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He slowly made his way towards his home, not that it really mattered. No one was waiting for him there, just an empty house full of loneliness. The first day was eventful.

After the training, many girls had started looking at him with literal stars in their eyes. Looking at him like he was a good piece of meat or something. That annoyed Naruto since he knew that none of them were taking the academy seriously, probably thinking that being a shinobi means you will be famous or that is easy to be one.

Naruto didn't liked that kind of girls, he was only 8 years old but he wanted a girl that if she was a kunoichi, was a strong one and took the job seriously. It had her dreams for the future, and didn't let anyone control her, a girl that had ambitious for the future. Funny and maybe a bit hot headed. . .

Naruto shooked his head and noticed the gaze of many villagers around. He wondered how long would take for them to try and attack him again. Naruto still remembered that night well, and he would never let them harm him again.

During the academy, he had talked with Ino who looked happy to see him again but Naruto could see and literally feel her need to look behind. Naruto had glanced and noticed that she wanted to see the emo Uchiha sitting alone in his desk that was ignoring every living being around him.

'Naruto saw the emo and decided to see if he wanted to be a friend with him. After the hour was done, some students walked outside, as for the girls it mostly depended if the 'COOL' Sasuke was staying or leaving the class.

Naruto ignored them and stood in front of his desk. The Uchiha noticed the red head and turned his eyes at him.

"Do you want to come sit with us?" Naruto suggested and pointing at where Shikamaru and Choji were sitting.

Sasuke grunted and gave him a glare that Naruto just brushed off. "I don't need to spend time with you losers" he replied with a cocky tone. Shikamaru and Choji didn't cared about his words since they knew that Sasuke didn't cared for anyone, they told the same to Naruto when he suggested to ask the emo if he wanted to sit with them.

Suddenly the air around Sasuke felt cold like ice, even he felt a shiver through his whole body, every fiber of his being was telling him that he had fucked it up.

Naruto slammed his hand on the desk that broke the desk like it was made of nothing but paper.

"Listen to me you emo. I don't care what you say to me but next time you talk like that I will make sure that you know what it means to know Pain" Naruto said with a promise. His voice cold as winter, his whole body leaking KI enough to freeze Sasuke where he stood.

Everyone was silent around the class, Kiba felt a cold sweat on his forehead. Shino's bugs could feel the massive amount of chakra in Naruto but what frightened them was the demonic chakra.

The fangirls of Sasuke wanted to yell at Naruto and protect their precious Sasuke-kun but all the words had died on their throats. Ino on the other hand looked impressed by his amount of strength.

Naruto turned around and walked back to his desk as if nothing happened.'

Naruto didn't feel sorry for saying that to the Emo, if there was one thing he hated, was the cocky bastards like him who see everyone else beneath him.

After that Naruto had gotten to know Shino who actually talked in a smart way, and Hinata.

She looked decent enough, and didn't looked to be a fangirl but she turned as red as his hair when he tried to talk to her. After that Naruto walked back to his desk and talked with Shikamaru and Choji.

Naruto wondered when toad-jiji would return, he hoped soon. But in same time he wanted to surprise him, Naruto was working on a seal, he hoped to impress him but would take a few months to complete it.

As he kept walking he could feel the ANBU staying close but one of them had a chakra that he recognized. He stooped walking and turned his head up and looked at the ANBU at the top of the building.

"I know you're there" he shouted, making a few citizens around confused. An ANBU with a dog mask suddenly appeared in front of him. Naruto recognized his white hair and who could forget the mask under his ANBU mask.

Kakashi removed his ANBU mask and was about to greet his student when Naruto pointed a finger at him smiling.

"You're the Old Man" he shouted excitedly, Kakashi lowered his head in despair, clouds formed on top of him and started raining only at him, while his ANBU 'Friend' was busy lying on the floor and laughing her ass off.

"Old Man Kakashi, can't wait to tell the others" she yelled still laughing. Kakashi only lowered his head even more. Naruto looked at him not sure what to do. While Kakashi was murmuring something a guy named . . . 'Guy?' Naruto wasn't sure what he meant but decided to cheer him up.

"I was only joking Kakashi-sensei, is good to see you again" Naruto quickly said. Kakashi slowly stood and eye smiled at him.

"Just joking around Naruto" he replied smiling and turned to look at Naruto more closely. He had to admit that Naruto had grown quite a bit, especially his body, looked more muscular but not too much, and couldn't help but notice the sword behind his back. That confused him slightly since he was sure that he didn't have the sword when he was at the academy.

"I see you have grown up Naruto, is good to see my student again" he said with another eye smile. Naruto smiled back but noticed the orange book on his porch, from the color alone, he was sure that it was Jiraiya-sensei's book. Naruto remembered his first book that he gave him. It had amazing story and apparently his father had loved his first book, and he wondered what this one had story like that.

