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Naruto - After One Week

He slept in his new house, after returning, his godmother had returned in the Senju Compound, Naruto had helped to clean the house with his clones. Tsunade then invited Naruto to stay in her compound if he wished since that's where she would live.

Naruto had agreed, and after sealing all the important things, he went to the Senju Compound. Shizune and Tsunade were the only ones with him not that Naruto complained.

After arriving, his godmother had told him that he could go everywhere around the house, Naruto had nodded his head and had explored the compound. It was extremely large, enough place for 100 or more people to live. It had five different training yards. But what caught Naruto's attention was to check if Hashirama-sama had left any Wood Style jutsu.

She had told him to check the library, the seal used to protect the scrolls was a blood Seal. And surprisingly it worked when Naruto used his blood.

He checked the scrolls about Wood Style. He find different jutsus like. Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergency

The jutsu created a large forest, large enough to build a small Village, the jutsu could be used to in defense, offense and control. The wood could absorb the chakra of the enemy and could be used to control Bijuu.

The jutsu was High S-Rank.

Naruto also found the famous Dragon wood jutsu of Hashirama-sama.

Wood Style: Dragon Forest

The jutsu was an offensive jutsu, that could block someone's movement. Could absorb the chakra and the Dragon his could cause damage to the enemy.


Naruto had read many other Wood Jutsus but only after getting permission from his godmother, she had told him that he was the only Wood user that could use them in any way possible.

Naruto opened his eyes to see the light shining through the window, he used his hand to block the light coming to his eyes. Naruto looked around and didn't see anyone, not that he was expecting to see anyone. Slowly standing up, he stretched his legs and arms and wore his clothes.

He tightened his katana on his hips and decided to train in Kenjutsu.

Naruto now was training on his Kenjutsu, he grew ten trees and he used his katana to slice them. Right now he was trying to learn the Uzumaki Style Kenjutsu, it was a very advanced one, Toad-jiji had even mentioned that would be hard to learn how to do it without a Sensei in Kenjutsu, sadly Jiraiya didn't know Kenjutsu and neither did Tsunade.

Kakashi's Kenjutsu was very limited and he wouldn't be able to teach him that much.

Naruto wasn't bothered by it, he was determined to learn on his own, no matter how hard it was. Uzumaki Style Kenjutsu was one of the best Styles in the world, that style gave his mother the nickname, The Red Death of Konoha.

He moved the katana around his hands before turning around and slicing three trees in front of him. The trees slowly felled in the ground, Naruto tried to catch his breath, he used his sleeve to wipe away the sweat on his forehead.

Naruto looked at his sword, a smile on his face and slowly returned to his scabbard, despite being forged a long time ago, the sword was as sharp as the day made. Tsunade had mentioned that the sword was made by one of the best metals, could easily channel the chakra in the blade.

Naruto slowly walked back inside the compound, right now he was alone since his godmother and Shizune had started working on the hospital of the Konoha. Naruto was happy for it, she was known as the best medic in the world for a reason after all.

Naruto looked around and couldn't help but notice the wood used for the compound, the wood had a good light color, with beautiful carvings around. The wood was soft to rest your head on it, the wood around the main room had the symbol of Senju Clan carved in the center of the room.

The man room was large enough to have thirty people inside, it had many tables, and different decorations.

Naruto rested on the couch of his room, he had a TV in it but he never used it, the fridge was full of food and even sweets if he wanted. His godmother had used the money of the Senju Clan Account to buy important things for the house.

Naruto kept his gaze at the ceiling, he thought about Fuu-chan and Asha-chan. He hoped they were alright, and hoped to meet them as soon as possible. He thought about the orange eyes of Fuu, the long beautiful hair of Ashara.

"It seems someone has fallen in Love" Kurama suddenly said trying hard not to laught.

Naruto blushed from embarrassment. "Is Not Like That" he screamed completely forgetting that he didn't need to.

"Oh really, You might try to fool someone else but I know your thoughts and I definitely wasn't the one thinking about Fuu or Ashara" Kurama teased him with an evil smirk.

