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Chad, Bram, and David stood underneath the table where their companions were being subjected to torture by friends and family. Anna had dropped them off as close as she could without being spotted and was waiting nearby. Their path and plan were set, but being faced with the task at hand was daunting, to say the least. The reality and gravity of the dangers they faced were setting in, but there was no alternative. Their hopes of finding their friends safely waiting for them had been crushed the second they neared the table. If they were going to make it out alive, they had to face the inevitable and do their part to save their friends.

“Bram, are you sure you're okay with this?” Chad asked, having noticed his son's color draining.

“I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but I'll be alright, Dad.” Bram replied, trying to assure himself as much as his father, “We can't let them suffer if we can help it.”

“You're more like your old man than you realize, kid,” David smiled, looking over at Heather's chair, “Chad is one of the best people I've had the privilege of knowing. He's a selfless idiot when it comes to helping people, but the world needs more people like that these days. Lord knows I've been grateful for that side of him more than once in our friendship.”

“Most recently, the trip to Panama,” Chad chuckled.

“Hey, I won that game fair and square,” David said, “It's not my fault those guys couldn't play poker or take a loss without starting a fight.”

“True, but you running your mouth didn't help things,” Chad smirked.

“Alright, alright, fair point,” David sighed, “The point is that I would have come out of that a lot worse if it weren't for you. Bram, don't ever lose that heart or sense of right and wrong. Even if jackasses like myself, or others, try to tell you otherwise. In the end, people will be grateful for it. They might not always see it, but those selfless actions will always go a long way.”

“Hmph, that might be the nicest thing you've ever said about me,” Chad said, “I guess I need to step up my speech for the wedding.”

“Yeah, that's assuming the microphone we ordered comes in and works like it's supposed to,” David chuckled, "Apparently, tiny electronics cost more than regular ones. Go figure. We've still got to get to the wedding first, though. Are you two ready?”

“I'm as ready as I can be to get closer to my mother than I've ever been,” Chad sighed and shook his head. Watch yourselves up there, guys. We only have one shot at this.”

“We get in, get our friends, and regroup down here,” David recounted the plan, “If one of us doesn't make it back, then we double down after a short break. Nobody does anything rash until at least ten minutes or until we agree.”

“Got it,” Bram nodded, swallowing the nerves in his throat, “Let's do this.”

“Good luck and be careful,” Chad said as the trio broke off to tackle their respective objectives.

Chad took a deep breath as he looked up at the rungs on the back of the chair. Seeing his mother in this light tonight was harrowing. He'd known she tended to cut loose, but what he'd witnessed so far made this task genuinely terrifying. Combined with the fact that he was about to come closer to his mother than he'd ever hoped, it spelled a recipe for a living, waking nightmare. There was no avoiding it, though. Out of everyone, Rose was quite possibly the most dangerous. Heather was a close second, but the way her legs seemed to be going slack was a possible indicator of a lull in her lust. Victoria was probably the least threatening, and it only made sense that Bram tried to tackle her. If anyone were going to risk life and limb, it would be Chad. The last thing he wanted was for his son, or best friend, to get hurt.

“David's right,” Chad sighed as he began his climb, “I am a selfless idiot. I'm gonna get myself killed one of these days, but it's not gonna be today.”

The climb was long and arduous, but it was over before Chad knew it. As he neared the top, a powerful and malodorous stench began to hit him. It was nauseating. Chad turned his nose up at the foul smell. He'd inadvertently walked through enough of his mother's gas clouds to recognize the stink. Usually, she was more reserved and discreet about breaking wind, but apparently, that went out the window here. The air was thick, pungent, and heavy. The closer he got, the worse the smell became. Chad suppressed a gag as he climbed onto the seat or the chair and looked around for the lost member of his party.

