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Movie Poll: Post Apocalypse

  • World War Z (2013) - New to Simone Only 345
  • The Book of Eli (2010) 594
  • Mad Max (1979) 621
  • Escape from New York (1981) 696
  • Snowpiercer (2013) 796
  • I Am Legend (2007) 817
  • Resident Evil (2001) - New to Simone Only 217
  • 2024-02-20
  • —2024-02-29
  • 4086 votes
{'title': 'Movie Poll: Post Apocalypse', 'choices': [{'text': 'World War Z (2013) - New to Simone Only', 'votes': 345}, {'text': 'The Book of Eli (2010)', 'votes': 594}, {'text': 'Mad Max (1979)', 'votes': 621}, {'text': 'Escape from New York (1981)', 'votes': 696}, {'text': 'Snowpiercer (2013)', 'votes': 796}, {'text': 'I Am Legend (2007)', 'votes': 817}, {'text': 'Resident Evil (2001) - New to Simone Only', 'votes': 217}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 29, 16, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 20, 12, 49, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 4086}


The last weekly polls winner was Clue, which will be available this Saturday. Until then here are SOME of the films recommended by you guys. Remember, you can vote for multiple films!
Reminder: movies that don't win does not mean they will never be watched, it just means they will be watched later. Please be respectful to each others opinions, we're all just here to have fun and watch movies :)


Jeff K

I see Escape From New York, I vote for Escape From New York, if for no other reason that I look forward to Simone-as-Snake in the thumbnail.


Great options but I love world war Z


Either escape from new york or mad max.


Book of Eli. Read nothing about it. It's peak Denzel and Gary Oldman. The sound, the script, the setting, the plot. It's all perfect for George and Simone.


Book of Eli is getting a prequel series soon from the creator Gary Whitta who co-wrote Rogue One.


Voting Mad Max, as I assume it can only naturally lead to The Road Warrior at some point 😁👌

Big Gee

Damn some good ones on this list. I really love world war z.

Shane Kolaga

I'd love you guys to do Snowpiercer! I really like the movie and think it was very well done! Would also really like you guys to start the Mad Max franchise and who doesn't want to see Snake Plissken save the President?

paul rai

Would love to see you guys explore more Bong joon Ho’s films (the director of Parasite), so hoping Snowpiercer gets enough votes. The Host (2006) would be great for a Monster Movie Poll Memories of Murder (2003) for a Drama poll (basically his Zodiac before it was ever made). One of the best filmmakers working right now.


I am Legend


If you end up watching I am legend I'd suggest watching the edition that as the alternative ending and the sequel they are making is based on that ending


Really good options. Stacked list with great movies.

Nathan Swapp

The Postman for a different kind of post apocalyptic movie. It's cheesy as hell but so are nachos


Also this poll is so solid (no pun intended) 😂 so many good choice this this might be one of the closest polls I've seen

Simon Clifton

I'll still go to the barricades for a reaction to Threads. Gives you all - Pre, During and Post Apocalypse 🙂


Mad Max is ok, but I mostly voted for it because The Road Warrior is amazing.


Absolutely! I remember seeing it in theatres with my wife, and both of us walking out disappointed with the ending. We started looking around on YouTube and found there was an alternate ending that was far more satisfying. Alternate ending makes the movie conceptually so much more interesting.


Snowpiercer was an amazing movie. I didn't like I am Legend a lot, don't really remember why though. It left almost no impression.

Jeff I.

I know this a movie poll, but for a post-apocalyptic TV show, I'd highly recommend Station Eleven. It's only one season and you would both really love it, I think. It flew under the mainstream radar because HBO didn't market it very well. Amazing acting, writing, and overall storytelling!

Jason McCloud

Surprised to see Mad Max getting so little love. While not a great movie, it's still good and would get you into a very enjoyable franchise, imo


The first Mad Max, although very good, is not the post-apocalyptic movie you might think. It's a world on the brink of collapse, and the first two thirds are more a domestic drama/thriller. What everyone thinks of when they hear Mad Max is actually Mad Max 2 - a movie that created the tropes and look of a whole genre: the post-apocalyptic wasteland action film.


A copy & paste of my last comment of suggestions ... ⦁ 'North by Northwest' (1959) ⦁ 'Labyrinth' (1986) ⦁ 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' (1988) ⦁ 'Dead Poets Society' (1989) ⦁ 'Parenthood' (1989) ⦁ 'Toy Story' (1995) ⦁ 'One Hour Photo' (2002) ⦁ 'Little Miss Sunshine' (2006) Also, as St. Patrick's Day is approaching in a few weeks, would you consider watching an Irish film to mark the occasion? I'd like to suggest one of the releases by the Irish animation studio 'Cartoon Saloon', perhaps 'Song of the Sea' or 'Wolf Walkers'. Thanks!


I would say “not a great movie” to just about everything on this list. Not interested in seeing any of them again.


Snowpiercer is the best movie on the list but there's enough decent movies listed that the poll will be a close run thing between several movies.

Nathan Swapp

I think most people would prefer them to just skip to Road Warrior & Thunderdome.


If it doesn't win but still comes in the top 3 or 4, you really need to do Mad Max and the whole franchise. These movies are pure, epic, mayhem joy #Hungergamesthis,motherfucker

Raymond DeGraw

Always love your reactions... Looking forward to seeing these in the future. 1. The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) 2. Alita Battle Angel 3. The Game 4. Labyrinth 5. Falling Down

Renee MeowMeow Beans

I'm really appreciating Bong Joon-Ho lately - loved Memories of Murder, Mother, and Parasite. Still getting to The Host and Snowpiercer!