Naruto opened his mouth to yell at his foolishness, but closed it but then opened it again. And closed it again. "Shut Up stupid Fox" he finally said and decided to rest in the couch and possibly sleep.

After some time, Naruto slept and his seal on his stomach started glowing red and the spiral in the center started slowly moving in the center. The drawings around the spiral started growing and filling the empty space, the Seal now started growing red lines that slowly advanced to his forehead. The spiral had grown that almost went completely black.

Kurama could feel something was happening, the red lines reached his face but the seal suddenly stopped and the lines retreated back to the seal. And the seal turned back to normal black before disappearing.

Kurama narrowed his eyes from the strange thing that was happening, he didn't know what it meant and hoped that wasn't anything bad.


She was returning from her job in the hospital, it was almost sunset and Shizune was beside her. Things have changed drastically for her and Shizune. From returning to the village and now raising Naruto. She knew he didn't need someone to take care of him, since he had showed multiple times that could take care of himself. From knowing how to wash his clothes, preparing food, cleaning the house, and knowing how to fight.

His talent as a Shinobi was astonishing but in the same time bothered her slightly, since Naruto had spent a long time of his childhood more like a Shinobi rather than a kid that needed to spend his time playing and having friends around.

She could clearly tell that the village despised Naruto, not only that but Jiraiya had told her about the mobs and what happened before he took him to Mount Myoboku. Tsunade always knew the Jinchuuriki weren't loved but to beat a child was too much.

Jiraiya told her that Naruto was the one who killed them with his Wood Style, according to him, no one else besides Sensei and them knew about the mokuton ability of Naruto. Tsunade hoped Danzo didn't find out, but she still thought that the rotten Hawk was the one to lie to her about Naruto, just so he could have a chance to have his hands on him.

Jiraiya had then explained his reasons to train Naruto, she didn't knew what was the deal with the Akatsuki, but whatever it was, is not a Good one. He had then told her about his wish to go back to Uzushiogakure and rebuild it, she couldn't help but remember that Kushina had wanted the same thing, the only things stopping her were her ties with Konoha. Being a shinobi of the village, Minato and being Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi.

She soon reached her compound, "Tsunade-san, do you think Naruto will want to train in medical?" Shizune suddenly asked beside her.

Tsunade put a finger on her chin, and thought about it and didn't really know the answer, she hasn't asked Naruto yet about it, the only thing she trained him so far, was his super strength, but that was all she trained him.

To say she had been surprised when she was told by Naruto that he used 350 pounds on his legs and 330 pounds on his arms wound be an understatement.

That was way too much training according to Tsunade.

She turned her head to Shizune and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know Shizune, perhaps he might want but he will need perfect chakra control to do that, and having the Kyuubi doesn't help him in that" she replied walking inside her house.

"Maybe but I still think you should ask him" she suggested. Tsunade sighed, Naruto already had his hands full with training, Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu. The only thing he didn't cared much to train was Genjutsu, and only because he had the Kyuubi.

"I will ask him tomorrow morning" she replied and putting the scrolls with things they bought in the market in the table in the main room.

"I'm gonna check on him" she stated and left to see if he was in his room or in training yard. She reached his room and opened the door slowly to see him sleeping, she thought he looked peaceful like that. She sneaked in and kissed his forehead before quietly leaving the room.


He opened his eyes and understood where he was, he yawned and then remembered that was apparently morning. . .

"Kurama how long was I asleep?" Naruto suddenly asked since it had been around 10 AM yesterday when he went to sleep.

"Congratulations Naruto, you have slept for almost a day" Kurama replied smirking.

Naruto groaned in annoyance but then wondered how could he have slept for such a long time, sighting he decided to see if Tsunade-san was around or if he needed to prepare his food. Just as he was about to go to the door. The door opened to reveal Shizune.

"Naruto, good morning, Tsunade-san has prepared your food and she wants to talk with you" she said kindly and left the room after Naruto nodded his head.

