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Another story snippet for the higher tier group! 

Ice screeched in the frigid darkness.

Schools of fish fled from the rhythmic quivering, diving and racing while whales, miles away, cried out from the pain of it.

A crack formed like a brilliant sapphire maw across the immense iceberg.  Penguins flopped to their bellies overhead to slide down the shifting, tilting flattened 'tip' before splashing and diving into the surrounding water.

The break reverberated throughout the ocean before slowly falling back to silence.

Hours passed and fish returned in hesitant thrusts, zipping through the water and then turning away.  They inched closer every time until the memory of it faded and they resumed their familiar patterns.

From the gloom, a small piece of white flesh floated away.  It swirled and spun as it rose until a current grabbed it, pushing it down while dragging it far away.

The gash in the iceberg was a void, darker than the surrounding water.  Despite their return, the fish avoided it, giving wide berth to the area.  

The tip of a black claw, marbled with ashen gray, lay exposed.  It curled to a dull point and down into the body of the iceberg, easily six feet in width before growing wider over the dull emerald finger hidden away in the frozen cell.

A microscopic black strand near the heart of the lump of flesh writhed as it woke in the warmer water.  It pulsed and began to divide until it formed a nodule anchored within the meat.

A day later, a single male char hunted for plankton off the coast of Canada just beyond the mouth of the Mackenzie River.  Its hooked jaws widened to scoop as it flit through the waters, silver scales shining from the sunlight penetrating the depths.  It turned, showing its reddened underbelly when it spied fast moving prey.  Righting itself, it thrust forward in a burst of speed to snatch the piece of flesh from the water.  Spawning season would come soon and it needed all the nourishment it could find.

The char continued hunting until pain filled it.  The creature thrashed, rolling to one side and then the other with its wide mouth opening and closing.  Scales flaked away, only to be quickly replaced as it bulked up.

Fluorescent green light emanated from the strands of ruby red gills and the pain ceased.  Bony ridges pushed against the creature's thin lips.  It floated for a moment, unmoving as it let the water carry its body. Beady eyes surveyed the surroundings until it flicked its tail, sending shockwaves of bubbling water.

Prey bobbed before it, tantalizing and fresh, swaying and twirling with the current.  The char's explosive speed kept it from escaping as it closed in with an open mouth.

Bony pseudo-teeth scraped against metal and the hook bent beneath the pressure of the creature's now powerful muscles.  It felt the sharp tip try to penetrate the bones growing in its mouth.  The hook slipped along the bones until it found purchase and bit into the flesh beneath.  The char turned and pulled and the line connecting the hook vibrated in the water above.  It still grew, adding weight with every passing minute.

Green pulsed from its gills, highlighting the silver scales drifting away from its changing body.

Noise.  Chaos.  Yelling.  It flipped in the air and the rod holding it in place pinged from the tremendous pressure.  It was nearly free until a last pull forced it over the edge of the boat.

The char slammed against the deck, cracking the wood as men swarmed around it.

"What the hell is that?!" one man shouted. "Jesus!  It's huge!"

The char drew in a shuddering breath and a wet growl spat bubbles from its throat as it gnawed on a nearby post, tearing chunks of wood free.

"Kill it!" another man shouted frantically when the char flipped and slammed down once more, breaking through the deck itself.  It could feel its tail dangling in the gap it had created.  "Where's the damn mallet?!"

Fins pressed against the deck and the char began to push itself up until a weight crashed against its skull.  It growled once more as blood gushed from its mouth.  It snapped at the men nearby until the mallet whistled through the air and everything went black.


The end of winter brought unseasonably cold weather with it.  Stacy bounced back from the wall with her gloved hands hugging her body.  The hood of her jacket lay against her back and the faux fur tickled her neck as she leaned back to the wall in order to bounce again.

She eyed the bustling crowd, watching for her date as the hushed roar of the nearby bay mingled with the cries of gulls.  Stacy looked to the water, brushing hair from her face when the wind pulled strands free.  The birds hovered over the weathered docks beyond the walkway, tilting and descending while they watched for tourists foolish enough to walk with food in hand.

Sea salt tinged with undertones of oil and trash filled the air as she stamped her feet, silently cursing her decision not to wear her boots instead of her heels.

The old halogen light above her small shelter flickered, blinked out and then buzzed back into life as she eyed a man walking alone with a light gray overcoat.