I only voted for mad max so we can get past it to the good mad max movies. Mostly I want to see Escape from New York though.

Nathan Jasper

Snowpiercer. I haven't seen anyone react to that

Garrett Mazzuca

Wish I Am Legend was more like the book. Ended up pretty generic.


Book of Eli is so good! They are making a prequel so you should definitely watch this one soon

brian burke

it is good but i had some confusion from it, some parts didnt make sense, but it was filmed in canada, parts are directed by canadians, the main star mackenzie davis is canadian and is based on a book written by a canadian. its perfect for a show hosted by canadians.

Frandora Rogers

I love the theory that Snowpiecerer is a Charlie and the Chocolate factory sequel 😆


It's never going to win a poll, but I for one would love to see a reaction to Six String Samurai.


Snow Piercer is so good and I haven't seen any reactions to it! Would be so stoked!


The Book of Eil is incredible! To have two legends like Gary Oldman and Denzel Washington on screen together is amazing to watch.


Mad Max itself is decent, but not great. But you really should see it before watching Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (which is great).


Simone CAN NOT WATCH I AM LEGEND...we all know why. 🐕


I would be okay with you skipping mad max 1 and just going to the others


Not the biggest fan of the post-apocalyptic genre, tend to be to cynical for my taste in fiction, and often use tragedy as shock value. However from people that do like the genre. I've heard very good things about Snowpiercer. I have seen I am Legend, Mad Max, and Book of Eli. They are fine for post-apocalyptic. Also the people are always so stupid. For some reason once the world ends everyone becomes illiterate and can't, you know read a book, about engineering or any technology we have millions of books about. These films almost always have society devolved to the dark ages (with even less morality than the actual Dark Ages) with all tech from before the apocalypse. Sorry for fans of this genre but I don't tend to enjoy them, as I have clearly overstated.


If you do watch Mad Max, make sure you get the original Australian voiced version. It was horribly dubbed with American voices in the US market.

Nathan Jasper

That's not necessarily true. I can read a book about engineering but that doesn't mean I'm going to understand it. If I could understand it I'd engineer now.

Musical Euphoria

If "I Am Legend" please watch the alternate ending cut of the movie.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

The Mad Max trilogy, I'm not going to say that's it the best of all the trilogies, it's not a competition, but I will say it's the most bad ass, and George Miller is my favorite action director. Mad Max is very indie, but great. Mad Max 2, aka the Road Warrior in the US (because no one had seen or heard of the first movie) is the most iconic. Beyond Thunderdome is my personal favorite, probably for nostalgia because it's the first I saw as a kid. Anyway it is a cool movie. A thing that makes these movies so cool too, is that the way they're written you could watch any one of them by itself, without watching the previous movies, and it's still a great movie.


Sure but some people would be able to start rebuilding some semblance of society pretty shortly after an apocalypse. If enough people survive of course. We wouldn't be starting over from scratch with just some barely functioning relics and warlords everywhere. Just by probability there are going to be survivors that already know how to do all this stuff, I also don't think we are all going to be jumping at each others throats as much as this genre insists we will.


Glad to see Snowpiercer winning. I see I Am Legend right behind it and I cannot stress enough how much of a let down that movie is if you're a fan of the book that inspired it. The movie has a few cool concepts but it completely abandons the central theme of the book. I'd say more but I don't want to spoil anything if they do watch it.

Hans Czajkowski Jørgensen

One for the postapocalyptic movie list: The Road (2009). It stars Aragorn's actor, Viggo Mortensen.


Escape from NY is awesome! The music is a star of it's own!


Phantom Thread Birdman (now that you’ve watched Keaton’s Batman) La La Land The Place Beyond the Pines First Man Barry Lyndon Sorcerer The Revenant The Patriot Arthur (1981)


The death of Stalin (2017)

Michael LaPorte

Like how immediately everybody stops knowing how to use a broom or nail boards at right angles, that Fallout aesthetic where it's been two hundred years but everything is still askance and filthy.

Michael Buhl

You made me choose between Mad Max and Escape from New York. That's mean.


Snowpiercer has great kicking series and if you like the movie you'll like the show. Considering that they are trying to tell you a story inside a moving scene the production sets are a chef's kiss.


Haven't seen Snowpiercer, so can't say much. I am surprised that "I Am Legend" would be ahead of Book of Eli or Mad Max. I that one was okay but to me nothing to special. Book of Eli on the other hand was awesome, and then what can I say about Mad Max except: Hell Ya!!

Tim T—

WATERWORLD is utterly missing on this poll. It's not only post-apocalyptic, it’s also post-dry-land and post-sanity.


That and The Postman. Both of Kevin Costner's post apocalyptic epics are worth a watch (though I agree if you have to watch one Waterworld is the one to go with).


Same, shocked to see I Am Legend ahead of some great movies.


Ride Postman, ride!


That one might actually be my favorite, though it's not as good as part 2. But the score by Maurice Jarre is my all-time favorite film score.


One of my favorite post-apoc movies is a little known one called "The Blood of Heroes" (US) and "The Salute of the Jugger" (AUS). Features Rutger Hauer, Joan Chen, and a young Kingpin, Vincent D'Onofrio. (1989) It is a shorter movie, (90 mins) and surprisingly good. Has anyone else but (/FuckImOld) me seen it?


