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Four Years Later

The morning sun shined down on the world from a clear, nearly cloudless sky. It was another one of the beautiful days the Land of Fire was known for. The songs of birds and the cries of cicadas could be heard flowing along with the slight breeze that flowed through the area as the critters of the forest went about facing another day of life.

As the sun rays bathed the land in its light and warmth and the sounds of nature echoed through the land. The Hidden Leaf Village looked bright, people had woken up and started doing their jobs, opening the stores and the restaurants.

The students of the academy were making their way towards the Academy. Today was the Genin Exams, many of them were excited to start their journey as a shinobi, dreaming of saving important people and defeating the bad guys. But one wasn't walking towards the academy.

The said boy was in the training yard, his head leaning against a tree, his red hair reached his shoulders with two fangs that reaches his ears. Naruto had his eyes closed and a leaf slowly falled from the tree to his chest.

Naruto now was 13 years old, he was wearing a maroon jacked with the symbol of Uzumaki on the back, with a blue shirt underneath, his sword lying close to him. Naruto's face looked sharp, his blue eyes looked even more blue, his muscles could clearly be seen, his six packs and developed chest gave him a look of superiority. He had grown extremely handsome. Many girls in the academy looked at him with literal hearts in their eyes.

He wore blue ninja sandals and white pants. His weights on his legs had gone from 350 pounds to 700 pounds on his legs and 650 pounds on his arms.

The leaf on his chest slowly turned ablaze and burned, his eyes changed from blue to red, despite using Kurama's chakra, his chakra wasn't leaking, no one could sense him unless a very good sensor was around. The grass around him slowly burned to ash.

After a a few minutes Naruto's eye turned normal and opened his eyes to see the forest full of life. He stood up and tightened his sword on his hips, his hands behind his head, rubbing his hair he looked up to see his sensei.

"The academy has started" Kakashi sensei said looking down at him. His orange book on his hands and reading it before glancing at Naruto again.

The red head didn't mind his sensei reading the book, he knew what the book was about but never read it himself, to say Naruto was surprised when he understood what Jiraiya-sensei did when he said 'Research' would be an understatement.

He didn't liked his sensei peeping on bathhouses, but still didn't try to tell him to stop or anything. He had his hobbies just like everyone else.

Despite all that Naruto liked to spend time with the old man. His job didn't let him to spend that much time with Naruto, that's why the red head enjoyed his moments with his godfather.

"Don't worry Kakashi-sensei, no matter how much I train with you I will never be late" Naruto replied with a small smirk and ready to go to the academy. Kakashi laughed a little at his words and eye smiled. "You never know, after all you know what they say. 'You become just like the company you keep around' " he replied and gave him a thumbs up before disappearing and leaving leafs behind.

Naruto smiled and started walking towards the academy.

After Tsunade had arrived back in the village, Jiraiya-sensei had stated that now he could spend more time on his spy network, since Naruto had his godmother around, toad-jiji still visited but only once 7-10 months. Naruto had been sad to hear that but still he understood the importance of his work.

After Jiraiya had left, Kakashi had asked if he wanted to train, Naruto had accepted smiling at his old man sensei . . .

Of course Naruto hadn't stopped calling Kakashi an 'old man' despite his complains and murmuring that the new generation had no respect whatsoever. Naruto just grinned at his complains. Kakashi-sensei had taught Naruto a few fire jutsus and trained him in Taijutsu, Kakashi always liked to train with Naruto.

The Jonin knew Naruto was a prodigy like his father, he knew Naruto was already strong enough to fight and give Kakashi a run for his money. But he didn't quite understand why Naruto was still in the academy but the red head had stated that he wanted to become a Genin in the same time with his friends, Kakashi was happy to hear that Naruto values his friends that much, he accepted his answer and had just changed the subject.

During the four years, Kakashi had talked with Naruto about his time training under Minato-sensei, Naruto was happy to hear all his stories, Kakashi had talked about his mother too, saying that Kushina was like a mother to him. Her attitude, her smile, even Kakashi had stated that Naruto smiled just like Kushina.

