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He walked outside and soon saw his friends waiting for him, his Ninja Emblem tightened in his forehead. Shikamaru had his forehead protector tightened to his right arm just above the elbow.

Hinata had hers around her neck, and she slightly blushed when she saw Naruto walking outside.

Ino had her forehead protector around her waist, her right arm covered in bandages.

"Oj Naruto, Congratulations" Shikamaru was the first to congratulate him.

"Thank you Shikamaru, Congratulations to you all as well" he replied smiling with a kind tone. Choji and the others said their part and Naruto turned to see Sasuke, Sakura and Kiba missing.

Shikamaru noticed him looking around. "Sasuke left soon after he got his emblem, Sakura followed him like usual and Kiba said that his mother promised him to teach him a new jutsu if he passed" the pineapple head replied and yawing already tired and finding the whole thing troublesome.

"Hey Naruto, we are going to barbecue, do you wish to come?" Choji asked, Naruto saw the others nodding their heads except Hinata.

"Of course, sounds fun" he replied and turned to Hinata hoping to help her with her shyness and courage.

"Hinata do you wish to come?" He asked smiling. Everyone's eyes turned to the Hyuga Heiress who blushed, her face looked like a tomato and she took a step back and started playing with her fingers.

"O-oh-you w-want m-m-me to co-me with you N-Naruto-kun?" She asked avoiding his face and mostly his eyes. She felt her heart beating faster than before, she couldn't believe that Naruto was asking her out.

Naruto wasn't sure how to answer, he didn't see Hinata as a love interest, he saw her as a good friend that could become brave and have it easier to talk to people and become a great Kunoichi and great Head Clan. If he said 'yes' he might give her the wrong idea and fill her with hope.

"He's inviting you, why you ask, because you're our friend and we want you with us" Shino said noticing Naruto's nervous mood, and his mouth opening and closing.

Naruto sighed in relief and made a mental note to thank Shino later.

"Oh" Hinata whispered slightly disappointed but decided to go with them. It would be a good chance to spend time with Naruto-kun.

"I a-aaccept" Hinata replied still playing with her fingers. Ino then pointed with a finger towards the entrance.

"Let's go then" she shouted smiling and walking towards the entrance of the academy. Shikamaru slowly shooked his head and murmured 'Woman' under his breath. Choji kept eating his chips without a care in the world and looking forward the barbecue.

Shino kept quiet and glanced at Hinata before turning his eyes to the road again.

Hinata was glancing at Naruto who was talking with Shikamaru about their Shinobi carrier and other similar things like that. She wondered if Naruto would look at her the same way she looks at him. His handsome face and his red hair and blue eyes like ocean made her feel butterflies in her tummy whenever he was close to her.

"Naruto who do you think will be your sensei?" Shikamaru asked holding a hand on his pocket and the other behind his head. If he could choose, he would always choose maybe Asuma Sarutobi since he had met the man a few times, and played Shogi with him. The man was smart, strong and didn't looked like someone that took the job of Jonin as pointless and time wasting.

Shikamaru hoped he would be with Choji in his team and Naruto who would be the assault of the team. But he knew there was never a three men team, a girl would definitely be in his team. From all the girls in the class he found the least troublesome to be Ino and Hinata.

Naruto looked to be thinking about it, Ino leaned closer to hear their conversation. "I would wanted Kakashi sensei but knowing Hokage-jiji he probably won't put him as my sensei since he has already trained me" he replied thinking that Kakashi as his sensei would be excellent, the only down part was his being late habits. But that could easily be fixed with a few merciless seals.

"I hope To be in your Team Naruto-Kun" Ino suddenly said and hugging Naruto's arm tightly and leaning her head against his shoulder, while her fingers were softly touching his palm, and her eyes were focused on his developed muscles.

Hinata felt a hint of anger when she saw how close was Ino to Naruto, and the red head wasn't telling her to go away or anything like that. Instead she saw him blush.

Naruto blushed slightly by the close contact with Ino and didn't help that his arm was in the valley of her breast, and her fingers caressing his palm wasn't helping.