"I am legend" is a betrayal of the book : the powerful book ending, which gives its meaning to the title, has been changed and turned in some meaningless hollywoodian bullshit. It ends being just a kind of okayish zombie action movie. I voted "Escape from New York", and "Mad Max" even though my favourite is Mad Max 2. I like "Snowpiercer", but their are many Bong Joon-Ho movies that i like way better. "The Host" should have been on the monster movies poll.


Now that's a poll that is basically made for Cloud Atlas. Sometime, my precious. I like Book of Eli and Snowpiercer the most in that poll for the time being.


Inside Man (2006) and Apocalypto (2006), please.

Kim Brink

I second Apocalypto (2006)

Chase Lonnergan

How are Mad Max and Escape From New York losing to the WORST adaptation of The Omega Man?


Breaking Bad


The Road

Keerit Thind

Doomsday (2008) is very underrated. A beautiful mish mash that forgets what kind of movie it wants to be because it rips off so many. A little Escape from NY, a little Mad Max, a little Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.


Sad that A Boy and His Dog is missing.

A Red Mage Named Blue

If I Am Legend does win, it's very important that you look up the Director's ending, not the cinematic ending. They're very different, and change the context of the whole film.

Jeff K

The alternate ending is also a bit more closely aligned with the book. Not entirely (not getting into the key difference because spoilers), but it preserves the point of the book better than the theatrical ending did.

Jeff K

I'd take Snake over Max in a fight, if that helps sway any votes.

Jeff K

Regarding your I Am Legend point, that's absolutely why they should watch the alternate ending version if it wins, especially since that's the ending they're using as canon for the sequel. It's obviously not the same as the book ending, but it MUCH more closely aligns and preserves the point of the book better.


I will continue to lobby for the Netflix series "Dark" (which is partially apocalyptic/post apocalyptic). It's only 26 episodes and is without a doubt the greatest science fiction series ever made. I'm not kidding. I've been a sci-fi fan for many decades, and it's amazing. I'd do it as a Patron thing, like "Chernobyl". Although fiction, it is of similar quality.


Snowpiercer what an underrated movie


Two very apocalyptic movies: - Twelve Monkeys - Don't look up


I don't know that it's underrated. Under-seen, perhaps. But I feel like it's held in pretty high regard by most people who've watched it.


I was about to say what Wrencher said. People forgot about that movie, but it was highly acclaimed when it came out.


None of these are bad, but I am glad Snowpiercer is winning. It's a really cool movie.


Book of Eli was my only vote this time. This opened the door for Equalizer and was great in its own right. I think Don’t Look Up is prior to an apocalypse. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World is another interesting take on this.


Disagree completely. It does change the film but.makes it worse and more depressing.

A Red Mage Named Blue

Coming to an understanding with your opponent and achieving peace is worse to you than an explosive suicide?


Get Mad Max (and then Road Warrior) up there. Best of the bunch by far. I will also highly recommend that when this movie is ultimately watched, please turn on subtitles when you see it. The incomprehensible Australian English (only half-kidding!) will make you miss a lot of the dialogue, especially things that are said over the radios in the background.


This suggestion will never win any poll but I'm going to suggest it anyway. The excellent Rutger Hauer post-apocalypse sports b-movie 'Salute of the Jugger' (aka 'The Blood of Heroes' in the US). So good it actually spawned it's own real-world sport. And specifically the UK version that has the real ending of the movie included, unlike the US version. Or how about the live action 'Fist of the North Star'? So bad it's good.


I love that trilogy and I think Mad Max 2/The Road is even better than Mad Max Fury Road. Fury Road is a great movie but The Road Warrior is better.


I’m fairly certain the original audio is pretty much the standard now. You’d be hard-pressed to find that American English dub unless you had an old DVD/rip.


And you see engineering in Mad Max 2/The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome.


I would not be OK with that. I think it helps sets the tone for the overall series very nicely to watch that movie first. I don’t understand why everybody’s saying to skip the first Max Max movie. It’s excellent.


I still think the first Mad Max is worth watching because it sets up a very nice tone for the overall trilogy. To skip it is like watching The Empire Strikes back without having seen Star Wars first. Plus Hugh Keays-Byrne is amazing in Mad Max.


I think this might be the only poll in which I’ve only seen one of the films (snowpiercer). I would have thought I’d be more into post-apocalyptic stuff … but I guess not?


Agree in that I love the first Mad Max. Disagree in the setting up part because the Mad Maxes don't build on each other, there is no continuity running through them. They are standalone stories that feature the same main character. I mean, you have the same actors playing different characters in different movies. You have cars that are destroyed in one film, which then return two movies later to be destroyed again. I'd love for them to do the first one, but I'm just saying, it's not really what people picture. There's a reason Mad Max 2 (that's the real title) got changed to The Road Warrior in North America. Because the distributor didn't want people to know it was a sequel to a movie virtually nobody in North America had heard of at the time. My point is, these movies function well on their own ^^


One of the lesser crimes of Harvey Weinstein was to wreck the release of this movie as an act of revenge against Bong Joon-ho for refusing to cut it to shreds when Harvey demanded it. In revenge he made them release it via a minor arthouse distributor in the US with limited screenings and wouldn't allow it to be seen in some countries, like the UK, at all. It took 5 years for it to reach the UK.


