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The second of the four sketch/snippet/snack stories!  I expanded it a little from what it was originally but not to the extent of the werewolf one. 

"Come on," Lucy said, grabbing her friend's arm.  "We've talked and talked and talked about it.  They screen the guests.  They're all clean.  I've read the pamphlet.  We've both read the pamphlet."

"I know, I just-"  Amy moaned.  "I just- it's always been a fantasy but just that.  A fantasy.  I really don't know-"

"I'll be in another room, right next to you," Lucy sighed.  She stopped to stare into her friend's eyes.  "Listen, spring break, just us.  College is killing us.  We need a break.  Let's get fucking wild, you know?

"Oh god," Amy whimpered.  

They arrived at the door of the nondescript club.  No signage announced its presence but a security guard met them inside.  He nodded to them and took their forms with a blank face that betrayed nothing.  


"Mr. West, are you ready?" a cultured voice asked.  The man in question, seated and anxiously bouncing his leg, jumped and then swallowed while laughing weakly. 

"Ye- yes," he answered.  "Are y- you sure this is okay?"

"Please don't worry," the well dressed host said warmly.  "We're well accustomed to dealing with those of your nature."

Mr. West bristled while his hands clenched against the arms of the leather chair until the blood drained from his knuckles.  His jaw muscles flared.

"It's- it's that fucking witch!" he yelled finally while the host stood next to him, passively listening to the man's outburst.  "I didn't- I didn't even know something like- like- Jesus Christ!  I was just flirting with her.  I can't help it if I get handsy when I'm drunk.  She didn't have to-"

"Sir, I assure you-"

"I haven't- I can't go out," the seated man whispered.  He took his hands from the chair, flexing them to get the blood flowing before mindlessly picking at the cotton on the bathrobe he wore.  "I can't even wear normal pants.  I've only gone out late at night just so I could get out of my apartment."


"I'm just so lonely, you know?  And- and I miss it.  The feel of it.  My hands aren't enough."

"Mr. West, our teams contacted you exactly because of this," the host finally said.  "You certainly aren't the first person with your unique condition that we've been able to help."

"Hah," the other man said bitterly while twisting his fingers together.  He grabbed at the enormous bulge pressing against the loose knot in his bathrobe and it twitched against the inside of his thigh.  "My 'condition', huh?  Still, it feels wrong somehow.  Call it a new appreciation for the opposite gender and how very, very wrong things can go but are you sure this is okay?  Are you sure you can't just fix me?"

"As we've discussed, I'm afraid that's impossible," the host sighed with genuine regret.  "Whoever cast the curse is incredibly talented.  Far beyond those we employ or those we know in the industry.  It's quite frustrating, honestly.  But this is the very reason we offer our services."

"Yeah," Mr. West said, staring at the wall beyond his host.  "Yeah."

"Now, simply wait for the light to turn red.  Take your time and enjoy yourself.  We are at your service."


"Oh god," Amy whispered as she undressed.  "Oh god oh god."

A perfectly smooth hole was cut into the wall.  The dimensions were surprisingly large and it was capped with a slick, smooth marble ring.  She'd nervously peeked through the hole but saw nothing other than darkness.

Dim light filled the room and a pleasant scent did its best to put her at ease but she couldn't stop feeling terrified.

And incredibly aroused.

Glory holes had been a fantasy of hers since she'd discovered porn.  It was a secret she'd shared with her college roommate one drunken night, only to learn her roommate had actually participated in one before.  As well as a couple gang bangs.  And other things that made Amy both interested and alarmed.  It was her roommate who had convinced her to come, begging and pleading until Amy finally gave in.  

And here she was.

She crossed her arms over her small breasts before pressing her hands into her taut stomach.  Just as she was starting to psyche herself up into running away, a red light pulsed on the wall above the hole.

"Oh, shit," Amy groaned while squeezing her eyes shut.  She opened them, glancing at the door one last time before steeling herself.  

A large, padded bench sat before the wall.  She lay in it briefly, earlier, to find that it supported her firmly while providing an excellent, high quality amount of cushioning.  She went to it now, turning with her ass to the wall while kneeling in the stirrups attached to the bench.  It was somehow perfectly adjusted for her and her pussy was perfectly aligned with the hole.

Her dripping, aching, needy pussy.

Amy's heart pounded and her face burned but she couldn't deny how incredibly wet she was.  The club had sent a posh Lincoln Towncar to pick them up and she'd fidgeted the entire car ride over.  Not just because she was nervous.  That was part of it but it only served to heighten the thrill of it.  The excitement of the unknown.  Offering herself to a faceless stranger you couldn't see or touch.  Being used simply as a glorified masturbation sleeve.  Serving as nothing more than a place for a man to cum inside.

"Fuuuck," she whispered at the thought of it while gripping the straps on the lateral bar in front of her.  She swayed slightly in the stirrups and her ass bumped against the wall, causing her to shiver.  A dangling string of clear liquid connected her to the wall.

In the sudden silence, waiting for that first tentative touch, she could hear Lucy's moans in the room next to her, followed by the unmistakable 'oh, oh, oh, oh!' of the girl being pounded.