It's not him, she told herself.  She glanced at the restaurant facing her and wondered, not for the first time, if she should just go in and wait but she hated the idea of being trapped inside with someone-

"Stacy?" the man in the coat asked hesitantly.  

Oh, shit, it is him, she realized, swallowing as she looked over to the man.  He was slightly older than his picture and a few details seemed off: the shape of his nose, the few extra wrinkles, his jaw being more narrow and other subtle features she couldn't quickly place.  Still, close enough and he seemed about the same weight.  And his eyes were pleasant.

"Yes, Alan, hi," she said, reaching her right hand out awkwardly when he raised both both arms for a hug.  He laughed and she joined when he took her hand politely instead.

"You look like you're freezing.  Let's get inside and order some food."

The restaurant swayed gently in time to the restless waves rocking back and forth against the piers.  An old fashioned lantern, swaddled in thick rope, cast a soft glow against the entrance.  Stacy ducked beneath it and then sighed happily when she stepped into the warm waiting area inside.

"Table for two?  One moment, please," the petite hostess said when the pair stood before her.  She tapped a grease pencil against a plastic diagram of the building before looking up to ensure she hadn't missed someone leaving.

"I'm still paying for my own food," Stacy said quietly.  Her roommate had groaned when she'd told her the first date was at a restaurant rather than a bar but she'd decided to take a chance.  Their short online conversation flowed well enough and it was just the excuse she needed to visit the place.

"No complaints from me," Alan told her.  He shuffled next to her while subtly taking her in.  She was shorter than he'd expected and older but still pretty.  Her dark brown hair was tied back into a short ponytail that rested against her shoulder.  His eyes lingered on the small part of her exposed shoulder until the hostess walked away with a quiet 'follow me'.

They arrived at the table offered by the hostess.  Stacy took her coat off to hang from the back of her chair and then removed her gloves before stuffing them into the pocket of her coat.  She hooked her purse on the other side of the chair and then sat.

"Julia will be your waitress today," the girl told them as she handed out heavy menus.  "Enjoy your meals!"

"Gosh, I'm starving," Stacy said, laughing nervously while arranging her menu before her.  She felt the anxiety of meeting someone new in the pit of her stomach.  

Christ, I hope he's better at small talk than I am, she thought to herself.

"Good evening," an older woman said from beside their table.  She was dressed immaculately in a typical black and white suit with her gray, curly hair tied back in a style matching Stacy's hair.  "I'm Julia and I'll be your server today.  Can I bring you any drinks?"

"Wine," Stacy blurted out.

"Just water," Alan said at the same time.

Craaaaap, Stacy groaned internally while maintaining a smile.

"The, uh, house wine," Stacy continued.  "Whatever you'd recommend."

"Certainly," Julia told her.  "I can pick something that pairs with dinner.  Do you know what you'll be ordering?"

"Umm.  Uhhhhh," Stacy mumbled, frantically searching her menu.  She picked randomly as the pressure built.  "Trout.  I'll have trout."

"A white wine, then," the woman said.  "I'll be back with your drinks shortly."

Do I even like trout? Stacy asked herself.

"I'm glad someone knows what they're doing," Alan said distractedly, flipping the same page back and forth. "I have no idea what I should get.  What would you recommend?  Something that's not too fishy."

Oh noooo, Stacy sighed but chuckled lightly outwardly.

"Oh, I love all fish.  They all taste good to me," she lied.  "Just pick what you want and I'm sure you'll be fine.  Or something from their daily menu.  Those are usually made fancy."

"Is everyone ready to order?" Julia said, appearing suddenly at Stacy's elbow.  The older woman set a glass of wine down next to Stacy before filling the two water glasses from a carafe that she set in the middle of the table.  A bowl of warm, towel-wrapped bread followed.

"Yup, I'll have the sea trout, please?" Stacy said with fake confidence.  She grabbed her wine for an emergency gulp.  She could feel a few stray hairs poking into her thigh and, now that she noticed them, she couldn't stop feeling them against her leg.  Just in case the evening went well, she'd shaved but apparently not well enough.

Could it get any worse? she asked herself, already blushing at her stumbling with the wine earlier.

"I'll try the breaded tilapia," Alan told the woman.  He gathered both of their menus before handing them to their server who nodded and left quietly.