I don’t know why people are so adamant about movies holding so closely to the source material like comic books and books and things like that. If someone wants the exact story in the book or the comic book, read the book or comic book again! I love all kinds of adapted movies, comic book movies, whatever and could not possibly care less if they’re not exactly like the source material. Movies are their own things.


Music that was composed and performed by the film’s director, John Carpenter. You don’t see that combination very often in movies.


I don't think it's bad, I just don't think it's good. There are many movies that fall into the grey 'meh' pile.


It didn't achieve a peace. It sort of feels like the end to the original Planet of the Apes to me.


Any chance of an Attack on Titan reaction? ^^

Haye Zeus

We all know why people are voting for I Am Legend. Bunch of sadists. Poor Simone. 🤣

Dazzler & Em

Escape from New York or Book of Eli. Both great films. Although this first resident evil is good, they got more silly and unwatchable in my opinion.


Oh I allways thought it was Called "Juggers". I saw it as a child when it came out


not sure which version I saw but yeah, very good wasteland movie that I always associate with Solarbabies for some reason. The Blood of Heroes also has Joan Chen in one of the starring roles, which I guess makes it a lesser known movie for both her and Hauer. For a Venn diagram containing Book of Eli and Rutger Hauer you could go with Blind Fury. :P then of course the next step in completing that would be Zatoichi


Because the book was good and the movie is not. If the movie was different but good it wouldn't be an issue.

Darin Foat

Mad Max 2 (released in North America as The Road Warrior) is by far the best of the original Mad Max trilogy. And you really don't have to have seen the first to appreciate it. It's got what I consider the all time best car chase in movie history. Also my favorite movie performance by a dog.


His music was simply The Best. I used to sit with my tape recorder in front of the TV taping the music from Escape From New York to listen in my room.


Jmund: so the same kind of ending as a classic and staple of the sci-fi/apocalyptic genre? Oh no. Like George said during the Black Swan reaction: art makes you feel, doesn't mean it's required to make you feel good.


With all respect, I simply do not understand how so many people are saying Mad Max is skippable. Hugh Keays-Byrne is an amazing antagonist and the movie really sets up the world nicely, showing society on the edge, and most importantly, the event that drastically changes Max as a person.


Where is "The Road" with Viggo Mortensen.... So surprised you guys didn't have that movie on the list considering you just watched a ton of LOTR. But, Snow Piercer is a good choice as well. Fun watch in my opinion.

Michael Johnson

The Road was my first thought when I saw post apocalypse. It's a real downer, but also really good, with a great cast.


Since you've been digging tightly scripted, staight-to-the-point, lean movies lately(Prey, Tremors), I feel it's time to once again recommend RRR. It may look long, but it packs in more movie into its runtime than almost any other film and it goes by so fast! It's genuinely one of the most jaw-droppingly great movies ever made.


Its super-bad CGI was one reason for me, as was the script's overall vagueness and blandness...and its copout ending. Honestly, it's just a big barrel of disappointment to anyone who knows the source material.


The action show spectacular at Universal Studios is much better than the movie.

dieselbeast (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 19:31:03 Going to suggest The Iron Claw nothing to with this poll lol it's just real popular right now among reactors, starring Zac Efron great powerful film, maybe it can be on a random or sports poll soon 🙏
2024-02-26 19:17:48 Going to suggest The Iron Claw nothing to do with this poll lol it's just real popular right now among reactors, starring Zac Efron great powerful film, maybe it can be on a random or sports poll soon 🙏

Going to suggest The Iron Claw nothing to do with this poll lol it's just real popular right now among reactors, starring Zac Efron great powerful film, maybe it can be on a random or sports poll soon 🙏


cmon Escape from New York


Yeah, that's the only reason I can think of that it's winning is because they all want to see Simone bawl. I, for one, do not so I'm voting for other - and much better - films.


Mad Max


Sad that RE1 was the only good Anderson Resident Evil On the apocalypse theme, Shin Godzilla would fit PERFECTLY


U.K. fan here suggesting U.K. movies; Attack the Block (space monsters), Battle of Britain (60s classic), Dog Soldiers (werewolf), Harry Brown (gritty action thriller, Michael Caine), Lockstock and two smoking barrels (gangster, funny but gritty), Layer Cake (gangster, Daniel Craig pre-Bond), Paul (comedy, Aliens, Pegg, Frost, Sigourney Weaver), Rock n Rolla (fast paced funny gangster), Watership Down (1978, most brutal children’s cartoon ever made), Zulu (true war story starring a very young Michael Caine) and finally not a British film but a Korean film, R-Point, described as Blair Witch meets Full metal Jacket, very good film.


Hell yes. Dog Soldiers is one of my favourite films.


I was really liking I Am Legend until the awful, pointless CGI shat all over it. I remember the cinema erupting with laughter when we got a first proper look at them. Was hard to take it seriously from that point on.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Agreed, Road Warrior I'd say is the best, Fury Road was great because it kind of recreated it a little I think, and expanded the story at the same time, and Tom Hardy was great but I still prefer Mel Gibson's Max.


Watch the film I suggested or I shall say “Paul” at you a second time.


"The Road"


Here is an idea for a potential poll: (Dystopias) Gattaca Solvent Green Minority Report Equilibrium Logan's Run

Jacob King

Snowpiercer should definitely be winning this. My main issue with I Am Legend is they chickened out on the ending which is the whole point of the story. Why adapt such an iconic novel if you’re too much of a coward to become legend? Snowpiercer has blood and guts to spare.


