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The silence of the forest around was relaxing but Jiraiya of the Sannin had to meet someone. He dropped his pen and stood up on his feet. His face usually funny and joking, now was Serious and made him look like a real Shinobi.

He closed his eyes for a second before opening them again. In front of him now stood a Man wearing Black Cloak with red Clouds. His hair had grown a bit, but his Sharingan could clearly be seen. His face looked emotionless to anyone, but Jiraiya could clearly see right through his mask.

Sometimes he still wondered how he could even stay sane after what he was forced to do. When Sarutobi Sensei had informed him of the real reason why The Uchiha Clan was massacred, Jiraiya didn't really believe it they would be so foolish. Even if somehow by some miracle they would take over the Village, both sides would take heavily losses, in that point would be like inviting Kumo or Iwa to conquer The Hidden Leaf Village.

Jiraiya clenched his fist and had a fighting position if something happened out of ordinary.

"Jiraiya-sama is good to meet you again but I don't have time to stay" Itachi said respectfully before throwing a scroll at Jiraiya. He grabbed it and quickly sealed it away.

"Something else?" Jiraiya asked with a serious tone, his tone strong and firm.

"The Leader has the Rinnegan" Itachi informed him and Jiraiya took a step back. His eyes widened, his face filled with different thoughts and didn't know what to think.

"His location?" Jiraiya asked quickly wondering where this 'Leader' stayed. If Itachi knew perhaps Jiraiya could pay him a little visit and see for himself if this one was his old student or someone who had stole his eyes.

Itachi shooked his head in denial much to Jiraiya's disappointment. But he quickly got over it and told him to leave before they understood that he had left.

Itachi quickly turned into crows and flew away. Jiraiya just stood there not knowing what to think of all this. Nagato is that really you? But Why? He had many questions and no answers to any of them.

He had always regretted for not taking his students with him in the Hidden Leaf Village, they would be safer there. Jiraiya knew Nagato's Rinnegan would be hard to hide especially from people like Danzo or Orochimaru who would kill to have it. But still perhaps they would be safer there than in Rain Village.

Jiraiya thought perhaps his students were still in Hidden Rain Village but that possibly was slim. The Hidden Rain village was still under Hanzo The Salamander, he was a good shinobi that managed to wipe the floor with all three Sannin when they were at their peak. He knew he could walk in and possibly search if they were there, but if he wasn't there, he would just waste his time, and possibly risk his life. Jiraiya knew he didn't have time to search around for him, he still needed to keep an eye on Orochimaru and the villages around Hidden Leaf.

Iwa right now hated the Village with a burning passion, but they still were recovering from their huge losses against Minato. Jiraiya had received letters saying that apparently the Old man Ohnoki didn't really craved for Vengeance or maybe he had gotten soft.

When it came to Kumo, their attempt to kidnap Hinata Hyuga had spread around and that put them in a bad spot, many lands that usually hired Kumo Shinobis had either started hiring shinobi of different villages or not hiring at all. Not every land liked to hire shinobi from a village that would go so low that they would try to do something like that. Acts like that were looked as Horrific and Many people didn't wanted to have any kind of connection with that kind of Shinobis. The lands around Kumo of course would continue hiring them but the lands outside the Lighting Lsnd were having second guesses.

Then his mind went to Kiri, the village was in a Civil War, the kind and gentle Mizukage had suddenly ordered for all the people with a Bloodline to be executed with no exceptions, he wondered why the sudden change towards his people. Jiraiya didn't need to be a genius to come to the conclusion that he was under a Genjutsu but the thought that someone could control a Mizukage and not to mention the said Mizukage was a Jinchuuriki.

His mind then went to Nagato. He sighed in annoyance and a hint of sadness, he didn't know which could be worse. Someone had stolen Nagato's Rinnegan for himself or Nagato himself was the leader of the Akatsuki. Jiraiya wasn't sure which one was worse.

Jiraiya looked down at the scroll Itachi gave him, he opened it and read the information given to him.

'I Don't know the identity of the Leader, I have seen him only twice and only see him through a jutsu that made him look like a shadow. I can't tell how he looks except his Rinnegan.

My partner is Kisame Hoshigaki, his strongest weapon is his Sword, Samehada that can absorb Chakra of the Enemy. Kisame mention that he could absorb Bijuu Chakra too, I'm not sure about Sage Chakra.

Jiraiya put a finger on his chin, the sword looked quite useful but he doubted that had the ability to absorb Sage Chakra. It would take lots of training and time to be able to use Sage Chakra without turning to Stone. Hell Jiraiya himself couldn't use it without the help of Ma and Pa.

' I haven't seen anyone else from the Organization except I know Orochimaru is in the Akatsuki. Can't send information for a long time. We will move to test Jinchuuriki after 5 years and start capturing them after 8 Years.'

Jiraiya finished the letter and set it on fire, he wondered if Naruto would be strong enough to fight them when they come after him. He hoped that he would be. When it came to how strong he was, Jiraiya knew Naruto was strong, hell if he used One Tail Chakra Cloak and without weights, he was sure that Naruto would be strong. Maybe Medium Jonin Level but he doubted it.

And Orochimaru in the Akatsuki?! Jiraiya never thought his former teammate would ever accept to be part of a group but he was sure he was there just to try and steal The Rinnegan or possibly The Sharingan of Itachi.

