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Written as a piece of fanfic for LiminalBean just because I like a challenge and I've never made a centaur TF before!

The hum of tires on the freshly paved road created a hypnotic rhythm which, when mixed with the seemingly endless alternating shadows of passing trees and long driving hours lulled Amy into a drowsy state.  Her head nodded but she jerked back with a snort while tugging the wheel straight.

I have to take a break and stretch my legs, she told herself, glancing at the car's fuel gauge.  Her old Toyota had a quarter tank left but there were hours yet to drive before she'd arrive at the hotel room she'd booked for the night.

She yawned, hiding her mouth with the back of her hand while shifting in her seat to sit straight with her hands gripped on the wheel.

10 o'clock and 2 o'clock, she automatically repeated.  Her father had drilled that into her head when he taught her to drive.

Despite her renewed focus, she found herself slipping back into a daze until the trees finally broke to show cliffs mere feet away from the guardrails beside the shoulder of the road.  She swallowed hard at the sudden drop off and her knuckles tightened on the steering wheel.

Nearly thirty minutes later, the road descended.  Her ears popped, providing relief from the pressure built by the earlier ascent.  Just as she began to worry about the amount of fuel she had left, a weathered sign appeared with the recognizable symbol of a fuel pump.  She followed the sign's direction, turning off onto a dusty, bumpy road.  The trees returned, thicker than before and their reaching branches created an arch above her.

The gas station appeared suddenly, forcing her to curse as she slowed and turned in, easing into a spot next to the single pump.

Amy opened her door to step out but an older man walked up, wiping his hands on a red shop towel.  Wrinkles lined his face and the gray in his hair matched the gray in his beard but he was weathered and sturdy rather than frail.

"Hold on, ma'am," he said.  "I'll take care of it."

"Are you serious?" Amy asked, standing beside her car.  "I can do it."

"State law, I'm afraid," he said, glancing at her license plates.  

"Fine," she sighed, rolling her eyes.  "I need to walk anyway."

"Sure thing," the man said genially.  "I'll ring you up inside when you're ready."

Amy walked away without answering.  She shoved her hands into her pockets but they slid against the sides of her yoga pants and shook her head at her forgetfulness.  Somewhere high above, the sun glared down at her and she was thankful for the alabaster tank top she wore.

She kicked small pebbles with her sneakers while walking through the gas station's lot until she reached a large building set to the side.  A boy, her age, she thought, stood before the building.  A horse of some kind ducked its head before pressing its massive neck against the boy's face. He laughed while patting its jaw.

The boy held a curry comb in his hand which he brushed in looping circles against the horse's neck.  Amy stared at him, watching him work in his white t-shirt and old blue jeans.  He was plain with short curly blond hair and a jutting jaw.  Freckles spotted his face, clustered around his nose.  

He caught her watching and she saw the surprise in his face but he recovered quickly to give her a shy wave.  Amy turned with a look of disgust to keep walking.  The old man was washing her dirty windows with a squeegee, carefully dragging it in one final swipe.  He wiped a single spot with the towel at his side before placing the squeegee back in the holder by the pump.  She followed behind him when he walked back into the small store.

"That'll be $25 even," the man told her.  He grunted when she passed him her credit card.  "Ah, gimme a minute."

He knelt with another grunt to dig around beneath his counter.

"You raise horses?" Amy asked, looking back to the other building through the large windows.

"Yup, four of them," he said while digging through an old box.  "Inherited them from my brother when he passed.  He treated them like family so now I do the same.  Expensive beasts.  Ah, here we go."

The old man turned away from her to blow dust from a small card reader.  He fussed as he disconnected the phone cord from an old phone hanging on the wall.

"Sorry, don't get much credit card business," he said while reaching for the card she'd set on the table.  He glanced at her name and then back up at her face.  "Amy Lam, huh?  That's a-"

She sighed while rolling her eyes once more.

