"Hey, gran," Victoria returned her greeting with her own cheerful smile, "Thank you so much for coming over today. I know Pam is excited to have Anna tag along at work today, and it means the world that you're willing to help us out like this."

"Oh, don't be silly," Rose said, waving her granddaughter off, "You're the one who's covering your father's business. You're the real hero here, dear. Honestly, I know he is beyond proud of how much you've stepped up. Besides, I never pass up an opportunity to spend time with either of you."

"I'm not doing anything special, or anything dad wouldn't do," Victoria said, making an attempt at modesty as she set Bram down on the end table near the couch, "All I'm doing is just handling the day-to-day operations."

"Nonsense, you're making sure your father's dream doesn't die in this pandemic!" Rose exclaimed, "Don't be so modest, dear. I know your father is incredibly proud of you. Now, go on and get to work. I've got little Bram, don't you worry about that."

Rose didn't mean it in a patronizing manner, but it was hard for Bram not to take it that way. He didn't take it personally, though. It was a fact, and one that part of him truly enjoyed. He smiled up at his grandmother, and took in her appearance. Her impressive figure and stature were accentuated by a pair black leggings that fanned out at her ankles. Form fitting, yet comfortable, they did an excellent job showing off her hard work. Below them, he spotted the very same pair of sneakers that he'd found himself trapped within not so long ago. He spotted a black and purple coat draped over a chair in the distance. The fabric wasn't too heavy, but he could see a layer of faux-fur lining the inside for insulation and warmth. The jacket was a clear necessity considering Rose's violet spaghetti strap top. Their grandmother had always been hot natured, but even she needed a coat during the winter months.

Victoria and Rose continued their little chat while Bram continued taking in the sights. He'd been so caught up in his fantasy, he hadn't even noticed the change of clothes Victoria had on. It wasn't anything special, but he drank in the sight all the same. A pair of acid washed jeans, snug fitting to keep the wind at bay, a long-sleeved white shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes to help alleviate being on her feet all day. The apron she wore when working was draped over her shoulder; green with the Cupslogo embroidered on the front. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail. It was a modest look, but his sister has always had an uncanny ability to make even simple things look good.

"Alright, I better get going," Victoria said, giving her grandmother a hug and bending down to tussle Bram's hair with the tip of her finger, "Try not to get into trouble while I'm gone, little bro."

"Oh, he'll be fine," Rose assured her, "He's in good hands, right, Bram?

He wasn't so sure about that, but he was prepared to take his chances. It wasn't like he had much choice in the matter, anyways. "That's right!" he beamed, trying to reassure his sister, "I'll be as good as gold, sis!"

Victoria smiled and shook her head as she grabbed her keys, "Somehow, I doubt that. Have fun, you two."

Bram watched as Victoria walked out the door, and just like that, he was alone again with his grandmother. He'd have been lying if he said that part of him wasn't excited about the idea of getting lost with her, but another part of him was hoping for an average day. Well, as average as one could be at his size. Truth be told, he knew that he needed a break from his growing imagination. The rational side of himself was worried it was growing into an unhealthy obsession, but his teenage mind continued to get the better of him. "I've got a few things planned for us today, Bram," Rose said cheerily, squatting down to address him, "It's not much, but I'm hoping it'll provide a nice relief from the stress that I know you and your father have been dealing with."

Bram smiled as he looked up at his grandmother, "That sounds great, gran! What do you have in mind?"

"I am so glad you asked," Rose replied, reaching into her bag and digging around, "I know how much you like Dungeons and Dragons, and while I don't fully understand it, I picked up something that I thought you'd get a kick out of. I thought that maybe we could spend some time looking through this, and maybe you could help an old dog learn a few new tricks."

Bram watched as she pulled out a large fifth edition player's handbook. While he already had one in his and Victoria's room, this one had a much nicer cover. He studied it for a moment before his jaw dropped. The artwork on the front was the same as first editions he'd seen online! "Holy smokes, gran!" he exclaimed as she set it down on the table, "Where did you find this?!"

"A friend of mine was getting rid of some of his old things, and I saw it and immediately thought of you," Rose replied, "I was saving it for your birthday, but I thought it might not hurt to go ahead and give it to you now."

"Gran, do you realize what you've got here?!" he asked, mesmerized by the book before him, "This is a first edition! These are super rare, and usually super expensive!"

"I'm guessing that means you like it," Rose said with a wide smile.

"Like it? I love it!" he beamed, "This is incredible!"

