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Air Force One - Patreon Version


Mr. Writhms

George, About Youtube ads reference: I don’t like the ads read by most Youtubers, mainly because I pay for Youtube Premium that blocks regular ads. 😝 Also because most Youtubers read the ads like high school students standing in front of the class reading an essay. I wish they would get creative with their ads, as you mentioned. It doesn’t have to be super bowl ad level creative, but at least make some effort to entertain to keep me from forwarding passed them. Hey, since I only watch your Patreon reactions lately (for over a year now), do you and Simone have a sponsor on Youtube?

ra ra rasputin

oh man youre missing out if you havent seen their adreads lmao. go watch their titan video, YT cut. about 5 mins in theres a babbel ad. all their sponsored videos are fricken hilarious.


I think this movie is a perfect example for the term "guilty pleasure", right? I mean, we all agree its cheesy to the max dont we? But highly entertaining.


Think what the president's phone bill was. A mobile call from somewhere over Eurasia to Washington DC in 1997!


🖤I too like the name Xander but don't always like people named Xander. Anytime I watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer these days, vs when I watched it when it first came out, and see Xander on screen doing his whole "Look at me, I'm wish.com Chandler Bing and think I'm funny just because I'm self-deprecating and sarcastic" routine, my inner monologue is always "Shut up Xander...Shut up Xander...Shut up, shut UP, just STF....UP!" lol


I've literally done nothing different and my adblocker still works just fine on both Chrome and Firefox lol. I agree ad revenue should be a thing, but commercials are literally nothing but emotionally manipulative trash, and I'm not going to watch them. Especially when they play the same set of three commercials over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over I couldn't name a specific ad, literally the only time I see ads are during NFL games, and I tune out during ad breaks and barely pay attention. The worst type that I hate are the overly emotional, sappy, sad, cheesy commercials that clearly are trying to manipulate people through sadness


Also George, the conflicts the US would've been involved in during this time period would be Kosovo and the Yugoslav Wars. Cursory involvement though. Also Chechnya a bit I think? In all these wars it was mostly air support that the US provided

Shelley Lloyd

The "if you give a mouse a cookie" exchange is referencing a children's book called If You Give A Mouse A Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff that was part of a series called If You... published in the mid-1980s. I was very popular when I was a kid about how things escalate; "if you give a mouse a cookie he'll want a glass of milk" and then his demands escalate from there.

Shelley Lloyd

Note: I was a year younger than Alice when the movie came out, so Harrison Ford's character would likely have been familiar with the books from having read them to his daughter.


I have the exact same opinion about ads as George. Advertising used to mean little mini-movies, essentially. They'd be shot on film, have actors, look beautiful. But the "ads" on YouTube are far different. They're cheap, ugly scams. Some of them just use stock footage and are entirely voiced by A.I. And when there are actual humans in them, it's just some random "influencer" talking to you, shot with their crappy cellphone, and selling some dubious supplements or product by some company you've never heard of. And unlike traditional television ads, the ones on YouTube just pop in randomly, so it's like getting mugged.

Ricardo Alanis

Also recommend Olympus Has Fallen as another President in Peril/Die Hard-y movie that is a lot of fun. Also, do you earn any money from premium youtube viewers? I hated ads so much I moved to that a while back.

Jesus F Christ

Bull Durham (1988) would be great as both a sports movie and Kevin Costner movie, since you haven't watched much of either. It also stars Tim Robbins (from Shawshank Redemption) and Susan Sarandon, and is about an aging minor league baseball player brought onto a team to mentor an up-and-coming pitcher. Bull Durham is considered to be one of the best written sports movies, is very funny, and has a lot of heart. MLB spring training starts Feb 22nd, with the season opener on March 28th - just in case you wanted to tie in the reaction to the start of Major League Baseball's 2024 season. From there, you could follow the Kevin Costner trail to The Untouchables (1987, prohibition-era gangster movie about Al Capone), JFK (1991, quasi-factual film about the JFK assassination), or Dances With Wolves (1990, epic Civil War-era western directed by Costner - Academy Award winner). Or, for more sports movies, you could watch Samwise Gamgee try to get on the Notre Dame college football team in Rudy (1993), a baseball fairy tale starring Robert Redford in The Natural (1984), or the true story about high school football in west Texas with Billy Bob Thornton in Friday Night Lights (2004). - also FNL has an excellent score by post-rock band Explosions in the Sky.


lol i love getting fake medical advice/supplement ads when watching a video debunking bad medical advice from a youtube recognized doctor. you know those scam ads that always start with "doctors don't want you to know about..." or "this video will probably be taken down soon because medical professionals don't want you to know about..." or "this simple ice trick is guaranteed to make you shed over 20lbs in body fat in 1 week." basically every single fat loss or medical ad on youtube. they are basically all bad advice, a con/scam, or just absolute pseudoscience garbage. Also the fake game ads that are disguised as a "gamer" youtuber (someone that you don't recognize at all but acts just like an influencer or gaming channel host) debunking that it's a fake game are even worse than the straight up fake games. It's so crappy how fast they will strike a channel or demonetize a video over something stupid but basically half their ads are scams.