Beyond the titanic vision of Rose's backside and legs, there was nobody around. He couldn't see anyone or hear anything beyond the chatter and commotion of the club, but his gut told him where he needed to look. He hoped he was wrong for both his sake and his friend's. The eggy stench that lingered seemed like a foreboding hint, but it wasn't a leap of faith Chad was willing to take without being sure. Following his hunch, Chad watched the backside of his mother carefully. It felt strange and wrong to look at the ass of his mother, but it wasn't without purpose. He needed to discern whether or not she'd trapped someone back there or not.

Her cheeks flexed slightly as though she were intentionally clenching something. Once, twice, three times over a short period. She was deliberately doing it; she had to be. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that was the case. All the while, she barely moved to readjust herself beyond a sudden bounce. A low and faint ripping sound echoed as she landed, and Chad felt more repulsed than ever as he realized he'd just witnessed her fart at such a close range. That settled it; Rose had taken someone and tossed them into the abyss of her ass. It was far from ideal, and Chad had hoped he was wrong, but he would have to descend into the back of his mother's pants. His stomach turned and sank as he moved to her pants to begin his climb. All the while, he began working on a plan for how to get out once he got in. It wouldn't be easy, but he'd overcome worse before.

Not far from Rose, David was finishing his climb and making peace with what he was about to see. It wasn't just the thought of seeing one of his best friends trapped in Heather's panties, not entirely. The truth was that he and Heather hadn't been intimate since he'd caught the virus. For all of his bravado and confidence, David feared the possible dangers of being with someone more than ten times his size. Unlike Stewart, David didn’t spend his free time looking into stories, news, and reports; his imagination was more than enough to scare him still. He wasn’t proud of it, and he’d made it a point to keep it to himself until tonight. Now, he had no choice but to face those fears.

David stood on the backside of the chair, staring at Heather’s dress and impressive back. Despite his reservations and fears, he would never deny that she was gorgeous. The angle didn’t matter. She was perfect to him. However, her actions and this night certainly painted her in a less flattering light. He had to shake off his daze and refocus on the task before him. Time was a commodity that was quickly ticking down. Joey had been enduring hell for long enough, and David was ready to put this nightmare behind them for good. He had to force himself to move, but David began his journey after another couple of seconds and a deep breath.

Thankfully, scaling Heather’s dress was more straightforward than climbing jeans or leggings. The wrinkles provided an excellent foothold for him to ascend her thigh. The fabric was cool, smooth, and slightly slick as he climbed. The most challenging part was the occasional quivers from Heather. He knew what those shivers meant. They were the byproduct of blissful waves of euphoria, something he remembered fondly from his time before the virus. She was on the brink of another orgasm, or at the very least, she was riding the aftereffects of one. The only upside to it was the fact that she was undoubtedly dazed and barely lucid. His chances of being discovered were considerably lower, but he still had to deal with freeing Joey.

David swallowed as he stood atop her thigh and looked down. He was about to slide down when Heather suddenly closed her legs without warning. The sudden action knocked him off balance and threw him forward. David tumbled down Heather’s legs and rolled between her thighs. He was smashed and crushed by her titanic legs more than once. His momentum was stopped more than once, and he heard Heather moan above him. He wasn’t sure what was more painful: the crushing weight of the humiliation that she was getting off without him and was entirely unaware that he was here. It wasn’t even the fact that it was Joey, but that she was under the guise that she was using a stranger.

Heather’s legs relaxed and spread once more, and David fell on his face onto the chair's hardwood. He first noticed a layer of thick and viscous puddles scattered around the chair. He’d landed in one of them and immediately recognized the scent. They were trace amounts of Heather’s cum from her fun. She’d clearly been having quite the time with Joey by the look of things here. It was another blow to his already fragile ego, but once more, David pushed his feelings aside to focus on putting this whole ordeal in the rearview mirror. He stood up and brushed some of the excess cum off while he tried to formulate his next move. Joey couldn’t wait much longer.