"Kakashi sensei can I borrow your book?" Naruto asked innocently and pointing at his book.

At that moment Kakashi felt like he would burn in hell, he could feel the KI of his ANBU friend, and she despised his books and had tried many times to slice them with her Katana.

He put a hand behind his head and took a step back. "Hah . . . Hahaha ho . . . How do - why do you want it?" Kakashi asked sweating, his whole body was sweating. He hoped that Naruto was just curious.

"Jiraiya-sensei writes that book, I have seen him write it but never read it, can I borrow it since the shops won't sell it to me" he said smiling at him. Kakashi felt all his blood leave his whole body and his whole face turned pale like snow. But 'Fortunately?' His friend landed beside him and gave Naruto a smile.

"That book is not for you Naruto-kun, how about you go to Ichiraku-Ramen" she suggested with a soft tone. Naruto turned his attention to her and noticed her katana. He wondered how good was she since she was an ANBU but decided to not bother her since probably she had already her hands full with her job as an ANBU.

He nodded his head and decided to leave. "Alright, I hope to meet again Kakashi-sensei and ANBU-sama" he said and bowed his head respectfully and soon left by jumping from roof to roof.

Seeing him leave, Kakashi left out a sight of relief. But then he turned his head slowly at his friend.

"If you Even Dare To Think TO HURT his INNOCENCE. I WILL Burn all your books in front of YOU" she promised with a tone that send shivers of fear in his body.

He quickly raised his hands trying to defend himself. "There's no Need. He's still too young for them" he replied and talking a few steps back.

And decided to immediately leave and go after Naruto to see if anyone would bother him.


Paperwork after paperwork after paperwork after another pile of Paperwork.

He was getting tired of this evil spawn. He just wanted to have some time to read his favorite book and relax, Was that TOO much to Ask?

Apparently it was when he saw the door opening and inside walks his former teammates.

Homura, Koharu and Danzo. He stopped his War with paperwork and prepared for his upcoming War. He thought that maybe that the actual Shinobi War was easier than dealing with paperwork and his teammates.

"Why weren't we informed that the Jinchuuriki has returned?" Danzo asked looking down at the old hokage. Sarutobi sighed and stood up. His form showing power despite his age, Danzo noticed it and took a step back and so did Homura and Koharu.

"Mostly to avoid this exact same conversation, but yes Naruto has returned and has joined the academy" he replied grabbing his pipe from the desk and smoking.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and Homura took a step forward. "We have called for a meeting tomorrow morning, the council needs to know" she informed him and turned to leave.

Sarutobi felt another headache coming. "Oh no, we all know there's no reason to call for a meeting" he replied hoping that Naruto being here would stay hidden for a while longer. Danzo smirked.

"Too late Sarutobi, The Village needs to know." He stated and they left the office leaving him alone with his headache.


The council had gathered early in the morning, It was 9 AM and everyone had arrived except the Hokage, the clan heads were there despite seeing this meeting as pointless. The Civil part of the council were discussing with each since not all of them knew what was happening.

The door suddenly opened to reveal Sarutobi walking inside, his face dead serious and showing authority.

Everyone stood up until he sit in his chair followed by everyone else. The Hokage was about to start this 'time wasting' Meeting when a civil decided to speak up.

"What is that I heard that the Demon has Returned?! I thought we killed the demon" he shouted demanding answers, when he felt everything became cold.

Sarutobi had enough of this. "Civil Ogura, do you need to be reminded that I'm the Hokage here not you" he spoke with a tone that frightened everyone in the council. Even Danzo felt a shiver on his body.

The civil sat down and kept quiet. Hiruzen turned to look at his teammates. "Why did you call this meeting for?" He demanded, the others were focused since they wanted to know why this meeting was called so early.

Danzo cleared his throat grabbing everyone's attention. "This council is gathered to announce that Uzumaki Naruto has returned to the village and has joined the Academy" he said out loud for everyone to hear.

Shikaku smiled hearing this, of course Shikamaru had told him yesterday after he arrived from the academy that Naruto-kun had returned. He wondered how training for four years with Jiraiya-sama had shaped the boy.

Inoichi was happy to hear that since Ino had informed him last night about his return. Even Choza was happy for it despite not being sure in the beginning that would be safe to have kids around him.

Hiashi Hyuga kept an emotionless face but was slightly happy to hear about the son of Minato.

Tsume Inuzuka smirked from ear to ear, she always hated the civil council for celebrating a death of a Kid.

It didn't take long and the civil council was in uproar and one of them stood up with his hands slammed in the table.