"It's Cantonese," she explained.  It wasn't the first time she'd given the speech. "My parents came over to the US before I was born.  In Los Angeles."

"Oh, that's all fine," he shrugged. "I was just going to say it's a pretty name.  Headed back home from school?"

"Yes," she said shortly, tired of the conversation.  She looked to the stable again.

"You ever rode a horse before?" the man asked while returning her card.  She took it with the tips of her fingers, rubbing it against her leg before placing it back in her purse.

"No," she told him.  "I haven't even seen one this close before."

"Well," he said, following her gaze.  "Want to ride one?"

"Eh," she said, looking back to her car.  She thought quickly, calculating the time she'd need to get to her hotel.  She was supposed to be back at her parent's house tomorrow.  The effort involved seemed not worth the delay but a very small, still childlike piece of her thrilled at the idea.  "Sure."

She followed the old man while he yelled for his son and she watched them lead two horses out.  They worked quickly, setting blankets and saddles in place.  Despite how unattractive he was, she had to admit that the boy was well defined.

The pair led a brown horse to her.

"This one's Mary," the old man said.  "She's as gentle as can be so don't be worried about her.  Henry will help you up if you need it.  Just put your left foot in the stirrup and then up and over."

The boy reached for her but she slid away from him.

"I can do it," she told him primly.  

She struggled for a moment but she was small and light and eventually pulled herself up.

"Just hold the reins and horn," the man told her from the saddle of another horse, gray this time with a white mark on its gigantic chest.  "She'll do the walking herself.  Come on, Henry."

The boy stayed beside her, within sight of the horse.  Amy squeaked when the horse began to walk and it took effort to repress the smile that threatened to rise to her lips.  Soon, they vanished into the forest, losing sight of the gas station behind them.

They walked at a leisurely pace without talking until Mary stopped dead in her tracks.  Amy shoved her body forward impatiently before reaching forward to slap the side of the horse's neck.  It waved its head in response.

"Oh, d- don't do that," Henry said beside her.  "Just give her a gentle nudge with your feet.  She'll go eventually."

"Is she stupid or just old?" Amy said, feeling embarrassed that her own horse would choose to stop, as if it reflected poorly on her own skills.  Faint words of praise echoed in her ears, her father's voice.  Telling her how intelligent she was, how quickly she picked up anything she tried.  Old words that still haunted her.

"N- neither," the boy said.  "She just takes her time."

The old man watched as Amy kicked the horse hard.

"Careful now," the old man said sternly.  "Just a few little prods and she'll go."

Amy grabbed the horse's mane, tugging it as she kicked her heels into the mare's side.  Finally, it began to walk and she sat back with a nod.

They continued further, walking along a path well worn into the floor of the forest.  The trees seemed endless and she began to wonder if they should turn around until her horse stopped once more.

"You stupid thing," Amy yelled, reaching forward to slap the horse once more.

"No, ma'am," the old man said, turning his horse.  "No.  That's it.  Henry, help her off."

"Dad?" the young boy said.

"You heard me, boy, help her off," the man said as he pulled alongside Mary.  He snatched the reins away while glaring at Amy.  "Go on, get off.  I told you these were my brother's horses.  Like family.  And you were warned once.  You can walk back."

"Are you- are you fucking serious?" Amy asked, shoving the boy's hands away when he reached up for her.

"Yes I am," the man told her, staring with unflinching eyes.  "Follow the path straight back.  Your car will be waiting for you and you can be on your way."

"I'll- I'll show her the way," the boy offered.  His father nodded gruffly before turning.

Amy slid off.  She stood there, trembling with rage as the old man walked away down the path.

"This is so fucked," Amy said.  She purposefully waited until the old man was out of view before following and even then she walked slowly.  She was determined to not give him the satisfaction of knowing she was behind him.  "I will leave the worst fucking Yelp review you've ever seen."

