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OH geez don't laugh at me I know how this looks! I have an explanation, I swear. Stop laughing :P

I ran into ....Sara.... today. Yeah, that Sara. She just had to make some snippy comment about how there was no way I could possibly still fit into my old uniforms like she can. So I got curious! I had to try them on.

She was totally wrong. It still looks great on me! Right?

Well, maybe Sara was right about one thing. The buttons are a little bit more snug here....I guess my tits are way bigger now.

Should I try on my old cheer uniform next?

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgETsmeFNFtulGU8U6WIiYuGONSaeyPFjJ20xTTH4hR3KGBl4Sb3vYwq4NOCU2gPRu77akDkSaESu085yohLXftzEin6ha04AIkRE4213igZdkYz83n_Gx4GA_YqnL_MEzZ73fj-sEM

PASS: CanIstillpullit0ff?


hiya !! this is video 1 out of 2 for this week. another session with everyone's favorite devious hypnotist will be posted tomorrow :D she's got a new, highly effective toy to try out.

this is the first fall where i'm not in some sort of school. feels kinda weird! but also, no homework. so thats great. lol.

btw anyone named sara here i am sure you are lovely ♡♡ i just randomly picked a name for the mean cheer captain hahaha.

gnight y'all!



love to my patrons!!!



Thomas K Jobst, Jr.

I can't imagine anybody laughing. You look fantastic, as always.


Man Sara doesn't know what she's talking about, you look fantastic