Rose smiled to herself, proud of her accomplishment. She sat down on the couch beside her miniature grandson, and leaned over the arm of the couch. "So, what do you say, Bram?" she asked, resting her chin in her hand, "Interested in trying to teach me a few things about your favorite game?"

"Sure, gran, I'd love to," Bram said as Rose opened the book.

The next couple of hours went by quickly. Bram did his best to explain things to Rose, but she just couldn't seem to get a grip on the concepts. She tried and he was glad that she was willing to, but he was getting nowhere fast. It didn't bother him, though. Bram was just glad she was making an effort, and he was beyond excited to look through the player's manual with her. The artwork was incredible, and it was loaded with several small details that made it special. For those two hours, Bram wasn't burdened by his overactive imagination. It was the break that he'd been needing and hoping for. While Rose clearly wasn't following the rules, she was enthusiastic about it all the same. He appreciated the effort, questions, and excitement she showed, even if she couldn't grasp the full concepts.

It was in the third hour that things began to take a turn. Rose had given it her best, but by the midway point, she was merely turning the pages for Bram. Her questions had become fewer, and less specific by the top of the third hour. The trouble began with a simple and small gesture to get them something to eat. It was something meant to help the two of them, but it was something that would cause a ripple effect that would impact the remainder of Bram’s day. Rose stood up and left him sitting on the end table marveling at the artwork and reading through the open book. The notes were identical to his own handbook, but it was the little touches here and there that struck him.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been reading when Rose returned. He was so engrossed in the content before him that he failed to notice her approach. Rose, seemingly forgetting his very existence, simply set the plate of food she’d prepared down without a second thought, but not before closing the book that Bram had been standing on. The subtle creak of the spine closing was his only warning, and Bram’s eyes went wide as he realized he was close to getting crushed. He took off in a sprint to the other edge of the page in hopes of avoiding becoming a bookmark. The shadow of the oncoming pages rapidly approached as he neared the edge of the page, and Bram let his nerves get the better of him. He jumped towards the table to avoid getting crushed, and he managed to get out just in time. However, the sudden closure of his precious book created a gust of wind that propelled him well beyond the end table.

Bram’s body was carried on the winds of the sudden motion, and he found himself rolling along the arm of the couch before he knew what was happening. The suede arm of the couch did little to stop his momentum, and before he knew it, he was passing the ledge of the arm. The drop down to the cushion made his heart pound, and his adrenaline spike as he went into freefall. His life flashed before his eyes as he dropped down faster than a speeding bullet, but his worries were quelled when he landed with a gentle bounce. He let out a sigh of relief when he realized that he was okay, and he had to laugh off his overreaction. It was something that he’d learned long ago, and it always helped to relax him after a potentially traumatic event such as this. He pushed himself back into a standing position, and took a deep breath to collect himself.

It was a simple accident, a minor coincidence and inconvenience to his day, but nothing that he couldn’t overcome. However, his troubles and trial were only just beginning. A shadow loomed overhead as Rose positioned turned on the television and prepared to sit down. He cursed his misfortune as he realized that his exercise was only just beginning. He had to move quickly if he was to avoid getting squashed beneath his grandmother’s well-toned backside. As pleasant as that thought may have been to others, he had next to no interest in testing the limits of his body in such a manner. Summoning everything his little heart and body could muster, Bram dashed forward. There was no way he could avoid her body if he ran to the side, but maybe he could dodge her butt if he got close enough to the edge.

It was like trying to outrun a meteor before it crashed into the Earth. The ass of his grandmother seemed to fall in slow motion, and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he gave everything he had. Finally, the moment of truth arrived. Rose’s backside made contact with the couch cushion, and Bram felt everything go into slow motion as he once more dove forward. He closed his eyes as he landed on the cushion, and he braced himself for the crushing weight that was mere seconds away. He waited for it to arrive, but it never came. He cracked one eye to see what had happened, and he felt another wave of relief wash over him. He’d done it, he’d managed to avoid getting sat on! Yet another potential crisis averted, but he still had to find a way to get her attention.

Bram looked around to get a feel for his new surroundings. Rose’s legs were positioned on both sides of his world, and he was surrounded by the black fabric of her leggings. Her thighs acted as a wall to prevent him from escaping one way or the other, but maybe he could scale them and find a way closer to her upper body. There was a heat radiating around him that he couldn’t quite explain. He looked around once more, and his heart skipped a beat. He could see the crevice of Rose’s most intimate region off in the distance, and his teenage mind tried, yet again, to get the better of his judgment. He couldn’t see Rose’s face from his position. From his perspective, all he could see was the crown jewel of his innermost fantasies. It was concealed and covered by her leggings, but the heat was still there and almost all consuming.

