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Bram glanced behind him to make sure Henry hadn't fallen behind. They only had one shot at making this work, and any mistake ran the potential to cost them everything. Thankfully, Henry was right on his heels. Victoria’s hand was coming towards them at an alarmingly fast rate. Bram took a deep breath and jumped at the seam of Victoria’s jeans. Henry followed suit behind him and tried to mimic his actions. Victoria’s hand was cupped and aimed at scooping the pair up. Bram waited for her hand to get close before kicking off and landing in her fingers. He hoped Henry followed his lead, but they didn't have time to discuss the finer details. Bram rolled down in Victoria’s hand, but he caught himself before falling off. The feeling of Henry's body crashing into him told him they'd succeeded on the first leg of his plan.


“What now, kid?” Henry asked as he clung to Victoria’s fingers.


“Hold on and get ready to jump!” Bram called, silently praying he hadn't miscalculated.


Victoria's hand followed the same path as before. Both men had to cling to her fingers to keep from falling off as she began rubbing the space between her legs. Just as before, she was rough and vigorous with her movement. She stroked and rubbed the seam of her jeans, dragging and pushing the two of them against her covered womanhood. Hanging on was difficult for both Henry and Bram. Victoria’s movement threatened to throw the two off and put them back at square one. Henry's grip slipped, and he began to fall, but Bram's hand shot out as he passed over him. At the last second, Henry clasped his hand with Bram's. The sudden tug nearly dislodged Bram from his position, but he managed to hold on to Victoria’s finger. The strain was unbelievable, but against all odds, Bram managed to keep his grip on Henry and Victoria’s fingers. 


His hands began to sweat as the strain continued to grow. Bram began to worry that he was going to lose the little leverage he had. He was slipping. As his grip faltered, Victoria cupped her hand and moved it away. It was just enough for Bram to catch himself and Henry. They were safe, but the clock was still ticking on his plan. They had only seconds before their window closed. If they wasted this chance, Victoria would either discover them or unwittingly cast them aside to their doom. Bram wanted to believe his sister was benevolent, but this place brought out the worst darkness in even the brightest and sweetest people. She'd been using Henry for her amusement, and he shuddered to think what she might do if pushed. They needed to take full advantage of their moment before it passed them by.


“On my signal, we jump!” Bram shouted as he tried to get into position.


“You must be out of your mind!” Henry called up as he pushed himself into a ready position.


“If you have a better idea, I'm all ears!” Bram exclaimed.


“Let's just get this over with!” Henry shouted, exasperated.


“Now!” Bram ordered with as much bravado as he could muster.


Bram took the lead and leaped from Victoria’s hand. He and Henry had to throw caution to the wind as they followed their plan. Victoria’s hand was passing over her left leg, and she returned to the table when they moved. Bram hoped that they'd land on her thigh. The drop was terrifying. Being in a state of free fall was almost as frightening as being at the mercy of a giantess. The unknown was always unnerving, though. However, tonight was slowly pushing Bram to accept that there were many things he couldn't control in life. It was mostly a matter of letting the dice fall where they may; granted, it was more stressful when he was the dice in question. He tucked his arms and legs in as he approached their landing spot and hoped for the best.


Bram tumbled on and across Victoria’s jean-covered thigh. He landed with a bounce but managed to keep himself on her leg, albeit dangerously close to the outside edge. He chuckled and shook his head, looking up to see if Henry had similar luck. Thankfully, Henry landed close by, although with considerably less grace than Bram. Henry rolled further and bounced a couple more times before stopping on the edge of Victoria’s thigh. Bram reached out and caught his hand to ensure he didn't slip over the edge. They needed to stick together to make it out and down in one piece. So far, their luck had held out, but they hadn't yet made it out of the woods. Henry took hold of some of the excess fabric of Victoria’s jeans with his other hand. Between Bram’s grip and Henry’s efforts, they were able to get to safety successfully.