"We Arrived" Choji suddenly shouted and walked inside before everyone else. The others soon followed, Naruto sat with Shikamaru and Choji finally breaking free from Ino, while Shino sat at their right, and Ino and Hinata sat on the other side of the table.

Naruto smiled but could feel the hatred gaze and the emotions of many people around the barbecue restaurant, their glares were as clear as day. Shikamaru noticed the glares too and wondered why was that? He had noticed them for a long time and had asked his father what was the deal with it, his response had been that some people were just too stupid and some just wanted to blame someone for something that he wasn't his fault to begin with.

Shikamaru had understood he wouldn't get more answers from his tou-san and had dropped the subject but in same time wondering what he meant with what he said.

Soon the meat was served and Choji was the first to start cooking it followed by Shikamaru, Naruto and Shino. Ino looked. . . Conflicted with eating it since it might make her fat. And make her less attractive.

Hinata on the other hand wasn't that hungry for roasted meat.

"Naruto can I ask you something?" Ino suddenly asked looking at the red head. Naruto stopped moving the meat around the barbecue and turned his eyes to Ino who slightly blushed just by his look.

"Yes?" Naruto replied waiting what Ino wanted.

Ino looked conflicted, and started touching her chin with her index finger, her eyes showing what Naruto thought was 'Need'.

"Ah what kind of girl do you like?" She asked finally finding the courage. Naruto raised his eyebrows at the question while Shikamaru murmured 'Troublesome' and slowly cutting the meat with a knife.

Hinata looked interested as well, she wanted to know what kind of girl Naruto-kun liked. And this will be a rare opportunity to find out more about him.

"I like girls that if they are Kunoichi take the job seriously, girls with dreams and goals for their future, caring girls, funny, generous and maybe a bit hothead" but Naruto kept the last part to himself.

Naruto then looked at Ino again and saw her spreading three of her fingers, she smiled. "I have three of this traits" she replied smiling.

Naruto knew Ino was right a bit, but when it came to girls, but one thing that he highly disliked was fangirs, even his mother had warned him to never go with a fangirl.

Naruto's thoughts were on Fuu and Ashara, he couldn't think of anyone else beside them, he remembered Fuu's beautiful eyes and personality, her smiles and her caring personality. Her beautiful face, her melodic voice.

Ashara's beautiful hair, her determination to become a good Kunoichi and her willing to go as far as possible for her dream, but still a caring person who helped people and wanted to protect the people she loved with everything, and most importantly she had a dream. A dream Naruto shared with both Ashara and Fuu.

Naruto rubbed his head nervously, "I . . . I" he stuttered not sure what to say without hurting her feelings. "Oojj Ino, how about we talk about literally anything else, like about with who you wish to be in team with" Shikamaru suddenly said getting annoyed of this troublesome subject.

Naruto sighed in relief and thanked Shika for the safe. Ino glared at the lazy friend but decided to not say something out loud. After that they started eating their food, Naruto noticed his meat was in a bad condition, it hadn't cooked well, and looked even to be old. He sighed annoyed of this and just decided to not ruin the moment.

"Naruto-kun do you think our first . . . Mis-sions will be out outside the v-village?" Hinata asked not knowing what their missions as Genin would be, of course she had heard how the missions were classified and that D-Rank missions were harmless. But she hoped that they wouldn't straight up go outside and fight against other ninjas.

"I don't think so, Tsunade-san mentioned many times that the D-Rank Missions were about doing chores, like gardening, help old people and maybe chase an evil cat as she likes to call it" he replied with a small chuckle remembering Tsunade's story about her life as a Genin and the mission to capture Tora, The Devil Cat.

Everyone in the table knew of Naruto living in the Senju Clan and him having both Senju and Uzumaki name.

"That's good to know" Choji said while eating his food.

After eating was done, Naruto and the others walked outside. "Well, I'm going home, my mother promised me the best dinner if I passed the test and become a genin" Choji shouted happily and rubbing his stomach.

Shikamaru chuckled slightly and turned to Naruto. "I'm going too, see you later everyone" Shikamaru said waving his head and walking along side Choji who was rubbing his hands.

