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Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind - Patreon Version



Frodo Baggins - Panty burglar

Logan Kerlee

I'm pretty sure that I feel that Clementine and Joel found some reason to break up or implode over. Clementine and him aren't compatible in terms of long term relationships. I first watched this movie years and years ago with my ex wife. I enjoyed it more than she did at the time. Oh, my answer's B - all the way. I'm similar to Joel in a lot of ways. I keep things to myself far more than most - not in a "I don't exist" sort of way, but I always do that. hahahaha, GEORGE! That was gold! "This is so bland. It's pointless!" I'm a big fan of Jim Carrey playing serious roles as well. They make you think. :)

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Aw this damn movie, I do love it but it reminds me so much of my ex it brings back the trauma lol I had to stop watching in the middle of it, actually that's because I had to go work, but watching to the end again just now, to answer Simone, C) They ran into the same problems, but they got through them, and lived happily ever after. I think Joel and Clem could make it, even if they don't have the specific shared memories anymore, good and bad, they seem to have a natural emotional connection, it's like Rocky said, they fill gaps, she's got gaps, he's got gaps, together they fill gaps. And in my experience some, not all but some, of the things that people fight over, as you get older, they really don't matter. Unless there's cheating, that is tough to get over, like they say, I can forgive but I can't forget, unless of course there was someone I could pay to make me forget... Problem is, IRL, no matter what, creditors will never let you forget, so I wonder, before you go in for the Lacuna treatment, do you have to pay off any and all associated debt? Btw the truly nightmarish version of this movie would be Jacob's Ladder, seeing the faces in dying memories distorted in this reminded me of that movie.

Gary Fixler

I've always loved no-filter people. I feel comfortable around them, because I don't have to wonder what that look meant, or what lurks beneath their words - I will spin on that kind of thing for days. I knew a girl in high school who just said anything she thought instantly, like you give her something - "Oh, I hate this kind" - or taking a photo of friends - "No, your face looks dumb like that. Try something else." I never knew what she was going to come out with, and it cracked me up every time. It's almost impossible to hurt my feelings about anything, though. It also meant all positive messages could be believed completely. No games, no guesswork. She was always happy, despite how it sounds, probably because she held nothing in, and vented all stress before it happened. Even if she was trashing something, she was laughing about it, and there was no malice. Interesting person.

Tay Schumaker

Charlie Kaufman is an incredible writer and all of his movies have deeply affected me in one way or another. I’d recommend you watch others but I doubt they’d get many views so probably not great for the channel. But Adaptation, Being John Malkovich, Anomalisa, Synecdoche, NY are all incredible i their own right. If you or anyone else is looking for more Charlie Kaufman

Noe Ramirez

This is my favorite Jim Carry performance. Not to be a hater but I actually don't really enjoy Jim Carry and his whole thing. The only film where it works for me is Ron Howards version of Grinch which I love. But I just think his style of comedy isn't for me. So I don't really like most Jim Carry movies, but this is the exception. The man is super talented and you can really see it in a movie like this. I only wish he did more dramatic roles like this one!