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There you are darling! I finally found you. I've been looking for you since you went off alone. Are you feeling down? I don't want you to feel lonely...how can I help you feel better? I want to make you feel good.

Kisses will help you feel better? Ok :) I can give you TONS of kisses. Where should I kiss? Let's make it a fun game! I'll kiss you wherever you want. Just point to a place on your body and I'll give a kiss right on that spot.

I don't want you to feel lonely, especially when I'm right here!!

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgFXoBVZgBAtjDGsJw7yDW255sBClKF9jsAtieCh7IAyvVU-JZA8OMjb5lc9aMm50lL2ExUw1Ovil742xhoU19B9PxrVWP4In4r8WamwOohqjiFD90Ouf07ftHbNX7iU-EweCK90IUo

PASS: k!ssuTherenThere


hello everyone :-) it's a me, mel

next week will be 2 videos. i'm currently dealing with a health issue that popped up so i had to push my schedule. sometimes it feels like the universe really doesn't want me to succeed, damn! so frustrating. feels like i haven't been able to get my head above water since i moved house. ah, c'est la vie....

having to go get poked and prodded once again really took it out of me mentally (and physically, i spose). i have at least 3 more dr appts in the next month so please keep me in your thoughts and hope for good test results.

i have some videos already filmed, waiting to be edited that i'm pretty excited about! thanks for supporting me here. being sick all the time brings a lot of uncertainty, but i feel more stable coming back here to all of y'all. (sorry to my long-time patrons who hear me say things like that a lot, maybe i sound like a broken record at this point but it's still true!!! haha ♡)

OK OK OK geez i hate talking about medical stuff but i do want to keep y'all updated just in case. :P

in order to make myself feel better i finished another rewatch of fairy tail. LOL. hope y'alls week is starting off well !!


p.s. one of y'all sent me an outfit from my wish list that i had been wanting for FOREVER nd i'm literally so excited about it that i can't decide what i want to do with it lol. y'all bring a lot of joy into my life and u probably don't even know!!! kk byee ~~


love to my patrons!!!




Thanks for keeping us updated. You don’t sound like a broken record, just real and honest. Sending well wishes your way!!