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This was one of the little "snack" stories I wrote.  Well, uhh, but it turned into something longer so I guess now it's just a normal story!

No air stirred within the entry of the old house.  Valeria tugged at her black dress with an anxious look down the hallway to where her mother worked in another room.  

"Mamá!" the girl called out.

Wood creaked above her, causing her to step away from the enormous staircase on her left.  Her mother had said they were alone.  She settled her frilly white apron, testing the strings for the tenth time.  It was a ridiculous outfit but her mother was addicted to British TV shows and swore her clients nearly doubled when she adopted the outdated uniform.  She felt like a fool but jobs were sparse and she needed money to supplement what little she had during her freshman year at college.  It didn't hurt that this one job paid more than her mother would receive in an entire month.  And she'd get half of it.  The man who owned the home was nearly as old as the building itself.  Through her mother, she learned he was in hospice.  They were cleaning to prepare for an estate sale to cover his expenses.

"Mamá, can't we open a window?" Valeria asked.

"They don't open," her mother yelled back.  "They're too old and I'm not paying for broken windows so don't touch them unless you're cleaning them."

Cobwebs lined the corners of the leaded windows surrounding the double entry doors.  The rest of the windows within sight were clouded, nearly the color of rotten milk.

"Start upstairs, mamita! I'll come up when I'm done down here," the older woman said loudly.  She continued in a quieter voice.  "If I ever finish down here."

Valeria grabbed her two large pails of supplies with a grunt.  She eyed the landing and the curving stairs, listening again for any more creaking.  She was sure they sounded like footsteps.  When she reached the top, she set her buckets down to begin cleaning.

She found it in a corner bedroom, two hours later, hidden away in a slim closet: a ragged cloak lined with brown fur.

It was disgusting and old and she couldn't stop staring at it.  She adjusted her mobcap while stepping from one aching foot to the other.  Stealing was reprehensible to her.  She'd always been an honest girl - too honest, her friends would say.  And yet, the cloak called to her in a way she couldn't define.  She longed for it.

A quiet whimper escaped her lips as she took the cloak in hand.  The girl glanced back, sure to find her mother looming behind her but there was no one.  She folded the cloak carefully before placing it in her backpack.  It took enormous effort not to wear it but she forced herself to focus on her work.

The hours passed.  Her mother eventually joined her upstairs, causing a spike of anxiety in Valeria as she kept glancing at her backpack but the woman worked silently and her mother suspected nothing.  They finished earlier than expected and left together.

Valeria drove while her mother relaxed in the passenger seat of their old Honda. Her mother leaned forward to massage her lower back before digging a thumb into her calves with a long sigh.

"Are you okay?" Valeria asked.

"It's nothing," her mother told her.  "I'm used to it.  Will you come with me to Mr. Woodward's home? We finished early."

What she wanted to do was to try on the cloak.  But, she was staying in her little sister's room while home from school and her family was boisterous.  She'd find no solitude there.  And if she cleaned the home with her mother...

"Why don't I do it myself?" Valeria said carefully.  If she dropped her mother off, she'd have plenty of time to herself, before and after cleaning.  An excuse to be away from home.  She loved them all dearly but they celebrated her visit as if they hadn't seen her in years.

"You've only just started cleaning, mamita," her mother said.  "You shouldn't overwork yourself."

"I'm not the one overworking," Valeria told her.  

Come on, come on, she mentally urged.

"Give yourself a night of rest.  You did more than your half of work on the house today," the young woman said.  "Take a break and let me help."

"Well, fine, yes," her mother said.  Valeria exhaled slowly.  She could almost feel the cloak in the backpack behind her seat.  "But you come home as soon as you're done.  No later than 8 or dinner won't be warm."

They drove the rest of the way in comfortable silence until they arrived home.  Her mother hugged her from her seat before writing down the address of Mr. Woodward's home all while Valeria waited impatiently for her to leave.

The girl sped off as soon as she was alone.  The sun was setting behind her but the moon was already in the sky, fat and slow and barely peeking over the tops of the trees lining the interstate.