I need to say something, she told herself.  Come on, come on!  Just- just anything to get the conversation started.

"So, um, do- do you like fish?" she asked while finally daring to look him in the eyes.  

"Oh, uh, yeah," he told her with a shrug.  "I mean, I don't eat it very much. Usually just tuna salad sandwiches but it's good.  Just not what I usually eat.  What about you?"

Do you like fish?  Jesus Christ, I want to die, she whimpered inside.  This is why you can't get a fucking date, Stacy.  It's not college anymore where you just go to a party and get laid.  You actually have to have a conversation like an adult.

"Sure, yeah," she nodded, grabbing her glass with a hand shaking from embarrassment.  She took another swallow and then continued.  "I'm basically a cat.  Sleep in, stay up all night, nap all the time, umm, eat fish, and, umm..."

"Knock random things over on tables?" Alan offered, raising an eyebrow.

"Haha, yeah," she said as her cheeks burned, the red racing up to her ears.  She gripped her thick cloth napkin as an excuse to busy herself, taking out the silverware and opening it to lay on her knee.

"So, um, tell me about architecture," she said suddenly, desperately wanting to change the flow of conversation.  His profile had mentioned his job but they hadn't touched on it much over their messages.  It was her Hail Mary play and she prayed it would work.

"Oh no.  I could talk about it all night," he said with a charming little smile.  "It's mostly about coming up with these really cool ideas that the engineers shoot down for 'safety reasons' or other nonsense."

She listened to him talk about his work, beginning with college while she tore pieces from the bread before her.  Unlike her partying years, he'd thrown himself into his studies while occasionally being dragged into the club by his more outgoing roommate.

Before long, Julia appeared once more.

"The tilapia," she murmured, laying a large plate with breaded fish, rice and vegetables in front of Alan.  "And the trout."

"Can I have more wine, please?" Stacy asked.

"Certainly," the server said, taking the empty glass before vanishing.

Stacy dug in immediately, pulling a soft piece of reddened meat from the surprisingly large filet on her plate.  

A black tendril pulled back into the miniscule nodule it was attached to.  Alone, it was nothing and it had barely survived being cooked.  The open air was disagreeable to it, unfamiliar abrasive chemicals that ate at its body when it was exposed.  The world had changed over millions of years and it struggled to exist alone.

Stacy nodded her head in pleased surprise as she chewed.  The fish had a surprising flavor to it as well as being more chew than she'd expected.  If anything, it made her think of chicken rather than a heavy fish flavor.

Her fork descended once more.  Tiny tentacles wrapped around the tines and the creature struggled to pull itself deeper into safety but it was lifted instead.  Teeth scraped lightly against the fork and it found itself tumbling and turning before latching itself to the back of her throat.

Stacy coughed and then tried to clear her throat.

"You okay?" Alan asked with concern.

Incredibly sensitive organs sensed the faint electrical network humming through Stacy's brain.  It was amazed, as much as it could be in its limited and primitive form, at how much power it felt.  The few hosts it had in the past were nothing compared to what it felt now.  It flattened itself, straining and stretching to the limit before slipping deep inside her body.

"Yeah," Stacy replied, rubbing her throat with another low grumble.  

It raced through the rushing tube, pinging fiercely until it sensed what it needed.  Once more, tentacles shot out, clawing for purchase and it pushed against the barrier blocking it.  It mindlessly tried numerous methods to gain entry until the tip of a tentacle grew sharp and it cut a flap just large enough to slip inside.

"I'm sorry, what?" Stacy asked, looking up while running a finger around her ear and against the nape of her neck.  She massaged the skin and bones for a moment while staring at Alan.

"Oh, I didn't say anything," he told her, pausing with the fork halfway to his mouth.

"Huh," she said, taking another bite of her rice.  "I could've sworn I heard something."

Her fingers kneaded the flesh in small circles.  The pillar-like growth of bone on her atlas and axis vertebrae pushed against her skin.  The ridges of her spine rose in a smooth wave as long black tentacles grew down, spiraling around bones, nerves and muscles.  She grunted and shoved her back against her chair, rubbing the itchy, swollen skin surrounding her enlarged vertebrae.  Muscles tore and rebuilt around the bones, stronger and more dense with every iteration.