David turned his attention to the jewel in the distance, Heather’s womanhood. A proverbial cave of wonders that was hiding terrors that hid on the fringes of David’s psyche. Ironically, it had once been an object of desire and need for him, but now it was like looking at a potential death sentence. Her white lace panties hid her pussy, but David could faintly see the outline of his friend behind the wall of fabric. There was a distinct and familiar heat that blanketed the area. A smell that David hadn’t experienced in what felt like forever filled his lungs as he took a deep breath to steady himself: arousal. Once upon a time, it had been one of his favorite scents, making his knees weak. Strangely enough, his knees still felt weak, but it was for very different reasons than before.

David took a few steps forward and tried not to think about the myriad of ways things could go wrong. His pace was slow and methodical as he approached Heather's flower. He was surprised when Heather’s hand swooped in and pushed him the rest of the way without warning. Any hesitation he had was rendered null as Heather mashed him against her panties. He could feel her shudders as she rubbed him up and then back down her crotch. The scent of arousal was almost overpowering. Heather removed her hand after a moment, and David fell to stand before his destination. If he hadn't already been wet from her cum, he most certainly was now. The sensations were conflicting as he stared up at the monolithic pussy hiding behind a thin wall of fabric. One part of him was more nervous than ever, but another part of him felt a level of excitement. Despite all his reservations, David was still a man after all.

He stared up at the panty prison for a moment. It wasn't fear keeping him rooted; instead, he was trying to figure out which side Joey was closest to. David studied Heather's panties until he spotted something amiss midway up on the right side. It was faint, but he could see Joey's outline. His heart sank as he looked up at his friend and wondered if he was still breathing. Surely, Heather hadn't taken things that far, but he'd been trapped there for quite some time now. He felt a tiny spark of hope when he saw a hint of movement from Joey. He'd have missed it if he hadn't been staring, but it looked like Joey was still clinging to life. He could only muster a weak push before fading back into the abyss. David knew he had to act fast if he was going to have any chance of saving him.

Spurred on by the glimmer of hope, David hurried to Heather’s thigh and tried to figure out the best way to free his friend. The temperature was considerably higher this close, which wasn't surprising given what Heather had been doing. He swallowed and decided to try the only thing he could think of climbing. David took hold of the lace and pulled himself upward. It was damp and sticky, but it had enough give that he could get a decent enough grip. Slowly but surely, David scaled his way up the right side of his fiancé's panties towards his friend. As long as Heather could keep her hands to herself while he climbed, he was confident he'd survive. How he would get Joey out was another dilemma, but the truth was that he was making this up as he went.

While David did his best to rescue Joey, Joey was on the brink of a genuine breakdown. Time was irrelevant now, and much of him was praying for some form of release. Whether that be blacking out or even dying, he was losing hope. Any attempts to dislodge himself from the folds surrounding him had been futile failures. He was trapped and at the mercy of a woman he had thought he knew. Never in a million years had he thought that Heather could be this cruel and callous with anyone. She didn't know that it was him she was tormenting, but the level of depravity to do this to a stranger was still shocking. His eyes and lungs burned, and he was honestly shocked he hadn't drowned from the number of times he'd been forced to take her nectar by now. He was closer to breaking than he could ever remember.

There was a slight shift in Joey's prison as he laid flat against Heather’s pussy. It could have been another blissful reaction from Heather, but it felt different. It was similar to whenever she'd rub her hand against him, but there was something different about it. It didn't come with the usual impact, the force, or the inevitable push he'd come to expect from her lustful motions. Instead, it was more akin to a subtle tug. He didn't have the energy to pull himself away and see what it could be. He was barely lucid by this point, and part of him wondered if he was imagining it. As often as he'd been dunked and forced inside of Heather, it wouldn't have surprised him If his mind was playing tricks on him.

As Joey tried to figure out whether he was hallucinating or not, David had managed to scale halfway up Heather's panties. He could see Joey's outline more now that he was close. The problem was that he still hadn't worked out how to free his friend. He could only think of how to peel away the layers holding him in place. It was easier said than done, especially given his current position. However, he hadn't come this far to give up now. So David shimmied and shifted his weight as much as possible to get closer to the edge. Plenty still could go wrong, but he was closer than he thought he might get.