She could no longer tolerate the cloak remaining in the backpack.  Her little car swerved gently as she held the wheel with her left hand while reaching back awkwardly with the right.  She grabbed the backpack before shoving it on the empty passenger seat.  Her fingers fumbled along the zipper's teeth until she found the slider and she eagerly unzipped the large opening.  

The cloak was warm in her hand as she snatched it from the backpack to lay on her lap.  She caressed the fur slowly while driving but even that wasn't enough.  Licking her lips, the girl glanced into her rearview mirror but saw nothing other than a wide, empty road.  She signaled and slowed to turn off on an old forestry road, driving for barely a minute more before stopping.

Valeria unbuckled herself but stayed in her seat.

You're a fool, girl, she told herself.  And yet, she felt driven.  Her hands and forearms slid against the pelt.  She kneaded at it and her breathing quickened.  She licked her dry lips and shuddered.  She could almost feel an echo of her fingers on the cloak, stroking her as she caressed it in return.

Opening the door to block the view of the road, she slipped out of her seat to stand behind the door, looking through the window before loosening the strings of her apron.  She pulled it over her head to hang on her door.

I can't believe I'm doing this, she said again, peeking through the window once more.  Oh, Lord.

She caught her dress as she unzipped it and slipped out of it, shivering when the cold air surrounded her.  Valeria clutched the cloak against her stomach, fur to skin.  It was a simple thing, wide with no hood and plain leather strips to tie together, but she was drawn to it and it throbbed against her body as it sipped from the moonlight.

The girl placed it against her back, daring for a moment to step around the door to stare at herself in the side mirror.  She pulled it close without tying it, turning left to right to see how it looked in the reflection.  Her bra and panties were an irritant, blocking the smooth, tanned hide from touching her entire body.  

Once the idea was in her mind, it became a virus, worming its way through her mind, breaking down her mental defenses.  The very idea would never normally cross her mind but with the pelt in direct contact, she moaned and pulled at her bra with a gasp, dragging her nails down between her breasts as she tugged at it, sliding the bra down over her nipples as they hardened in the cool air, driven by the ghost of an animal pawing at her soul.  

The metal clasps bent slowly as the beast toyed with her, twining with her momentarily to lend its feral strength.  The clasps broke and she cried out, dropping the cloak while grabbing the open door to steady herself.  Red lined her chest from her nails and around her body, just beneath her breasts where the bra dug into her skin.

Valeria's knuckles whitened on the door but she dropped with a snarl, catching herself on all fours to lower herself to the cloak beneath.  She grinded against it, rubbing her face on the fur and the dirt beneath before reaching a bare hand down to her panties.  She clutched at the band, forcing her nails into the thin material until she punctured them.  Corded muscle stood out on her forearms as she pulled, tearing through her panties until they ripped completely to fall to the ground beneath her.

She pressed her naked body against the pelt, moaning deeply.  Muscles vibrated, turning the sound into a low growl.  She pressed forward and a dark line appeared on the cloak when she marked it with the wetness between her thighs.

Coherent thoughts fled from her as she wrapped herself in the fur.  She clutched the edge while rolling, surrounding herself in it.  The pelt dangled from her as she rose to all fours, head to the ground.  She raised her face slowly to the full moon.

A new layer unfolded behind her retinas, microscopic lines attaching in a curved surface to reflect the light as her tapetum lucidum finished forming and her eyes mirrored the brilliant silver moon shine.  

Valeria blinked as she knelt back on her heels and gold filled her eyes.  She tied the cloak tightly against her neck before standing and brushing her knees.  Her movements were stiff and automatic as her brain wrestled for control.

She stood facing the moon with her cloak rippling behind her, unafraid to bare her tanned skin beneath the face of- of her- her-

A voice whispered, too quiet to hear.  It was beautiful, every syllable a distinct pure chime that vibrated through every nerve in her body.  Yet, beneath it lay a razor sharp edge.  Restrained violence waiting to be unleashed.  Nature in all of its deadly glory.

She wanted to bow to it.  She was a God fearing girl like the rest of her family but now, in the face of the voice growing within, she realized it was a pale imitation.