"Wh- what's Yelp?" Henry asked as he walked beside her.  He towered over her slim, short stature, casting a shadow that crossed her face when she sneered at him.

She seethed, stomping and huffing as the rage grew within, burning its way within her until she felt the physical manifestation of it worming its way through her body.  Sweat beaded from her back and belly, immediately soaking into the loose tank top she wore.  She pulled at the front of it in a futile attempt to allow air to circulate inside but no breeze stirred the leaves surrounding her.

Her joints ached with every step.  Her nostrils flared as she stopped to lean against the tree next to her.

Sweat rolled down her forehead to drip to the front of her shirt.  It clung heavily to her and the now translucent fabric showed her bra, and her small, dark nipples beneath.  

Amy groaned, grinding her teeth while her breath puffed away in short bursts.  She pressed her hands against her slim waist, massaging the skin while digging her fingers deep in a futile attempt to stop the throbbing soreness spreading throughout her hips.  

"Are y- you alright, ma'am?" Henry asked behind her.

She swung her head around slowly.  Her vision lagged behind, creating a gut-wrenching effect that made her tilt forward.  

Amy's dilated pupils quivered, the edges trembling until they began to expand, pushing horizontally into rounded rectangles.  Her irises, displaced by the growth of her pupils, pushed against her sclera, eating away the white until only brown was left around her strange pupils.

Muscle fibers broke in her hips and ass as testosterone flooded her body.  The fibers healed, growing in density before breaking again.  And healing again.  Amy groaned, hugging the tree with her face pressed into the rough bark.  Her flat ass filled out, stretching her yoga pants until the seat of the pants lightened to gray from the strain.

The girl screamed as she fell to her knees with her hips raised.  Agony filled her, centered low on her back.  Her vertebrae swelled, pressing against nerves.  Her pelvic bone cracked before being pulled apart by the expanding muscles.

Henry called for her, kneeling beside her anxiously, reaching hands out but not daring to touch her.

Amy's panties strained against her, pulled tight between her pussy lips.  She felt it sawing against her clit and labia until her expanding waist finally overwhelmed it.  The panties snapped as the gray line in the seat of her still-expanding yoga pants turned white.  

She felt the weight of her lower body dragging her down.  Silky black hairs emerged inches above the band of her pants.  She reached around, clawing at the hair and then further to touch her hip.  

A slit appeared in her yoga pants.  It widened into a tear as more runs appeared in the stretchy fabric.

Her pussy lay completely exposed.  Her labia were reddened and swollen, agitated by the panties having grinded against her.  Obsidian specks rose to the surface of the lips, lifting one by one, faster and faster until they began to flood her sex.

She groaned, reaching beneath her to slap and pull at her pussy, unmindful of the boy kneeling next to her.  Her sex demanded attention as the labia bulged outward, pressing against her inner thighs.  Fine black hairs pushed through the skin surrounding her pussy as the wrinkled labia protruded.  Her asshole bulged, puckering out as the labia connected to it.

"Can't- something's-  oh- oh god," Amy groaned, kicking her legs.  

She turned, crashing to her huge, padded ass with her legs spread before her.  Henry stared at her in shock and horror.  Unable to help himself, he looked down to see Amy's inflamed pussy before averting his gaze.

"I'll- I'll go get my father!" the boy shouted.

"No!" Amy screamed, reaching her arm out for him.  "D- Don't!  I d- don't w- want him to see me-aaugh!"

Dense muscle grew within her thighs, tearing through the tattered remains of her yoga pants until they lay still attached against her shins.  Strands of black hair dotted her thighs.  Amy stared down her body, hyperventilating while clawing at her thighs.  She pulled at the hairs, screaming in pain when she tore fistfulls from her skin.  More hair grew to replace the ones she plucked until the inside of her thighs were completely covered by the hairs.