Bram mentally repeated to himself that this was his family, his grandmother no less, but it was as though his mind and body were at war with one another. He was convinced that hormones were a product of the devil as his body began to win the battle with his head. He knew it was wrong even if this was family, but his legs moved of their own accord. Slowly, he inched his way closer to Rose’s hidden flower. He swallowed nervously and tried once more to reprimand himself for what he was doing. The heat grew stronger as he drew closer to the object of many of his friend’s personal desires. Why couldn’t his grandmother have been like others? Why did she have to be so damn active and fit? He chided himself for what he was doing, but he still couldn’t quite bring himself to stop his body from advancing.

“Get a grip on yourself, man,” he whispered to himself, “This is wrong, and you need to get help before something bad happens.”

He reasoned with himself and his rampant hormones again and again, but his body just continued to draw closer and closer. He could smell a faint odor emanating from her nethers that sent his body into overdrive. He was so close, but he had to find a way to pull himself out of his hormone induced stupor. His mind was yet again conjuring the image of his crush sitting before him, and between the increasing heat and faint smell wafting through the air, he was quickly losing himself to his fantasies. What would it feel like to be this small and this close? Would she even notice him? Somehow, the idea of her being completely unaware only made the idea much hotter. God, what was wrong with him?

He had asked himself that very question more times recently than he could count, but he couldn’t quite come up with an answer. Despite the shameful feelings that came with these desires, his mind continued to betray him. He shut his eyes in an attempt to block out the sensory overload that was threatening to overwhelm him, but that in itself turned out to be a mistake. The second he closed his eyes, he was hit with another fantastical image of his crush sitting before him with her legs trapping him in place. Much like his current captor, he envisioned Cynthia watching television with no idea of his existence or predicament. The sounds of the program in the background added to his growing fantasy, and reinforced the fact that he was utterly unnoticed.

As though fate was feeding off of his dreams, he felt a hand unknowingly push him closer to the object of his greatest desires. The simple act of scratching an itch threw him ever closer to the very place he was trying to avoid. Some far away part of himself screamed at him to snap out of it, but he was overtaken by the image of Cynthia unwittingly driving him closer to her womanhood. The heat around him rose further as his diminutive body rapidly approached the apex of his journey. He was so close now, only a short walk from being able to fully immerse himself in everything that his hormone riddled mind wanted. Even obscured by those soft leggings, there was something so tantalizing about something so taboo. What would it feel like to be so small beside something so great? At this rate, he wouldn't have to wait long.

Nearly hypnotized, Bram continued to fight against the desire to sate his curiosity. "No," he said to himself, finally beginning to shake off his hormones, "Get it together, Bram! This is your grandmother, for crying out loud!"

He needed to find a way out of here while he still had control over himself. Rose’s thighs seemed to be closing in around him, but he couldn't be sure if that was his imagination or not. Even so, Bram didn't feel comfortable taking the chance. He needed to find a way up, or at least find a way to get Rose's attention. The fabric of the leggings was just loose enough that he could see wrinkles on her left thigh. Getting closer to her body meant risking having his hormones overtake him again, but it was a risk he'd have to take. Steeling himself, he approached her leg, and prepared himself for the climb ahead.

The fabric was soft to the touch, and thinner than he'd anticipated. He could feel the familiar warmth of another giantess beating through Rose's leggings. Bram did his best to ignore the thoughts welling up behind his eyes as he took his first fistful of the fabric. His ascent was slow going at first, but it was simpler than he originally thought. The problem was his train of thought started to get the better of him yet again. While Bram was moving away from the treasure below, he was still dangerously trying to regain complete control of his mental faculties. The image of Cynthia looming above him was still fresh in his mind, and his concentration continued to come and go as a result. Caught between a desperate need to be discovered, and a dangerous desire to explore his innermost fantasies, he struggled to maintain his ascension.

Another level of difficulty was added to his already precarious situation when he felt Rose shift ever so slightly. The leg he was climbing was suddenly moving towards the right at an alarmingly fast rate. Bram was nearing the top when it happened, but he wasn't fast enough to avoid the oncoming collision. Within seconds, his body was suddenly sandwiched between Rose's thighs. The pressure wasn't overwhelming, but he was stuck all the same. However, the feeling of being squished between her thighs created a new dilemma for him. In an instant, his mind became clouded by his curious fantasies once more.