Her church was an empty house.  But here, naked beneath the pale gaze of the moon, she felt the urge to kneel and prostrate herself.  It was alive.  And more, it was aware of her.

Brown hairs emerged around her belly button - the connection to her mother and all of her ancestors.  They wavered in the wind while spreading down, more lifting until they grew inch-thick over her smooth mound and further, sharp fur needling the soft, sensitive skin on her labia and inner thighs.

A single drop of her cum welled between her pussy lips.  It traced a curving line as more formed until it touched the fur growing between her thighs.  The drop slid from skin to hair where it dangled, frozen for a moment before the wind took it.

Thick brown hairs grew within her armpits.  They gathered, silky soft in long strands that tickled her before laying flat.  At the same time, the fine vellus hairs on her neck and the middle of her back began to lengthen.  And more - the hairs she kept trimmed on her arms and legs reappeared, sliding from pores along her body.  She stretched and moaned, clawing at her body as she took on a more bestial appearance, her slim, trimmed naked body covered in rough hairs that trapped her warmth and her scent.

With a final low growl, she shook her head and exhaled, leaning once more into the open door.  The cabin light bathed her hairy, nude body.  She shivered and shook herself while collecting her thoughts.

Valeria grabbed her dress, pulling it over her skin and the pelt without bothering to zip it in place.  She bent to get into her car until her foot kicked her apron.  She blinked at it, confused for a moment before grabbing it, throwing it over her head without tying the strings.   She slipped into her car and sat, staring at the wheel and windshield until gears moved in her mind and she remembered what she was doing.

The whispering voice faded with a tinkling laugh.  She itched her shoulder, closed her door and shifted into drive, turning carefully until she exited back onto the interstate.

Sweat beaded from Valeria's body as she pulled into an empty spot four houses down from Mr. Woodward's house.  The street was too busy to park closer but she didn't mind.  She pulled at her loose dress while rolling her head.  The cloak weighed upon her.  It surrounded her as if molded to her body and its unnatural presence tugged at every muscle and joint within her body.  The girl licked her lips before staring at the address her mother had written down, double-checking the house further down the street to ensure it was correct.

The car door creaked open and the car itself groaned as she exited, rocking on its suspension and the frame whined beneath her grip when she levered her out from her seat.  Her nails scored the metal, scraping paint flecks free until she stepped away into the street.  The side of her open dress fluttered in the wind, allowing the cold air inside.  She gasped with a smile but turned to face it, inviting the torrent to cool the heat rising within.

Sounds surrounded her.  Muffled voices speaking with homes, laughing and yelling.  Harsh metallic sounds clanged, doors opened and closed and animals cried out.  She stiffened at the sounds of faint barking but then turned sharply when a pair of cats hissed and spat in a yowling fight in a distant yard.  Valeria turned and turned and turned, panting with wide eyes at the cacophony overwhelming her.  She opened the back seat to grab her supplies, growling at the miasma that greeted her and made her eyes water.  The girl ignored the burning pain in her nose as she rushed into the house, fumbling with the ring of keys attached to one of the buckets.

Once inside, she dropped her supplies to lean against the door.  Her chest heaved.  She pulled at the front of her dress to cool herself but it did little and the fur covering the cloak scratched her sweating, bare skin.  

It took effort but she forced herself to work, laying out her tools and chemicals, fighting back the urge to vomit when unbottling them.

She slid her gloves over her arms, wincing when they tugged painfully at the sweat-soaked hairs lining her hands and forearms.  Blood welled under her nails from beneath the gloves.  A pulsing, throbbing pain ignited at the tips of her fingers.  They swelled when claws took root, pushing at the surrounding flesh while they anchored to her bones and pushed against her nails, popping them free as the sharp, curved tips of her claws pierced her nail beds.  She growled and pulled, oblivious to the ways her claws slit her gloves.

While she'd hoped being inside would silence the sounds outside, they sharpened instead and she found herself picking out individual conversations from next door.  Flesh gathered at the base of her ears and they popped, forcing her to rub them with her knuckles as the excess skin flowed upward, stretching her ears, widening them as they elongated, already dotted with brown fur.