“Alright, kid, what’s next?” Henry asked as he took a minute to catch his breath.


“This should be the easy part,” Bram answered as he looked down, “There’s a sort of ladder on the back of the chair. All we have to do is get down her leg, make it around without getting caught, and climb down to safety.”


“Simple enough, I guess, but you’re banking a lot of this on luck,” Henry shrugged.


“I don’t know if you know this, but pretty much everything we’ve been doing has relied on luck,” Bram chuckled, peering over the edge, “Let’s hold on tight and hope for the best. The longer we wait around, the more we run out of what’s left of our luck. Come on, follow me.”


Henry gestured for Bram to take the lead. Already, Victoria’s hand was moving towards them. Whether she was searching for them or just going to rest her hands, it didn’t matter. That monolithic hand was coming closer, and the shadow would descend upon them in seconds unless they moved. Bram nodded as the shadow grew and hurried over to the edge. He plopped down on his backside and let himself slide down Victoria’s pants with Henry close behind him. A sudden rush of wind from behind them sped their journey up. They were nearly sent flying by the sudden torrent, but they somehow escaped death one final time. They landed on the worn wood of the chair and scrambled to get back to their feet as quickly as they could.


They were so close now. They’d managed to make it out of the fires of lust between Victoria’s legs and reach the outskirts of danger. There was still the matter of getting past her predominant backside, but they were on the home stretch. All they had to do was avoid any more unexpected troubles, and they’d be free to rest and rendezvous. Bram motioned for Henry to follow as he tried to bring their little adventure to a close. Victoria shifted in her seat a bit, but it wasn’t enough to throw their plans into disarray. Neither of them looked back as they continued towards the edge of the chair. The sooner they could escape their tormentor, the sooner they could take a moment to catch their breath.


“Come on,” Bram said as they approached the edge. Follow me down here, and we can put this behind us.”


“Sounds like a plan, kid,” Henry nodded, following closely as Bram took the first step down, “I’m right behind you, and thanks for risking your neck for me. I thought I was a goner after we got grabbed. Your dad would be proud of you, Bram.”


It felt good to hear those words from Henry. In a way, they validated many things he’d been wrestling with and overcoming today. While he knew he still had a long way to go, it was nice to have some confirmation. “Let’s just get down to safety,” he said. We can talk once we’re away from the immediate threats.”


While Bram had been beginning his descent, Chad was at the precipice of his ascent across the table. It had taken him longer than he would have liked to get to the top of Rose’s pants, but part of that might have been hesitation on his part. He knew that he needed to hurry, but climbing into his mother’s pants didn’t sit well with him. The fact that it was her ass didn’t help things either, although going in through the front didn’t seem any more pleasant. He would have to get closer to his mother than he’d ever hoped if he was going to put this night behind him and the others. Hopefully, David and Bram were finding success in their endeavors. However, their success didn’t do anything to lessen what Chad was literally preparing to dive into.


The climb up had been fraught with bursts of foul and putrid wind courtesy of his mother and her health-conscious diet. He could only imagine the hell that her unwilling passenger was enduring at such close proximity. However, he wouldn’t have to wonder and imagine much longer. Chad was on the precipice of diving into the depths of Rose’s pants. It wasn’t anywhere close to what he wanted, but he wasn’t going to leave someone in there to suffer. He’d have to endure the stench of rotten eggs and spoiled vegetables if he had a chance at saving his friend.


Chad pulled himself up onto the rim of Rose’s pants and tried to steady himself. He took a handful of the cloth from her shirt to keep himself upright, then he took a moment to formulate a plan. Getting in was the easy part, but getting out was going to be tricky. He’d done it once before while he was trapped at the gym, but that had been quite a challenge. He hoped that having someone else at his back would make things easier. However, there was only one way to find out, and stalling wasn’t getting him anywhere. With a deep breath and a heavy heart, Chad stepped forward and let himself slide into the backside of Rose’s pants and panties. 