"I thought We KILLED THAT DEMON. . . " everyone saw his head rolling in the ground like a rock. The blood flew everywhere and everyone in the civil council was shocked and Sarutobi released his KI at Maximum. That made all of them see visions of the same death. Even the clan heads were having a hard time to breath.

Sarutobi stopped his KI and silence took over the Room, it felt like no one was there. The cloak could be heard ticking, even the bugs around Shibi Aburame's face were making sound enough to be heard around the room.

After a few minutes without anyone talking, Sarutobi took a deep breath in his pipe.

"Before you have any thoughts, Jiraiya himself had warned me to not hurt Naruto" Sarutobi warned and looked around the council to see if anyone wanted to speak again.

"This Meeting has Ended" he announced and stood up and left the room.

Danzo clenched his teeth and hands, and looked at Sarutobi as he was leaving. You think you won this round Sarutobi, but even the demon brat can't do anything against my weapons. Once he's mine, I will have everything left by the fourth hokage and the Kyuubi will be Mine, he thought and left the council ready to talk with his loyal weapons.


She had been training in her Kenjutsu for hours now. She moved her sword, like she was dancing in water, her long red hair flying with the wind, shining from the light of the sun high in the sky. She grabbed her sword tightly before swinging at the tree in front of her. The swing was strong enough to slice five trees, she saw them falling in the ground. Their leafs falling all around her.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at her work, her Kenjutsu had advanced since Naruto had left but she had slack off a little in her Fuinjutsu. She was still in Level V, but Asha wasn't in any hurry, right now she wanted to perfect her Kenjutsu and her Elemental Manipulation. She had left a clone to train in Elemental Manipulation, since she had only two and had High Water Affinity, she first had started to work in Water Manipulation.

She needed less time than Naruto who had four of them or like Fuu who had three. Thinking about the red head, she felt sad. Just the thought of him saddened her, he's my family. She thought with a smile on her face. Same was for Fuu.

Asha couldn't wait to meet him again and wondered how would he look like when he grows up, she thought, her fingers playing with her hair. A small blush on her face, she closed her eyes and put the sword back to it's scabbard.

Her mind went to the Phoenix Contract, Naruto had told her about it, and she wondered if she could find it anywhere. But one thing she remembered from Jiraiya-sama. He had told them the story how he had ended up with the toad contract. Apparently he had tried to do the summoning jutsu without having a contract but instead he ended up in Mount Myoboku.

She put a finger on her chin and decided that it was worth a try, she quickly used her small kunai to cut her index finger and made all the necessary hand sings and slammed her hand in the ground but nothing happened. She raised her eyebrow and waited a few minutes but nothing happened. She shrugged her shoulders and decided to go with her day.

The day slowly ended. Ashara was lying in her bed, in Fuu's house. Her friend slept in another bed next to her's. Fuu had spent the whole day training her Wind Manipulation. Ashara slowly closed her eyes to sleep.

She opened her eyes to see herself . . . falling, her body spread and falling in the ground below. She was higher than she had ever been before.

It seemed as though she had been falling for years.

Fly, a voice whispered in the darkness, but Ashara did not know how to fly, so all she could do was fall.

The ground was so far below her she could barely make it out through the grey mists that whirled around her, but she could feel how fast she was falling, and she knew what was waiting for her down there. Even in dreams, you could not fall forever. She would wake up in the instant before she hit the ground, she knew.

You always woke up in the instant before you hit the ground.

And if you don't? the voice asked.

The ground was closer now, still far far away, a thousand miles away, but closer than it had been. It was cold here in the darkness. There was no sun, no stars, only the ground below coming up to smash her, and the grey mists, and the whispering voice. She wanted to cry.

Not cry. Fly.

"I can't fly," Ashara said. "I can't, I can't . . . "

How do you know? Have you ever tried?

The voice was high and thin. Asha looked around to see where it was coming from. A red bird was spiraling down with her, just out of reach, following her as she fell. She had a long red tail behind her, and her wings looked to be made of red flames. "Help me," she said.

I'm trying, the bird replied.

"Are you really a bird?" Ashara asked.

Are you really falling? the bird asked back.

"It's just a dream," Ashara said.

Is it? asked the bird.

"I'll wake up when I hit the ground," Ashara told the bird.

You'll die when you hit the ground, the bird said. It went back to looking at the ground below.

Ashara looked down. She could see mountains now, their peaks white with snow, and the silver thread of rivers in dark woods. She closed her eyes and began to cry.

That won't do any good, the bird said. I told you, the answer is flying, not crying. How hard can it be? I'm doing it. The bird took to the air and flapped around Ashara's hand.

"You have wings," Asha pointed out.

Maybe you do too.

Asha felt along her shoulders, groping for feathers.

There are different kinds of wings, the Bird said.

