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Ted Lasso: Season 3 - Episode 3 - 4 - Patreon Exclusive



George, just know - as comments have already alluded to, I'm guessing - that the psychic plot will have payoffs through multiple episodes, so make peace with that how you can. I fully believe that the clichéd 99.9% of people claiming to be psychics are frauds, and I'm a big believer in science, but I also know that science isn't infallible and that we just don't know everything, and that especially applies to most "supernatural" areas. But, I had one experience with a medium years ago that defied all logic and educated analysis, and there have been a few other moments that have added to my personal belief that led me to believe strongly in multiverse/many worlds theories, and that all those dimensions are all taking place simultaneously across all time and space. With that in mind, it doesn't seem out of the question that there are people who have access to that on some level. But, that's just me. Hopefully the through-line that continues on the psychic's predictions won't sour your experience with how they play out in the show.


George, I think you may need to loosen up a bit before watching Ted Lasso. I keep getting the feeling that you expect things to happen like they do in other shows. Just enjoy the ride, and BELIEVE.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

The soundtrack to this show is so awesome, I especially love that Kinks song, Wes Anderson movies made me a huge Kinks fan, beforehand I just knew of their earlier stuff, but their later, more acoustic stuff is so great.


Another recommendation for a quirky fun show is Pushing Daisies. I loved Chi McBride’s role.

Jeff K

That, and Wonderfalls. Both featuring Lee Pace, created by Bryan Fuller, and were sadly killed off before their time because they were a little too quirky for the time.


Good show. Great band. Hate Wes Anderson movies, but to each his own.

Efrain Zavala

Could you all do "The Good Place" at some point? Thanks

Renee MeowMeow Beans

Another fun tv series is Only Murders in the Building - so fun and heartfelt!

Angela D. Mitchell

I hate the "wife dates their therapist" thing so much. Especially given Ted's own perception that he was being discounted and teamed up against in therapy -- which now appears accurate. And to make it even creepier, this guy was HER therapist before he was their couples therapist. The show is asking us to accept two pretty unethical things here and it's just shrugging them off. The wan Ted scene at the end is such a disappointment. First off, there is a reason personal therapists do not counsel the couple -- if the person they counsel needs couples therapy, there needs to be distance there and an impartial therapist for that. And secondly, and most importantly, this therapist dating the woman he counseled individually -- and THEN counseled to LEAVE HER HUSBAND -- has no business dating her within a century of that time period! Season 1 tells us that her therapist encouraged her to start the separation and end the marriage. Ugh. There is no aspect of this that is ethical and it's so gross that it is a major element of ruining the season for me (well, a major element of many).