A cramp formed in her stomach, twitching and drilling like it was alive and sweat beaded on her temple.  Stacy exhaled as her pupils dilated.

Old, faint memories played like faded daydreams in the back of her mind.  They were disjointed and mixed.  She saw herself, as if in third person, holding a finger painting up to her mother and then immediately saw Brad's pimply face closing in for her first kiss.

We, a voice said.

"What?" she asked again while pressing a fist against her belly.  The pain was spreading upward in a thin line while a chill filled her body.

"Hey, are you okay?" Alan asked from a thousand miles away.  His voice warbled in her ears as if she were being pulled deep underwater.

"We're fine," Stacy gasped.  "I- I just have to-"

She pushed her chair back, standing hunched over while searching the bathroom.  Her vertebrae pushed against her thin blouse, the flattened ridges surrounded by reddened, sweaty skin.  They flexed as she moved and slowly widened.  She felt constrained in her own body, as if someone had wrapped her in cellophane.

The memories were endless.  Old arguments mixed with drunken sex in her dorm before flashing to nearly falling asleep in high school and riding with her parents in a carseat, thrilled that she was going to the beach.  And more.  Years worth of her life were passing in minutes.

People spoke quietly around her as she stumbled towards the bathroom, gnashing her teeth to hold back the pain that seemed to radiate along her core. Bent over as she was, she barreled into the swinging door with her shoulder and it crashed open.  Her already tight skin began to show hard lines of muscle, a taut arch now running from her thin neck to her shoulder.

She coughed harshly.  Her throat felt like it was on fire but that discomfort was quickly replaced by a throbbing pain that dug fingers deep in her skull.  Collagen flowed out from beneath the dense muscle beginning to surround her neck, upwards and outwards.  Her narrow chin pulled apart, fresh bone quickly replacing the cracks that appeared as her cheekbones pushed outward.  

Blackness.  Pain.  

"Can't breathe," she gasped, clawing at her throat.  Keratin oozed outward from the nail matrices on the tips of her fingers, chipping and breaking her nail polish before surrounding her nails and spreading to cover her fingers.  She felt the loss of touch as the nails grew over the first joints of her fingers.  Red lines marked her throat when her reformed fingers lanced outward into spikes that tore at her skin.  "Can't breathe!"

Flopping.  Gasping.  Pain exploding in her head.  Anger.  The world spinning around her.  A mallet descending towards her face.  She crossed her arms before her eyes and the sleeves tore to expose dense muscle on bulging forearms.  

More collagen spread, surrounding her skull to protect herself from the hammer blow that wouldn't come.  The memory of another time.  Another thing.  Another part of herself.

Stacy gripped the porcelain sink in front of her as sweat dripped to the floor and her claws screeched against the slick surface.  She looked up and into the distended face of a monster.

"Who are we?" she asked, staring into her own brown eyes.  She was bloated, a caricature of her former self, barely recognizable to any who knew her.  Gasping, she leaned forward and her trapezius muscles bulged, tearing her blouse further.  The band holding her hair slid backwards as more hair grew to cover her expanding scalp until, finally, it slipped to the ground below her and her loose hair brushed her shoulders and back.

She watched, in horror, as her ears moved.  They tilted back at an angle and she opened her jaw wide to try and stave off the throbbing ache the new change brought.  The rounded edges or her ears pulled upward, spearing through her hair.  Her mouth fell open but she ignored it as she searched the minute features on her face.  New teeth, razor sharp, slid through the gaps in her gums while enamel consumed her existing teeth to reshape them into a carnivore's maw.

Green appeared in the stretching skin on the inside of her ears - a soft seafoam mixed with pink coloring as little bony ridges formed still-expanding edges.

The memories were disappearing now and the creature moved within.

Absolute agony exploded like fireworks along the length of her entire body.  The sink shattered in her grasp as she collapsed to the ground with a muted howl, kicking her feet against the wall nearby.  Plaster fell from the ceiling with each powerful thump and she slammed her hands into the ground, cracking the tile before rending the ceramic with her claws.  Already her slim fingers had doubled in size.  Emerald lines appeared in the cracks of her fingers when they expanded but more keratin quickly filled the gaps and the green flowed down to her palms 

Alan's voice called out beyond the bathroom door but it was lost to her.