A new dilemma arose when David neared Heather’s thigh. For him to have any margin of success, he'd have to find a way to pull Heather’s nearly-soaked panties away. Even if they were dry, it was still quite a task for someone his size. As it stood, he wasn't sure how to go about a first attempt. One wrong move meant he'd fall and have to start over from the beginning. He racked his brain as he tried to weigh his options. David decided to try the first idea that came to mind. So far, that strategy had worked for him. Overthinking things at such a critical juncture could easily spell disaster on a large scale.

While he didn't weigh much, David hoped that momentum and physics would benefit him. David found his way to the edge of Heather's panties just beside her thigh. It was a long shot, one he wasn't sure would pay off, but it was the best he could think of on short notice. The alternative was climbing in and fighting to get out, and that was something he simply wasn't willing to do. With that in mind, David swallowed another bundle of nerves as he shifted his grip again. His fingers curled around the lip on the outer side of Heather's panties. This would either work, or he would take a rather nasty fall. Regardless, David knew he had to try something. He closed his eyes and swung his legs and body over so that his feet pressed against Heather’s thigh. With as much force as he could muster, David kicked off and away from his fiance's thigh while holding on for dear life. They didn't budge.

Rather than let himself become downtrodden, David decided to try again. It wasn't as though he had much choice. Again, David pushed his feet against Heather’s thigh and kicked off as hard as he could, and again, the wall before him failed to move. Frustrated, David tried a third and final time, with his hopes rapidly fading. He thought that he would again fail this time, but to his surprise, he managed to achieve his diminutive goal. It wasn't much, but thanks to his efforts and momentum, the panties pulled away just a hair. However, it wasn't enough for him to free Joey, but it was a start. David was flung back and crashed against Heather’s thigh with an audible slap. He managed to hold on, but his hopes rose in the wake of his accomplishment. Maybe he could do this after all. David nodded to himself and prepared himself for another attempt.

Joey wasn't sure what was happening outside of his moist prison, but there was a subtle give in the pressure holding him in place. It was brief, but he had felt the pressures loosen enough to turn his head. Through his muddled vision, he swore he saw somebody outside of his prison. Had somebody come to save him? The odds seemed incredibly unlikely, but it was the first glimmer of hope he'd felt since Heather had grabbed and used him. The panties had snapped back shortly after, but he tried to collect himself in case he was right. If he could escape, he needed to coordinate with whoever was out there. So Joey waited and watched for the next opportunity to come. He would have to crawl towards the exit if he was going to make it, but he wasn't sure if he had the strength to do that. Still, he had to try unless he wanted to die trapped inside of his best friend's future wife.

The moment came again not long after the first, and Joey summoned everything he had to try to crawl towards the small opening. His body slipped and squelched as he crawled along the folds of Heather's outer lips. He was worried that he might fall or slip into her flower. He'd been overcome and overwhelmed by fear before now, though, and he wouldn't let the opportunity pass him if he could help it. He kept his mouth shut as he crawled, scraped his way across the folds, and neared the opening. His progress was halted again by the panties slapping shut, but whoever was out there wasn't giving up. It was slow going, but Joey was determined to make it out. It felt like an eternity, but he could finally see the literal light at the end of his tunnel. After another few long minutes, Joey reached the precipice of Heather's panties. He tumbled out and fell downward, but not before crashing into someone and dragging them down with him.

David had continued his efforts, but the process was beginning to seem impossible. Just when he was about to give up and rethink his plan, he felt someone latch onto him. His grip was broken, and he was suddenly in a state of free fall. It was frightening, but he knew it wasn't too far to the bottom. There was only one explanation David's mind could come up with as to what had happened. Joey had managed to free himself thanks to his efforts. It was a grand notion, but one that didn't diminish the impact of their combined weight as they fell into the seat of the chair. Joey laid on top of him for a moment before trying to roll off, but he was struggling to do even that. David shoved him lightly to help him and got to his feet. His friend looked absolutely miserable, battered, and broken as he rolled onto his back. Trevor had looked awful, but Joey looked borderline traumatized by the look in his eyes.

