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Jangles Jingles

I'm pretty sure Lena's uncle is going to fight the legion as an infantryman on the frontlines where they have breached the gran mur wall


Haha wait a week, what is this baby shit:D how about 1.5month after insane cliffhanger:D


....my heart


It forced many people to start reading the books. Including me lol

Jake Thompson

Uncle does nothing but spit facts. He knows the Alba are despicable, that the 86 are marginalized and essentially being genocided. If the 86 did just bail and let the Alba get wiped out, he'd have no problem with it, in fact he thinks it's what SHOULD happen. When he says "if we're lucky, it'll just be a massacre", he's leaving the vengeance and pillaging part out, which is unfortunately way too common in these types of situations. Despite all that, he still walks his ass to the front lines with a rifle to buy Lena time so that her idealist dream gets one last chance of becoming the new reality instead of the corrupt system he's been stuck in for a decade.