"See you later" Naruto said to the others and walked away, Ino soon followed Choji and Shikamaru since their homes were near her compound.

Shino glanced at Hinata again before walking away and saying good day to Naruto and Hinata.

The Hyuga girl said good day to Naruto and walked away and playing with her fingers. While walking away, she had a determination look on her face. I will become strong

Naruto was walking to his compound when he felt Mizuki's chakra close to the Hokage's office. He wondered what that idiot was doing there and probably nothing good.

He sighed annoyed and decided to check it out. Naruto always knew there was more to Mizuki than just hating him.

The light of the moon was shining through the forest, Iruka was running through the forest, he couldn't believe that Naruto would do something like that, he kept running and wondered why? Naruto was the best Genin of the Village why would he need to steal the scroll? It didn't make any sense. Soon he spotted the red head jumping from tree to tree.

Out of breath and obviously angry, he shouted "What do you think you're doing out here Naruto?". His scarred face and brown ponytail stood out in the moonlight as the it bounced off of his green chunin vest.

The new Genin stopped and looked down at Iruka with a creepy smile. "You found me Iruka, you still haven't lost your talent at running" who he thought was Naruto spoke with a creepy tone and grinning like a maniac.

Iruka's eyes widened when he understood who was talking. "MIZUKI" he yelled furiously and the one who he thought was Naruto transformed and turned into Mizuki who started laughing maniacally and holding his stomach with his hand.

"What you've done is despicable, Mizuki, just tell me why? That's just what I can't rap my head around, why betray the leaf, your home? Why Put the blame in Naruto?" Iruka asked moving his hand down his side, pulling out a kunai.

Mizuki just looked at Iruka for a moment before bursting out in laughter, "Why? You ask why? I'll tell you why. When we were children we both lost our parents to that demon brat, so I decided to befriend you Iruka, after all we were the same. That was until other people began treating you better than me, including our friends, the Third Hokage, and even people we didn't know. Why did you deserve all that compassion yet I received none!? I was left to rot, practically ignored. Is that fair? No! And now I'll have my revenge on this village by handing over that scroll to...lets say Orochimaru, I think he will be pleased with the means to destroy Konoha. He promised me power and I will have it one way or another, his curse mark will make stronger than I have ever been before" As Mizuki finished he broke into a manic laughter that filled the area with the crazed sound.

"I'm sorry you felt that way about our friendship, and you may say that everyone ignored, but I didn't. That's because our friendship meant something to me, but now you've forsaken that trust, I have no choice but to kill you" Iruka said launching himself at Mizuki.

"Oh Please you can never Defeat Me" he replied laughing even more.

"That Might be True, But I Can" suddenly a voice spoke and both men turned to look at the Red head of Naruto Uzumaki. His hand resting on the pommel of his katana.

Iruka paled when he saw his student here, Mizuki hated him and he might try to hurt him, he knew Naruto was strong but Mizuki was a Chunin, and Naruto was a new Genin and no match for a Chunin with years of experience.

"Naruto! What are you Doing Here? Run Away you're No Match for Mizuki" Iruka shouted concerned for his student wellbeing.

Naruto just looked at him and gave him a look 'You Serious', the young Uzumaki was about to reply when Mizuki started laughing again.

"The Demon's HERE, This Day Just Got a Whole lot Better, I have The Scroll and NOW I can Finally Kill You Demon" He shouted manically and pointing a finger at Naruto who looked bored out of his mind.

Mizuki then thought to make it even better and add salt in the injury. "Do You Know Why The Village hates you, Why they will never see you as their own, why it doesn't matter what you do You Will Always Be Hated" Mizuki Said laughing even more and pointing a accusing finger at the Village behind Naruto.

Iruka paled even more, this night could get worse, he didn't wanted Naruto to know, it was forbidden and Naruto was still young to understand. He might hate the village and the hokage for keeping it a secret.

"No Mizuki Is Forbidden" Iruka interjected and shouting at his former friend. He wanted him to stop.

Naruto looked even more bored but decided to tag along just to annoy him even more, while Kurama looked annoyed by Naruto.