Something touched her ears.  She glanced around, eyes wide but saw nothing.  Another touch and she glanced the other way.  The edges of her ears curled forward, cartilage shifting and forming to stretch the skin.  Tiny black hairs sprouted from the edges and around, racing down the backs as her ears began to elongate.  They tickled her scalp until she grabbed them and her thin, horizontal pupils widened when she felt the thick skin.  They twisted in her grasp, curling outward before growing to a rounded tip towards the center of her head.  Thick gray hairs pierced the insides of her ears, growing toward the center.

Amy groaned, clutching at her waist while kicking her legs.  Pulsing heat formed around her bare knees.  She bit her lip while staring at them.  The skin warped and bubbled outward.  Above them, her thighs still continued to grow, matching her enormous ass and waist.

She reached for her throbbing knees but fell short and only now did she realize her legs were longer. Instead of her knees, she clutched the thick hairs covering her hips and thighs.

The tops of her shoes bowed outwards as the laces pulled tight.  She winced, expecting pain but found none.  

"Oh no," she gasped.

"Wh- what's wrong?" Henry asked, still holding his hands out as if to help in some way.

"I- I can't feel my toes," she moaned, biting her lips.

Henry reached for her shoes but she stopped him.

"Don't- don't touch them," she said.

"Why?  I want to help!" 

"I don't know!  I just- I don't want to see what's-"

The laces burst when the tongues of the shoes were forced against them, splitting her shoes open to reveal grossly swollen toes and forefeet.  Amy groaned, biting her lips and looking away.  The skin was deadened and gray and her toenails were ragged and thick.  Bone clicked in the tips of her feet as they were forced forward.

Her toes merged into a large coffin bone beneath the keratin spreading over the front of her feet.  The forefeet cracked, breaking into the long and short pastern bones while her heels flattened and joined with her ankle to become the cannon bone.  Her toenails were a solid mass that thumped against the ground when she lifted and then dropped her feet.  They ringed her feet in a rough semi-circle that grew slanted on the front of her swollen, misshapen feet.

Hooves, she thought with shock.  Fu- fucking horse hooves!

A sickening crunch shocked her.  Blackness filled her vision and she fainted against the tree.  She woke seconds later to Henry's panicked voice.  Her knee had reversed.  The girl leaned to the side to throw up, heaving until her stomach was completely empty and clear spit covered her lips.  

Henry patted her back soothingly, falling into a habit he'd used many times with the horses at his father's house.  Amy shivered and sighed until she realized what he was doing and she shot him a glance that made him jerk away from her.

Loose skin sagged along her widened, bare mound.  She touched it carefully, hissing when she felt two rough bumps that sent a jolt down her spine.  The skin continued to stretch but the flesh began to fill out.  Gray filled the stretch marks but soon spread as ducts formed beneath the twin teats.  She pinched one of the nipples but snatched her hands away with a gasp that made her twist her legs together.  They grew large as her udder filled out, a dark bulge low on her belly.

A single drop of milk formed on her left teat before falling, coursing down to soak into the hair surrounding her udder.

"I don't know what to do," Henry moaned, reaching and then withdrawing his hands.  "Tell me what to do!"

"I don't know, either, dumbass!" Amy roared before clenching her teeth. She squeezed her midriff with a grunt.

Her dark nipples pressed against the sweat-soaked tanktop she wore.  She writhed, lifting her chest as the areola widened, sliding against the wet fabric while puffing outward.  Skin twisted in around her nipples and they elongated, flattening against her bra and shirt before hardened to press out in a lump.

The girl huffed and snorted, shaking her head with a whinny.  She reached up, grabbing and squeezing and massaging her breasts as they began to bulge outward, quickly filling her bra until it slid over their curves and down.  The dark brown nipples glided against her shirt, bending until they were free.  They hardened in the air and still her breasts grew, bulging against her arms.  

Amy groaned when her shirt dug painfully into the heavy blue-veined breasts pressing against her body. Her long ears rotated and then twisted back to lay flat when blood rushed to her chest and cheeks.  She gripped her shirt, pulling at it with thin arms and tears in the corners of her eyes.  Red lines appeared in her soft breasts beneath the edge of her tank top.