Skin opened around her vertebrae, exposing them to the open air.  A gelatinous black shell covered the bone but it began to dry as she flailed on the ground.  Before the armor could set, the flattened tips of her bones raised into a sharp curve.

The torment seemed unending and the creature within recoiled, frantically flailing its tendrils to discover what it had touched to cause the pain it shared with its host.  She finally screamed out loud, her voice rising to an ear-piercing shriek that shattered the mirrors and the glasses on the tables near to the bathroom.

Dopamine flooded her body and Stacy rolled with a hissing groan.  Her tongue lashed out and drool dripped from the length of it as it continued to extend.  The fleshy growth swelled in her growing jaw.

Fuuuuuck, we feel soooo fucking gooood, she moaned to herself, clawing down her chest until her tattered blouse and bra lay beneath her.  Sweat dripped from the tips of her hardened nipples as she spread her legs and rocked herself back and forth.  With one hand easily holding her massive body up, she reached the other beneath her, tearing the crotch of her pants and shoving a finger deep inside her suddenly wet pussy.

Her enlarged finger filled her tight sex.  She grinded at her teeth, breaking them into fragments that were quickly replaced by denser fangs.  With each iteration, her slightly stained teeth darkened, fading from white to gray and finally a deep obsidian that resisted even being scratched by the deadly tips of her teeth.

Flaps appeared over her nostrils as her jaw slowly pushed forward.  The pain it caused was easily consumed by the pleasure filling her.

"Stacy?" Alan called out, peeking through the bathroom door.  His eyes fell upon her and he froze in fear, knuckles shaking against the metal handle.  His entire body screamed at him to run but his legs refused to move.  She easily stood a head taller than he was, despite being shorter than he was while wearing her heels.  "What- what- what happened to you?!"

"We feel amazing, Alan," Stacy moaned, pushing herself up to a standing position.  Her thighs rubbed together as they expanded until her hips cracked and popped, widening her waist and pulling her stance further apart.  Her tailbone squirmed within a twisting knot of growing muscles and she moaned again when nerves connected to it.  The seams along her jeans tore to reveal green-tinged flesh hardened with muscle.

Her straining heels exploded as bones within her feet pulled them apart.  Her toenails were already thick and stained with black.  The tips were jagged but, as with her fingers, the nails were still growing as her feet widened to match her new frame.

Cum dripped to the floor and her thighs as she stalked to the man before her.

Green and black lines spread from the tips of her fingers, tracing over her skin as they raced up to her shoulders and then down her chest and back.  Her breasts shook with every powerful step and, despite her changes, Alan found his eyes drawn to them.

"Oh god," the man gasped when he saw the skin stretching.

Green and black covered her skin, mirroring the veins beneath as her breasts swelled outward.  Thick white milk welled from the tips of her nipples before dropping to the floor.  She grabbed her breasts with a hissing moan, clawing gently at the skin as they overwhelmed her large hands.

Finally, Alan found the courage to turn but she lashed out, grabbing the door and breaking it from the hinges.  Screams echoed in the dining area beyond them as she pulled both Alan and the door into the bathroom.

He slammed into the ground beneath her and she smiled down at him, licking her cheeks, nose and eyes with her tongue.  Her pupils narrowed as she lowered herself, drool flinging to his face before she reached down to kiss him.  When she leaned back, grinding her body against him, her pupils were compressed into vertical slits.

She reached beneath her, tearing a hole in Alan's trousers while grabbing his cock, rubbing it with her swollen green hand.  Segmented scales covered the base of her fingers.  The iridescent armor continued up to the middle of her hand before fading to pure white skin.  As she tugged at Alan's dick, lines appeared in her hands and the skin hardened into more scales.  The process continued unabated as she grinded against the tiny man beneath her.

He bucked under her with a groan, shaking his head and hissing as he grew hard in her grasp.  She lowered herself and then moaned when he slipped inside but he felt small.  In her chemically fueled arousal, It didn't matter. She rutted, slamming herself down in full view of the panicking restaurant behind her.

Alan's tongue snaked out of his mouth and he reached for her breasts, clawing with sharp nails until she leaned down to allow him to suckle from her nipple.

Tile exploded beneath her as she continued to grow.  Bone split her knees, the extruding, hardening collagen already coated with the black material covering her spiked vertebrae.  The new bones tore into the flooring, anchoring her in place as she continued to expand.

