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Rocky 2 - Patreon Version


Young Blood Priest

VHS was late 70s but they were called Betamax. The machines were expensive as hell.


I am so Happy today

Tenn Seven

"Eye of the Tiger" was Rocky III, and it is also an excellent movie!

Jared Winn

The first 4 are worth it. The last two are meh.


Where do I have to donate to get a marathon of all the remaining Rocky and Creed films!!!??? Pretty please :)

Logan Kerlee

I remember really not enjoying this movie as a kid. I'm disappointed in myself for feeling that way! I enjoyed watching this! I liked the first one more, yeah, but this was a good watch. Looking forward to more. :)

Gary Fixler

I just looked up Talia Shire - Adrian - and google claims "She is the sister of director and producer Francis Ford Coppola and academic August Coppola, the aunt of actor Nicolas Cage and director Sofia Coppola, and the niece of composer and conductor Anton Coppola."


You guys clearly don’t know Rocky he blocks punches with his face lol


The ironic thing about Rocky using his face to block punches is that he’s a Philly fighter, and most Philly fighters are known for a defensive technique called the “Shell Defense.” When the fighters are in close range, they stand sideways (instead of straight on), cross their lead arm in front of them with the back arm up for counter punch, and roll their lead shoulder to use as a defense against the attack. If fine correctly, it creates a kind of shell where the opposing fighter is having his blows bounce off your shoulder and lead arm, and there isn’t much space to get a punch into vital areas. Some of the greatest Philly boxers in history have used this method to defend themselves while having the ability to counter punch out of it. Joe Frazier, Pernell Whitaker, Bernard Hopkins, and Floyd Mayweather all used this technique to great effect. Rocky Balboa? Not so much.

An Inanimate Fucking Object

Please, please, please continue to watch through the series! There really aren't any duds (except for Rocky V and maybe Rocky IV, although that one's got a huge following), but it (together with Creed) is truly one of the greatest series ever made

Raven Dark

Just listening to you two talk in your intro before I watch the reaction and had to pause to make a few comments. It got a laugh out of me when Simone jokingly imitated Rocky's voice saying he's going to be an accountant. When he starts looking for a job and was in that one guy's office, it seemed like that was the kind of thing he was trying to do. Not that specifically, but a desk job that's as far from the ring as he could get. Also, "I need more Butkiss in my life." So Simone wants more people to kiss her ass. LOL. Sorry, couldn't help myself. This is my favorite Rocky film. I love them all, but this is the best one for me, so I'm excited to see you react to this one. Diving in...

Raven Dark

There is a short list of characters I consider to be my favorite, and Rocky is right up there near the top. Watching these movies always remind me of why. He's just so damned wonderful, one of these characters you wish was real so he could be your friend. This reaction was worth the wait. Great job, you two. Looking forward to Rocky III.

Jesse Coombs

What a fun reaction! I hope you guys continue with the Rocky series, but I would REALLY love if you would react to "Raging Bull", Scorsese's take on boxing. It's very different, but also similar if you look at the themes and subject matter.

Craig Brennan

I hope they contune this series.


Hope you guys continue the series. The characters get better as the movies continue and see their growth.