A sense of helplessness gave way to that funny feeling deep within him, and Bram slowly began to lose himself to it. Something about being powerless in the face of something so simple evoked a confusing reaction from his mind. He was at the mercy of someone larger than life itself, but somehow that only amplified his growing arousal. He shook with equal parts fear and excitement as his mind wandered off into darker territory. Unnoticed, he held a sense of dread and exhilaration. Were he to be discovered, it could spell trouble for him, but he had an uncanny advantage compared to most; the ability to use his size as an excuse meant that he was nearly untouchable. Even if he had dared to cave to his perverse urges, he still had the excuse of it being a simple misunderstanding. He was the victim here! But, what if whomever it was didn't believe it?

The lines of reality blurred once more, and he saw those thighs transform from his grandmother to his crush. He squirmed in an attempt to get noticed as a final effort before his hormones took over. Bram's mind began to conjure something new as he struggled in his predicament. Thoughts of discovery turned to almost morbid what-if scenarios. The idea of being found by someone as gorgeous as Cynthia, but being used rather than saved began to take shape in his mind. The idea of her using him as some sort of toy for her own amusement had a certain unexplainable allure to it. The legs he was trapped between shifted slightly, and he was rubbed to and fro while his mind continued to stray.

Bram found himself envisioning Cynthia deliberately grinding her legs together whilst he was helplessly trapped between them. A smug and knowing grin plastered on her face while she did so. An almost predatory look in her eyes while she toyed with him. As his fantasy continued to play out, his struggles subsequently increased. A slight increase in the pressure surrounding him gave rise to a heightened sense of sick satisfaction inside of himself. The notion of being viewed as an object came with an unusual pleasure that he couldn't wrap his mind around. Just as the pressure became too much to bear, he was scooped from his resting place by the hand of his would-be Goddess.

His world shifted and spun as he imagined what she might say, "Having trouble, little one? Have I caught myself a bug-sized pervert? Whatever should I do with you?"

His heart raced with a mixture of fear, adrenaline, and above all, excitement at the prospect of what might happen next. His breathing was heavy, and he could feel himself swelling once more with arousal. However, his fantasy and excitement were shattered by the voice of his grandmother, "Bram, what are you doing down there?! Sweetie, are you okay?!"

Bram was quickly jettisoned back into reality by the concern and familiarity of Rose's voice. As his imagination was finally brought to a halt, he realized just where he was, and just how close he'd come to making a huge mistake. He had a moment to collect himself, one that he could justify by recovering from a potentially traumatic experience. He let out a shaky breath as he tried to remember and explain just what had happened, "I got knocked onto the couch when you closed the book, gran. I'm fine, I swear, but I got a little scared you'd sit on me without knowing it. I was trying to climb up your pants to get your attention when you closed your legs."

"Oh my God!" Rose exclaimed, mortified at what she'd almost done, "Bram, I am so sorry! Honey, I completely forgot that you were still reading when I came back. I got so caught up cooking, and I thought you'd decided to take a nap on the table while I was gone. I could have sworn I saw you near the lamp."

So that was why she'd opted to close the book. He couldn't be angry with her, even if he hadn't nearly acted on his more devious instincts. At his size, it was all too easy to be mistaken or overlooked. Rose in particular had a tendency to do this. It was something both Bram and his Father had learned the hard way on more than one occasion. She almost always found them, though. Now, sitting in the palm of her hand, Bram felt a sense of guilt at what he'd nearly done. The look of genuine worry on Rose’s face added to that guilt. An accident had birthed an opportunity to indulge in his own perversions, and he'd come dangerously close to doing something that he would have certainly regretted. Despite managing to overcome those thoughts and desires, Bram still felt an immense shame welling up within him.

There was nothing he could do, though. He couldn't talk about it, but he could try to move forward. It was the only plausible thing for him to do, so he buried that shame for the time being. Bram put on a smile, finally feeling mildly at ease, and tried to reassure his grandmother, "It's alright, gran, honest. Things could have been a lot worse, but I managed to come out unharmed. You didn't hurt me, and it's not like you did anything on purpose."

"Bram, I could have crushed you," Rose said, her tone showcasing her own guilt, "I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you, not to mention look at your father or sister."

Bram stood up, walked over to Rose’s thumb, and gently stroked it. It wasn't much, but it was the closest thing he could do to comfort anyone. "Are you kidding?" he asked, his smile remaining as wide and sincere as ever, "Victoria actually sat on dad when he first shrank, and she's misplaced the both of us more times than I can count! It was an accident, gran, but that's all it was. Look at me, I'm perfectly fine! Well, apart from being tiny, I guess."