Chad’s drop was sickening in more ways than one. The smell was undeniably worse from the inside, as was the temperature. It was drastically hotter within the confines of his mother’s panties. Her cheeks had a sheen of sweat from her time spent playing with her prisoner. It didn’t help that the club was already hotter, but the combination of arousal and slight movements only exasperated the problems. It made getting down easier for Chad, but he had a sneaking suspicion that it would make getting out that much more difficult. One thing at a time, though. The first thing he had to do was figure out how to get to Rose’s captive without getting trapped in an unsavory position.


Chad landed at the base of Rose’s panties and could immediately feel the stark difference. The sweat he’d felt while falling along her smooth moons had accumulated in the fabric. It was like standing on a wet towel. It took everything he had to keep from falling on his ass as he tried to let his eyes adjust to his surroundings. As his eyes adjusted, his other senses were assaulted by a noxious blast from Rose’s ass. It was faint, but the nauseating smell and rise in temperature were unmistakable that she’d just ripped another fart. It was disorienting to take such a toxic burst this close, but it was the price he had to pay tonight. The only upside was that he swore he heard someone coughing and choking on the foul winds. It wasn’t much of a bright side, but at least he knew he was in the right place rather than on a fool’s errand.


The gagging was coming from further inward than he would have liked. The valley before him was where he had to go whether he liked it or not. Crawling into the depths of anyone’s crack, let alone his own mother’s, was equally revolting and crushing in many ways. He would have to face down his reservations and hesitations and make his way forward. Getting his bearings was challenging, but more so was taking his first few steps toward Rose’s ass. He nearly slipped and fell after his first step, but he managed to catch himself before sliding into her ass. His hand came to rest on one of her titanic cheeks as he got closer in an attempt to keep himself steady. The smell was growing stronger by the second, and Chad knew it was only going to get worse the longer this went on.


Chad pushed his reluctance down and reminded himself he was there to save a friend. That meant he’d have to endure whatever horrors this tortuous ass could dish out. He turned his body to the side and tried to squeeze through to where Rose’s victim might be hiding. The stench and heat were still rising, and it took everything Chad had to call out, “Ugh, Hello, can anybody hear me?!”


Stewart had been enduring the torrents of ass gas from Rose for what felt like an eternity. To put it mildly, it was horrendous, sickening, humiliating, and crushing. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since he’d been crammed in and trapped in his prison. It was difficult to tell with the sporadic bursts of gas that Rose continued to throw at him, combined with his efforts to get away from her asshole. That foul, wrinkly hole would spell his demise if he weren’t careful. All it would take was one wrong step, one mistake, and he could be sucked in and devoured without so much as a second thought. Between the continued assault on his senses and the panic welling up within his mind, Stewart felt like he was on the verge of a complete breakdown.


As a result of the stress, Stewart wasn’t sure if he was imagining the voice calling out or not. Surely he had to be, right? Walls of ass surrounded him, and he’d spent the last while being bombarded by vegan gas. Plus, that meant that someone would have had to have actually braved the depths of Rose’s ass. Would anyone be that foolish? “If you can hear me, give me a sign!” the voice called out again, “Please, let me help you if you’re here and still alive!”


That voice was Chad’s. It had to be, and if anyone were going to attempt something as insane as this, it would be Chad. It took everything he had to summon the will to call back between gags, “Chad, I’m here!”


Stewart gripped at the excess flesh of Rose’s cheeks to keep himself from sinking deeper into her crack. It was seemingly impossible for Stewart to make any headway towards escaping. The only thing that had kept him from being sucked in entirely was Rose’s sporadic bursts of flatulence, shameful as that was to admit. The rotten torrents of air had helped to keep him away from the orifice that was an ever-present threat down here. Perhaps if Rose’s cheeks weren’t so sweaty and smooth, he could have found some way to pull himself out. However, he’d wisened up to what his struggles netted him. The more he panicked, the deeper he was sucked into the canyon. Difficult as it was, he had to remain calm if he was going to make it out of this alive.


