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Explosion, another failed Seal. Naruto couldn't understand what he was doing wrong. He was trying to create a new seal and really wondered what toad-jiji would think about it but the seal keeps exploding in his face almost like it was mocking him.

He sighed and started drawing again and trying to understand what he was doing wrong. He kept drawing slowly and carefully, almost afraid that it would break. Today was Sunday and free day from Academy. Naruto had created many clones to start practicing his new Fire Jutsu.

Another 100 practice Wood Style but Naruto always made sure to put a barrier seal and Chakra Detection Seal around to make sure no one could see what he was doing and second the seal prevented his chakra to be detected by anyone outside the seal.

Naruto knew he could possibly get a clone to try and make the new seal but he wanted to do himself, despite the seal exploding in his face over and over again.

It had been three weeks since he arrived in the Hidden Leaf Village. The news of his arrival had spread like wildfire, but surprisingly no one tried to attack him, but Naruto could feel their negative emotions from a mile away.

Naruto just ignored them and kept on his training, during the three weeks, he mostly spent his time with Shikamaru and Choji, he had a few talks with Shino who sounded smart. Kiba had avoided him at all cost, Hinata on the other hand blushed everytime he was close.

Ino had a few talks with him and even went with him and Shikamaru and Choji once to eat in a restaurant.

Sasuke had kept quiet since he destroyed his desk, but one thing Naruto understood was that he spent all the time training. He understood the Emo had lost his family but wouldn't be bad to try and have some friends and not shut yourself from the rest of the world.

Naruto escaped his thoughts when he finished the first step of the seal, he applied chakra to it and 'Exploded' on his face again. Naruto was thrown across the room and hit the wall. He sighed sadly and slowly stood up on his legs.

"Maybe you should wait until the toad comes back, after all he's a master in Fuinjutsu" Kurama suddenly said getting bored of healing Naruto's body over and over again.

"I know that, but I would wanted to surprise him and complete the seal on my own" Naruto replied and fixing his broken chair with Wood Style.

"There's no shame in needing help, only a fool thinks that he can do everything on his own" Kurama replied crossing his legs and resting his head on his paws.

Naruto thought about it and decided to try a few more times, if he couldn't complete the first step until tomorrow, he would wait until Toad-jiji comes back.

He took a deep breath and decided to clear his head outside, perhaps the sun and the songs of the Forest would clear his mind.

Walking outside he soon reached the training yard. He stayed on his knees and started practicing his chakra control in a new level. His legs crossed above water, holding multiple leafs on his body and while using One Tail Worth of Chakra of Kurama. His clones made a seal so Kurama's chakra wouldn't be felt outside the seal and give the villagers extra reasons to be afraid of him and hate him.

His whiskers grew and his eyes turned red, his hair grew more spiky and a tail slowly grew behind his back. Kurama had said that he needed this kind of Chakra Control Exercise to have it easier when he tries Two Tails or more.

"You're doing well Naruto" Kurama said but then he noticed the trees growing all around Naruto, almost like protecting him.

Naruto kept his focus on his exercise, and while he trained, someone was coming to The Hidden Leaf Village. . .

It was a typical and peaceful day in Konoha. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and there was a nice, cool, gentle breeze coming in from the west.

At the main gate of this currently tranquil shinobi village were two Konoha chunin who were happily relaxing in their assigned post. Taking advantage in the serenity surrounding them they enjoyed it all by leaning back on the two rear legs of their chairs and rested their feet on the desk of the entrance booth.

"Ah, this is the life, isn't it?" said one of the chunin, enjoying the huge lack of traffic going in or out of their village.

"Yeah, nothing to do but relax, enjoy the sun, and let life pass you by slowly," said the other with a content sigh.

The first guard barely opened his eyes from their closed position to stare at a passing cloud. "True, but I would still give a lot for something interesting to happen," he pondered.

"You know the old saying, 'Be careful for what you wish for because you just might ge-'" the second started, but immediately stopped when he felt the ground shake beneath him and nearly fell from his chair.

When he regained his bearings and opened his eyes he saw something that made him pale and freeze with fear...

