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Dennis Janssen

I loved that second half of series 2 so much. I love the resolvement in this episode. And Garf did change so much in so little time. Face your fears. Subaru did, Emilia does, Garf did.


I like how this series shows you that EVERYONE has past trauma. No one is perfect and we are all on a journey of self improvement (even if we stray from that path or are too scared sometimes to move forward). Lot of us do try to tackle things on our own or don’t feel worth helping tho. Power of friendship is cliche but meeting the right ppl or putting the effort to understand others will lead us to friendships we couldn’t think possible. Just look at Subaru after all he became friends with ppl who you’d think would never befriend him! Along with randos like Otto who lets be honest most of us thought would just be a random side character! Also FINALLY SUBARU GETS A FREAKING POWER LMAO. Which isn’t all that crazy too!!! I love how this series doesn’t rely on crazy power ups to show character progression! He’s come so far! Obviously he still has a lot to learn but that’s literally life!! Character progression like this is so rewarding in series! Kinda like Thorfinn and Hikigaya!