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The transformation subreddit made a Valentine's Day contest for a caption and I thought I'd join in for the hell of it.  Took about 30 minutes to write and a bit more to get it down to the maximum word count, haha.  The text posted below is before editing.  I didn't win but I'm sharing the little story thing regardless!  The results are here:   https://www.reddit.com/r/transformation/comments/f44sjy/caption_contest_results/ 

The carbon fiber creaked as the top and bottom cams rotated, pulling the arrow back with the string.  Dale sighted and judged the lack of wind in the fog blanketed morning.  He swallowed as he held steady and the taste of the dipping tobacco behind his bottom lip gave him a buzz.


A whorl of mist followed the arrow's path but it stopped mid-air, the fletching tilting skyward as the arrow angled to the ground.  The tip hovered for a brief moment before it fell flat against the muddy grass.  A nearly invisible pink line traced backward from the arrow, following its flight to the bow Dale held.  It flowed into the bow, highlighting the curves before settling into the textured grip, consuming the black to leave a bright magenta color.

Joe glanced over from his stall far to Dale's left with raised eyebrows before shaking his head and nocking an arrow to his own bow.  The three friends had a hunting trip planned for tomorrow and decided they needed the practice before they set out.

A single stitched camo block moved low on Dale's pant leg, rearranging itself into a dark green heart.  It set off a chain reaction that spiraled around his pants, random green blocks ordering themselves into hearts of various shapes against a light green background.  Along his back, the blocks joined together before spreading outward into a large double wing pattern.

He set the bow against his left thigh, tweaking his baseball cap to settle it more comfortably against his head.  The black stubble at the back of his head lightened to blonde before slowly growing out and more hairs emerged from his scalp to match the new coloring.  With a grunt, he pulled the cap off and lay it on the bench before him, wiping sweat from his brow before running fingers through his short, silky blonde hair.

Reaching for another arrow, he instead grabbed at his cock, pushing the suddenly throbbing erection aside and shaking his head.  The tips of his hair brushed his nape, distracting him as they grew down to his shoulders.  He swallowed once more and then gagged as the taste of the dip was suddenly rancid.  Setting his bow down, he spat the wad from his mouth.

"Ew, ew," he groaned, spitting harder.  He brushed at his mouth and his lips responded, swelling at his touch as they curved outward.  "So gross."

Pink encircled his bow as he picked it up once more and selected an arrow tipped with fuscia.  The color was mesmerising and his mouth hung slack as he brought it up.  He giggled quietly at the sight of it and brought it to his lips to kiss it before gasping and shaking his head.

Dale snuck a glance at his friends and then quickly set the arrow to the bow string.  Beneath his vest and the shirt underneath, skin gathered around his nipples, doubling them in size and they grew achingly erect.  He brought his bow up and then moaned, pressing his knees together when the string brushed his right nipple.  

The skin surrounding the nipple quivered, loose and soft.  His areola expanded outward as fatty tissue filled the skin.  Milk ducts formed within the fat, just beneath his nipples.  Milk dribbled from the tips as his breasts began to expand, flattening against his tight shirt.

He raised the bow and his hand brushed his face.  His beard flaked away at his touch to leave smooth skin behind.  More began to fall as he sighted the target but he giggled again as he noticed the pink tip of the arrow bobbing before him.  The string irritated his fingers as they became smooth and his shortened nails elongated, pure white transitioning to pink until they were glossy.

Bobbing.  Rounded.  Swollen.  Long and hard.

His mouth watered as his cock convulsed and shrunk.  He could feel it in his mouth.  It.  Not the arrow but something.  Filling his mouth as his tongue-

With a gasp, he released and the pink arrow screamed to the center of the target.

A brief bout of vertigo made him dizzy and he grabbed the bench before him.  The world seemed to grow bigger as he shrunk into himself.  He spread his thighs when they grew thick, stretching his pants.  The tread from his boots brushed against old bubblegum and it stuck and spread, enveloping the bottom in a bright pink that somehow spread to his other boot.  The deep arch separated as the heel grew, pushing his feet up.  His breasts shook beneath his shirt and he squirmed as he gasped for air.

Magenta threads appeared in his calf-length socks.  They spread, converting the black and then raised, stretching over his knees and up to the middle of his thighs.  He pulled at his stockings but then tsked when his inexpert care made his long nails tear a small hole near the top.  When he glanced away, the tear repaired itself.

His vest flattened against his shirt, absorbing the fabric before dissolving to leave an opening that showed his meager cleavage.  He gasped and looked down, blinking lashes that grew thick and long and full.  Bones shifted in his face as he struggled to understand what was happening and his cheekbones lifted.

"I have- is this- boobs?" he said, setting his pink bow down to touch himself.  "Oh!"

They were incredibly sensitive to the touch and still growing, overwhelming his now small hands as he pushed them together.  At the same time, the legs of his pants pulled upward. They dragged at the hair on his legs, pulling them free to leave perfectly smooth skin behind.  Higher and higher they raised before merging at the middle and flaring outward into a pink skirt.  He could feel it constricting around his ass as his waist grew plump and round and eager for someone to grab onto.

"Oh no!  My- my-!"

*Dick*, he thought, moaning as he squeezed his flaccid cock.  The thought of cocks made him warm and wiggly and-

"Wet," he moaned, licking his plump lips as his hands brushed a slit opening between his thighs, just beneath his shrinking cock.  His balls were nonexistent and the sack around them compressed into his new labia.

He stared down at himself but his breasts swelled outward, blocking his view.  He wanted to see it so desperately - the thing that felt ***sooooo gooood***.  He giggled and moaned and stroked his soaked pussy but his long, platinum blonde hair fell in front of his eyes so he reached for his hat and grabbed the pink hairband with the red felt heart.  He smiled at it and settled it in place to hold his hair back.

Something tickled his back and he jumped as the wings on his shirt grew real and connected to his body.  Dark green faded to white and they pulled against the shirt until they were freed and flapping behind him, stirring the mist.  He laughed, delighted at the feel of them until his thick thighs rubbed together to remind him of the new pussy between his thighs.

"Whoaaaa!" he giggled as he leaned for his bow, caught off balance but the change in his center of gravity.  His breasts slipped out of the 'window' in his top to show large, erect nipples.  Dale let them hang out as he picked up the pink recurve bow and a heart-tipped arrow.

It took a moment to figure out how to hold his bow properly with his massive bosom but he finally did.  Turning, he faced Joe and smiled.  His friend was always nice but he ***knew*** he had more love to offer.


Joe staggered, twirling and falling.  Steve yelled out and ran to him, leaning over his friend with a shout.  The arrow stood out from the center of Joe's chest and Steve yanked the man's buttoned shirt open.

A soft pair of small breasts quivered from the motion and Joe gasped, raising his hips before pulling Steve down into a deep kiss.  Joe's breasts filled out, flattening against the other man as curly brown hair spilled forth from the prone man's scalp.

Dale's wings flapped and he shot skyward while settling his quiver against his back.  He fixed his shirt and then dipped fingers between his legs, his tongue lolling out as he fingered himself.  Finally, he pulled them back, opening them to stare at the clear strands hanging between them.  He groaned, wanting to lick himself clean but instead rubbed the liquid on the tips of his arrows.

Pleasuring himself could come later.  He had some hunting to do first.



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