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So.  Yesterday I mentioned in the Discord that a new story (Drained) would be published today.  A patron jokingly demanded to know which it would be and I played dumb until pushed and then told them: " Oh. It's a my little pony one where spike turns into a pony and goes on an adventure "  Today a patron jokingly asked if I would actually write it so I spent ~ 30 minutes throwing something together.  BEHOLD THE TRAVESTY!


Spike froze on the short stairs he used to reach books in Twilight's library.  His stubby arm held a feather dusty against the spine of an ancient tome.  The room spun before him.  He dropped the duster with a shout while grabbing for the handle at the back of the small ladder.  A tiny gout of flame shot from his mouth as he hung his head with his eyes closed.

Nausea overwhelmed him, dragging him down to a spinning abyss.  A weakness shot through his body, causing him to let the handle go.  The small dragon fell to the floor with a thump and a groan.

Razor thin light flared from the edges of his purple scales.  He jerked as the scales fused to his body.  It began from his hind legs, spiralling outward over his body in a maddening itch that made him writhe on the ground.  

And yet he found himself enjoying the feeling more than he expected.  The edges of his scales smoothed, pulling tight until no gaps lay between them.  He pushed himself up, swaying as he opened his eyes.

The small dragon was on his hands and feet.  He pushed to stand on his hind legs but reared momentarily before falling back to all fours with his upper body closer to the floor with his head pointed to the ground.

"Wha- what's happening?" he asked himself, shaking his head.  

The crippling itching sensation rose again, this time focused entirely in his mouth.  He snapped his jaw shut as dull teeth pushed through his gums, displacing his fangs.

He shook his head once more and the spikes along his back splintered into fine threads.  His body burned and he took a step, moving his right hand forward when his brain shouted to move his right leg.  His left leg followed.

The stiff spikes drooped as they continued to soften.  Thick hairs grew beside the newly changed spikes, joining together until he shook his head to settle the dense green mane against his neck.  

"No, can't- can't think straight-" he groaned as his ears twitched.  Skin gathered at the base of the green fins before finally spreading outward to surround them.  The skin folded along the edges while absorbing the fins until his long, folded ears flicked back.

He stared at the ground, panting from the sensations overwhelming him.  A rough hand grabbed his neck.  He felt and heard a repeated explosion as the phantom hand realigned his vertebrae, pulling his head up until he faced forward.  

His tail slammed the ground behind him before raising and attempting to slap his side.  The short spade at the end pulled back to leave a rounded tip while his entire tail receded.  The short spikes lining the tail folded into the retreating flesh.  He cried out, spreading his trembling legs as the tail flattened against his ass.

"Haa- haa- haa," he panted, sweat forming on his smooth, purple skin.  The flesh darkened as hairs began to emerge, soaking up the sweat.  He hissed in restrained pleasure, unable to stop his sheath from bulging.  His red cock slipped free, bouncing beneath him as a million ants marched along his body.  The hairs raced along his torso until they reached his ass.  Purple became green and the hairs slid down his ass and legs, making him gasp and bite his lip.  They multiplied, more and more green hairs growing until his new tail raised and lowered, whip-fast to smack his side.

He tried to reach up to scratch the infernal itching but his fingers refused to work.  He bent his long, straight neck to stare awkwardly at them, only to see his fingers pressing together.  The short claws merged before growing out into dense, round hooves.  And up.  His wrists locked in place as new joints took form.  Bones creaked within his arms when they lengthened, pushing his upper body higher until his body was parallel to the ground.  

Spike whinnied in shock.

"Wha-!" he said, eyes opened wide in surprise at the noise he'd made.  He tried to move and his four legs lifted in symphony, allowing him to trot and turn as he tried to stare at his changed body.

"At least," he gasped.  "At least it's do- augh!"

Bone pierced his sides.  He knelt on his four legs with his head bowed to the floor as the bones extended.  Miniscule pores opened along their lengths to expel translucent quills covered in wet green vanes.  Hot pain beneath the skin where the bones grew from signaled the growth of the muscles needed to control his new wings. 

Spike cried out, dropping to his side and the wings folded automatically.  Already they were drying in the open air, allowing the vanes to open into beautiful feathers.

He panted and then groaned, grinding his blunt teeth to dull the pain from the bones cracking and breaking and stretching in his jaw.  Fire burned in his nasal cavity as his jaw pushed forward slowly.  It grew broad as it elongated out and thin green whiskers sprouted from his chin and nose.

"Twilight," Spike groaned quietly as the changes slowed to a stop.

He started to push himself up until he felt soft, velvet skin brush his inner thighs.  Blood rushed to his face as hormones raged through his body.  Two black specks appeared between his back thighs.  As the skin stretched, the specks widened into two wrinkly bumps.  Fatty tissue and mammary glands formed beneath the loose skin, filling them out while the bumps twisted into two dark teats that rubbed against his exposed cock.  He gasped, aching for release but the cock retreated, despite the arousal flooding him from the overabundance of hormones flushing his system.

The new mare groaned when his cock slid between his udder.  It was incredibly soft and sensitive and more than he could bear yet his hands were hooves and-

Pain in his guts signaled the formation of his cervix and uterus.  He felt full and crowded within his hips as a vaginal cavity opened and new muscles, slick with lubricant twisted pleasurably deep inside his body.

The mare's sheath began to flatten as the cock vanished.  He closed his eyes with his soft ears back, feeling shame from the dizzying desires distracting him.

Liquid seeped from a sudden slit that opened behind his legs.

"Ahhhh!" Spike cried out, bucking and kicking from a miniature orgasm caused by the formation of his labia and the incredibly sensitive clit.  They twisted and rubbed as they slid against his body.  The black skin of his labia swelled outward into an elongated figure-eight, easily visible against the soft purple fur covering his body.

He gasped and moaned as his new pussy winked.  He couldn't stop tensing the muscles within until his body stabilized with the hormones, leaving him aching and empty inside.

Minutes passed before he trusted himself to stand.  He rolled to his knees and extended his back legs before pushing himself up on his front legs.  Spike stumbled occasionally as he walked through the house but his new body seemed to know how to work his legs so he walked to the large standing mirror in the corner of the entrance

He stared at himself and his green wings raised high while his tail whipped behind him.

"Oh, no," he whispered, turning back and forth.  "N- no cutie mark, though.  What does that mean?"

His ears bent and he twisted around once more.

"Twilight!" Spike shouted.   His voice was high and feminine and sweet, making him blush furiously once more.

He trotted through the house and out the front doors, shielding himself from the embarrassment he expected to come but the village was empty and silent.

"Where is everypony?" he asked quietly.  "Twilight!  Rarity!"

For the next hour, he ran between buildings, searching for signs of struggles or notes or anything to help him but there was nothing.

A deep rumble drew his attention.  Vast angry black clouds hovered over the forest in the distance.  He felt a jolt through his body and he knew something was abnormal about it.  His tail swished behind him, making him gasp when it rubbed against his sex but he ignored it as he glared at the clouds.

His wings flapped twice as he firmed his resolve.

"I don't know what happened," he said to himself.  "But that has something to do with it.  I'd bet on it."

Smoke huffed from his wide nostrils as he set off down the path to the woods.


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