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I wrote this thing because why not?  A kaiju TF is next!

The world is a desolate wasteland beyond me.  A nightmare landscape devoid of hope and light.  I honestly don't know how long I can survive like this.  I can't remember the last time I've eaten or the last time I tasted clean air.

"Hey, Julie," my roommate says at the door to my room.  He's a ghost, a white halo surrounding his pale form with little motes of radioactive ash dancing around him. "You've been stuck in here all day.  Maybe you should take a break for a bit?  I'm gonna head out after I'm done getting ready."

Venturing into the remnants of society is a madman's fever dream.  I adjust my too-thick glasses and drag my blanket around my thin body to shield myself.

"Noooooo," I rasp, huddling into myself.  My thick, wool socks and cotton pajamas protect me from the nuclear winter of our shared temperature controlled apartment.  Only my short auburn hair, cheeks, glasses and ears peek out from the cocoon I've created.  "I'll die if I leave the shelter."

"Alright, drama llama," he says, shaking his head.  He seems like a decent guy.  Respectful and handsome in an unfortunate 'I'm still in my college party years' kinda way.  We're still getting to learn our way around each other since we roomed up but we get along since there's nothing there.  Just a shared need to be able to afford to live.  You know.  Basic stuff.

"Actually yes," I say, snaking an arm out of the warmth.  "Can you toss me my red pen?  The one on the shelf to your right?"

"This pen?" he asks after foraging.  I have far too many pens.  I'm basically an ink crow, assembling my collection of random pens from hotels and comic cons and random businesses and restaurants.

"Yeah," I say, bobbing my hand.

"Ah?" his voice is full of amusement as he waves the pen with a crooked smile and a tilt of his head.

I can't- I can't look away from it.  The end of the pen dips in his unsteady hand before curling up at the end of each motion, tracing a curly bracket laying on its back.  

My hips tremble.  Lifting, side to side.  Just barely - the hint of a motion.  Bones grating against each other painlessly as my eyes dilate.  Fixated on the pen.

I want it.  I want it so fucking bad.  I want the pen.  I want it.  I want- why isn't he throwing it?!

"You want the pen?" he asks, smile widening.

"Yesssss," I hiss.

My ass is nothing.  Barely there.  A minor consideration when God was handing out attributes at the People Factory.  

Now- now as I wriggle in my chair, mesmerized by the pen, I feel cushioning.  Skin stretches, pulling at my pajamas as I begin to fill them properly.  Fat forming over growing muscle as my butt expands, pulling my jammies tight.  They slide down my body until they lay just above my thighs, baring half of my freshly shaved mound beneath the blanket.  Bones crick and crack and I swallow when something weird pushes against my insides, temporarily rubbing against some pretty fucking sensitive spots before it's guided outward and a mound of smooth flesh appears between the new twin dimples of my fat, thick ass.

I can't see it, or much else beyond the tantalizing pen, but he's wondering if he's teasing me too much.  He's about to toss me the pen but decides to push me further since I didn't say the magic word at first.

"Beg," he tells me, tapping the pen up and down and up and down and up and down and-

Bones wrap around nerves threaded with muscle and my little tiny tail starts thumping in time to rhythm of the pen, up and down and up and down and up and down, patting the curve of my ass.  

My breath is hot and my heart races with every tiny tap of my tail.  Wiggling in place with my wider hips pressed against my thighs and pussy makes for a really intense sensation.  And now it's flowing downward, into my thighs and- oh god, the pressure is rubbing against me and I'm starting to feel turned on.

"Pleash," I beg with a slight lisp.  My tongue suddenly fills my entire mouth, throwing off my speech.  I swallow an overload of spit and my wide tongue rests against my bottom lip.  

Oh.  Ohhhh.  Breathing fast, heart pumping.  Panting.  Panting tongue rubbing against lips that are so sensitive now as they swell.  Blood vessels multiply within and my pale lips darken into an erotic vermilion shade as they grow plump and full and ready to suck and kiss.