"H- help," Amy moaned.

Henry gently grabbed the shirt.  He pulled, breaking it with one quick jerk and Amy cried out, panting as she lay back.  Her full breasts were massive but her body had expanded to fit them well. She reached for them but stopped when she remembered Henry next to her.

"I think- I think it's stopped," she gasped.

The girl bent her leg awkwardly while grabbing the tree behind her.  She pulled herself up, hand-over-hand until she stood on shaking legs.  Her face burned when she felt her hair-lined thighs press against her distended pussy lips but the sensation was lost when cramps seized her belly.

She cried out while gripping the tree tightly.  A loud cracking sound filled the forest.  She bent backwards while her stomach dropped.  Agony seized her as additional vertebrae formed.  Muscles grew to wrap around them, pulling her apart.  Her skin stretched, filled by organs reshaping within her elongating body.  

Amy twitched and something responded below her belly.  Bone pressed against skin on either side of her.  She felt them moving, felt the twitching muscle as they pushed out from her body into two waving appendages.

Her center of balance shifted and the tree groaned against her girth.  Amy twisted her upper body to see her ass behind her, parallel to the ground.  She cried out when the two strange arms knocked against the tree.  Black hair already grew from the base of them and she could see stubble along their length as they reached beneath her.

She could move them, she realized.  Her quiet whinny was a mixture of shock and surprise when she made the legs lift.  They were legs, she realized.  Ones matching the legs at her rear.  A gray lump at the tips signaled the growth of the hooves and they nearly reached the ground below her.  

The tree cracked, bending perilously against her.  She whickered and fell forward until her new front legs caught her.  They stomped the ground fitfully and something twitched far behind her.  

"Fuck!" Amy yelled, turning in a circle.  Her awkward, nobby legs wobbled as she stared down her body.  Hair grew from patched of bare skin from her-

Shit, is that my back?  My- my ass?  My body?  My back, she decided.  

Her sleek, black body glistened in the shafts of sunlight piercing the trees.  Her lowered ears flicked before standing tall.  She kicked, rearing with a startled cry.  When she landed back on all fours, her massive breasts slapped against her body.

Something clicked against her ass.  She twisted back around and the skin bunched at the base of her still-human waist.  Her legs turned her in a circle as she tried to see what was happening.

"Stop," she told herself.  "Stop- stop fucking moving. Stop, goddammit!"

Her front legs stomped, cracking against a stone hidden just beneath the dirt but they grew still. 

The hair at the base of her ass lifted.  She twitched and the hair shifted.  Something slapped her ass, startling her into motion again.  She bucked and danced in a nervous circle before stopping herself.  Segmented bones grew from her ass while long ebony hairs slid from the stretching skin.  The tail swished against her, slapping briefly against her pussy before rubbing back and forth.  As short as it was, the hair grew long enough for the tips to brush the dirt below her.

She waited, breathing heavily but nothing moved.  Nothing hurt except for an ache between her shoulder blades due to the weight of her breasts.

"I think- I think it's actually-" she stopped, looking at Henry who quickly looked away.  "It's- aahh, not- not quite-"

An intense tickling sensation high on her back preceded the growth of black hairs from the nape of her neck.  They grew sparsely in a thin line, dark against her skin, a mockery of a mare's mane that made her shiver when they brushed against the hair from her scalp.  When they stopped growing, just above her shoulder blades, she realized she had her head back in a lustful pose with her hands clenched against her sides, pushing her breasts forward.

Her ears lay back as the blood rushed to her cheeks once more. She pressed her arms against her chest, barely hiding her nipples when her tits overflowed her thin arms.

"Give me your shirt," she snarled through clenched teeth.