Chad heard Stewart call back, and his heart sank for the poor boy. Out of everyone that could have been caught in this awful predicament, it was unfortunate that it was Stewart. It wasn’t fun for anyone, but Stewart was getting closer to Victoria’s family than he probably would have liked. He had to get him out of there as soon as possible. Another rumble from up above and deep within the bowels of Rose’s gut signified another coming storm. They were about to be hit again with a putrid hurricane from Rose’s ass. It would be a miracle if Chad could keep from losing what little lunch he had. Hell, it was a wonder that Stewart hadn’t lost his, considering how long the poor boy had probably been down here. 


Chad braced himself for the incoming storm. Suddenly, an idea hit him. It was a long shot, but it might be Stewart’s best chance at making some headway towards him and putting this nightmare behind them. “Stewart!” Chad shouted as loud as his little lungs would allow, “This is going to sound insane, but I want you to let go when this next blast comes. Ride the wind as far as it will take you, and I’ll try to catch you if I can!”


It was easily one of the worst ideas that Stewart had heard in a while, but it was also their only idea. The concept of riding a fart like a wave sounded equally ridiculous and disgusting, but what other choice did he have? Stewart had been trapped in this smelly, sweaty prison for too long and was desperate to find a way out. If that meant he had to throw caution to the ‘wind’, then so be it. Stewart closed his eyes and let go of his little grip on Rose’s cheeks. The ensuing torrent of noxious wind ripped out and sent Stewart hurtling forward. Of course, this was one of the more powerful farts that Rose had let slip tonight. The slightly bassy sound and vibration, the scorching wind, and the godforsaken stench were all too familiar and powerful by this point. Still, Stewart did like Chad had suggested and let it carry him as far as possible.


The sickening and almost burning whirlwind threw Stewart forward. Chad had to fight to avoid getting knocked out and off his feet. He narrowed his eyes and tried to ignore the foul odors filling the small space they were trapped in. He coughed and tried to keep from gagging on the smell. The blast was apparently not enough to send Stewart all the way, but Chad could barely see part of Stewart’s upper body. He was a few feet from him, but he couldn’t risk losing what momentum they were gaining. Chad had to carefully make his way deeper in an attempt to catch Stewart while he could. 


“Hold on!” Chad called out, “I’m coming to you, don’t panic!”


It was easier said than done, but Stewart knew from experience that his panic would only worsen things. Instead, he nodded and tried to keep himself calm. He could see Chad trying to hurry his way through the confines of Rose’s crack. He wondered if Rose was even aware of the second addition to her ass or if the two of them were really that insignificant. Maybe it didn’t matter as long as they could find a way out of here before things took a more drastic turn. Stewart tried to keep his focus on Chad rather than the fetid air threatening to choke the two of them out. 


Another ominous rumble broke Stewart’s concentration. Stewart shook his head and sighed as he realized that Chad’s plan was probably their best at escaping. “Chad, she’s going to blow again!” Stewart called out, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think your plan might be the best shot we have at getting out of her crack! I’m letting go, and I suggest you do the same!”


It wasn’t what either of them wanted, but it was better than anything else they had to work with. Whether they liked it or not, they were at the mercy of fate and had to make do with what they had at their disposal. Right now, they only had the torrents of excess methane spewing from Rose’s backside. Both of them closed their eyes and made peace with their situation. They waited for the inevitable blast to come again, and once it did, they let the stinging winds carry them further back. As repulsive as it was, the sweat from Rose’s backside actually helped to ease them out, along with the winds of her farts. Stewart had to force himself to relax as he let the swampy wind propel him out of Rose’s moons. Thankfully, it was enough to send him careening into Chad and knock the both of them loose.