The edges of my tongue lift when my canines elongate, dragging enamel of my premolars up with them as my jaw groans.  Molars shift, growing little peaks like micro mountains of fangs and I sneeze but snap my eyes open to continue staring at the pen.  

My wetness rises to my powerful nose as dark fractures appear on the skin and my entire face slides forward.

He throws it with a laugh and I lunge, stretching jaw snapping over the pen as I land on my hands and knees.

My ass quakes and my bra-less breasts quiver with the impact.

A lick of silky, curly blonde hair lays exposed above the tightened band of my pajamas.  Stubble surrounds the tuft and they're growing outward into golden fur.

I shake my head, "killing" my prize with a restrained growl and my breasts shake.  

Fuuu- My nipples dragging back and forth and back again beneath the old itchy pajama top.  I drop the drool-covered pen with a whine while pawing at my chest as my nipples harden, pushing outward.  But they're still moving, sliding beneath my shirt when my breasts begin to grow.  Stretching and straining against the cheap buttons until gaps show between.

Fur creeps along my belly between rows of darkened skin.  A tiny dent lays between each of the six vaguely rounded bumps and milk wells from two of them.

My fur grows curly and I giggle when I feel my ears sliding through my hair.  Buttery blonde highlights appear at the roots of my hair, spreading like wildfire until they reach the tips.

A button pops and I lean back with a happy growl.  My tail grows thick and soft, driving me wild as the fur brushes against my wide ass.  I can't help but rock back and forth in excitement and all it does is drag my pants lower.  And lower.  And lower until my swollen, glistening clit is visible.

"You- Your- What's-" my roommate stutters, eyes wide as he stares at me.  "Your face!  You're naked!  You're-  You're- Huge!"

My ears flop over as I grab for my top and curved black claws push fingernails aside to latch onto my shirt.  I pull and fling it aside, shaking my body back and forth with a moan and a giggle and then a sigh.  

I crawl to him on all fours, low to the ground with my ass in the air.  My floppy ears shake slightly before I draw them back with new muscles and stare up at him with a smile and another giggle.  My knee catches my pajamas and they pull further down over thighs covered with a line of curly blonde fur.  My tail curls above them, the tip dragging through soft fur on my back.  My heavy, massive breasts dangle beneath me and I moan loudly, muzzle open wide to show sharp teeth when my nipples drag against the carpet.

One hand on the floor.  The other before it.  Right hand down again.  I feel the skin on my palm move as if it's loose.  Left hand and it's the same but growing tighter.  Right hand.  My palm doesn't touch the carpet entirely as the solidifying paw pads along my palm and beneath my fingers bear my weight.  

My straight auburn hair, now pure gold, begins to curl and it tickles as it winds itself around the wispy fur growing along my muzzle.  

"Want it," I giggle, stopping before my roommate.  Despite his shock, he's hard and my mouth waters.  Drool forms at the edges of my soft, pink lips but I lick it away with my rough tongue.  

I lay back on my ass with my hands behind me, spreading my arms wide to show my wet pussy, heavy breasts and aching teats.  Teasing him as I feel the drool down there, tangling with the fur on my inner thighs.

My leg muscles tense as I bring my bare feet up, resting them against his cock, pressing against him until the outline is visible in his jeans.  He groans and reaches for my feet as if to push them away but then snatches them back.

"This isn't right," he says but he swallows and his words are weak.  I giggle at him as I slide my feet slowly back and forth, watching the skin over my forefeet grow wrinkly.  Watching as they bulge outward.  Skin sags beneath my toes for a moment until they too fill out and grow into leathery padding.

Back and forth, back and forth.  My toes crap but I ignore the slight pain and it's gone before I realize it.  Nails pop, falling aside to reveal more claws that latch onto his jeans.  And drag.

