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The Blues Brothers - Patreon Version



George - Carrie Fisher movies - The Man with One Red Shoe (early silly Tom Hanks) and When Harry Met Sally (which would probably make Simone very happy).


The mall at the start is Dixie Square. It was a neglected mall that was closed down and then used for the scene in this film.


Okay so real talk here. Now that you've seen this, you MUST watch O Brother Where Art Thou. Kind of a similar sorta musical journey movie that's hilarious and heartwarming and all of that. It's just one of those movies that you gotta watch, no questions.

Bennett Holleman

Watch Dan Aykroyd dance on SNL doing Soul Man.

Gary Fixler

I guess the quintessential "movie taking place in the background of the movie" is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, a very popular play (Dan Radcliffe (Harry Potter) has starred as one of the two in one of its many productions). R&G were two minor characters in Shakespeare's Hamlet, but in R&G are Dead, they're the main [bumbling] characters, and they randomly happen by the events of Hamlet taking place in the background throughout. There is a movie of the play, which I saw a very long time ago, and remember only that it's a bit slow :)

Gary Fixler

The song after the mall chase is the Peter Gunn theme. It was a detective show for a few years around 1960, and has been used in a lot of things since, because it's so fun, and mood-setting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oysMt8iL9UE

Tom Ekstrand

Yes that's John Belushi singing... he and Dan were original members of the SNL cast. Stories are infamous about the phone calls from Chicago to Hollywood saying they needed more money. These scenes were filmed around where I lived and yes there were Illinois Nazis demonstrating everywhere in those days. The tax collector at the end was Stephen Spielberg. Many of the nighttime chase scenes were filmed in my home town. And look up John Belushi... a tragic story.

Tom Ekstrand

For Belushi watch Animal House!


The Subby Wubby strikes again lol

Michael Green

So you asked early in whether this was a musical, and obviously that question gets answered, but technically this is what's called a "jukebox musical" where the songs are not original to the story.


For perspective on the budget, Star Wars V The Empire Strikes Back, also from 1980, had an estimated budget of $18m.


John Belushi did a couple of performances as Joe Cocker on SNL, including one he did with Joe Cocker. Can be found on YouTube.

Jacob King

There is a brilliant Barbra Streisand comedy called What’s Up Doc? (1972) that also ends in a completely over the top chase scene involving multi-car pile ups and different factions chasing after the lead couple. Like The Blues Brothers, What’s Up Doc? is doing a riff on live action loony tunes except it’s bugs bunny instead of the roadrunner. I’m not sure if the Blues Brothers is directly inspired but there are a number of similarities like the use of diegetic music rather than a score that make me think the case could be made.

Odd Thomas

John Landis also made An American Werewolf in London, one of his more acclaimed films. However his career stalled in the 80s when negligence on The Twilight Zone movie led to a helicopter crash that killed several people, involving children.


I hate to be a bastard but where is From Dusk till Dawn? That was a close second behind ex machina and yet it still hasn't shown up


For future reference about extended vs theatrical: "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" has an extended version where they included some deleted scenes -- with actors (and a substitute) dubbing in their voices more than 30 years later. You might wanna go theatrical with that one.


And then, the oral sex!


Happy Canada Day, Thanks for watching this, I think you recognize the name John Landis as you did Trading Places and that was one of his better movies, he also directed Michael Jackson's Thriller video, other movies you might like he directed are Spies Like Us (Aykroyd and Chevy Chase), Animal House (Belusi), Three Amigos (Chase, Martin Short, and Steve Martin), and Coming to America (Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall) (sorry I didn't realize you have already seen Coming to America)

Tenn Seven

The ghost in "Big Mouth" is Duke Ellington, a Jazz pianist born in 1899 (died in 1974). The voice actor for him is Jordan Peele from "Key and Peele" fame and, writer and director of horror films such as "Get Out," "Us," and "Nope."


"Blues Brothers 2000" is a must see, i also thinks its the better film out of the 2 BB movies.

james repka

This was a huge budget film for its time, justified because Dan and John were huge stars from SNL and Animal House had made major money. You should check out 1941, which came out the year before this. Belushi's death a couple of years later was shocking but not totally unpredictable. Carrie Fisher guest


Hey nineteen, that's Aretha Franklin...

Andrew Roach

I've seen this movie many times but this was the first time I have seen the extended or unrated version and I can confirm that indeed the scenes that were visually not in sync were deleted scenes and were never refined to match the rest of the movie. John Belushi was just becoming a major star when his cocaine addiction caught up to him and killed him. Dan was a close friend. Director John Landis suffered his own tragedy when on July 23, 1982, a Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter crashed at Indian Dunes in Valencia, California, United States, during the making of Twilight Zone: The Movie. The crash killed actor Vic Morrow and child actors Myca Dinh Le and Renee Shin-Yi Chen, who were on the ground, and injured the six helicopter passengers. There was a wide shot of the crash as the scene was actually being filmed for the movie when the crash happened. Landis and four crew members were charged with involuntary manslaughter, were brought to trial and eventually acquitted. The movie was eventually released. It was comprised of 3 or 4 separate stories (one directed by Steven Spielberg) and it was sad to watch the Landis segment knowing that the star died in making it.