Despite trusting Kakashi-sensei, Naruto never showed his full strength against him, the only ones that knew his full strength were Tsunade-chan, Shizune-chan, Toad-jiji and Hokage-jiji.

Naruto mostly kept his knowledge in Fuinjutsu a secret, in the last four years, Naruto had reached and fully learned Level X of Fuinjutsu, the only problem left was that there was no book whatsoever when it came to Level XI or higher. Jiraiya-sensei had stated that he could find more knowledge about Fuinjutsu only in Uzushiogakure.

When it came to Fuinjutsu, Jiraiya had told him that the highest level in Fuinjutsu is Level XX, but he stated that only one man was able to reach that level and he reached it after a whole life of learning only Fuinjutsu.

Naruto was impressed with that, but he knew he couldn't reach that level.

Of course Naruto hadn't been in Uzushiogakure yet to even start Level XI but he hoped to see his homeland soon. He had decided to use his Mokuton to rebuild Uzushiogakure.

His strongest Ninjutsu so far was Fire Rasengan Naruto was able to combine Rasengan with his fire affinity to create a stronger Rasengan. But he felt that Rasengan could be even stronger.

The new Rasengan looked like a fire sphere with flames leaking around and burning the ground.

Fire Rasengan - Low S-Rank

Cost: High Damage to the hand of the user and if used more than two times without resting could cause permanent damage to the point of losing an arm.

When it came to his Kenjutsu, Naruto had almost leaned the Uzumaki Style, but he still needed to fully learn it. He lacked using it against strong opponents. Despite all that Kakashi-sensei told him that he was very good at Kenjutsu.

The only part he seriously lacked was Genjutsu, short he sucked it. And couldn't do much, his Genjutsu level was next to Zero. But Kurama had reassured him that he could break Genjutsu thrown at him if his enemy used Genjutsu. Naruto had also created a Genjutsu counter Seal.

The Seal worked to immediately notice if the user was under a genjutsu by feeling the chakra of the user. The moment the seal detected a genjutsu, the seal activated causing his chakra system to break it. And even causing pain in the body if the first way didn't worked.

The only problem was that the seal couldn't detect high ranking Genjutsu like: Death Bed, Raining Scream, Mud Blood, Sorrow and Despair, Yume and others.

When it came to controlling Kurama's chakra, he could reach three tails without losing control. The four tails proved extremely hard to control, the dark thoughts were almost five times stronger in four tails State. Both Tsunade and Jiraiya had been there when he had tried four tails, and it hadn't gone well, Naruto had tried to think of positive thoughts but the visions didn't stopped, and the voice in his head made matters worse.

Thankfully the seal on his stomach had reacted and had stopped him before he could do any damage but it had taken a full minute for the four tails state to go away.

When his chakra cloak had disappeared, Naruto's skin had red lines all around his body, especially in his forehead, the lines formed what looked like a shining star. The lines then had slowly gone back to the seal.

Jiraiya-sensei had said that he had no idea why his body looked like that and why the seal had done that.

Naruto hadn't tried four tails ever since that, seven months ago, and the visions he had seen made it hard to want to try again.

Since he had been in Taki, Naruto hadn't seen neither Fuu or Ashara, he hoped to see them soon. Naruto thought of how Fuu and Ashara would look like now, he remembered them very well and hoped to see them soon.

When it came to Academy, he had the highest points, despite his teachers trying to sabotage him a few times, all their tries had gone down the drain. Right now Iruka Sensei was the only teacher along with Mizuki who was his assistance.

Naruto knew Mizuki hated him but he didn't let it bother him, the civil council had bitch and moan many times saying that the demon was gaining power, but all their complaints had been silenced the moment Tsunade had told them that Naruto was the reason she was back in the village.

But despite all that, many people in the village still hated him with a burning hatred, still glaring at him and throwing insults hoping they would land and that he would lose control and do what they thought and hoped he would do.

Nine months after Tsunade had returned, the DNA test had been completed showing that Naruto's DNA was very similar to Tsunade Senju. Hokage-jiji had come to the conclusion that Minato must have been a Senju somehow but that brought more questions than answers.