Amy bowed her head.  Cum dripped from her pussy and the thin string connecting between her labia and the wall behind her collapsed.  It swung beneath her before splattering against the bench.  

Movement behind her.  A soft voice that she couldn't hear.  Something touched the wall and then pushed against her.

"Jesus Christ!" she whisper-yelled as an enormous, flat head pushed against her pussy. It shoved her forward in the stirrups until she was stuck, pinned by the massive dick slowly spreading her delicate lips open.  More of her cum dribbled beneath her but it was mixed with the man's pre-cum.  "Christ!  Christ!  It won't fit, it won't-"

Her mouth opened wordlessly and her eyes grew wide until she groaned and shut her mouth with a loud clack.  She tightened her fists on the strips, grinding her teeth while gripping the handles as the man's cock split her open.  It was almost too much but she found herself pushing back and groaning.  Pleasure passed pain when  he bottomed out in her.  She could feel the hot head of his cock against her cervix.

"God!  God!" Amy cried out when the man pulled back.  Every centimeter of the thick veins lining his dick rubbed against the muscles he was stretching within her body.  She tensed around him, squeezing his massive cock tightly before accidentally kicking the wall with a loud thud.

Her toenails chipped the paint on the wall.  They'd grown over the front of her toes, heavy and dense.  Black hairs emerged from her ankles as the bones began to reshape into her fetlock joints.  Her toes melded together beneath her thick nails when they began to grow outward at an angle and around to cover her forefeet.

"Fuck!  Fuck!  Oh fucking Christ!" Amy shouted, dropping her face to the bench when a powerful orgasm overwhelmed her.

She shoved hard back on impulse, slamming her ass against the wall as the man was pulling back and a bone cracked in her waist.  The skin grew inflamed over it and heat pulsed in waves of low grade agony but she didn't care.  She couldn't get enough of the man's cock filling her.  Couldn't get enough of the thought of him behind the wall, thrusting mindlessly into the pussy offered to him. 

Another orgasm rocked her and she whinied loudly.  A rising voice within her mind begged for the man to cum inside of her.  To fill her hole with his seed without regard for what she wanted.  And then for someone else to replace him while she hung there, unable to move or to resist.

Muscles grew within her ass, stretching it over her petite frame.  Her hoof slammed against the wall again, cracking it hard enough to break chunks free while the bone in her waist pushed outward into her tail.  Long, silky brown hairs already tipped the tail and they brushed her ass.

She drooled, overwhelmed by the dick beginning to pound into her and her jaw cracked, stretching her face as it pushed forward.  Despite her hips opening to accept his ridiculous girth, she clenched him with the tightness of a vise.  The slick, cum-soaked skin of his cock was nearly as smooth as the band circling the hole in the wall.  And she could feel a strange ring around the head of his dick.  It brushed back and forth inside her pussy until she bucked once more with a loud neigh.

"Oh, oh oh gaaaahaaaaaww!" Lucy cried next door

Amy's labia stretched as her waist expanded with her bulging ass.  They elongated, straining upward to connect to her asshole as it puckered outward.  She lost herself to the rhythm, neighing and slamming back with abandon until she felt the soft brush of his balls against her engorged pussy lips.

Skin loosed above her mound, swaying with every thrust.  Milk ducts and fatty tissue grew in place as twin nipples formed and her small udder filled out, slapping against the bench.  She reached a hand down to squeeze and pull at the dark, distended nipples and a thin stream of milk spurted onto the floor beneath her while she screamed in ecstasy.

She'd lost count of her orgasms and her mind buzzed yet it wasn't enough.  Glossy brown hairs crept along her body, broken by irregular blobs of gray, while her ears lengthened, twisting backwards as she focused on the best sex of her young life.

A muffled shout came from the room behind her and she whickered until she felt the man's cum explode inside of her.  It jetted back, splashing against the wall and the fur covering her muscular ass, thighs, and tail.  She collapsed, stuttering and shaking and thrashing, unable to even think straight as the bench held her in place.

The cock drooped over time and withdrew.  Minutes passed as she tried to restart her brain until a door opened.  A well dressed man stood in the doorway.  

She ought to have been shocked and embarrassed at her cum-soaked nudity but all she could wonder was whether he was next.  Whether he would grab her hair and force his cock into her mouth, face-fucking her until he came inside her throat.  She shivered with a low moan as a tiny orgasm coursed blissfully through her body.  Just the thought of being used was beginning to push her over the edge.

"Ms. Williams?" the man asked, gesturing to the room behind him.

Disappointed that he didn't use her holes for his pleasure, Amy stood on shaky, long legs.  She was awkward on her hooves but followed the man into the room.  Cum dribbled freely down her powerful, furred thighs.  

Couches covered the walls with a huge table covered with food and drinks in the center.  Thick, fluffy towels were folded on tables in between the couches.

"Refreshment until you're ready to continue," the man said. 

A door opened and a figure stepped into the room.  A smaller girl, covered in wiry gray fur, shorter than Amy.  

"Lucy," Amy snorted with laughter and Lucy hawed loudly in return.

"The night is yours, ladies, and you can decide whether to join us permanently in the morning."

The man bowed, leaving the pair to ready themselves for the next round.



TF sex club, free food, and a job at the end of it all? Quality establishment.