"For Kami's sake just deal with him already" He said bored and thinking of ways to deal with Orochimaru's sex slave.

"Why does the Village hates me?" Naruto asked ignoring Kurama's words and acting as if he didn't know that already.

"Everyone knows except you. Iruka's trying to hide it from you, even now. He'd do anything to shut me up!" Mizuki said with a laugh at the snarl that escaped Iruka's lips.

"Don't tell him, it's forbidden!" Iruka tried to shout.

"The decree is that no one can tell you that the nine-tail fox is inside of you. The fox spirit that killed Iruka's parents and destroyed our village has taken over your body! You are the nine-tails fox!" He said but instead of Naruto's shocking face, the red head started laughing like he just told him the best joke in the whole Elemental Nations.

Naruto stopped laughing and looked at Mizuki again, "You Serious?" He asked, Iruka looked confused why Naruto was laughing and not like being in shock or maybe even crying.

"I have known that since I was 3 years old, even a stupid person would understand it by now. I mean everyone calls me demon fox and other various names that connects me with Kyuubi, it doesn't take a genius to understand that Kyuubi is sealed inside me, even the most stupid kid would understand it by now" he stated and suddenly his face changed from playfully to serious in a second.

His face got so cold that both Iruka and Mizuki felt shivers of Fear in their spine. Naruto released his whole KI to Mizuki who was sweating buckets and breathing heavily, even lifting a finger felt hard for him. He felt a huge weight in his whole body and his heart beating on his throat.

"I always knew you hated me, but you tried to put the blame on me and betray the Village, and that's not something I will tolerate" he stated and pulled out his sword.

Before anyone could even blink Naruto was behind Mizuki and his sword close to Mizuki's neck, his skin bleeding, the white hair Chunin felt his blood freeze like ice. He wanted to move and kill the demon but none of his muscles was moving.

Iruka saw Naruto behind Mizuki and even before he could lift a finger, he saw something piercing Mizuki's head, looking closely he saw the point of a sword coming out from his mouth, his mouth bleeding and the blade covered in blood. With a quick move Naruto moved his sword up and sliced half of Mizuki's face in half. The blood covered him and and the sword, his head started falling apart and his lifeless body felled in the ground like garbage he was.

Iruka had seen death before but that was way too brutal for his taste, he throw up and after calming down he looked up to see Naruto cleaning the blood from his sword.

Iruka couldn't understand how could Naruto not feel sick after killing someone, he didn't know that Naruto had already killed before.

After cleaning the sword, he turned his focus to Iruka, "The ANBU will arrive soon" he stated with a brighter tone and his sword clean now.

Iruka walked slowly towards Naruto after he jumped in the ground. "Naruto thank You for saving me" he said happy and slightly saddened that his student had to do that. Naruto just shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry about it Iruka Sensei, unlike the others you didn't hate me, you saw me as a normal boy instead of The Demon Fox" he replied smiling at his sensei. Iruka smiled back and put his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"I'm proud of you being my student" he stated and they both turned to see three ANBU suddenly appeared close to them.

Iruka hoped they weren't here for Naruto, he immediately stood in front of Naruto and opened his arms.

"Naruto didn't do it he's innocent" he stated and hoping they would trust him. Naruto eyed the ANBU in the front who had a Ghost Mask and no eyeholes.

"Don't worry Iruka, the hokage-sama knows Naruto-san wasn't the one who stole the scroll, we are here to return it" he stated with a hard tone. His hands having weird purple marks around his palm and a purple circle in the center of his palm.

Naruto could hardly feel any emotions coming from the man, but knew this one wasn't one of Danzo's loyal dogs. They were like stones, without any feelings, this one had but could very well hide them and his Chakra Level was Medium Kage Level.

Iruka sighed in relief and turned to Naruto who grabbed the scroll and threw it at them. "Tell Hokage-sama that I said hi" he said before Shunshin away and leaving leafs behind.

Iruka was again impressed that Naruto knew how to Shunshin but remembering Naruto's speed, he shouldn't be surprised anymore from him.

You're a very good shinobi, I can't wait to see what you become in the future.


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