Senju Tsunade was back in Konoha after so long...and she was stomping towards them like some wrathful giant.

For every step she took, the ground would crack in small spider web-like patterns, leaving a vengeful trail behind her. As she headed towards them they could practically see a black aura emanate around her that spoke of slow, agonizing pain and death. But the thing that freaked the two chunin out the most was the disturbing red fire in her eyes that would have sent even the bravest and mightiest kage level shinobi running for the hills.

Scurrying behind Tsunade was a young teenage girl with short black hair who was carrying a small piglet in her arms. She seemed to be trying and failing to calm down her vengeful master with her unheard and frantic words, but they looked to be for naught. And behind her was the long white hair of Jiraiya of The Sannin who had a big smirk on his face and didn't looked to mind Tsunade's current Mood, Maybe for the first time on his life.

As she, Jiraiya and Tsunade passed by the chunin, they saw that they were staying on the main path heading towards the Hokage tower. They also could've sworn they heard Tsunade saying something about killing some poor old bastard along with all the different ways she was going to do it. As her form disappeared and joined the general populace in the distance, the two trained soldiers of Konoha quickly broke out of their stupors.

The second chunin paused before saying, "Didn't I tell you to be careful what you wish for?"

The first just nodded dumbly and said, "Who do you think pissed her off that much to come back here?"

"I don't know...but may Kami have mercy on his soul for Tsunade-sama will not,"

Both men shivered at the thought of what the famed Senju kunoichi would do to her unfortunate target and began to silently pray for the man who was about to painfully enter the next life at the hands of a vengeful Slug Princess.

They could only imagine what would've also happened if they asked her to sign in the logbook.

Hokage Tower

Sarutobi finally finished his Last Paperwork for Today, he took a deep breath and sighed in relief, it had been three weeks and no incidents about Naruto and most importantly he could finally continue his Favorite Book! What Could Go Wrong Now?

He was about to open his secret drawer but then he heard a loud noise coming from the corridor and a massive KI that could almost rival that of Sarutobi. His eyes widened at the familiar KI and the screams started just as he predicted.

The ANBU around his office were getting nervous. Before Hiruzen could actually try and do something, he heard a loud scream.

"I DON'T Care if HE's BUSY, He Will have Plenty of Time to REST ONCE I'm Done WITH HIM" the scream was heard from a very familiar person that Hiruzen didn't expect to hear anytime soon and from what he was hearing, probably would be better to not hear anytime soon.

The Door burst open and An ANBU flew and hit his body against the wall. Sarutobi glanced at the unconscious ANBU and wondered if would be better to just lose Consciousness like him and just pretend all this is a bad dream, a very bad dream.

He turned to the very source of the screams and in front of him stood Tsunade who looked to have a dark aura, Sarutobi now understood why not that many people liked the job of the Kage.

For a moment he thought she was using Amaterasu somehow for the dark aura around her that looked like dark flames.

His Brave ANBU suddenly stood in between her and him, their weapons ready but two of his ANBU were already having second guesses of what exactly were they trying to do.

"Tsunade-Sama please Calm Down, we can Discuss. . ." He was interrupted whatever he was trying to say when Tsunade cracked her knuckles.

Hiruzen felt cold sweat on his face when he noticed Jiraiya behind Taunade but he looked calm, almost like he was enjoying what was happening, maybe for the first time in his life, Tsunade's anger wasn't directed at him.

Tsunade looked at the mini Shinobis in front of him before her strength kracked the floor, the ANBU took a step back.

"I Give You ONE CHANCE, LEAVE NOW" Tsunade yelled and pointing a finger at the nearest window of the Office. The ANBU exchanged looks between each other before leaving through the Window.

"Cowards" Hiruzen murmured under his breath but in same time wanted to jump from the window like that. He raised his hands trying to ease the tension, sweat rolling down his face like waterfall.

"Tsunade is goo . . . Aahh" he was interrupted when Tsunade grabbed him by his collar and brought his face closer to hers. Her eyes like fire almost burning Hiruzen.

The old hokage was sure that if looks could kill, he would be Ash right now.

