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Good evening and welcome to your appointment. I'll be testing you for Keen Interpretive Naughty Knowledge Reactions. This phenomenon is commonly known as "being kinky". Please pay attention as I show you a series of images. As you study the images, consider the following: How do the images make you feel? Are they stimulating you? Do they inspire any particular thoughts?

I have you hooked up to a heart monitor and will be observing any somatic symptoms you might present, such as dilated pupils, sweating, or flushing of the face. Are you ready to begin?

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgEHoFCRMkjpzd93cNWmNFAptqoU_TwpQuMGmCATFhbwgzN-Lbj93-7odNUS8HsdqRqq9st17WRtMgegGw7hK1t5IH8PfAHlUvLSs7ai95AthXe13ACUNROMils_dNxnYlLwPQcspSs

PASS: IsYOURMindKinky??


HEY !!! today is my bday :D please look out for a birthday-themed patreon vid later this week to properly celebrate with y'all ;)

and finally.....

a big, huge, MASSIVE thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes and birthday gifts!!!!!!!! y'all make me feel so very special, i'm extremely lucky to have such considerate people here in my community. you will probably notice some new props and wigs and things in my vids (ahem! fun new pointer in this video!) and that is all thanks to your generosity. y'all help me out so much!!! you allow me to be creative, and to be myself, and nobody complains (too much! hehehe) about all my wild ideas. lots of hugs and kisses from me to all of you. thanks for making me feel like my existence is noticed in this big and sometimes harsh world of ours. ♡



love to my patrons!!!




Hope you have a great birthday !!!


Happy Birthday Mel! I hope you had an awesome day!! I love the kink test :)