He had suggested that Naruto should carry the 'Senju' name but the red head had declined saying that he wouldn't change his Uzumaki name, he appreciated it but didn't wanted it changed. He was an Uzumaki through and through and he didn't wanted to be anything else.

Still Hokage-jiji had insisted for him to carry both Senju and Uzumaki name. Naruto had the name Senju and Uzumaki on his letters and Tsunade-baa-chan had been happy to hear that she had family.

Now Naruto was slowly making his way to the academy, he wasn't in any hurry to reach it in time. But his thoughts went to his friends, the last four years he had become good friend with Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, and Ino.

Sasuke keep avoiding him at all times, and always only caring about himself. He kept his emotionless face and just answered with 'hnn'. Naruto had not tried again to be friends with him, if he didn't wanted to be friends, then he wouldn't beg for it.

Sakura kept her fangirl attitude that Naruto disliked, everytime she entered the class she would start with her screetch 'Sasuke-kun'. Naruto found her completely worthless, she still could become better and become a true Kunoichi but she better start doing that sooner rather than later.

Ino on the other hand was still a fangirl but she still trained slightly, at least. And she had stopped running after Sasuke but instead kept her gaze at Naruto and would usually try to start a conversation with him. The red head liked that she at least wasn't like Sakura and some other girls, of course she was still a fangirl but at least took her Kunoichi job more seriously.

Shino didn't talked much but that's how he was, but everytime he talked, he talked sense and not saying nonsense things. He was smart and that's what was important.

Kiba had avoided Naruto mostly, since his humiliation, he kept a distance from the Uzumaki, they had talked a few times but he still kept his distance. Akamaru on the other hand liked Naruto and sometimes would lick Naruto.

Hinata, well she would blush everytime Naruto was around, of course Naruto understood the Hyuga girl apparently liked him, hell she had even stalked him a few times, Naruto had been slightly annoyed by it, instead of chasing him, she should find the courage to talk to him.

Naruto had tried to talk, and even invited her to come with him and his friends in a restaurant to eat. Hoping that would help with her shyness and find courage, But instead of accepting, she had fainted. . .

Naruto soon reached the academy and a few students and teachers were looking at him surprised to see him with a sword tightened to his hips. Since he had joined, Naruto had only mentioned to friends that he used a katana but never took it in the Academy.

He soon reached the class and opened the door, his friends were sitting together and one empty seat for him. Ino sat close to their desk with Hinata.

"Good morning guys" Naruto greeted them and they greeted him back. Naruto slowly reached his seat and turned to look at Shikamaru who had fallen asleep after he greeted him.

Naruto sweat dropped behind his head, he still couldn't understand how he could sleep so fast, just like with Iruka secret big head jutsu. He never revealed how he could do that and perhaps would stay a mystery.

"Naruto is good to see you, I see you have bring your katana" Choji said eating chips and offering him some. Naruto took a few and nodded his head.

"Yes, is the Genin Exam, and I wanted to show everything for the last day" he replied smiling. Shikamaru grunted and slowly raised his head.

"Troublesome, I hope that's not the case Naruto. I don't think Konoha can afford to build a new academy" he stated half asleep.

Naruto rubbed his hair while the others looked confused, why they would need a new academy. "Don't worry Shika, nothing will happen to the academy" he replied.

"I take you will earn the Rookie of The Year, why is that, because you're the best shinobi of the Academy" Shino suddenly said with his quiet voice.

Naruto turned his head to him. He shrugged his shoulders and was about to reply when . . .

"You're blind Shino. Sasuke-kun will be the Rookie of The Year, he's a Prodigy, my mother confirmed it and she's in the Council" Sakura shouted and the whole class needed to cover their ears from the screetch.

Naruto turned his head to her already bored of her attitude. "Sakura, no offense but Sasuke is everything but a Prodigy" he stated annoyed.

Sakura pointed a finger at him. "Ha, you are Just Jealousy" she replied screeching.

