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ok, i forgot that this episode had wrong dates in the subtitles but i figured it out at the end. but tbh even though i realized the dates were wrong, i think that contributed to a lot of confusion for the next few episodes LOL...but things are happening so fast AAAAh and i am OVERWHELMED


this is one long ass username

Alana maybe it could help you to have someone you trust that can answer some of your "pineapple" questions in between episodes, as too much confusion might dampen the overall enjoyment of a show by a bit (at least it does for me). Obviously do it the way you want to, I still enjoy the reactions either way :)

Rodrigo Flamenco

Now we see the power of the 86 when they have proper equipment and proper support, the 5 of them supported by the mercenaries were able to beat the whole attack that would have destroyed the front,

Luis Arispe

I say it again. Best opening of 2021. A kickass episode with a lot of action and character, and the best CGI I've ever seen in an anime. Bloody Regina puts the burden of the figth in her shoulders and she becomes the badass. Love it.


I think shin basically went into a mode that he didn’t care about dying or anything happening around him and just wanted to take down as many legion he can regardless he’s so badass and I’m also too obsessed with his character 🤣


its actually really funny her focusing on the dates actually is causing the most confusion, i never really put any thought to the dates when watching this live so wasnt confused too much, but i can see how CR mistranslating can really mess you up if you were actively paying attention to the dates for the timeline


This episode is so powerful! From start to ending. I also love the scene with Lena where she connects to the all 86 and refers to herself as bloody Regina (Regina being latin for queen). She really is the queen now, the guardian of the republic. Also note that her raid device is modified, it has a yellow addition with what looks like golden wings. This is an addon designed by Annette which allows Lena to connect to all processors, which she'd otherwise would not have been able to do. This is covered more extensively in the light novels.


The confrontation between Uncle Jerome and Lena is a very complex interaction. On one hand, Jerome disagrees with Lena's viewpoint, but then he showed up already planning to go and fight. I think he believed he might die, and if that happened, from that day on Lena would no longer have his protection (she always used to say "Uncle Jerome will talk things out with them" whenever she did rebellious things). So as a general, he was testing her. This is actually how a lot of military officers are trained: they grill you and ask you why you are doing something, and the whole point is for you to stick up for yourself and give your reasons why and be willing to face the results. So when Lena doubled down on what she wanted, he gave her a warning that she picked a very hard road, and then went out to fight for her. Her respect for him is shown in her last words to him, where she switched from calling him Uncle and acknowledged his status as General, which also reflects how he wasn't going to coddle her anymore. His "child being crushed" line is a very subtle way of saying, "You're an adult now"