Rose continued to look down at him with worried eyes, but she eventually cracked a small smile. She returned his little gesture by rubbing his back with her thumb. "You're so much like your father," she said, chuckling lightly, "Always thinking of others, but rarely thinking about yourself. You're a sweet boy, Bram. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm a little hungry, but outside of that, yeah," he replied, being honest while trying to defuse her concerns, "Why don't we just forget about this, and we can spend the rest of the day enjoying ourselves? I'm not going anywhere, gran, I promise."

"Let me at least make you something I know you'll enjoy," Rose said, wanting to put forth some effort to make up for nearly crushing him.

Bram smiled and sat back down on her palm, "I wouldn't turn down some scrambled eggs."

"That I can do," Rose said, moving over and lowering her hand down near the coffee table, "I will be back soon, Bram, and I'll be sure to remember where you are this time. Sit tight, and I promise we'll have a great rest of the day."

He hopped off of her hand, and walked over to a coaster to use it as a seat. "Sounds good, gran, I'm looking forward to it," he said, giving her another reassuring smile as she walked back towards the kitchen.

Once Rose was gone, Bram let out a sigh and laid back. He'd nearly given his poor grandmother a heart attack, and he'd been so caught up in his fantasies that he hadn't noticed. Nevermind the dangers of what happened, he'd almost given into desires that could have destroyed his relationship with his grandmother. Sure, he could have played the accident card, but Bram knew there were some things he couldn't come back from. He had to figure something out to get these feelings and desires under control. The want was shifting into a need, and that need would eventually drive a wedge between his family if he wasn't careful. What could he do, though? It wasn't something he could open up about, but it was clear that holding it in wouldn't work for much longer.

Anna seemed like his most logical choice for someone to speak with, but how could he even begin to broach the subject? It didn't help that the object of his desires was one of her teammates and friends. Maybe if he could actually indulge in those aforementioned thoughts, then he could move on. The how was the biggest dilemma for Bram. Figuring out a way to get close seemed like such an impossible task already, one that he'd abandoned shortly after the dreams had started. However, maybe it was time for him to try. Could he do it, though? There was a chance it could help, but it felt like he was taking advantage of his position. Despite all of his thoughts, dreams, and desires, Bram wasn't the type of person to take advantage of others, at least not typically. It felt like he was at war with two parts of himself. The more he thought about it, the more it made his head hurt.

He was so caught up in his inner conflict that he almost didn't notice Rose's return. The irony that Rose spotted him first wasn't lost on him, but he was glad for the change of pace. Rose placed a plate with a proverbial sea of eggs near him. There was no way he'd be able to eat them all, but he knew it wouldn't be an issue. "There we are," Rose said, sitting herself back down on the couch, "Eat as much as you want, sweetie, but don't make yourself sick. Now, why don't we pick something we can watch together, hmm?"

Bram climbed onto the plate, and took a deep breath of the aroma of Rose's eggs. A simple dish, but one that he'd eaten countless times when he was a kid. He turned back to her to reply before digging in, "That sounds awesome, gran. Thanks for this, I haven't had your scrambled eggs in forever."

"It's the least I can do, Bram," she said, grabbing the remote and bringing up the guide.

Rose scrolled through the channels until they found a movie Bram had been waiting to watch. Between the food and the movie, it was a welcomed distraction from Bram's current struggles. The remainder of the afternoon passed by with minimal incident. Both Bram and Rose were thankful for it, Bram for the chance to escape his hormones, and Rose for the chance to spend time with her grandson. He ate his fill of eggs, and climbed down from the plate before Rose took it to the sink. Bram let himself get lost in the adventures of a superhero, as opposed to his own lustful thoughts.

The day went on without further incidents. Rose did her best to remain vigilant, and Bram tempered his more carnal instincts and urges. A welcome and pleasant change of pace for the two of them. However, in the back of Bram’s mind, during the lulls of his afternoon, his mind would still occasionally wander. It wasn't to his fantasies, though. Part of him was actively trying to plan exactly how to indulge and satisfy his curiosities. By the time Victoria returned, he still hadn't found a way to make his dreams a reality, but he'd come to a final consensus. He wouldn't deliberately seek out the opportunity, but he wouldn't run from it if it presented itself. If given the chance, Bram would find a way to explore the depths of those wants. Until then, he'd have to do his best to keep himself in check. He'd focus on finishing his campaign, bonding with his family, and trying to make the most of his small situation.


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