Draaaaaaag down his cock, pulling his jeans as if they were a sheath surrounding his dick.  I giggle at the imagery but it's a drunken giggle because I can't stop thinking about him with a furry sheath.  I'm panting again and my hand creeps over my stomach, brushing teats and pushing into the heavy fur to find my pussy.  My eyes glaze over as I press my feet against his dick and pull.  And push.  And pull, imagining his hardening cock slipping free from his sheath, pointed and red and hot before I take it in my-

Dropping my feet, I sit up and whimper.

"Please," I beg, lifting my hands towards his jeans.  "So hot.  I can't- can't stop thinking of your cock.  Need it.  Need the release.  Need you to fuck me and fill me with your cum.  Oh god, or cum all over my body and- and I'll clean it up.  I'll clean all of it up like the good girl that I am."

My tail is steadily thumping on the ground as I drip to the floor beneath me.

"Shit," he says.  His hands grab his zipper but he hesitates.  "Shit."

"Please," I say again, pressing my furry arms against my massive tits. 

And then I turn, spreading my thighs while raising my ass and pushing back towards him with a growling moan.

Hands in the fur of my ass and I gasp when I feel his cock against my asshole.  He guides it down and I shiver when it presses against my lips.

"They're- you pussy's changing," he whispers, dragging the head torturously against me.  "Swelling all up.  Is that okay?  Are you okay?"

"Yessssssss," I moan, reaching beneath me to try to grab him and push him inside.  "Pleeeeeeease."

"Fuck," he says.  "They're all thick and black and, god damn, you're so fucking tight.  Jesus, this feels wrong.  But- shiiiiiiiiit-!"

He enters me and I tremble, wanting to shove back but he's got my tail and his hand pulls painfully hard against my fur.  I yelp but it's not that bad and the pleasure radiating from his grasp on my tail overwhelms it anyway.

Pounding into me now, groaning about how incredibly tight I am.  When was the last time I had sex?  I- I can't remember.  An experimental moment in college from the one party I went to.  I got completely drunk and some poor boy, also massively drunk, fucked me.  Neither of us remembered who we'd fucked in the morning. I just remember being disappointed by it so I shelved my limited libido.

Now- now all I wanted was cock.  It's all filling my buzzing brain.  Cocks and fucking.  I tighten the slick muscles within and his hands grip tighter.  He moves while still thrusting inside of me, going to his feet and then leaning over me and I adjust while whimpering at the image.  At the feeling of him against my back.

At the idea of being mounted like a slutty little bitch.

His crotch slaps wetly against my sopping pussy over and over again.  My overdue work is so far gone from my mind that it's laughable.  Work is laughable.  Everything other than dicks filling my pussy and ass and mouth and between my tits is laughable.  

"Close close close close close," I whimper, growling and clawing at the ground.

"Should- I- Pull- Out," he groans, almost tearing handfuls of fur on my ass as he holds back.

"Nooooo-ooowwlll!" I howl, spasming from an incredible feeling that explodes deep in my guts and expands outward.

I pulse around his cock and he cums inside of me.  My mind goes blank.  I thought it was blank before but I was dumb.  Very dumb. So dumb.  The dumbest.  Now I'm nothing.  Nothing more than a cock hungry bimbo slut dog that can only think of orgasms.  And pleasing.  God.  God yes.  Gooooood.

With a groan, he pulls out and I collapse and twist like a snake, snapping at the air when the head of his dick rubs my incredibly sensitive clit hidden beneath the swollen folds of my changed pussy.

Still, I roll over.

And crawl to him, sniffing and snuffling at his cock before wrapping my tongue around it, clawed paw gently cupping his testicles.

"Thissh," I slobber as I clean him.  My tail is going nuts behind me because he's still hard and I know if I'm a good girl, he'll fuck me again.  "Thissh ish mah favorite shtick."

When his hand shoves my head down hard over his cock, I gasp and envelope him and lose myself in the heat consuming me.