I Am Legend is so bad *sigh*

Jacob King

Adaptation is one thing. I Am Legend changes the whole point of the book, which is a critique of post apocalyptic survival stories, to make it into a generic post apocalyptic survival story.

Tenn Seven

I was surprised not to see this one in the poll. I always group "The Road" and "The Book of Eli" together in my mind. They must have either come out at the same time or I saw them both around the same time.

Tenn Seven

"Logan's Run" is so good; I feel like a lot of people overlook that one. I don't know if I'd call "Minority Report" a dystopia film really. Also, I think you meant "Soylent Green". I would add "Brazil" to that list as well.

Tenn Seven

Mad Max is dope AF, but I dare say that "The Road Warrior" (Mad Max 2) and "Mad Max: Fury Road" (the latest one) are the absolute cream of the crop of that series (and of post apocalyptic movies in general) and you needn't bother with the original (still good but a low budget, first attempt that doesn't approach the other two) nor with "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" (the worst movie in the series and pretty mediocre by most standards).


Probably the grittiest and bleakest apocalypse movie. I've read the book, and that left a lasting impression on me.


100% agree. I've often said that you can start the franchise with Road Warrior, and be fine.


Ooooh if Escape from NY loses I hope it comes up again. SUCH a fun First Time Watch.


-THE YEAR is 2056- George and Simone finally finish Ted Lasso so we can resume Breaking Bad. I hold my mozzarella cheese close to avoid eating it before the episode begins. Their intro monologue goes on for 10 minutes as I watch the cheese lose its stringiness. Do I skip ahead or start eating before the video begins? As the cheese gets closer to my lips, I'm shaken awake by the a low-flying plane overhead. Suddenly, I realize it's 2024 and they still haven't finished Ted Lasso or returned to Breaking Bad. I fall into the carpet beside my bed and slam my fist into the floor. "How could this happen," I ask myself, "...how could this be?" I decide to get up and refresh the Cinebinge Patreon only to see a poll that 'I Am Legend' is winning. The realization shoots down my body like a thunderbolt... I am addicted to their Breaking Bad reactions. Do I seek help? Do I call my doctor? Do I look for comfort from my family? "No... I just wait. I'll wait forever if I have to. I'll never stop waiting."


Great movie for its time


Quintet (1979), Silent Running (1972), The Omega Man (1971), and Delicatessen (1991) would fit in this list, too.

Grubering Hans

🙄 oh the melodrama. they literally have 3 more episodes left and since they did 3 in 1 go last week im assuming tmrw they will do all 3 of the final episodes of the show at once too. seriously, i know you and ppl like you love the show, i get it i love it too, but theres no better way to ruin it for the reactor and make them NOT want to watch it than to harang them non stop ESPECIALLY when theyve repeatedly announced and state exactly when they will return to it. like theyve stated it multiple times during the end of last season of BB, which since youre suuuuch a huge fan, im sure you couldnt have missed it. which means youre just intentionally nagging them for something theyve already stated will start on a specific time. good job, way to make them dread BB fandoms.


I'll quit commenting breaking bad. I know they are doing it. But I want them to do it faster lol. I like to binge and watch a season in a day.


Surprised not to see The Road in the post-apocalypse options as well!


Some future recommendations: • Almost Famous - (coming-of-age music industry story) • Annihilation - (sci-fi surrealist horror, director of Ex-Machina) • Doctor Sleep - (sequel to The Shining) • Prisoners - (stellar performances from Hugh Jackman & Paul Dano) • The Witch - (same director as The Northman) • The Lighthouse - (same director as The Northman)


My attempt to be funny has obviously failed. And it was a poor and lame attempt. My apologies. However, Astraeos I'm not sure George and Simone would want me to spend my limited patreon funds on other channels. I like watching George and Simone react to plenty of different stuff. My future comments will obviously be more channel friendly.

Grubering Hans

oh god dont apologize to Astraeos, he's well known around here for being rude and awful to people. especially when a "newer" movie wins in a poll, but he vanishes when old films win. hes like the troll under the bridge in this community, only shows up when 'young' films appear. that being said lol maybe youre new here? its kind of an on going thing where they stagger shows and back when it was the wire and now breaking bad, every time htey stagger to another show, waves of fans of BB and Wire will spam incessantly about "WHEN ARE YOU RETURNING TO IT" even though they always state exactly when it will happen. it just gets annoying and you can tell G&S gets sick of it too since they now repeat "we'll be back to this show after ____ time" repeatedly everywhere.


I am kinda new here and like I said I'll better with my comments. Thanks for the reply.

Actuarial Lurker

As a New Yorker who was a teen in the early 80s, Escape from NY is dear to my heart- it is cheesy as hell- but that is what makes it a classic


as for general movies Dogville (2003) Freaked (1993) Shogun (1980) From Beyond (1986) Re-Animator (1985)

Matthew Blackwood

DOCTOR SLEEP, hell yeah! A sequel that had no business being as great as it was. Fantastic recommendations!


Little Miss Sunshine


If u do mad max u should do the undubbed version

Chase Schleich

Wow. Did not expect I Am Legend to pull ahead like that.

Chase Schleich

I say this a lot, but just watch every film on this list over the next month. They're all good.


If I am Legend wins I'd like to suggest you watch the version with the alternate ending, as that was originally supposed to be the real ending to the movie before the studio made the director change it.