Naruto just raised his eyebrows. "Why would I be jealousy? And a prodigy are the likes of Kakashi Hatake who became a genin 5 years old, Chunin 6 years old and a jonin 12 years old" he stated and that grabbed the attention of everyone in the class. Even Sasuke looked interested in what Naruto was saying.

"A prodigy are the likes of Minato Namikaze, he became jonin when he was only 14 years old and a Hokage shortly after and was known as the fastest person in the world. A prodigy are the likes of Hashirama Senju of The Mokuton and the strongest Shinobi who could be rivaled only by Madara Uchiha the strongest Uchiha to ever exist so far" he stated and everyone looked surprised of what Naruto had said.

Sasuke looked surprised and slightly angry with what Naruto had said, if that was true then he was nothing special, the best he was is Above Average.

Naruto of course wanted to mention Itachi Uchiha since he was the youngest ANBU but he knew that would make Sasuke angry and mentioning a traitor who slaughtered his clan wouldn't look well, despite Naruto finding the whole thing suspicious.

He remembered Itachi when he came with his mother in the orphanage, he had guarded Naruto for some time and not once had Naruto felt any negative emotions coming from the Uchiha Prodigy.

The class kept quiet after what Naruto said and they just had small talk with each other, Naruto talked with Shikamaru and Choji about who would be in which team.

Soon Iruka Sensei walked inside the room followed by Mizuki, he looked around the class and was relieved to not hear shouts and mostly the class was quiet.

"Well today will be the genin exams, the first part is the throwing exam, everyone follow me" he stated with a strict tone and everyone followed behind.

Naruto kept his hands behind his head and followed being quiet but inside thinking of the extra amount of hostility coming from Mizuki.

Soon they reached the small training yard of the academy, Naruto saw three dummies and five targets in a nearby tree, the targets were in the branches and one of them was at the top of the tree.

Iruka cleared his throat and turned to look at his class. They had grown quiet a bit since he first saw them, he looked at Naruto and couldn't help but be impressed, at first he thought Naruto would be trouble but instead he was the Rookie of The Year.

"Very well, one by one you will throw your kunai or shurkines in the dummies, after that you move to the targets in the tree. You pass if you can hit 3 out of 20 targets. If you hit the one in the top of the tree, you earn extra points" he stated with a strict voice.

The whole class nodded their heads and one by one took turns.

Shino hit 16 targets out of 20 targets. Four in the each of the dummies. And four hits in the targets in the tree.

Shikamaru hit 11 out of 20 targets. In the tree he only hit one of them since he found it troublesome to jump in the air to hit some of them.

Kiba hit 12 out of 20 targets. In the tree he got two hits.

Ino hit 9 out of 20 targets, hitting one in the tree, and smiling when she saw her result. She gave Sakura a smirk and told her to try and do better.

Sakura had a determined look and looked over her shoulder at Sasuke before going there and showing her skill. "Sasuke is looking at me, I will show him and impress him" she whispered before taking her stance and throwing her Shurikens.

She got 3 out of 20 targets, the minimum needed to pass, a second after she threw them and saw the result. Ino started laughing out loud and lying on ground and holding her stomach.

Iruka looked disappointed but decided to just go on with it.

Choji got 7 out of 20 earning a smile from Shika and Naruto.

Sasuke started walking towards, some of the girls started screaming of how cool he looked when he walked.

He took his shurikens and hit all the targets in the dummies and turned at the tree. For the tree he took four shurikens and two kunais earning a confused look from Iruka.

He took a deep breath before jumping high in the air and first throwing four of his shurikens in the targets, before quickly grabbing his kunais and throwing one of them at the target in the top and throwing the second kunai to make sure that it hit the final target.

When he landed back he looked up to see his final targer wasn't bullseye but close. He clenched his fists but decided to calm and turned at the class ignoring the shouts of the girls. He only focused at Naruto who gave him a smile.

Finally it was Naruto's turn, when he went to grab his shurikens that Mizuki brought, he could just by looking at them understand that they weren't real blades but made by weak material, and a material like this one would most likely never stuck at the target let alone penetrate.