He pulled his shirt free, handing it out without looking and without complaining.  She grabbed it, gagging at the smell of sweat and dirt while pulling it over her head.  It was snug against her and her breasts flattened within while her nipples tented the fabric. Despite his larger size, her breasts forced the shirt up to show her midriff.

"Did you do this?" she asked, glaring at the boy.  "Or your father?  Are you some kind of fucked up redneck wizards or something?"

"N- no!" the boy yelled, turning to her before looking away and swallowing.  "I don't- I don't know what's going on."

"Then you take me to your father and we'll ask him what he did," Amy demanded.

She stepped carefully, concentrating on the placement of her hooves.  At first, she overthought the process and her legs tangled together, nearly dropping her.  But, the more she relaxed, the more she found she could walk properly.  She whickered and nodded and set off in a trot that forced the boy to hurry after her.

The path seemed to go on forever but she surprised herself by not feeling tired.  The muscles on her new body worked tirelessly, leading her to-

"What.  The.  Fuck," Amy said as they broke the tree line.

A vast valley opened before them, covered in green.  She shielded her eyes from the sun and then turned, mouth agape to see another sun, much smaller than the first, far to her right.  A glittering endless sea lay at the edge of the horizon.

"Where- where- where," Henry stuttered.

"What did you do?" Amy whispered.

"I- I didn't- didn't do anything!" the boy shouted.  "What is this?!"

A gigantic creature roared in the distance, high in the sky.  It's wings blotted out the smaller sun before it dived and spat a gout of flame that lanced to the earth below.

The pair watched with mouths wide.  Amy's rectangular eyes were nearly oval with shock.

"Noooo," Amy whinnied, shaking her head.  "I- I have classes again in August. And- and a life.  There was a guy I liked.  We even went out on a date.  My parents would've killed me if they knew about it but I still went out.  And- my degree.  I had- I had a life.  Now I'm some freak centaur thing.  I can't drive like this!  I can't go to school and- and- and-"

She hyperventilated.  Henry watched her for a moment before shading his eyes.

"I th- think I see a town near the water," he said finally.  "To the left.  We c- could go.  M- maybe they'll know what to do.  Or maybe we'll guh- go back somehow."

Amy sniffed.  She wiped her nose and nodded, swishing her tail behind her.  They set off with Henry walking beside Amy's flank.


Amy lay against a log with her legs folded beneath her.  She watched Henry as he tossed and turned beneath a pile of leaves.  He'd offered to build a makeshift nest for her as night descended but she found herself still warm despite the mist of her breath.  He promised to make  a fire next time but she wasn't sure he could.

So, she watched him with her tall ears alert for danger.  They'd traveled so incredibly slowly that it seemed it would take months to reach the town.

And then what? she asked herself.  What if I'm a monster to them?  What if I get chased out or they kill me or-

She sighed, flicking her tail as she rested.  When her eyes drooped hours later, she poked Henry with a long stick until he woke up to take his turn standing guard.


Five days later, dusk settled around them.  Henry grumbled as he struck stone to stone over a pile of dry kindling.  He hissed, dropping one of the stones while shoving his finger in his mouth.

"Cut yourself?" Amy asked.

"Y- yeah," he told her.

"Just give up for the night," she said.  

The boy sighed.  His shoulders slumped as he made his way to the pile of leaves he'd built earlier.  Amy's tail slashed through the dirt beneath her.  Her stomach grumbled.  She'd taken to eating grass when the hunger pains got bad enough and Henry had tried white tuberous roots that looked familiar.  When he'd felt fine for more than a day, he shared them with her and she ate them until she thought she'd burst.  He'd promised to hunt with the stone knife he'd made but the animals were strange here.

"You can-" she said before biting her tongue.

"I'm sorry?" he asked, turning to her.

She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"You can sleep against me," she said.  "I'm warm and there- fuck, there's plenty of me to keep warm against.  Just against my side and don't move around much."

"You're sure?" he asked, scratching his bare side.

