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Let's kick off June with a werewolf TF!  I wrote this for Rose Crowley, who has a SubescribeStar account where she posts werewolf TF videos.  I highly recommend checking it out:   https://subscribestar.adult/rose-crowley-werewolf 

Hands slide around my waist when he stands close to me.  His beard catches my hair as he leans in to kiss the curve of my neck and I shiver, from the sensation and a recurring nightmare.

"You can use your teeth, you know," I tell him and he laughs.

Blood rushes to my face.  I swallow, remembering.  Remembering the jaws clamped onto my shoulder.  The blood and pain and fear as I was pulled down in the dark outside our camp site.  I couldn't see it but I could feel it - a massive dog or wolf and I screamed but it never finished me.  Instead, its weight pressed against my back with its teeth in my flesh as it rubbed and rubbed and rubbed until I was shocked to think it was trying to mount me.  The explosion of my husband's handgun deafened me.  I don't remember anything else until waking in the hospital.

It haunts my dreams and it's even more vivid lately.  My shoulder aches despite the wound being a month old and healed.  It throbs and burns and I want to feel his teeth there now, gnashing and drooling and-

His beard drags up and I shiver when his hot breath tickles the fur growing from the backs of my ears.  They tremble when they try to twist but they can't.

"I'll be in the shop until dinner," he says, kissing my earlobe as it slowly pulls back, melting back into my ear when they begin to lengthen to sharp points.

I nod and unwrap the butcher's paper covering the thick steak on the counter while he walks away.  I stare, licking my lips as a single strand of drool forms at the corner of my mouth before falling.  The little tenderizer mallet in my hand thumps against the meat in a rhythm that matches my heart.  The steaks jump, red juicy.  Jumping and jerking like prey on a trail, racing away from me.  Terrified as I close in for the kill.

The scent of blood fills the air, forcing me to snarl.  Droplets fall from the tips of my fingers.  My fingernails lift back to reveal dark curved claws that prick the gray callous growing along the palm of my hand.  I curse, shoving my fingers in my mouth without looking because I think I've somehow slammed the tenderizer on my hand but-

Blood.  The taste of blood fills my mouth.  I moan, suckling at my fingers while the claws slide forth.  My lips tremble and pull back, streaked with black beneath my red lipstick.  I can't stop licking my fingers and sucking and cleaning until I growl and grab the steaks, lifting them to my mouth to tear into them.  My canines crack against my premolars when they grow thick and long but my jaw is already beginning to elongate to give room.  Tears of pain streak down my burning face, tangling with the fur emerging from my cheeks and jaw.  More blood fills my mouth when my premolars push from my gums, enamel flowing to sharp tips to leave me with a crowded mouth full of fangs that allow me to rip and tear into the steaks until nothing is left.

"I- I-" I rub my face, smearing blood through tufts of fur as molten gold fills my eyes.  Sweat pours down my body when I realize what I'm doing.  "FUCK!"

Agony racks my stomach, lancing down my core.  It drops me to my knees and then forward to my hands.  I'm breathing through my nose as it darkens and cracks into a pebbled texture that begins to widen with my slowly growing muzzle.  Strings of blood-flecked drool fly to the floor as I bow my back and scream.

Fire burns within.  My screams are becoming guttural.  Finally unable to hold myself up, I collapse and roll to my back, lifting my ass when I trap my growing tail painfully between my body and the floor.  My claws tear into my clothes to reveal a fur-lined torso.  Muscles bulge when I snap the band of my bra and my breasts shake from the violence. 

My claws score my body as I try to cut the pain away, drawing bloody scarlet marks that darken my red fur.  Pressure between my legs brings my paws down, clawing my thighs and sex, tearing through the spandex of my yoga pants to reveal swollen, distended pussy lips folding inward beneath a jutting clit.

Thick fur on my forearms brushes hot, electric points on my belly.  I snarl and lash at my muzzle with a thick, broad tongue when lobes form and give rise to milk ducts and skin twists into rows of teats.

The pleasure almost overrides the spasms tormenting me until my spine cracks.  I pull my knees into my stomach and roll, trying to stand but finding my center-of-weight off.  Standing on all fours seems right and comfortable as I push my feet out behind me.  Bones creak and groan as they stretch my spine and legs.  The claws tearing through my toenails leave bloody furrows on the hardwood floors.  I can feel my tail waving above me but my mind


starting to


Gray morning light lays heavily on the horizon and I'm on all fours.  Something is yelling in my head.  I lift my shortened muzzle, licking fur and bare skin to clean the trace of blood from my recent kill.  Home, it says - the voice.  Home.

I follow my scent while the voice, growing slowly louder, begins to recognize where I am.  I stumble, crashing into a trash can.  My legs don't want to work right any more and I growl in anger before pulling myself up.  Wind whips past, making me shiver when it touches the bare, hairless flesh between my breasts.  I snap at it and then continue to follow my scent.

Along the way, I steal a discarded blanket a homeless person left behind.  The voice is loud and insistent that I be clothed and I concede that my fur is growing sparse.

When I stumble up to my door and bang against it, he answers, crying and gibbering while hugging me.  His eyes are gaunt and tired.   I lick his neck and nuzzle into it, rubbing the fading remains of my teats against his body as he drags me inside and closes the door.

"Oh god, baby, where have you been?  I called the cops and- ow!"

The wolf sinks her shrinking fangs into his shoulder but the human laps at his blood, moaning at the taste of it.  And so it's the human who drops the blanket and lowers herself to hands and knees before him, spreading her legs as plain, translucent fingernails grow in place and her ears become dull and rounded.

Now bitten and bleeding, with the full moon still hanging on the horizon, he stares at my offered body and hesitates.  My ass raises and he growls quietly but shakes his head.

"We- you need a bath.  And then you have to tell me what happened."

It's- I-  I can't- I can't remember.  I crouch and stare at my naked body, covered in mud and blood and all I know is a sense of loss.  The wolf, now taken root in my soul, huffs sleepily as the marks in his shoulder begin to knit preternaturally fast.  All she cares is that the next time, she won't hunt alone.



That was really awesome ! Especially with the image of Rose undergoing this.