David extended a hand to try to help his friend up. “Hey, I'm glad to see you're still with us.”

Joey panted and swallowed as he looked up at David's hand. He was coated in a thick layer of Heather's juices and cum, and he desperately needed a shower or a long bath. He took David's hand and let him help him to his feet. “Dave, is that really you?” Joey asked.

“The one and only,” David nodded, trying to keep things light, “Was that everything you'd hoped for?”

“I…I'm sorry, Dave,” Joey shook his head, nearly losing his balance as he got to his feet, “I'm sorry for bringing us here, and I'm so sorry that I…I…”

“She didn't know it was you,” David said, knowing what Joey was trying to apologize for, “I'm not thrilled about what's happened, but I don't think she'd have done all of this if she knew it was you. We shouldn't have come. You're right about that, but we need to focus on getting out right now.”

“How are we supposed to do that?” Joey asked.

“We've got a ride out of here, but we've got to get you back down to the floor first, bud,” David answered, “The chairs have some crude carvings on the back end so the guys can get up and down. We've just got to get around to the backside so we can get out of here.”

“What ride?” Joey asked.

“Chad's stepdaughter and his son came here looking for us,” David explained, “She's not the friendliest gal, but she's going to get us out of here and back to the hotel. Chad and Bram are working on helping Stewart and Henry as we speak.”

“They got grabbed, too?!” Joey exclaimed, “Fuck me, I didn't want anyone to get hurt.”

“Too little too late, Joey,” David sighed, “We didn't know this was going to happen, though. Not one of us, even Chad, expected us to walk into such a nightmare. Come on, the hardest part will be getting past Heather's legs. Once we do that, we can climb down. Can you manage that?”

“I'll manage,” Joey nodded, trying his best to keep from collapsing again, “You got an idea on how we can get past her?”

“You're not gonna like it, but yeah,” David sighed, “We're going to have to climb up and over her leg. That's how I managed to get over to you, and it's a hell of a lot safer than trying to go under. Come on, we don't need to linger here longer than we have to. Heather might be dazed now, but I doubt it'll be long before she notices you're missing.”

“Right, and I'm not going back there if I can help it,” Joey said, “I'm not gonna let you get dragged into that either. I'll stuff down the pain so we can move. Lead the way, Dave.”

While David battled against his nerves and insecurities, Bram was busy facing his own fears. He was absolutely terrified as he ascended to the top of the chair his sister sat on. She was squirming in her seat as he climbed up, and he wondered what she was doing to Henry. He knew Victoria was probably the most tame out of everyone here, but that didn't mean she was above reproach. From what he'd seen so far, not to mention what he'd heard from his father and David, this place had some sort of effect on the opposite sex. Something about this place brought out the worst in people. Bram had only been here a short while, but he'd seen enough to know that was true. It was like walking through one of his many nightmares in real-time.

Bram managed to get to the seat of the chair easily enough, but his knees were shaking as he looked around. Victoria’s impressive backside was only a few feet from him. While she was far from being able to be called fat, Victoria carried a little extra weight in her thighs and hips. His friends had often tried to hide their stares and comments growing up, but he'd seen and heard them regardless. He wasn't oblivious and knew his sister was beautiful by every stretch of modern standards. He just never imagined he'd be willingly getting as close to her curves as he was tonight. Once upon a time, before his time with Sarah, he might have had the occasional thought, but that had been more curiosity than perversion. However, tonight was about finding a way to save someone in need and getting them home. Bram could only hope his endeavor would be a seamless one.

He'd been prepared to climb over her leg, but an opportunity seemed to present itself as he watched her knee subtly bend. It was enough of an opening that Bram could cut his time in half if he were quick. He didn't need to delay by thinking about it, so he took off to try for the shortcut before it was too late. There was no telling where Henry was, but his best guess was that he was near Victoria’s front. He'd have a better shot at figuring out Henry's exact location once he could see his sister more clearly. Determined to find a way forward, Bram ran and raced as fast as his little legs would carry him.