Chad saw Stewart barreling towards him at the last second before he crashed into him. The collision was startling and painful, but their combined weight was enough to push them back into the confines of Rose’s panties. It was a small step in the right direction for the pair, but it was a step all the same. Stewart was free from the depths of Rose’s ass, but they were still trapped in her pants. They needed to figure out a plan before Rose decided to get bold and check on them. It was doubtful that Rose would openly plunge her fingers into the back of her pants, but this place had a horrid effect on people. It was a chance that neither of them wanted to take. 


“Do you have a plan for us to get out of here?” Stewart asked, trying to get to his feet and get his bearings.


“It’s not perfect, but I have an idea,” Chad replied, ignoring the sulfuric stench slowly burning itself into his nostrils, “We’re going to have to work together to climb out of here. The tricky part is going to be keeping from falling back or getting caught. We have to watch each other’s backs and move fast. As much as I hate to say this, my mother is more prone to giving in to her wants than anyone else. It’s only a matter of time before she starts to realize that you’re not where she left you, and that means she’s either going to get her hands dirty or start bouncing. Whatever the case, we want to be out of here before that happens.”


“So, climb the panties, basically,” Stewart surmised.


“Pretty much, yeah,” Chad sighed but smiled as he reached out to grab the first fistful of fabric, “Stick with me, and don’t stop no matter what.”


Stewart didn’t see another way out of their situation, and he hadn’t been able to come up with any other ideas. He followed Chad’s lead and tried his best to fasten his grip as tightly as possible. The trouble was getting a foothold to climb up. It was next to impossible, given how tight Rose’s panties were. They clung to her backside and hugged it well. Admittedly, it might have made for an incredible sight from a different perspective, but from where they were standing, it was a nightmarish prison. Stewart felt his foot slipping as he tried to climb up, but he clenched his fists and watched Chad. He hoped that the older man knew something that he didn’t, that he could learn something from watching Chad climb. 


Chad grunted as he tried to figure out the best way to escape. He couldn’t get his foot rooted. That meant he had to rely solely on his upper body strength and careful precision. Chad reached up and stretched his arm out to grab another fistful. He pulled himself up and smiled as he found his first advantage. His relief was short-lived when he felt Rose shift in her seat. She might have noticed Stewart’s sudden absence and disappearance, or she could have been adjusting to get comfortable. Whatever the case, she nearly knocked them back down to square one. It was by sheer determination and will that the two of them managed to hold their ground.


Stewart watched as Chad made a little headway before the quakes began. It was nearly impossible for him to hold on, but watching Chad do so gave him the confidence and inspiration he needed to do so. They waited for the shakes to stop before they resumed their ascent. It was slow going, but they were making progress. It was going to take longer than either would like, but as long as they were making headway, that was all that mattered. Another rumble sounded from the guts of their tormentor, and the two of them braced for impact. They wouldn’t lose the ground they’d gained, whether that be from another blast of gas or squirming from Rose. The trumpeting blast of rancid air washed over them and caused them to gag. They managed to hold their positions, though, and hold in their sickness. Once the wave passed, the two resumed their climb.


It took an eternity for Chad and Stewart to finally make their way out. Eventually, they could feel the slight breeze from the outskirts of their panty prison. A breath of somewhat fresh air was welcome compared to the stagnant and putrid air they’d been enduring. As they reached the precipice of their ascent, things hit another snag. Rose shifted as they held onto the edge of her panties. She might have been laughing or talking, but whatever the case, their entire world suddenly shook. They were nearly sent careening back down into the abyss by whatever it was. Chad lost his grip and shouted as he fell from his perch. Stewart reached out at the last second and caught Chad’s wrist. They hung there momentarily, with both men silently panicking and praying.


“Don’t let go!” Stewart shouted, trying his best to pull Chad up, “Work with me here, man!”


“I’m trying!” Chad shouted back up.