Jay Davis

So this is the time I find myself asking, "There's no All Of The Above option?" ...also. Are we upvoting I Am Legend for THAT reason? Not that reason! Say we aren't that mean. Right? Right. To make myself feel better about it, I'll just vote for Escape From New York (also because I'm an 80s movie kid).

Taylor Hunter

Highly recommend The Menu if y’all enjoy a good thriller involving food and food prep

Taylor Hunter

Looks like they’re even using the alternate ending as canon for the sequel

Alex Ch

It’s had a chance in a poll before, but I would like to see The Social Network pop up again. Aaron Sorkin dialogue for talented actors playing competent people is definitely up this channel’s alley.

Alex Ch

Every adaptation of the book tries a new ending, or two in the case of the Will Smith film, and every time the film ending is so much worse than the book.


Someone reminded me of the movie The Tale of Despereux today! It's such a cute movie. I had totally forgotten about it until today, but it was a favorite growing up. Would love a reaction to it!


I feel like this is a little insulting to Simone. Yes, she's very empathetic and has strong reactions to things (part of why Cinebinge reactions are so good) but she's also pretty good at picking out when things are an obvious cynical screenwriting trope. Which is absolutely what it is in I Am Legend.


Soooo bleak. But it is a very good movie. Hope it gets a reaction/poll spot one day.

Haye Zeus

I was trying to be more insulting to the patreon voters. I’m not actually worried about Simone. I just wanted to make a joke about the movie


I really don't like that movie for plenty of other reasons, but I was never bothered by the CGI. It's not great, but the creatures were cool enough in concept to overlook the moderate jank. Like, when you watch The Thing you can tell it's just wet puppets. But it's still cool.


Why didn't George like Dune?

Orphan Crippler

The first movie is great but it get's so much hate because it has barely anything to do with game, but as a standalone movie its awesome


There are still a few days left in the poll, but if the current trend continues I have two recommendations for you guys: 1. Read the book I Am Legend. It's not long at all (160 pages) and it's really, really good. 2. Find a spot for Snowpiercer in the schedule. It's a trip, man. Someone from The Abyss makes an appearance, which should make Simone happy (that's right, it's the rat ;-p)

Ted K. had a point

First Mad Max isn't that great. Problem is, the later ones are


That's fair. Sometimes it seems like there's a large disconnect between the comments and the poll results. Based on all of us griping down here, it seems really odd that I Am Legend is in first. But whatta ya gonna do? They can't all be zingers, right?


Have you guys seen Train to Busan?

Haye Zeus

I mean i’m bot surprised since it’s a popular movie and one that most have seen moreso than the others. It may not be a movie I care about but people enjoy it. So it’s whatever. Definitely one i’ll just watch the youtube version of if i’m bored one day.

Kristopher Feldbusch

Right? I was hoping for Escape from New York but *definitely* didn't expect the crew to go hard for I Am Legend.


For the upcoming tv poll, it'd be a shame if no one suggested Babylon 5. It's doubly a shame it'll never win, but a guy can dream!


If you haven't heard about Poor Things with Emma Stone yet, please consider watching it. It's out digitaly since today I believe. Saw it yesterday and it was awesome.

Dwight Scarn

The 1970s version of I am Legend with Charlton Heston is much better overall than the Smith version but the smith one was good.


My issue isn't that the CGI was bad. It's that it was absolutely unnecessary. I can forgive dodgy CGI if the effect could not have been accomplished another way, but a good make up department definitely could have done the job. Those things in Legend would have been much more effective with actors in make up/prosthetics. Imagine if the Walking Dead had used CGI zombies? Laughably bad CGI zombies to be precise. And yeah, of course I know it's puppets when I watch The Thing. But those puppets are real. You know they're actually there, they have breath, I can imagine how wet/slimy they'd be to touch. It doesn't take me out of the moment or wreck the tone of the film like the cartoonish nonsense in Legend.

Orphan Crippler

The final Resident Evil movie is literally unwatchable.. I had to turn it off because the non stop jump-cuts were hurting my eyes


Wait, the stinker I Am Legend is actually winning? With two absolute classics and one modern masterpiece in the poll?

Dirge Girl

One cool thing (only cool thing) about the aught-seven I Am Legend is vocalist virtuoso, Mike Patton (Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Fantômas, Tomahawk, Peeping Tom, Lovage, etc.) does the voices of the infected. /shrug

Grubering Hans

the best way to have people ignore your opinion, even if its one they agree with, is to shit on someone else's. 👏let👏others👏enjoy👏what👏they👏want

Sir Dongle

Would like to add TURBO KID. SUPER underrated and lesser known


The theatrical release, yes, but have you watched the alternate ending version? It really changes the theme of the movie and makes it a great film.


I am Legend isn't very good, but glad to see Snowpiercer doing so well.

Grubering Hans

then you probably will get banned like other hostile trolls have been in the past. every once in a while one will show up and just insults others for liking something they dont. and those people pretty quickly never show up again. thats why S&G posted several times about people being civil and stop being assholes. so yeah, try it, see what happens.

Grubering Hans

yes, you are correct. i am confronting you for wanting to deliberately shitting on other peoples opinions and letting you know what happened to others who went out of their way to do that in the past. you asked and i answered.

Jason Harris

I'm hoping that some day you'll do a John Woo double feature and watch The Killer and Hard Boiled. George has perhaps seen these films already, but not many watch and react to them on YT.