Jiraiya then thought about Tsunade, he got information that he was in the Land of Tea. He put his things back to his bag and returned to his Journey to find Tsunade.

Three Weeks Later

The Village in front of him wasn't a big one, but was a good place to stay and not that many bandits around. Land of Tea always hired Shinobi of Hidden Leaf Village to protect whenever they needed help.

Jiraiya reached a tea restaurant and walked inside, he looked around and saw his 'Friend' and sat close to him not giving him any eye contact.

The man making the tea was an old man, who looked kind. "What tea can I give you?" He asked kindly, Jiraiya gave his eyes a glance and could tell this was a veteran probably.

"I want a cup of Leaf Tea" Jiraiya ordered and the old man nodded his head before walking away and started preparing the tea.

The 'Friend' close to him passed him a letter that was blank before getting up and leaving the tea restaurant. He left a few coins to pay for his tea in the table.

Jiraiya quickly sealed the letter on his seal under his sleeve. The old man came back and gave him the cup of tea, Jiraiya took a sip and couldn't help but notice that was probably the best tea he had ever tested.

"Very good Tea, I'm sure you have a lot of work" Jiraiya praised him. The old man smiled and was a genuine smile.

"Thank you is not every day that I have a man like you come to my restaurant. A cup of tea is a very special thing" the old man said kindly as he poured him another cup with tea.

"I see you have struggles with your self" he said sitting on the other side of the table. Jiraiya raised his eyebrows and wondered how he knew.

"Just ghosts of my past" Jiraiya replied drinking tea again.

"I know how is like to be tormented by the past, my son died young, before his time. And me, I'm old and still standing. One thing I know about failures is that they're opportunities to start again but wiser" he said and walked away.

Jiraiya thought about what he said and wondered if he was doing what was right. He wasn't there when Minato needed him most, but now Naruto.

Jiraiya thought of him, he thought of his smile, his eyes determined, full of love and determination. Like a True Kage should be.

"I'm going to Rebuild my Home, I'm going to build a Village that no one would ever be harmed or looked down. A village that anyone can Call Home"

Jiraiya remember Naruto's word, closing his eyes, he remembered Minato.

"You're my Teacher, and I know no one better to be godfather of my Son"

Jiraiya smiled and stood on his legs, he left twice the coins needed for payment and walked to the door.

He soon left and decided to see his teammate. It had been a long time since he had last seen her.


He saw a casino close to him, he knew must be there, he had already checked every restaurant that sells Saki but she wasn't in any of them.

His hands went to his pocket and looked at the photo he had with Naruto. He smiled and took all his courage to walk inside. His eyes soon saw a blond woman playing in a machine, close to her stood a woman with dark hair who looked concerned and holding a pig in her hands.

Jiraiya slowly reached her and decided to let her know of his presence. "You know some things change but some never change Tsunade" he said with a small smirk on his face.

Tsunade stopped playing and turned her head to look at Jiraiya. The woman close to her, who Jiraiya knew was Shizune looked surprised and slightly nervous.

"What are you doing here Jiraiya? Can't you see I'm trying to win" Tsunade shouted annoyed but slightly happy to see her teammate but he didn't need to know the last part.

Jiraiya laughed at her response. "Oh please, the day you win, is not a day I'm looking forward to" he replied since he knew her luck in gambling was known everywhere. That's why some had called her 'The Legendary Sucker'.

"But I'm here to offer you a drink" He said smiling. Tsunade raised her eyebrow but then just shrugged her shoulders and decided to follow him behind. A free saki was an opportunity she wouldn't let to slip.

Reaching a restaurant, they sit and Tsunade immediately ordered saki, Shizune just ordered a glass with water and Jiraiya ordered the same. The orders arrived and Tsunade drink a glass with one go and filled another one and turned her head at Jiraiya.

"So why are you here Jiraiya? If you want me to return to the village my answer is No" she said determined.

Jiraiya sighed sadly looking at the woman, how she was before. He shooked his head and just decided to be blunt. "No, I'm here to ask why you aren't keeping your promise to Kushina" he said harshly and gone was the humorous tone.

The mention of Kushina's name, made Tsunade break the glass and her whole body filled with sadness and then with Rage. She looked at her teammate with fury, Shizune noticed her eyes and hoped she wouldn't do anything drastic.

"What ARE YOU SAYING JIRAIYA? The Child Died Just like Every Precious Person in my Life" she shouted and trying to hold back the tears. Jiraiya didn't even flinch from her tone and just took his photo with Naruto and reached it out for her to grab.

Tsunade notice the photo and quickly grabbed it to see Jiraiya with . . . A Kid??!!

She closed her eyes tightly before opening them again to look at the photo again. She noticed his red hair, exactly like Kushina. She thought and looked at his eyes, his whiskers, his spiky hair like Minato's. His blue eyes like ocean, but most importantly his smile. It was her smile.

She felt her heart beating on her throat, her breath quickened, just like when she lost him. His blood in her hands.

She shooked her head and looked at the photo again, but she could see it as clear as day. Tears slowly started rolling down her cheek, her hands holding the photo tightly like life depended on it. Biting her lips that draw blood.

"I'm sorry but he didn't Survive, his Chakra was abnormal. I'm sorry Tsunade-sama"

Tsunade remembered the cursed words very well.

She looked at the photo again. His red hair and blue eyes.