It was a miracle that Stewart could keep a firm grip on Chad. Stewart pulled up as much as he could while Chad tried his best to swing his way over to Rose’s panty wall. He managed to regain his grip and keep himself from falling back into the darkness below. Chad didn’t waste a second in trying to recover what little ground he’d lost. It wasn’t easy, but the thought of what was waiting down below was a powerful motivator. Stewart waited for Chad to close the gap before he made his descent. It was dangerous to let himself slide down the curve of Rose’s ass, but he was desperate and ready to get away. Chad was hot on his heels, sharing the same sentiment. It was a bumpy ride fraught with several close calls, but they eventually landed on the chair's backside.


“We made it,” Stewart laughed, rising from his backside and feeling relief, “Oh my God, we actually made it.”


“We’re not out of the woods yet,” Chad reminded him. We still have to get back down to the floor. Thanks to Anna and Bram, we’ve got a ride out of here.”


“Anna and Bram?” Stewart repeated, “What are they doing here?’


“Long story, but Anna wanted to check on us,” Chad answered, “She found that we weren’t where we were supposed to be, and she used the tracker she gave me last month. I’ve never been more grateful for a headstrong couple of kids than I am tonight. Now, let’s get out of here before we get into more trouble.”


“Alright, alright,” Stewart nodded, “The sooner we can put this horrible experience behind us, the better. I’m right behind you, Chad.”


Chad flashed Stewart a confident grin as he led the way to the ladder. He took the first few rungs down, and Stewart was close behind him. They rushed down the ladder as quickly as they could. They moved without a word down to the floor. Their silent hope was that the others were waiting for them at ground level. Their feet touched down, and Chad looked around to see if they were the first to make it out. To his relief, he spotted David, Joey, Bram, and Henry sitting at the table's base, catching their breath. Things were finally going according to plan for the first time since their night started.


“Dad!” Bram shouted, spotting his father and hurrying over to him, “We were just talking about going up to try to check on you. Stewart, are you alright?”


“I’m fine, but I’d rather not talk about what happened,” Stewart replied.


“Ugh, what is that smell?” David asked as he approached.


“Like I said, I’d rather not talk about what happened,” Stewart sighed, “Chad said we have a way out of here.”


“Is everyone here?” Chad asked, looking around and trying to get a quick headcount.


“Anna has Trevor, and everyone else is here,” David replied, “Chad, are you sure that thing can message her?”


“I’m pretty sure it can,” Chad nodded, “It isn’t much, but it’s a ping that will let her know we’re ready. We just have to be ready to move when I hit it. Is everyone okay?”


“I’ve been better, but I’ll live,” Joey spoke up, getting to his feet, “I’m just glad that you guys came back for us. I’m following your lead, Chad.”


“Same here,” Henry agreed, “I’m ready when you guys are. You risked your necks for us; we owe you the same thing. Tell us when to move, and we’ll be right behind you.”


Chad nodded and pressed two buttons on his wristwatch. If it worked, Anna would be making her way towards them any second now. He turned around to watch for her shoes. The second he spotted them making a beeline towards them, Chad pointed the others in that direction. The six men raced out as fast as they could from under the table and back out into the madness. They paid little mind to the possibility of being discovered by the club patrons or their friends and family. They were too close to home for them to fret about the finer details now. Anna was making her way towards them quickly, and it wasn’t long before they met her midway. Without missing a beat, Anna knelt down and scooped the six of them up. She turned on her heel and started walking towards the exit.


While Anna was carrying her little party, Victoria and the others continued to sit and enjoy themselves at the table. Victoria had noticed that her little playmate had managed to disappear on her, but she’d had her fun. She hoped that she hadn’t killed the little man, but she tried not to think about that as a possibility. Surely, these little guys had experience getting in and out of tight spots, right? As it happens, while looking down to the floor, she saw something that gave her a bit of pause. There on the ground were six little dots running away from their table, and as they weaved around a few chairs and tables, they were intercepted by a woman who promptly picked them up and left. Victoria couldn’t see clearly due to other women and servers walking in front of her line of sight, but she swore she saw Anna for a split second. They were gone in the blink of an eye, and the woman had her back turned to her before she could get a good look.