"Cut The Crap Hiruzen, Tell ME WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT NARUTO-Kun?" She screamed and slammed him in his hokage chair almost breaking the chair along with him.

Hiruzen tried to catch his breath but he had a confused look on his face. He turned to look at Tsunade again.

"I don't know what you're talking about Tsunade, but I never told you or send any letters saying that Naruto had died" Hiruzen stated with a more serious tone and slightly higher tone.

Tsunade took a step back not understanding, the ANBU had stated that Naruto-kun was born with abnormal Chakra because of Kyuubi. They even showed her the body of Naruto.

She clenched her fist so hard that blood started slowly falling in the floor, the drops of blood were noticed by everyone in the office.

"What Do You Mean? An ANBU of yours showed me Naruto-kun" Tsunade asked not understanding what was happening but she swore she would get at the bottom of this.

This time Hiruzen got even more confused while Jiraiya already knew what Tsunade was talking about since she had explained to him what had happened after the Kyuubi Attack.

"I didn't send you any ANBU Tsunade, when I wanted to inform you that Naruto-kun was alright, you had already left the Village, and couldn't find you anywhere" Sarutobi stated thinking of who could have possibly lied to Taunade until he remembered his old 'Teammate?'.

He sighed and decided to deal with this a bit later, once everything is cleared here.

Tsunade felt her anger raising, she knew her Sensei would never lie for something like this, despite not being in Konoha for almost nine years, she still trusted him.

But the question remained. 'Who Could have Fooled her? And Why?' Tsunade didn't know who but already had a few thoughts of who could have done it. She thought about the three elders, and especially that rotten Hawk Danzo.

Taking a deep breath and trying to calm down, she looked at her Sensei again who looked to be deep in thoughts.

"Where's Naruto?" She asked, no demanding to know where he was. Sarutobi escaped his thoughts and turned his eyes at Tsunade again.

"Today is Sunday, so he's probably in his house or in the training yard" Sarutobi replied, and sure that Naruto would be in the training yard.

Tsunade nodded her head before turning at Jiraiya who was leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed.

"Well take me to him" she shouted at him, he nodded his head and left with her, this time through the door. Shizune quickly followed them behind, still keeping quiet about the whole thing.

Sarutobi on the other hand was deep in thoughts, he needed to have a talk with the damn Danzo. He snapped his fingers and an ANBU showed up in front of him, the ANBU was wearing a dark Mask, that looked like a Ghost. Unlike the others he had no eye holes in the mask to see.

"Tell Danzo to come here" he ordered, The ANBU spoke no words and left as soon as he appeared.


He was leading Tsunade to the training yard he thought that Naruto would be there, they checked, Well they tried to check his house. Jiraiya put the hand on the handle just for it to electrocute him and throw him to the nearest wall.

Tsunade had laughed at him, Jiraiya then had blocked the seal, and opened the door just for it to put him in a Genjutsu and a Jutsu activated that send a fireball towards them, all three of them dodged quickly. Thankfully the fireball was a small one and had disappeared in the air without harming anyone.

Jiraiya made a mental note to never go inside Naruto's house, without an invite. After that they had quietly and slowly walk inside but Jiraiya could tell that the brat wasn't inside.

After that, they left to look at the training yard, He could tell that Tsunade was impressed with Naruto's ability in Fuinjutsu, but Jiraiya wasn't sure how she would react to his Wood Style and that he holds no love for the Village.

Jiraiya knew Naruto didn't hate the Village but he neither loved it, No he loved his homeland and Jiraiya knew he would one day leave to rebuild his destroyed Home.

Reaching the training yard, Jiraiya immediately noticed the barrier seal and the good camouflage, he smiled impressed by his Fuinjutsu.

He pointed a finger at the barrier, with a hand sign the camouflage disappeared, showing the barrier and inside was Naruto in Chakra cloak one tail, trees had grown all around him. Jiraiya couldn't detect Chakra coming from the barrier, at least he knew Kyuubi's chakra would not be felt around the Village.

While Tsunade looked at her godson with her eyes widened, Jiraiya had informed her that Naruto knew about the Kyuubi, his parents and that he apparently had a good friendship with the Kyuubi. She couldn't understand how he could have a friendship with the demon that killed his parents.