Naruto then smirked and took his shurikens, he added wind chakra before throwing at full strength. The shurikens cut through and hit the wall, and stuck in the wall. Everyone looked surprised except Shikamaru and Shino who knew Naruto kept his true strength a secret.

Naruto then turned to the tree and jumped twice as high and threw his kunais, they penetrate the tree like nothing and hit the ground with enough strength to cause it to split.

Iruka kept his mouth wide open and his jaw hit the ground, and not believing his eyes. Mizuki clenched his fist and teeth almost to the point of breaking his teeth.

Naruto turned and walked back to the class as nothing ever happened. The class soon got over their shock and the girls started screaming for Naruto and calling him handsome and strong. The red head high five with Shikamaru, Choji and Shino.

Iruka got over his surprise and then informed how many points each one had.

Soon after the throwing exam was done, the Taijutsu Exam was next.

Naruto found this part mostly boring until was the turn of his friends. Shikamaru won against his opponent despite saying that would have been better to just lose since it was troublesome.

The others won as well except Sakura who lost against Hinata, and now was Naruto against Sasuke.

When Iruka announced that, every girl in the class started shouting for their favorite boy to win, except Hinata who just kept staring at Naruto.

Sasuke smirked when he heard who he would fight against. Let's see how strong you truly are, Sasuke thought and walked to the center of the arena.

Naruto walked in the arena and kept his focus on the match. Iruka looked at both of them before yelling "Hajime".

Sasuke made the first move and rushed at him with High Genin Speed, Naruto kept his focus on him and just avoided his swings. Sasuke kept rushing but Naruto could see he was using Uchiha Taijutsu Style, but he kept avoiding his fists.

Sasuke felt his blood boiling that Naruto wasn't taking him seriously and just avoiding his punches as if he was facing a child. They kept going like that for 4 more minutes.

He rushed again with all his strength, his fist directed at his face, but Naruto just moved to his left making Sasuke turn fast to his right to try again when he felt a pain on his right leg almost like his bone was broken. He falled on his knees but didn't yell in pain, but just clenched his teeth tightly.

Iruka and everyone except Naruto looked confused of what just happened. The red head stared down at Sasuke.

"Listen Sasuke, you will never get good if you let your anger consume you, if you keep going like this, you will have another incident like this but next time will be against an enemy who won't have mercy" Naruto stated with a cold tone that send shivers in everyone's body. Naruto then put his hands close to his right leg and started healing it.

Sasuke kept quiet but listened to his advice.

Iruka now looked even more confused. How can Naruto know how to heal? He asked himself. After a few seconds, Naruto stood up and so did Sasuke who didn't feel pain anymore.

"Winner is Naruto" Iruka announced earning shouts from the class. Naruto started walking away.

"Thanks for the advice Naruto" Sasuke suddenly said looking down, he then looked up at the red head. "But we are still rivals and I will soon be better than you" he stated smiling. Naruto smiled back.

"I look forward to that day" he replied and walked back to the class followed by the Uchiha.

Soon it was the Final Exam where they needed to answer. . . Questions??

Naruto looked bored especially in this one. Mizuki started spreading the tests, he smirked and a stupid smile when he handed his test to Naruto who looked half asleep.

Naruto felt the chakra all over the letter and just disabled the stupid Genjutsu and started answering the questions.

After that they were tested in Clone Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu and Substitution Jutsu.

He did Shadow Clone Jutsu much to the surprise of Iruka Sensei, Mizuki on the other hand. "But we said Clone jutsu" he said hoping there was still a way to ruin the demon's chances.

Iruka shooked his head in denial. "No is never stated that should be an academy clone jutsu, that one is the easiest that's why everyone uses it" he stated happily that Naruto passed the exam despite having no doubts that he would.

Mizuki looked ready to burst in flames. No, No, NO. I should either try myself or tell someone to try and grab the scroll for me, he thought.

Naruto walked close to look at the Ninja emblems, he chose the black one and walked away. "Congratulations Naruto" Iruka said smiling.

"Thank You Iruka Sensei" Naruto replied and left the class.

I'm a Genin now Kaa-chan and Tou-chan, Wish me Luck.