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The Rock - Patreon Version


Thijs van Drenth

Great reaction to this movie and I am glad you two enjoyed it so much. It was on my list of possible recommendations to make to Cinebinge, but I am not surprised others already suggested it. Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage and Ed Harris do an amazing job in this movie in my opinion and the music is awesome. Very entertaining, looking forward to the next time Cinebinge watches one of my favorite movies!


For another great movie with Ed Harris, consider watching The Abyss. Personally, I'd recommend the extended edition, but I know some people don't like the extra plot at the end.


The Abyss was my favourite movie for many years, but you're right: i very much dislike the alternative ending in the extended edition. Theatrical is the way to go.

Logan Kerlee

I'm so happy that you both really enjoyed this one! This one was a childhood fave of mine for sure. As a kid I didn't fully understand everything but I knew who the bad guys were and what they were trying to do. As a kid I never saw Ed Harris' character as the most reasonable villain. I just saw them all as bad guys. I'm happy that I had the opportunity to re-watch this as an adult though! Very entertaining and fun/exciting movie! I may've known everything that was coming but it was still fun and worth watching. :)


lol just noticed for the first time, after seeing this movie about a dozen times, that the burner that Mason has to roll through to let them into the prison is made by Bay Foundry hehe. why else would it have extra fire burst that have no clear purpose other than to look cool? because it's a Bay Production.

Chase Schleich

Face/Off should be your next Nic Cage film. It's a John Woo film, but it's like Michael Bay was whispering in his ear. The science makes zero sense, much like Armageddon, but that's one of the things that make the movie so fun lol.


I was wondering why Mason had to go through with it back in the day, since it seemed to take him to the other side to open the door which would've been a lot easier :D Unless the dude has a serious bent for risk taking.

Justin Leone

Maybe when it was a fully staffed prison, going through that door wasn't an option, due to it being guarded, or triggering an alarm or something.

Justin Leone

For reference, a single F-35 fighter jet costs about 80 million. Accounting for inflation, that would have been about 160 million in 1996. To put it another way, in 1996, the US military budget was about 400 billion. 100 million is what we spend on the military in about 2.2 hours. It's also about 30 cents per American taxpayer. There is no good reason for them to not just pay up. The amount being demanded would probably cost less than the military operations undertaken to stop them.


I've wanted to know what that string in the bathroom was since I first saw the rock 20 years ago. I still have no idea

Odd Thomas

Pretty sure the cord in the shower is to tie up the shower curtain after you're done.

Cregg Riley

13 Hours is a good movie too.


U.S. policy is never to negotiate with terrorists. Otherwise it would be open season on hostage and ransom scenarios.

Josh B

There is absolutely a good reason. They do not negotiate with terrorists, period. As soon as they do, it would be open season. It's nothing to do with the quantity of money.