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The Wire: Season 5 - Episode 1 & 2 - Patreon Exclusive



Although he's only in one season, Gus Haynes is easily in my top five characters from this show.


Jimmy didn't park that car and forget where. It was a homicide department car.


Apologies if this was already posted, but David Simon's "We Own this City" is only 6 episodes with many of the same cast from "The Wire". Tells the story of the rise and fall of the Baltimore Police Department's Gun Trace Task Force and the corruption surrounding it.


man i missed these reactions


The opening of episode 1 is the prime reason you should never trust the cops. You can't legally lie to them but they can legally lie to you.


that's why we have the right to remain silent. Keep your mouth shut and wait for your lawyer.


"Jeff Bezos made $100 million a day" Unfortunately Bezos doesn't live in Baltimore. That's why cities like NY, LA, Chicago, Dallas, San Fran, don't have budgetary constraints. Poor cities are inhabited by poor people.