Bram had failed to notice his sister's slight squirming in her seat. He'd assumed she was adjusting, getting more comfortable, but that proved problematic for him. As he neared the end of the shadow cast by her thigh, Victoria began to close his opening. The shadow started to expand as Bram neared the edge before he could reach the other side. In a last-ditch effort to save himself, Bram dove forward with the hope that he might be able to escape. Sadly, only half of him could escape Victoria’s plush, jean-covered leg. His lower body was trapped and pinned beneath the coarse fabric of her denim as she settled into place. It had been a slow descent, but it was more than enough to hold him in place. It also proved to be quite the formidable weight bearing down on him.

The saving grace of her thigh being somewhat soft and having a slight give. It wasn't enough to diminish his predicament. He was still trapped, and his attempts to free himself were rendered null after a few tries. He resigned to waiting for another opportunity, but his sister had other ideas. Bram suddenly found himself being dragged across the wood as Victoria closed her legs. She pressed them together, unwittingly torturing her little brother in the process and causing Bram to bite his tongue to keep from screaming. The weight and feeling of her jeans were terrible enough, but the feeling of the wood on his back only made things more unbearable. She wasn't trying to crush him, but Bram wasn't sure how long his little body could last beneath his sister.

It was only a couple of minutes, but it felt much longer to Bram. He was dragged back and forth repeatedly as Victoria opened and closed her legs. Part of his upper body was forced further under Victoria’s thigh, and Bram began to feel a new wave of panic. Victoria might not crush him, but she could undoubtedly suffocate him without meaning to. Victoria shifted again, and Bram was pulled closer to the brink of being entirely buried beneath her. Bram flailed and tried to stop himself from being dragged any further under, but he was trapped. Suddenly, Bram felt someone grab hold of his wrist and begin to pull. He didn’t know who it was but wouldn’t complain or look a gift horse in the mouth. Whoever it was was pulling him from the brink. Bram was never more thankful than when he was finally freed from beneath Victoria’s weighty thigh.

Bram released a shaky breath as he was granted a brief reprieve from the nightmare unfolding before him. He looked up to see Henry with a pale face and fighting an anxiety attack of his own. “Are you alright?” Henry asked, looking around in anticipation of another shift from the giantess above them.

“Henry?” Bram asked, “Holy! Alright, this was easier than I thought it would be.”

“Get up!” Henry shouted as Victoria’s legs started to close again, “Hurry before you get trapped again!”

Bram frowned, but he did as Henry commanded. He pushed himself to his feet and made it a point to stay close to Henry. The denim walls of his sister’s legs came closer and closer before he knew what was happening. Standing beside Henry, he couldn’t stop either of them from being swept away in the incoming collision. He and Henry were pushed into a rather uncomfortable position. Being trapped beneath Victoria’s thigh had been awful, but this wasn’t much of an improvement. While the pressure wasn’t like the crushing weight he’d felt seconds ago, it was undeniably painful. As if to add further fuel to the fire of his and Henry’s predicament, Victoria’s hand slipped between her legs and pushed the two of them closer to her crotch.

It wasn’t long ago that this would have been close to a dream come true for Bram, but now it was a humiliating nightmare. Bram was pushed against the seam of Victoria’s pants, and Henry’s body was forced against him to hold him down. To Bram’s shock and horror, Victoria slowly began to rub her hand up and down her crotch and, by extension, both he and Henry. He couldn’t be sure if she knew he was there. A large part of him doubted she did, but it was degrading on multiple levels. He could feel the heat, smell the arousal from his shameful spot. Combining it with Henry's being beside him only added to the shame building around them. Then, just as quickly as it had come, Victoria’s hand retracted and disappeared without warning. Bram and Henry were unceremoniously dropped back onto the chair with a firm bounce.

“Ugh, we don’t have long before that damn hand comes back,” Henry groaned as he got up and tried to help Bram up, “I hope you’ve got a plan, kid. Otherwise, you’d better buckle up for another ride.”