But what caught her by surprise was the trees around Naruto, almost like they were protecting him.

Before anyone could say anything, Naruto opened his eyes and the chakra cloak slowly disappeared, his eyes, whiskers and nails slowly turned normal. His red hair turned normal.

He had noticed that his toad-jiji had arrived with two new people he hadn't felt before, but what caught his attention that the chakra of one of them was slightly similar to his. He had asked for a long time what was his connection with the Senju Clan and perhaps his godmother had the answers.

He stood on his legs and noticed the trees around him, the leafs around him had burned to ash, since whenever he used Kurama's chakra, his Fire Affinity was more dominant than his other affinities.

He slowly walked in front of who he knew was Tsunade-sama, his godmother. He didn't recognize the woman beside her. Naruto was about to open his mouth and greet her but he was interrupted when she grabbed him and hugged him like life depended on it.

Naruto's eyes widened and quickly hugged her back, and heard her sobbing. "Naruto-kun you're ALIVE, You are Here" she said not believing her eyes. Naruto smiled and felt happinesses in his entire body.

After a minute of hugging, Tsunade slowly pushed back to look at him. "Let me look at you" she said with a soft tone and looking at his face from every angle. She couldn't help but notice Minato on his face.

"You're so handsome, I'm sure every girl in the Academy looks at you" she said smiling. Naruto blushed in embarrassment and lowered his head. Tsunade laughed at his behavior.

Naruto then turned to look at toad-jiji, "Toad-jiji is good to see you" Naruto greeted him. Jiraiya smiled but decided to mess with him. "Oh really? I saw how happy you are with the traps you had left in your doorstep, who knows how many you left inside the house" Jiraiya joking and rubbing his head behind his head.

Naruto laughed. "If I knew you would come, I would have deactivated them" he replied. Tsunade laughed at the nickname.

Naruto then turned to the third person. "My name is Naruto, miss. . . " "My name is Shizune and this one here is our pig, Ton-Ton" Shizune said.

"Naruto-kun, how about we go and eat something?" Tsunade suggested and made a mental note to ask Jiraiya later about the Mokuton ability of Naruto.

The red head nodded in agreement and decide to go to Ichiraku Ramen.

They soon reached the Ichiraku Ramen, walking inside, Naruto could feel the delicious smell around the air. He sat and Tsunade decided to sit close to him.

Ayame noticed Naruto first and immediately walked up to them, "Naruto-kun is good to see you again" she said smiling and giving Naruto a hug.

She then noticed the blond woman and Jiraiya-sama. She quickly bowed her head in respect. "Is good to have you here Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama" she said respectfully.

"No need for that, three bowls with Ramen and one Big Special Ramen" Jiraiya ordered. Tsunade wondered for who the big ramen was but remembering Kushina, she realized that Naruto loved Ramen as much as his mother.

"So Naruto-kun tell me how are you doing in the village? Have you made any friends?" She asked knowing how Jinchuurikis were usually treated.

Naruto frowned slightly but quickly changed it to a smile something that was noticed by the Sannins.

"Is alright, Shikamaru, Ino and Choji are good friends and the academy is . . . Fun! I think" he replied not wanting to mention that all the teachers except Iruka straight up hated him. Something that was noticed by the students in the class.

Tsunade wanted to ask more in details but if Naruto didn't wanted to talk about it, she decided to not pressure him.

"Is good to have friends, but who took care of you, while you grew up?" Tsunade asked curiously, since she was sure that someone must have raised him. She knew Naruto was apparently living alone in an apartment.

Naruto sighed. "No one really, except for Hokage-jiji and toad-jiji. I pretty much grew up alone. In the orphanage, but that changed when I reached four years old. Toad-jiji took me to train in Mount Myoboku for three years and three months and go around the world for nine months" he replied smiling and the Ramen came.

Tsunade bit her lower lip not wanting to go to his old sensei and break his Neck for letting Naruto grow up alone. She didn't need to know how he was treated by the idiots around here. Their glares until they reached the ramen restaurant was enough to let her know that Naruto was hated just like how every Jinchuuriki.