Valeria forced herself on, moving deep into the house.  The fur cloak felt as if it had inverted, piercing her flesh like the quills from a porcupine.  She hopped and danced, clawing at her clothes with a growling and snarling as she dropped her brush and bottle.

It was suddenly too much.  While her ears grew into tall, furred points, she threw her head back, flinging spit and drool and sweat with her brow furrowed.   Her dense, obsidian claws parted her clothing like rice paper.  She crashed into a wall and pushed away, reaching over her shoulder to pull the dress free in order to remove the cloak.  She couldn't stand it, could no longer tolerate the way the fur dug its fiery hooks into her flesh.  

Hairs dotted her cheeks and jaw.  Teeth cracked.  She spun, licking her lips and growling while shredding her clothing.  Blood filled her mouth as the base of her canines shattered the neighboring teeth.  She howled with the pain until her jaw popped and expanded.

She fell, freed finally.  On hands and knees in the living room, surrounded by strips of her dress and apron.  Her breathing was ragged and deep.  Sweat dripped from the tip of her nose and the sparse brown fur lining her chin.

The heat rose, flames stoked higher despite her nudity.  She fumbled furiously for the leather strips holding the pelt to her body.  Her claws tore at her neck and breastbone.  Fingers faltered and she slowed, pressing them against her skin.  Bulging, swollen padding from beneath her fingers rasped against her body.

Valeria snarled and reached back, clawing at the cloak to rip it free.  Her nails tore at her own short fur and the skin beneath.  She gasped, bucking and raising her chest with her back in an inverted arch.

Sweat poured down her back, coursing along her side to drip to the floor beneath her.

There was no cloak.  She fell, fumbling at her body to feel her hardened skin, dense muscles writhing beneath and her own fur covering her body.  The girl screamed, pulling at clumps of fur in denial until she felt it tug at flesh.

"Nooooo!" she screamed, voice breaking into a howl as her jaw continued to thrust forward. New cuspids pierced the empty gaps in her gums while her nose was pulled back, nostrils cracking beneath blackened flesh.  Brown fur marched over her cheeks.  She slammed the ground and her breasts quaked beneath her before she raised her head in another defiant howl with her ears flattened against her skull.

The beast exerted control, gripping her soul tightly.  She growled and lowered her head, shaking as base thoughts flooded her.  Liquid welled from her pussy while thick fur overgrew it, hiding her sex.  She grunted, shoving her ass back hard enough that her cheeks clapped.  Grinding her teeth, she thrust her hand beneath her and between her thighs, clawing at the tuft of fur she found there.  Her clit throbbed, swelling within her hood until it grew to match and then pulled up, merging with her folding labia.  They pushed outward from her body, slick with cum before she forced a finger between the tight lips.

Valeria grunted while fucking her finger.  A second joined the first and her tongue lapped at her face.

Bones popped in her feet.  She kicked back, annoyed that her pleasure was interrupted until she rolled, snarling and snapping to grip her toes.

Claws, twices as large as the ones that tipped her fingers, exploded through the front of her cheap shoes.  She tore at them, freeing her throbbing, aching feet.  Thick fur covered her calves and shins but her feet were merely spotted with hairs, an odd contrast as they expanded.  Muscle pulled at tendons and bones, forcing the toes to widen in order to support her growing body.  She watched them for a moment until her ears jumped at the sound of a car door slamming shut.  

Valeria froze but lightly scented the air.  Keys jangled in the lock and she turned, going to hands and feet while lowering herself, pressing back to compress the muscles in her legs, preparing herself to leap.

"I'm home early, I hope that's-" a voice called out. Male.

She leapt, slamming against the floor in the hallway.  The padding on her hands and feet slid and she crashed against the wall before using it to push off, throwing her arms wide to tackle the man as he closed the door.

He gasped as she pressed her body against his, thrusting her hips down over and over against his crotch as the bones cracked and popped in her waist.  He tried to speak but she grabbed his hair with a growl, forcing his open mouth onto her nipple.  Back and down, back and down.