Ashara was staring at her arms, her legs. She was so skinny, just skin stretched taut over bones. Had she always been so thin? She tried to remember. A face swam up at her out of the grey mist, shining with light, and darkness. "You said You wouldn't let any of your friends Die. Look around You," it said.

Ashara screamed.

The bird took to the air, cawing. Not that, it shrieked at her. Forget that, you do not need it now, put it aside, put it away. It landed on Ashara shoulder, and pecked at her, and the shining darkness face was gone.

Ashara was falling faster than ever. The grey mists howled around her as she plunged toward the earth below. "What are you doing to me?" She asked the bird, tearful.

Teaching you how to fly.

"I can't fly!"

You're flying right now.

"I'm falling!"

Every flight begins with a fall, the bird said. Look down.

"I'm afraid . . . "


Asha looked down, and felt her insides turn to water. The ground was rushing up at him now. The whole world was spread out below her, a tapestry of white and brown and green. She could see everything so clearly that for a moment she forgot to be afraid. She could see the whole world, and everyone in it.

She saw The Hidden Leaf as the eagles see it, the tall towers looking squat and stubby from above, the walls just lines in the dirt. The faces of the old hokage carved in the mountain.

She saw Naruto in an empty field alone surrounded by hatred and despair. She wanted to cry when she saw her friend alone, she saw a giant shadow slowly raising behind Naruto, the shadow had strange purple eyes with dark rings. The shadow slowly thinned, the strange purple eyes smashed together and become one single eye but instead there were three tomoes in each ring. The shadow looked different and ten tails slowly spread behind him.

Asha saw Naruto slowly turning to look at her but one eye was blue but the white part of the eye had changed to dark like a void, and the other eye still looked normal. His face half dead and half alive. His kind eye crying tears of happiness, the other crying frozen tears of despair.

It felt Ashara watching, it lifted its eyes from the still waters and stared back at her knowingly.

She looked east, and saw mountains kissing the sky, reaching beyond anyone had ever reached before, at the top of the highest mountain, a girl crying tears of lies and love.

She looked at the village hidden in the mist, a boy sitting alone in the room, his eyes crying the pain inside his heart. But his shadow was that of a man with a Sharingan, a smile on the shadow man's face.

She looked around and saw a a boy holding in his shoulders the pain of loss of loved ones, the hatred of a lie and the love of a girl that loved him until the end. His Sharingan shining like fire in the darkness.

She lifted her eyes and saw clear, a magnificent village now in ruins, once was what known for peace and understanding, now left in nothing but Ash and Death.

Now you know, the bird whispered as it sat on her shoulder. Now you know why you must live.

"Why?" Ashara said, not understanding, falling, falling.

Asha looked at the bird on her shoulder, and the bird looked back. It had two eyes, one red full of blood and the other dark full of darkness. Asha looked down. There was nothing below her now but snow and cold and death,

Now, Ashara, the crow urged. Choose. Fly or die.

Death reached for her, screaming.

Ashara spread his arms and flew.

Wings unseen drank the wind and filled and pulled her upward. The terrible needles of ice receded below her. The sky opened up above. Asha soared. It was better than training. It was better than anything. The world grew small beneath her.

"I'm flying!" She cried out in delight.

The bird landed on her shoulder and his eyes looked at her before poking her forehead. She felt pain and fire in her forehead.

Fly, Fly like Fire, Raise from The Ashes. The Bird whispered.

Find Me, Find Us in The Place where the Sun never Shines. Where the Forgotten Rest. The Bird said before his whole body engulfed in red flames. His wings, his legs, his chest, his head and eyes. Everything became fire before taking the sky and went to her forehead like a burning arrow.

Ashara screamed in pain, the feeling of burning spread all over her body, her forehead felt like it would split. Her body became fire, red lines spreading all over her body. Her legs, her arms, her chest and her head. The flames slowly disappeared and the lines slowly retreated back. The flames in her forehead died down and left was a red empty circle that had a smaller darker circle inside.

Ashara felt her body go limb, her eyes closing on her own.

That night Ashara kept sleeping but her forehead slowly started shining in the darkness of the night. A small red circle slowly appeared on her forehead, and a smaller darker one inside the first circle. The light died down but the circles stood there.



I'll never really understand why so many authors allow Danzo to get away with shit like this. The "advisers" and Danzo have no real right or even power to call for a meeting and doing so especially for something as inconsequential as Naruto's return just to make sure the Civilians will react against him is definitely at the very least an act of insubordination. Konoha in terms of leadership (once elected at least) could be compared more to China or North Korea in that it's a complete dictatorship. The Hokage runs the village and is the only one with any true power if he tells you to die you ask him how you should die and the only person who can rescind any order the hokage gives is the Daimyo but he doesn't really care. For what he did Hiruzen could easily execute Danzo which is what really should've happened after the Uchiha incident