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From PerfectDuwang - Abigail from Filth!  Going to see about re-enabling the illustrations for the $5+ groups moving forward and this is the start!

Abigail rocked back and forth against the toilet seat while ignoring the feel of the coarse poking through the sleeve of her sweater.  The strange mark on her hand seemed to glow despite the dull, blood-red coloring.

The bottom of her sweater rubbed against the tiny teats barely showing on her elongated midriff and she shivered, rubbing her arms as the teasing sensation threatened to distract her.

Pain flared in her right foot and she looked down in horror to see runs appear in her stocks.  Little brown hairs pierced the black material in irregular patterns but it was the ache in her foot that drew her attention.  Her shoe bulged against her throbbing foot so she slipped it off to try and relieve some pressure.

Sharp black points cut through the tips of her stockings.  Her eyes widened further as she wriggled her toes and the claws moved to match.  She squeaked and then hissed, grabbing her foot when bones scraped within her foot and the stocking strained against her lengthening joints.  Tears formed along her shins and thighs to reveal more brown hairs.

Her sharp claws tore the stockings and they snapped back to her ankle to reveal an elongated foot, dark with fur.  Tears leaked from her eyes as she stared at the shrinking big toe.  She massaged her aching foot and her thumbs rubbed against loose, leathery skin that began to fill in along her forefoot.  Biting her lip with sharp front teeth, her few whiskers trembled as she felt her padding grow in.



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