Second thing she didn't know and found surprising was that Naruto had started training so young and so hard. Jiraiya mentioned to her about his super strength and she wondered to ask about it.

"So Naruto, Jiraiya told me you have powerful fists" she said eating ramen but then noticed that Naruto had already eat his Big Special Ramen.

Just like Kushina! She thought smiling.

Naruto ordered a second one before turning to his godmother. "Yes, I find out about when I was training in Mount Myoboku. I have grown more powerful but problems with controlling them" he replied.

Tsunade nodded in understanding since she had the same problems herself when she first started using her strength.

"Well, I can help you. Everybody knows me about my super strength" she suggested and Naruto beamed.

"Thank you Tsunade-san" he replied and returned to his Ramen.


Taking a deep breath and smoking a bit from his pipe, he saw the door opening and inside came his 'favorite' teammate?

"You asked for me Hokage-sama" Danzo said trying to sound normal but Hiruzen could clearly see right through his emotionless mask.

"Yes Danzo Shimura, I need to ask you a few questions and is better for you to answer truthfully" he stated leaking KI. Danzo narrowed his eyes slightly before sitting close to the desk of the Hokage.

"I got information that someone had apparently spread misinformation that Naruto had died in the Kyuubi attack. Any idea who could have done that?" Sarutobi asked leaking KI and looking at straight in the eye. Danzo kept his gaze and not flinching.

"I don't know who could have done that" he replied quietly.

Sarutobi kept quiet and silence took over the Office, his fingers pinched the nose on his bridge and turned his cold eyes at Danzo again.

"You're free to Go" he stated and Danzo stood up and left without saying another word, but still could feel the burning gaze of Sarutobi on his back.

Leaving the office, he thought about a way to deal with the Kyuubi brat.

I might need to visit the Snake, he thought.


She was doing hand seals in front of the lake. She finished her last and shouted.

Uzumaki Style: Water Phoenix

The Water in the lake suddenly changed and forming a Phoenix in the air, the Phoenix then flew and hit the wall and destroyed it to little pieces. Debris falled in the ground, Ashara smiled happy that she could do the jutsu. She was about to look for Fuu to let her know that she completed her first A-Rank Jutsu when she heard the sound of a bird.

She turned around to see a tree and in a branch was the red bird made of fire.

"This is not a dream!" Ashara quickly said and walking closer. The bird kept quiet and flew away. Ashara followed him, he kept flying and she kept chasing.

Suddenly she saw the bird resting against the handle of a door. Asha slowly walked up to the handle and opened it to see a completely different place. The door shut violently behind her and she saw the ruined houses.

It felt like a war had just happened there. She saw the symbol of Uzumaki Clan in every house and building.

She felt the cold to her bones, shivers running through her body like blades, piercing her flesh and skin.

Look Up, A voice said.

Asha looked up to see a something descending from the clouds, she couldn't see what but looked to be made of Fire itself.

Find Us



so Danzo as always just gets to walk away? God I hate how so few people actually bother to hold Danzo accountable for all the bullshit he's pulled. I get its canon but still you DON'T have to stick to canon accounts with Danzo you can kill him early. First he attempts to help Hanzo in Ame so he can get Hanzo's help in taking over Konoha, then he attempts to have Hiruzen killed, then he pulled that bullshit with the Uchiha that's more than enough to kill him not to mention in your story he's manipulating the civilians in order to try and get Naruto under his control.


That’s how you build a story you can’t just kill off a character just because he’s evil. You have to have to have some type of conflict in a story. And when you take your time to build it properly it makes the story so much better. Plus Hiruzen doesn’t know about the deal with Hanzo, manipulating the civilians to the extent he is, or his dealings with Orochimaru. He still thinks that Danzo is misguided in his attempt to serve the village


there are MULTIPLE enemies such as Pedomaru and Obidara and yet EVERYONE just continually lets Danzo run around and do whatever he wants in the Village with NO Consequences. Danzo wasn't even that big of a villain he was just a minor character to push Sasuke further over the edge in his madness someone completely unneeded to be honest