Surely, her mind and the drinks must have been playing tricks on her. It was getting late, too. Anna was too young to be here and couldn’t imagine a reason for her to be. It was probably little more than a coincidence, and it was one that she didn’t have time to dwell on either. The conversation returned and resumed to their usual topics. The mystery girl and the good times she’d had would just have to remain in the back of her mind for the time being. One thing was for certain: this was a night that Victoria would never forget.


“Can you believe how amazing this night has been?” Heather asked, recovering from her fun.


“Another round!” Tracey giggled and slurred as she sloshed her martini.


Victoria smiled and stifled a laugh at Tracey’s inebriated state. This night had been a wild night of firsts. She glanced over at Pam who was squirming in her seat excitedly. It was clear that she was still reeling from her own playmate. She was too caught up in her fun to care much about what was happening with the rest of the party. “I think we can spare another hour or two here,” Rose smiled as she settled into her chair and grabbed her drink.


“Are you sure, Gran?” Victoria asked, “It seems like everyone might be a little tapped out, or maybe a little drunk.”


“All the more reason for us to spend a little more time and relax, dear,” Rose smiled, “It gives some of us some time to sober up, others the chance to finish their fun, and the rest of us a chance to chat and recover. There’s no reason for us to rush our night away if we can help it. This is Heather’s last night being single, and this night is about her and the rest of us making memories. A night to remember, well hopefully anyway, and one that we will be talking about for years to come. Even if she can’t remember every little detail, the rest of us can fill in the gaps for her.”


Victoria listened to her grandmother intently. It was times like this that she was reminded that Rose was more than just a fun-loving senior. Moments like this reminded her that she had quite a few pearls of knowledge to share. It may have seemed small, but her sentiment encapsulated everything about tonight and its events almost perfectly. It was about the group of them coming together to create something that each of them could carry with them the rest of their lives. A bonding experience that none of them would forget, but one that each of them would likely remember differently. Victoria nodded her understanding and leaned back in her chair to relax and enjoy the rest of the evening. 


Across the club, Anna hurried her way towards the exit with her hands cupped, trying to be careful not to jostle the six little men she had. She was still frustrated and furious with how stupid they’d been, but she was relieved that they were alive and well. Against all odds and their stupidity, they’d managed to make it out in one piece. All that they had to do now was get back to the hotel and cleaned up. It wasn’t great, but everyone was relatively safe and sound. 


She pushed open the doors to the club and walked out into the brisk night air without a word or a look at the bouncer from earlier. All she cared about was getting back safely and ensuring that the knuckleheads in her care were still in one piece. They would deal with the fallout from all of this another day, but tonight, they’d earned a moment of peace before the wedding tomorrow.


Anna waited until she was a safe distance away before stopping and taking a seat on the bench. She looked down at the handful of reckless idiots she’d ferried to safety. A bit battered, a bit bruised. Completely exhausted. She put her bag down and carefully moved the handful of tinies into her bag for safe transport. Once they were safe and sound, Anna grabbed her phone and pulled up the app to call a ride back to the hotel. 


“Well, this is definitely one way to make a memorable night, I guess,” she scoffed quietly, glancing at the bag and whispering, “For whatever it’s worth, I’m glad you guys are okay. You’re all dumbasses, but at least nobody got killed tonight.”


Sitting on the bottom against the inner wall of the bag, Chad leaned back, his eyes roaming between each of the men, lingering on his son Bram before closing them with a sigh.  





Sniff 🤧….. this…. This has to be the best… no greatest chapter you made to date….😭😭😭 …. Thank you for this A+, 10/10, and most fire 🔥 chapter in this incredible story man


Aww thank you my dude! Appreciate it very much!! :)