Sharp little needle teeth bit at her nipple and she grumbled in approval but she could slowly feel Alan's cock fading within her expanding body.  

Stacy glanced down at the man and her ears brushed the paneled ceiling.  The man's yellowed eyes tracked her as he tried to hold onto her body but she stood, breaking through the paneling and thin metal brackets holding them in place.  

She thrashed with a growl, tearing the ceiling apart before stomping into the dining area beyond.  Alan rolled with a snarl, hunched over on all fours with a vestigial tail twisting and twitching above the bands of his ruined pants.  He stayed at her heels, just behind her, scanning the room with his exposed skin pulsing a sickly chartreuse that highlighted the veins tracing his body.

"We need more," she grumbled, shaking the walls surrounding her as she waded into the wide open room beyond the bathroom.  She left a trail of clear cum, tinted with green and the floor creaked beneath her.  

The smell of the sea beyond the pier called to her.  The parasite sharing her body longed for it but it restrained itself for the sake of its host.  

Her tail, as wide as Alan's body, slapped against her powerful ass.  She growled in response when it curled down and between her thighs but it was as-yet too short to pleasure her body.  Wide, bony spikes covered the top of the tail in shorter intervals than her own spine.  Once more, she growled as the tail writhed between her ass cheeks.

She forced herself onward, clawing and tearing at the ceiling.  Shards of wood and fluffy pink insulation filled the air until she reached up with both arms and pulled.  Stacy's sharp ears brushed the remains of the sloped roof.  She closed her slit eyes to the moon and breathed in deeply to taste the tang of the salt water.  Her nostril flaps vibrated with a strange purring growl as her shoulders pushed against the beams holding the roof in place.

Alan scampered out of the restaurant.  He snarled as a fleeing man tripped and fell and he lunged, sharp teeth snapping but the man twisted and ran.  Alan glanced back at Stacy and growled, unwilling to stray too far away from her.  She could feel his unique presence, marked as he was from the liquids during her change.

An unearthly moan filled the night air when Stacy's nipples brushed the roof.  The soft pink had darkened over her huge, puffy areola and green lines streaked her massive breasts. She pushed the building aside and stepped onto the pier in the middle of the stampeding crowd.  Men and women shouted and screamed at each other as they tried to push their way towards the street and their parked cars.

Stacy glanced at the milling people and her stomach grumbled but dopamine continued to fill her as the parasite toyed with her body to learn how it worked.  They found themselves frustrated by the lack of release and so she ignored everyone around her.  She toyed with herself, scaled hand grinding between her scaled thighs before she spied what she wanted.  She flicked her hand and waded into the water without a look back.

Translucent, greenish cum flung through the air.  A thick glob splattered into a woman's face and chest and she fell to the ground, rolling and sputtering as she tried to clean it off.  Claws split her fingers, tearing at her lips as she scooped the sticky liquid away from her mouth and cheeks.  Blood mixed with the liquid as fangs split her gums and she screamed, her voice rising higher and higher until it was a shrieking hiss.  Her body vibrated and she tore at her jacket and the shirt beneath.  Her hands roamed her body, spreading the liquid over her soft, small breasts and then down.

The skin between the woman's fingers slid upward into thick webbing as she tore at her pants.

Another string of ropy, green cum flew like a bolas, entwining itself around a man's neck.  It wrapped tighter and tighter until it splashed into his open mouth.  He gagged, falling to his knees and wiping at the elegant curves of his thin eyes.  The man yelled and curled into himself while tearing at his black hair.

Green veins pulsed on his forearms.  He curled into a tighter ball, his forehead against the ground and sharp spines pierced the back of his sweater, rising on the lumps of his expanding vertebrae.  Sharp ears peeked through his short hair and he leaned back with spread arms and a roar that sent people scurrying away from him.  

"Need- need- fuuuck," the man hissed, looking over at the gigantic form of his Mistress.  She was knee deep in the water and her tail splashed waves against the nearby buildings.  

The man's growing nose flaps opened and closed and he turned to spy a nude woman laying on her back with her legs spread.  She clawed through her short red hair while thrusting fingers between her legs and her short tail pushed her ass upwards.  She eyed the man and her long tongue lashed outward as she displayed herself to him.