"Don't make me say it again," she said with a sharp whickering snort.  Her tail thrashed restlessly.

The boy approached carefully, sitting on the ground before sliding to curl up against her.  She watched him, studying the lines on his face and the muscles on his arms and back.  He looked stronger now, somehow.  

She cocked her head with her ears canted.  And more handsome.  Somehow.  She felt his heart beating against her side, fast and strong as he settled into sleep.


Eight days later, they crested a hill.  Amy hugged her body tightly.  She was panting and her nails dug into her sides.  Her head throbbed and her tail wouldn't stop lifting and slapping against her legs and ass and-

"I th- think we're close to half way," the boy said next to her.  "Maybe."

Sweat tipped her nose.  Her tail raised before waving slowly back and forth.  

"G- good," she said, bending slightly before pulling herself back up.

Muscles tightened in her back.  The ache she'd felt that first day was gone.  Their travels had hardened the both of them and she could even feel muscles on her belly.

She was feverish and desperately trying to ignore how incredibly wet she was.  Her thick black pussy lips glistened when they widened to show the pink flesh within.  They opened and closed, pulling the labia inward before pushing them out again.  Her cum slid down , curving towards her belly as they slid between her twin aching teats.

Amy's front legs folded slowly.  She pushed herself up but swayed slightly.

"Are y- you okay, Amy?" Henry said, touching her arm gently.  She shivered at his touch, stamping her back foot as her tail raised higher.

"Hot," she whispered, swallowing while squeezing herself harder.  More cum dribbled, dangling beneath her.

Once more her legs folded and she couldn't find the strength to stop them.  She lowered herself while her arms slipped up to her breasts and then down to the bottom of the shirt she'd taken from Henry.  She moaned, toying with it before lifting it to bare her breasts.

"Can't think- think straight," she moaned, flexing her pussy.  Her nostrils widened and she whinnied loudly, thrashing her tail.  "Need- need- god, I need it.  I'm still- I don't-"

"Oh, Amy," Henry said.  He glanced at her hindquarters and the raised tail.  "I don't think-"

She grabbed his arm, pulling him against her breasts and then up, planting her mouth on his.  She kissed him inexpertly until he pulled apart, linked by a drooping string of drool.

"Please," she panted.  She pressed her rear legs into the ground, lifting her ass.  "Please, need it- can't- can't think of- so hot."

"Oh Lord," the boy said, closing his eyes.  "Are- are you sure?"

She grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him to her chest again.  Her biceps bulged and he yelped, mouth open.  He latched onto her nipple automatically and she moaned loudly.  Amy rubbed his hair endlessly while he sucked and licked and the thrill raced throughout her elongated body.

Finally, she pulled him off, kissing him before he could argue with her.  She pressed her forehead against his, rolling it back and forth while begging him, the words falling from her tongue without shame.

He circled her warily but she lifted her tail wider with a whicker.

The boy knelt before her.  His hot breath puffed against her dark, engorged pussy, causing her to moan.  He bent in, licking her carefully until she butted back against him, flattening his face between the swollen lips.  The boy wrapped his arms around her ass before kissing her pussy.  

He pulled back with a gasp.  Strings of her cum latched to his face and still she begged for more.  When he touched her she bucked slightly and yammered about how much she wanted him inside of her.

She was his first and he worried about his inexperience.  Porn taught him quite a lot but none of them dealt with a woman with her peculiar physique.  

Amy's tail practically vibrated when he slipped fingers into her pussy.  It nearly crushed him and then pulled tugging his hand inside.  Amy screamed, clenching her pussy around his hand.

God, he thought to himself as he pushed his pants down to free his cock.  He stroked himself with his free hand while pressing his fist into her.

"Fuck!  Fuck me!  Fuck me so fucking hard!  HENRY!  FUCK ME!" Amy screamed.

The boy rotated his arm while shoving deeper and she came, trapping him in place.  He groaned as he waited for her pussy to release him.  When they loosened slightly, he pulled free and she jerked.