He dressed up and left the room, soon reaching the main hall, he saw Tsunade-san drinking . . . tea? and reading something in a scroll. She turned when she heard footsteps.

"Good morning Naruto-kun" she greeted him smiling.

"Good morning Tsunade-san" Naruto greeted her back and sat in the table where they eat food.

Soon Shizune came with the prepared food. It was Miso Soup, Omuraisu, bread with honey, and Sukiyaki. Naruto liked the smell and started with Miso Soup.

"Thank you for the food Shizune-chan" Naruto said liking the taste.

Shizune smiled kindly and started eating bread with honey and Sukiyaki. Tsunade ate Omuraisu.

After eating Naruto drink tea with his godmother, who looked deep in thoughts. There was silence among them and Naruto noticed the glances Shizune was giving Tsunade-san.

Finally breaking the silence, Tsunade put the cup of tea in the table and turning to look at Naruto.

"Naruto, I have been wondering if you would wanted to learn Medic?" She asked.

Naruto raised his eyebrows since he didn't expect this question, he then thought about it, but he hadn't really ever thought to learn it. To be a medical shinobi requires almost perfect Chakra Control, Naruto knew his chakra control wasn't bad, it actually was very good remembering that he had a giant furball on his tummy.

Kurama growled loudly at the disrespectful name. Kids these days don't have respect for their elders, Kurama thought and decided to try and sleep. . . Again.

"Well I can try, but I don't think I can be that good" Naruto replied since it was worth a shot. Tsunade smiled happy.

"Well then, tomorrow you will come with me in the hospital, first you need to see and be prepared with what kind of injury you can see and then we can start with your training" she said with a strict tone and gone was 'the loving Godmother' tone.

It could happen often that a shinobi just couldn't handle the amount of injury, the things they see in combat and therefore not be suitable for a medic shinobi, that's why Tsunade required for Naruto to first see if he could handle it, before actually training him in Medic.

Naruto finished his food and decided to go to the training yard before he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to see Tsunade-san. She smiled before turning him to her.

"Where are you going young man?" She asked.

Naruto looked confused. "I wanted to go to the training yard, and start training" he replied keeping his hands behind his head.

Tsunade thought about maybe he could do something else that doesn't revolve around training but she knew Naruto wouldn't be comfortable with the stupid stares and the words thrown at him. She understood that Naruto didn't really have that much else to do besides training and reading books.

"Very well, I want you train with me today" she stated. Naruto looked even more confused but decided to see what he could do against the strongest Kunoichi in the world, if he could do anything to begin with.

"Challenge Accepted" Naruto replied with a smile that Tsunade recognized very well.

Naruto started walking towards the training followed by Tsunade who couldn't help but notice that Naruto reminded her of someone else other than Minato and Kushi, the second day she arrived in Konoha, she had asked Naruto for a blood sample.

First reason to see if he was healthy and second to see if his DNA was similar to hers because of his Wood Style. Sadly would take around nine months for the tests to arrive but was worth it.

They soon reached the training yard, and Naruto stretched his legs and arms, Tsunade just waited for him to be done while noticing the worried look of Shizune.

"Well Naruto before we start, don't hold back against me and if you want even use your Kyuubi chakra cloak" she stated seriously and cracking her knuckles.

Naruto wasn't afraid of what she was doing and decided to immediately remove his weights. He did a hand sign and the weights were off. Tsunade noticed it and smirked.

Naruto started channeling his chakra around his fists before putting his hands on the grass and launch at Tsunade like an arrow. Tsunade was caught surprised by his speed and Naruto hit her in the shoulder but quickly got over the surprise and moved with Medium Kage Speed and grabbed his hand and threw him against the nearest wall causing the wall to crumble.

Naruto felt the pain on his back and clenched his teeth, Taking a deep breath Naruto did a hand sign and three clones appeared around him.

Tsunade took a few steps before avoiding the first three punches and then quickly punching two of the clones, the third clone did a few hands sign.

