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What this one will try to do is: convert the energies of the audio itself, into essential amino acids within the body, recharging the maximum potential your body can handle and supporting at the moment. As well as providing some minerals, vitamins and proteins, as a compound effect.

The essential amino acids are those that we are unable to produce in our body, and consequently we have to acquire from external foods. They are:
Threonine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine, Methionine, Histidine, Lysine, Phenylalanine and Tryptophan.

These amino acids form many proteins necessary for the body to functions, so that it has everything that is necessary in terms of proteins.

I highly recommend that you only use it once for a few days, before you notice the need to listen at least 2 times, due to the fact that this is supposedly programmed to fully recharge your daily amino acid needs. As this is a very complicated topic to notice physically visible results, I suppose you will have to feel how you feel, before and after the audio. One effect that you can relate, is that you may feel satiated and not hungry after the audio, if you have not eaten anything previously. If you are exercising, it is highly recommended that you use the audio 10 minutes after you have finished your workouts, because it can help in the replacement of nutrients needed to prevent muscle catabolism.

Usually just one listen is enough, though you may need  one more. 


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