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The Wire: Season 3 - Episode 3 & 4 - Patreon Exclusive


Richard Copping

“I see you dress left” means she was checking out his junk.


George was talking about the people living in the there know the numbers don't really go down, the problem is that they're not the ones who vote, or fund the campaigns...

Brian Harris

Cole’s wake is one of the best scenes on the show. Delaney Williams, who played Landsman, brings me to tears with that speech almost every time. Just when he’s spent all three episodes of the season reminding you what a shit Landsman is, he humanizes him and even ennobles him in about thirty seconds. It’s easy to get frustrated with guys like Landsman because they seem not to give a shit, but the truth is they’re dealing with a corrupt police department in a city that’s rotting from the top down, and there are functionally no resources to deal with it. Cole spent his adult life in service to a broken machine, and he did his best with what he had. As did Landsman, as did they all. That’s the unspoken tragedy in that scene. No one needs to say it because they all know it.


At the meeting the the cops and the people of the neighborhood when the one cop is telling the citizens that they're going to need their help, one guys mentions how his cousin Willie Gant tried to help, he even testified and now he deader than Tupac. Willie aka William Gant was the maintenance man from the first season that testifies against D'Angelo in the first episode of the show.

Haye Zeus

The Wire is known for being subdued and “realistic” with their narrative. So they’re not gonna do the whole thing with characters giving each other the googly eyes if they have attraction to each other. I think knowing that characters have had chemistry, and as Daniels said “it just happened” is really all that’s needed for the way the storytelling is shown. Now it could also be the fact that the writers just decided out of the blue to put Ronda and Daniels together. But they are smart enough to know it wouldn’t have come out total nowhere. Sometimes people that have known each other platonically do hookup all of the sudden. It’s not planned. It just happens.


My take on the Rhonda & Cedric situation: it's minimalistic storytelling that suits Cedric's understated character (and the ensemble show that can't focus on relationships anyway). In S2, one devastating comment from Marla was enough to tell us where their marriage is at. Then, a scene where Cedric isn't sleeping in his bedroom any longer. Then, a few months pass between seasons and this is where we start. Now we'll see where it leads. That sort of storytelling can sink or swim, depending on how impressive the scenes are. I'm thinking the actors do a mighty good job of convincing us why their character click. The beginning of episode 4 is really satisfying, when they're just calling the bullshit of the numbers game. I've worked in organizations that are run by numbers and where the higher ups imagine that if they just measure X as a statistic, they'll get pure, uncorrupted X as a result. But people working the job know that that isn't how the world works. Bunny got fed up of interpreting real crimes as lesser crimes just to juke the stats.


I've always assumed that the first move we see in the show, is the actual first move Rhonda makes. It's the start of the relationship. There was some chemistry before, but now Rhonda has realized it's going nowhere with McNulty, and Cedric is visibly alone, so she makes a move. Nothing weird or especially sudden about it, at least for me.


Mad Men leans into this style of storytelling quite a bit. Weeks pass between episodes with very little cues, and months between seasons. A character could be pregnant in one episode, only for the baby to be in the background 2 episodes later with little discussion about it. I really appreciate it, but I understand why it can feel too hurried depending on the context.

Ana Fox

Exactly. After Rhonda's fight with McNulty, there's an episode where he looks at her as if to ask whether she was leaving too, and she looks away and stays in the room with Daniels (and others). I don't remember the specific episode, but that was the first clue for me. She's never affected by McNulty's shenanigans after that and she's working closely with the team (at the same time, Cedric's marriage is collapsing).


It sounds ridiculous, but "I see you dress left" refers to which pant leg your balls hang down. It is a real thing that tailors ask when fitting suits.


Please watch another animated series like Gravity Falls or Cowboy Bebop the anime in English dub not the shitty Netflix adaptation


Not your balls man, your shaft. I do hope your balls aren't hanging lower than the other bit!

Rollo Tomassi

It’s disrespectful how little George was paying attention. He stared at his phone like he was bored 50% of the time. There’s no weather situation you were in that required such monitoring and if there was you should have just not made these videos until you could pay full attention. Please don’t take our participation for granted. Be present my guy.


Dressing left is in response to which way his slacks let his junk hang. When you were tighter slacks especially when they’re tailored you have the option for a little space to the left or right depending on how you hang your tackle. She’s basically saying “I can tell you’re erect and it’s to the left”

Sumner Hayes

Now I need to set up sound clips on my laptop when I connect/disconnect from WiFi, just to hear Simone yelling “There's so much Internet!”, and “There's no Internet!”.