"Multi Shuriken Jutsu" he yelled and a giant shuriken flying towards her, multiple in nine shurikens. She quickly jumped up to a tree before noticing Naruto behind her throwing another shuriken, he did the same jutsu and she dodged them in mid air but one of them transformed in a Naruto and was in front of her with a punch.

"Take this" he yelled before his fists made contact with her hands, and the ground around split, creating a small crater.

Naruto quickly jumped away seeing his godmother that just shrugged his fist like it was nothing.

"Impressive Naruto, but I Know You're Still Holding BACK" she yelled before rushing at him. Naruto knew he couldn't handle her fists, he channel his chakra in his skin and put his hands in front of her fist, and was thrown away by the strength.

Naruto hit his back against a tree, his stone like skin turned to normal. Tsunade noticed his way of defense and had to be impressed. "You channel your chakra in your skin to make it stronger and more durable" she stated. She knew he had Earth Affinity but to be able to do that was impressive.

Naruto stood on his legs before releasing his Chakra Storage seal. His whole body was engulfed in blue chakra. He channel his extra chakra in his right hand, the chakra around his right fist slowly changed form and looked like a dragon.

"Here I Come" Naruto yelled before moving with Medium Jonin Speed. Tsunade smirked and stood her ground, Naruto's fist made contact with her right hand, and the ground exploded, the debris falled and Shizune rushed to see the smoke moving away revealing Naruto who had actually forced Tsunade to move away a bit from the strength of his fist.

Tsunade felt her hand numb from his strength and was impressed, she knew he still could use the One Tail Cloak that probably made him much stronger.

She then started clapping, Naruto raised his head smiling, his right hand hurting like hell. Sweat coming from his face like waterfall.

"Well done Naruto, tomorrow we will start your training with your punches like never before" Tsunade stated before walking away. Naruto smiled happy that was able to impress her.

Shizune walked to him and started healing his hands but it didn't take long since Kurama was doing the same thing.

Naruto soon started walking inside the compound and started thinking about next time he meets Fuu and Ashara.

Kaa-chan, I will soon rebuild Uzushiogakure, our clan will not be forgotten.


The sound of rain was everywhere around him, as he jumped from tree to tree, he was making his way to Han, he needed to let him know about his decision.

His eyes glanced at the seal on his wrist, it was a week ago when his Phoenix seal started reacting. He knew someone had made the first contact with the Phoenix Contract, not fully a member but still was something, that meant there was someone out there, another Uzumaki out there.

He wondered where he or she could be, and how old was the person. Since it was the first step in Phoenix Contract, it meant the person was young, most likely.

The only Uzumaki he knew, was Kushina Uzumaki, but she had died almost nine years ago. It had hurt him when he heard the news, he had tried to have some kind of contact with her, but the damn Ohnoki only let Han in the war against Konoha and he was in constant watch, every day.

The seal on his wrist, looked like a small red bird, spreading his wings with an empty dark circle in the center.

He soon reached Han's home, he looked around but didn't see anyone, he landed on the ground and saw the door opening, Han walked outside almost like he was expecting him.

He slightly scratched his hair. "Took you long enough, what's the occasion?" Han asked with his other hand on his pocket.

Roshi said nothing but instead moved away the sleeve of his right hand and showed the seal glowing red.

Han looked surprised but then smiled at his friend. "I See . . . when will you leave?" He asked slightly sad that Roshi would leave.

The old Uzumaki noticed but kept a neutral face. "Tomorrow, I have already sealed everything" he replied and wondered if Han would wanted to tag along but he knew Han would never wanted to be a traitor to Iwa, despite never liking to be ordered around, he was always a loyal shinobi of Iwa.

Han nodded his head before turning his eyes to look at Roshi's purple eyes. "Good Luck, and remember if you ever need my help, I'm around here" he stated and walked close to Roshi. He reached out his hand.

Roshi smiled and shaked his hand. "To The End?"

"To The End"

Next Chapter takes place on the Genin Exams. Four Years Later