With the Mistress distracted, he allowed himself a moment of pleasure.  The man scurried to the woman, leaning over her body to wrap his tongue around her small breasts.  His fumbling claws undid his belt and his cock popped free.

Small, hard lumps formed around his cock and the head was stretching outward in a slight curve.  He grabbed the woman's neck, pressing his claws into her skin as he guided himself into her.  She bit at his shoulder and neck and thrust herself forward in encouragement and their sibilant voices filled the air when his cock filled her swollen pussy.  

Another woman fell, covered in Stacy's cum and she dragged her husband down with her.

"Baby!  We can't stop!  Get up!"

The man tugged at his wife's hand, pulling her along but sharp claws split her boots to tear into the old pier beneath her and her hand tightened on his.

"Hot," the woman gasped, pulling at her husband.  Her tongue licked at the cum on her face and lengthened, sliding down to her chin as her eyes rolled back.  She hissed and pulled harder on her husband's hand.

"Baby, we- mumph!" he said, cut off as her mouth closed over his and she pressed against him, dragging him to the ground.  Her tongue wrapped around his as she humped his leg until her hips cracked.  A lump formed beneath scaly skin low on her back 

"I-  I-" her husband moaned, twisting and turning as yellow streaks appeared in his eyes.  She pushed his pants down and lowered herself onto his cock, moaning when she felt the first bumps appear on its length.  He gasped, grabbing her ass and his claws bit deep when he pulled her down, hard against his crotch.

Others, similarly infected, began to change as Stacy gripped a wooden beam from the pier in front of her.  Her bicep bulged when she pulled and the beam broke with an ear-splitting crack.  

The skin at the corner of her mouth split when her jaw enlarged further, red flesh connected her jaws as she opened her mouth wide and leaned back against the rocky shore.  She lifted a huge leg and twisted the beam before resting the rounded tip against her pussy.  

Need this.  We need this.  Release.  Do it.  DO IT! 

The beam split her open and her howling roar caused all of her changing children to flock to her with concern.  They gibbered for her, prostrated and bowing until Stacy's howl turned to a rumbling moan.  

A newly infected woman crawled to the group, pulling herself with still-lengthening claws until she reached a woman at the edge.  She grabbed the other woman's ass and, with a whimper, shoved her face between the stranger's thighs.  Her tongue elongated within and the other woman reached a hand beneath to toy with her clit as the changing woman pleasured her.

A squirming, twisting, hissing orgy broke out as the creatures soaked in the arousal of their Mistress.  

Stacy slid against the rocks, still growing, as she thrust the beam between her legs.  Her cum dripped to the water and boulders cracked in her grasp.  Her heavy breathing rumbled the very air and she continuously licked her lips as she stared down her muscular body.  Green scales crept around her side, cradling her breasts and hips as the flesh of her torso grew pale.  Her tail slammed the rocks and ground behind her and her black spikes quivered with each thrust of the wooden pillar.  They could feel it coming - the release they needed.  She sped up and the wood splintered in her careless grip.  Faster and faster and faster and faster-

She roared with her orgasm and her children went into a frenzy around her.  Spittle flew from her fangs and she slammed at the ground around her as her pulsing pussy clenched the beam hard enough to break it.  With each clench deep between her thighs, she shoved the remains of the pillar out until it splashed to the water before her.  

More humans joined her brood as the infection spread slowly but they stopped and bowed, foreheads to the ground when she turned and stepped onto the road.  

Sirens filled the air and she shielded her eyes from the slowly rotating light of a lighthouse far in the distance.  The parasite was reluctant to release its grip as it rode the waves of the orgasm.  It tightened its tendrils and Stacy's throat vibrated when she sighted the spire of a church.  

Webbing grew between the woman's armored fingers as she cleaned the cum from her hands.  She lashed the claws and skin before flicking them free, scattering her juices around the town.  A few guttural cries marked the birth of more of her flock as she made her way to the church.

Cars crumpled beneath her feet and her children circled her before spreading outward, searching for threats.  Occasionally, a few would break apart to mate before joining the pack, switching partners endlessly while welcoming new members and spreading the infection to stragglers.

Pain exploded in Stacy's shoulder and her children screamed to match her roar as a jet shrieked past her body.

Blood, bone and sinew showed in the ruin of her shoulder and long strands of her brown hair floated away behind her, torn loose by the impact.