Nobody went out of their way except you. Optifrog expressed an opinion, which was very positive regarding 3 movies on the poll, and disappointment that one they don't like is winning. Then you swooped in to police their tone. If you're planning on chastising everyone in this comment section for their negative opinion of I Am Legend then you best get to it, you've got a lot of work to do.

Chase Lonnergan

I think that it matters when the book has a point to make, be it moral, sociological, or philosophical, and the movie either rejects, ignores, or outright contradicts the book. Which is the case with I Am Legend.

Ted K. had a point

I haven't seen "I Am Legend" (thus, not planning to see a reaction to it) but it has IMDb score 7.2. So it can't be all bad. And no matter what people say, IMDb scores matter something. While they are not Godspell, I'd trust them more than any Patreon poll or a singular YouTube comment Besides, most people have average IQ, or somewhat average IQ. Smartest, most intelligent and sophisticated movies will never be the most popular.

Brendan Rafferty

I Am Legend and World War Z …both mega budget films… both with lazy cheap looking CGI zombies. Not just bad and lazy CGI looking back… even when these films came out, they looked bad


The Omega Man > I Am Legend, but the book is still better than all adaptations.


Escape From New York, easily. One of the most influential movies ever, and Metal Gear Solid would not exist in the form it does without it. Speaking of videogame influence, I'd like to wave the flag for A Boy and His Dog as well. Granted, I doubt it'd rake in the views, but as Fallout fans, you'd get a huge kick out of it.

Lee Meehan

Simon will not like I am Legend and we all know why.

Arnie Cox

Speaking of Heston: Soylent Green (1973) and Planet of the Apes (1968)


I'm really surprised by all the votes for I Am Legend. It's awful.


The Menu came 3rd on a poll a few months ago so it should be on the watchlist.


I Am Legend is terrible lol. What are we doing?


I am not shitting on anyone's opinion. I did not reply to someone else's opinion. I wrote this post before reading any other comment in this comment section. I was expressing MY opinion ABOUT THE FILM, in isolation, not criticising someone else's taste. If people like I Am Legend, more power to them! I like plenty of movies that others hate. I have very little to say about people's taste in movies, but plenty to say about the craft of film-making. Me shitting on a movie is not an attack on people who enjoy it. I mean... Are professional film critics shitting on peoples opinions when they give a movie a bad review? Is that what you think they are paid for?


I think Simone and George should watch all the Mad Max movies, and i think they should start with the first. The franchise is not diminishing returns (as is common). Instead, peoples rankings vary wildly between the four (soon to be five, if we count Miller's latest). My ranking: 4, 2, 3, 1


The music was so good that Swedish science tv show Sigma used a remix of The Duke Arrives/The Barricade as it's theme tune. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnACRuQ8ZzU

Ted K. had a point

Yeah I agree with your ranking. 4, 2, 3, 1. Unusual for a movie franchise. But need to see the 1979 one to get going I guess


Love the first POTA: a literate, philosophical, interesting film. Out of Charlton's, I'd add Ben-Hur. Those scenes with Steven Boyd are electrifying.


I recommended Turbo Kid quite a while ago, it's made by Canadians and is a fun romp they'd both enjoy but pretty unknown and would never win a poll unfortunately, wish more people knew about it


I wish The Road would have been an option here. It probably wouldn't have won anyway though.

Orphan Crippler

The Road is probably the most realistic post apocalyptic movie I have ever seen, but my god is it depressing.. Probably because it's so realistic..

Chase Schleich

How are you doing a "Post Apocalypse" poll without including A Quiet Place Part 2 when we've been waiting on it for like 18 months? Just rewatched your reaction to the first and realized you still haven't done Part 2. Part 3 comes out in June.

Chase Schleich

Yeah. I haven't seen that movie in who knows how many years, but I remember it being brutal on the soul.


I thought I heard him say once, it was trash. Maybe he was talking about the 1984 version or being sarcastic.


Not really though. I mean yes there are sex scenes... a lot. But I wouldn't call it "corn with a P". It's not filmed in a way to arrouse you. It's one of the most original movies in the last few years from the visuals alone. Emma stone willem dafoe and mark ruffalo give great performances and it's really funny, with good dialogue and an interesting story. Reducing it to "corn with a P" doesn't do it justice at all


Yeah, it's not strictly necessary to watch them in order because every movie is its own story. Mad Max 1 almost feels like a prequel, with how different it is from the others. But it does provide some context for the character of Max. Not that Simone and George need it since they've already seen Fury Road 😋


A Better Tomorrow is, I think, better than Hard Boiled, but Inspector Tequila is like the best name ever so I’m down


They have. Copyright Gods took it off YT, the full reaction could still be on Patreon.


As a parent The Road was a great movie I only watched once then never wanted to watch it again. A great movie but so emotionally draining.


Just searched, it doesn't seem to be on Patreon either.


That sucks... I wasn't sure if I remembered them watching it in the past. But thanks. 😊


I think "Apocalypto" would be great to watch. George, you gonna love it


A few post apocalyptic movies to consider in the future would be “THX 1138” from 1971 and “Logan’s Run” from 1976.


As a reaction video, you want to watch Simone and George react to that? Why?