“I’m not gonna lie, I’m making this up as I go along,” Bram admitted, catching his breath and letting Henry help him to his feet, “I, uhm, I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Bram, Chad’s son.”

Henry frowned and sighed as he recognized Bram, “Kid, do not tell me that you thought this was a place to seek out some cheap thrills like the rest of us.”

”Not exactly,” Bram shrugged, watching their surroundings and trying to figure out their next move, “It’s a long story, one we don’t have time to get into. The short version is that I’m with my dad and David, and we are getting you and everyone else out of here.”

“Chad and David?” Henry repeated, his eyes darting around as he tried to anticipate Victoria’s next move, “They made it? Did they manage to get Trevor?”

“Yeah, my stepsis has him,” Bram nodded, adding when Henry shot him a look, “Like I said, it’s a long story. We need to figure out a way out of here and back down right now under the table.”

Victoria’s legs began to close around them again while Bram tried to figure out their next move. Henry cried out in terror and frustration as he was pulled alongside Bram for another unfortunate and uncomfortable round. Bram grimaced as he was forced back into the same position he had only just managed to escape. His brain was moving a million miles a minute as he tried to devise a plan to get them out. Just like before, Victoria’s hand came to sweep them back into her groin. Bram tried to ignore the scents and sensations radiating from his sister’s womanhood in favor of working out a solution, but it was more difficult than he imagined. He could hear her stifling a moan, feel her shudder in response to his proximity, and it was almost overwhelming. All he could do was wait it out and try to think.

It wasn’t easy, but Bram slowly managed to let his mind wander. It didn’t diminish anything about what was happening, but he could think through scenarios. While he was dragged up and down, roughly too, he tried to work out a way for Henry and himself to free themselves. Judging by the short time between crushing bouts, climbing out wouldn’t be an option. So then, what could they do? They’d need to find a way to overcome if they had a chance at escape. Going under Victoria’s legs was practically suicide, but going over seemed next to impossible. He had to figure something out, but it was hard with his sister’s fingers colliding around him and rubbing him along her denim-covered flower. Then it hit him; her hand might be the key to their escape! They’d have to coordinate and work quickly, but Bram had the bones of a plan forming in his head.

The brief storm fell apart again as Victoria’s hand slithered up her thigh to give herself a break. Bram managed to catch himself from landing on his face, but Henry landed in an undignified clump on the ground. It was Bram’s turn to help him up as he tried to explain what he’d come up with, “I have an idea, but it’s risky to put it lightly.”

“If it gets us out of this mess then I’m listening,” Henry said as he pushed himself back to his feet, “What are you thinking, kid?”

“Alright, stick with me here,” Bram shook his head, “We’re going to use her hand to get out of here. The next time she comes in to push us towards her, you know…”

Henry could see Bram’s discomfort and tried his best to finish his thought delicately, “The seam, yeah, you’re thinking that we can scale it and ride it up.”

“It’s a long shot, yeah, but it’s the best I’ve got,” Bram nodded, “We’ll have to work together to keep from falling and getting caught, but I think we can do it if we stick together.”

“It’s better than anything I can think of,” Henry admitted, trying to collect himself, “We won’t have long, and we’ll have to be careful unless we wind up caught in her grip. If she catches one of us then she might put us somewhere worse.”

“That’s not exactly comforting, but all the more reason we can’t screw this one up,” Bram sighed, looking up and preparing for their next move, “We work together and maybe we make this work, I promise.”

“Heh, you sound like you’re dad, Bram,” Henry chuckled, “That kind of conviction is rare, but it’s what we need right now. Get ready because I think she’s getting ready to go again.”

Bram looked up to see Victoria’s hand approaching again, “Alright, let’s move so we can get into position!”


Lane Pizza

Another great addition! As usual, I can't wait to find out what happens next!


Amazing dude and more Rosa Ass action is always great to see so thanks for that and Bram trying to survive his own sister pleasure is hilarious and terrifying lol another great chapter as always dude