Ducts developed beneath her flesh and she rubbed the sore points against his clothing.  His arms wrapped against her, beating at her back until she turned to slap her ass against his face, offering her dripping pussy to his mouth.  Her claws tore at his trousers, marking his flesh until his cock was freed.  She drooled before lashing it with her tongue and the man jerked, shoving his face against her sex by reflex.  

Slowly, despite his efforts to resist, his cock hardened as her rough tongue worked against it, rubbing his sensitive head and around his shaft.  She growled, turning herself once more while holding his dick, pressing it against her swollen, distended pussy.  She howled with a thin voice when it pierced her and she wasted no time in slamming down against him.

"What are-mmph!" the man said until she cut him off, pulling him up to shove his face against the fur on her chest and the teat beginning to form.  She held him easily in place with bulging muscles, her other hand against the ground while she rode him, slapping her wide, furred ass against his crotch again and again.

Valeria's tail grew in spurts, waving behind her while she grunted and moaned.  She felt how close she was and, when she adjusted her position slightly, the man's cock pressed deeper inside, driving her wild.  

Her claws bit into his scalp when her orgasm exploded within her body.  She collapsed, her hips jerking erratically while she pressed herself against him.

Voices.  Concerned.  Alarmed.  SIrens wailing far away but drawing closer.  More people arriving. She listened for a moment before pulling off the man.  He'd fainted at some point but she didn't care.  She needed to run.  To escape what was coming.  To hunt and to mate again.

The moon called to her with a crooning voice.  Her new goddess.  She fled, crashing through a window as her powerful muscles carried her away.


It was dark when she awoke. Sore and drowsy.  She moved but groaned as a cramp lanced through her core.  Everything hurt.

"Where-" she tried to say.  Her throat was incredibly dry and her voice was hoarse from it.  

Valeria forced herself up.  Dried blood cracked and flaked against her chest and belly.  She stared down at it, noticing her nakedness with rising alarm.  

"Oh- oh God," she gasped, massaging her sore throat while looking at herself.  Mud, sticks and pieces of dried leaves covered her legs and lower stomach but her arms were soaked with red.  Thick tufts of brown hair hid her mound and lower stomach and more hair lay scattered along her entire body, leaving her with the appearance of a feral woman.

She reached to the side to pull herself up but jerked her hand away when she felt silky fur.  Valeria turned to spy an old, ragged fur cloak.  She remembered it suddenly from the house.  It was one of the last things she could remember.

It lay there, enticing her.  She licked her lips, growling low at the taste of blood. 

She had to find where she was.  She had to find her way home.  The girl pushed herself up against the tree behind her until she stood on shaky legs.  She took a step but stopped to turn and stare at the pelt once more.  

"I-" she said, licking her lips again.  

She snatched it, hugging it against her belly and a soft voice laughed.

It was hers, regardless of where she got it.  Vague memories flashed through her head, emotions and misty shapes.  As she walked through the woods, all she could think about was wearing the pelt again to feel the soft fur against her flesh.  



Oh wow. That was a really great story !


Great story!


:D Thank you, I really really appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment!


Really enjoyed the build up and the way things played out on this one rather uniquely. One aspect that really stood out and I greatly appreciated was the particular attention on of her slow, progressive hair/fur growth. That is one of my most favorite aspects of any werewolf story/media and in particular yours. Not many writers relish in the details as you do and the visualization and description really shone through on this one. Fantastic character, situation and story all around!


What a wonderful comment! It's rare for me to get a descriptive comment and I always love them since it helps me know what readers like. Plus comments like this always encourage me to keep writing. Sometimes I get disheartened when it feels like I'm writing into a void. So, thank you again!


I'm so glad that you saw this and am overjoyed to get such a response in return! I figured it's the least I can do in return for all the effort you put into these incredibly well crafted stories. The events just pop off the screen in such vibrant detail that they anchor in the imagination and I find some of the scenes will randomly pop into mind for days after. So no, definitely not writing into the void haha.