Original? What about the plot is original?.... they just took the idea of the patriarchy and toxic masculinity and pitted it against promiscuity, low morality, and the "liberty" to do whatever you wanted... How would you even call that a great performance? We have VERY different views on what constitutes a "great performance". Literally a triple x rated version of a coming of age story... What about this was original? Have you ever heard of Frankenstein? The mad scientist trope? Heroes Journey (if you can even call this travesty that)?, nothing about this movie was new. It was a mishmash of ideas that was shoddily put together.


I agree that an "Apocalypto" reaction is a must!! Also "The Peanut Butter Falcon" doesn't get enough attention and would be a great reaction


I for one am done watching newer movies and TV where people graphically brutalize each other. It’s pretty much why I stopped watching The Walking Dead and from what I know about The Road and in particular Apocalypto, no thanks.


Absolutely baffled. Especially with Mad Max, Escape from New York, and hell, even Book of Eli on there.

Jacob King

I think it's a mistake to confuse cynicism and nihilism with realism. This isn't a criticism of The Road, humans in extreme and desperate situations tend to help each other and build communities.

Jacob King

Absolutely. It's a true delight. But they should also do The Lobster and The Favourite,

Meth Damon

What a poll! All of them great movies.

Meth Damon

It‘s not bad, it‘s decent. Nothing compared to the classics on the poll though..


Babe 1995. it's such an endearing little movie.

Travis H

Snowpiercer is only 20 votes behind if anybody wants to help it beat I Am Legend!


50% of you two will hate I Am Legend, and 100% of you two will not like it :P


how is snowpiercer beating book of eli???


I watched it with a friend in theater and we had a blast. The stunning visuals and the funny bits are reason enough for me to wanting to see a reaction for that. If they enjoy it just half as much as we did it's already worth it. It's weird to me that I even have to explain why I want a reaction to a movie I very much enjoyed on the Patreon page of a reaction channel.

Jacob King

I think lazy is the operative word. Both took interesting source material and turned into generic by-the-numbers dreck. I’m sure they spent a lot of money on that CGI. World War Z I remember actually ran out of money so they needed to rewrite the final act - which is why it’s set in a deserted building in rural Scotland. The book of WWZ is such a gimme for adaptation too, but they had to make up their own story.


If you're going to end watching I Am Legend, I would recommend watching a version with the "alternate" ending, or at least watch that ending after the movie. This is because (1) the alternate ending is objectively a better ending than the one they chose to use, (2) it more closely follows the ending from the book that the movie is based on, (3) they are developing a sequel that follows the alternate ending as the canonical one.


Yea Book of Eli was great. So gritty. Snowpiercer was pretty average IMO.


im voting for Mad Max, cuz i REALLY want you to do Mad Max 2! even tho imo you dont need the first one to watch the second one. But Mad Max 2 is so good!


I'm asking this on another site, but thought I'd also ask here... Here's a question for the hive-mind: When recommending a movie for the drawing or a poll (or voting on a poll for that matter), what are you driving motivations for recommending that particular movie? For example, I like to suggest films based on my belief that the majority of this channel's viewers are in the ballpark age of George and Simone - say plus or minus 10 years or so - and aside from major franchise properties like Star Wars or the Indiana Jones movies for example, once you go before 1990 (or even 2000), there seems to be a major drop-off in what's been seen - at least that's what I get by studying what trends in the polls - so I like to recommend a lot of older movies that I think the general site community would enjoy. So back to my question: why do you suggest or vote for the movies that you do? I'm super curious and look forward to any/everyone's answers


I mainly suggest movies I think they will both enjoy based on what they have loved in previous reactions.

Renee MeowMeow Beans

Like Shibby, my first criteria for recommendations are movies that I think George and Simone will enjoy that I have personally seen. My second criteria is a sense of a cultural touchstone and/or classic movie on which there is a general consensus of quality and/or enjoyment. Is Killer Klowns from Outer Space a good movie? Probably not. Is it fun and a kult klassic? Absolutely! 😁


I have killer klownz from outer space on DVD and I recommend it to everyone. Also the game is coming up pretty soon.

Torstein Skurve

Are there any plans of continuing the James Bond movies?

Shane Driscoll

Forcing Simone to watch That One Scene from I Am Legend is too cruel even for a bitter sociopath like myself.


The Road is probably number one on my list of great movies I never want to watch again.


On the one hand, yes absolutely. On the other hand, I will have to survive that scene as well, so I feel okay voting for it cause we will share the suffering lol


Cause Snowpiercer is a lot more "casual" and comfortable to watch especially compared to something as gritty as book of eli.


They have done reactions with a literal adult actress and George has even worked in the industry. Why wouldn't they react to a move because it contains sex scenes ? Edit: I might have to add that I dont even know the movie that is being talked about but excluding any suggestion based purely on the amount of nudity in it just seems silly. Maybe you can argue because it might impact their YouTube cut but other than that I dont see any reason to exclude anything on this channel, really. S&G are both adults so as long as they are fine with what they are watching I dont see a reason not to do it.


Its not only about the IQ or sophistication. People also watch these reactions to unwind and chill, so by that reason alone, more easy and more accessible movies will often win because they are just more fun to watch. I agree that hard to watch movies (be that because they are sad or deal with a uneasy subject) are often some of the best, BECAUSE they are addressing issues that make you think. But thats not always what people want. Sometimes they just want to have some popcorn and watch a stupid comedy or something like Transformers, which will never be an example for masterful film-making, but is just light fun.


I agree, I'd especially like to hear Simone & Georges thoughts.