Still she begged for more.  

"L- lower your a- a- your back," he said, pushing her down gently.

She brought her ass down and he closed his eyes while swallowing.  Henry held his cock carefully, guiding it into the center of her gaping, winking pussy.  The girl shoved when she felt the head of his cock touch her.  She held her right breast in her hand, pulling it up to her mouth to suck the long, dark nipple as he pushed himself inside of her.

"It's not- not as big as my a- arm," he groaned, thrusting completely inside.

Amy shoved back, slapping her wide, powerful ass against him.

"Harder, fuck, yes, you feel so fucking good, this is- god- GOD!  Better than I imagined sex would ever- fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck me, Henry, fuck!"

He pounded into her while gripping her haunch tightly and her tail slapped against his chest in response.  She bucked, clamping down on his cock but he slipped through her grasp while still pounding.  A third time she screamed, lifting her ass in a halting, jerking motion and the boy finally lost his control.

His cum filled her, spurting deep into her womb until he was drained.  He collapsed to the ground behind her, panting and wiping sweat from his forehead.

"More," Amy groaned, swishing her tail against him.  Drool slipped from the corner of her mouth.  "I want- want your mouth- on- on my breasts down there- down there, Henry- want to feel your wet mouth sucking on them- sucking on my teats while you fist me, god,  yes, Henry, yes, need it."

He obliged when he caught his breath.  Her stamina was never ending and they mated into the night with a brief rest early morning before continuing the next day.  

Finally, after the second night, she was sated and exhausted.  She slept a full day afterwards, snoring loudly while occasionally twitching.

When she woke up, she refused to look Henry in the face or speak to him for three days.


"You're heavy," she said, five days later.

"I nuh- know," he told her.  He wore his shirt again and he was careful to keep his hands low on her bare chest.  "You've said that already."

She trotted while he clung to her, arms clasped beneath her breasts.  She would never admit that she liked the weight of him on her body.  Would never admit that she was turned on by the feeling of his cock on her back.  Would never admit that she gave his shirt back temporarily so that when she took it again it would smell like him.

She'd lied to him, pretending she couldn't remember the two days when she'd lost herself to her heat.  She remembered all of it.  She could even remember saying the words, even though it made her blush now.  It just seemed right at the time.  

Sometimes, when he slept, she would push herself against a tree to masturbate, remembering first his arm inside of her and then his cock.  It was much smaller but the intimacy was incredible and the explosive sensation when he came was-

She shook her head.  They were closer to the village now.  She could see the little specks of people walking to and fro and they both agreed it might be only a few days before they arrived.

Tonight she would have him braid her tail.  He could whittle with his stone knife.  She'd have him make a comb to free the tangles and then teach him to braid.  He would argue, knowing her sex was there.  She would ignore the arguments and pretend she didn't know what he was talking about.  And occasionally she would lift her tail.  Occasionally she would shift until her pussy brushed against him.  Occasionally she would moan quietly and whinny shyly when he ignored her.

She wanted to feel his strong arms on her.  His calming presence and his wide hands on her side made her excited.

Amy smiled when his arms slid against her toned belly at a sudden jolt from the uneven ground.  She bit her lip when he squeezed her in response.  He patted her gently.  Soothingly.  She sighed while leaning back into him.

To hell with it.  To hell with waiting and being coy.

She twisted and he shouted in sudden surprise until her lips touched his mouth and he opened to her, accepting the kiss.

"Sleep with me tonight," she whispered, brushing her cheek against his. 

"I- I've been-"

"No.  With me."

The silence stretched and she began to worry until he brushed her lips with his and laid his forehead against hers. 

She smiled and turned and trotted, watching eagerly as the two suns lowered to the horizon.



This was amazing, would love to see it go on!


Thank you! I meant to write it as a quick little scene kinda thing and just kept going with it so I'm glad to see it was well received!