Her brood climbed her body quickly, nibbling at the exposed flesh and licking her wound.  Stacy left them to their cleansing work as the jet circled wide.  She roared a challenge and her breasts shook as she stomped, widening her stance.  Muscle grew over new, glistening bone in the hole of her shoulder when she raised both arms.  Diamond shaped calcite crystals formed within her body, expanding outward while merging with her scales and hardening into dense, rocky layers.  Her stomach cracked as the white scales glittered with the new crystals.

Stacy sunk deeper into the earth as her mass increased.  Her tail thrashed behind her, wrecking empty houses and abandoned businesses.  She blinked green slitted eyes and a nictitating membrane grew in place when she focused on the oncoming jet.

Twin flames ignited as missiles detached and the jet's nose raised.  She leapt forward, ducking beneath the launch before reaching out, faster than the pilot thought possible.  Her claws easily tore through metal.  The jet spun as the pilot ejected and a spray of blood from her healing shoulder covered him and his parachute.

She watched him for a moment, tempted to snatch him from the sky in order to quench the building hunger but the pilot ripped off his mask to scream with a mouthful of fangs.  She reached out, picking him gently while snapping the tethers for his parachute.  Finally, she lay him on the ground where her pack swarmed him, tearing at his clothing until he lay nude, gasping and spasming as the changes overwhelmed his body.  A lone female straddled him with a long hiss and he grabbed her, rolling until she was on all fours and he was above her, yellowed eyes wild and long tongue waving as his cock split her open.

Stacy's sharp ears caught faint sonic booms as other jets were scrambled.  She growled, sparing a last glance at the church before turning to face the water.

It called to her, the dark waves lapping over the crumbling pier.  Already, the restaurant was slipping into the water and she reached it quickly, wading into the bay while her children leapt into the waves around her.  

Slits appeared on the side of her neck as she lowered herself into the water.  The pink flesh within separated into feathery red strands.  Meanwhile, the slits lengthened into flaps and her gills fluttered in the open air.  Her children dived and swam around her, touching her body when they could and holding on to spare their own muscles as she spread her arms and pulled.  

Waves built from the movement of her webbed hands in the shallow water, growing larger and larger before slamming into the shore.  Explosions rocked the water around her as she swam deeper, her tail writhing behind her.  She breathed in and then coughed, expelling a stream of bubbles and tumbling the creatures around her mouth before breathing in again.  It took a few tries before her body learned what was needed to properly use the gills she'd grown.

Calm darkness surrounded her and she opened her mouth to feed while swimming deeper.  Her children hunted around her, bringing her offerings before eating the smaller remains.  

Whales sang their warning far away and she roared back at them before snatching a too-bold great white shark, eating it whole while swimming deeper.  She slowed as she sensed new children coming, leaping into the water behind her in a frantic race to catch up to their Mistress.

For now, she welcomed the feeling of the water around her.  The ancient parasite took its first host here and, with the exception of her and one other, they were all born of the ocean.  But it knew it couldn't last.  The dulled memories whispered of the joys of the world beyond the shores.  Of the people and animals that called that land home.  She would feed here, and heal and grow until she was ready to resurface and reclaim her home.

Her children stopped to hover above her, clicking with nervousness as Stacy dove into a pitch black trench.  Green light flashed in bright pulses, highlighting an exodus of fleeing creatures in Stacy's wake.  Tentacles from a giant squid thrashed before being pulled deeper.

She returned to her brood in a trail of blood and they sang to her while swarming around, picking at the flesh of dead creatures stuck within her rough scales until they'd had their fill.  Faint green light emanated from her gills and she grumbled in pleasure from the feel of their claws and teeth against her body and the knowledge that she'd tended to them.

The parasite felt curiosity grow within now that their hunger was sated.  It was a new feeling unique to this host. The ocean was immense and unknown to them.  The land could wait as Stacy peered into the darkness, her eyes protected behind the thick, translucent membrane.  Her ears fluttered as a whale called out again and she swam towards it.  Bubbles billowed out from glowing emerald cracks in the armor covering her body before new flesh and scales covered them and she continued to expand.  Her children held onto her brown hair and rocky hide as she swam.

Plenty of time, she told herself but it was more a feeling of being unconcerned with the future.  As she swam, she listened to the whispers of dreams tracing back millions of years, content in the knowledge that they were free once more.


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