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The cloak started singing in the morning, Naruto moaned in annoyance for waking up but that wasn't enough.

"Wakey Wakey Naruto is time To Wake The Fuck Up" Kurama screamed in his head.

Naruto's eyes immediately widened and stood up on his legs, he yawned loudly and started stretching his legs and arms. He looked at the table close to his bed and the damn cloak was still ringing like a broken record, without thinking twice he punched the cloak that was enough to complete destroy it along with the table holding it. He still wasn't used to his punches, but Jiraiya told him that he had the same problem that apparently Tsunade-sama had when she first started using her insane strength.

"I didn't know that you swear Kurama!" Naruto said mentally not remembering that the furball had ever used swears.

"So What? I'm thousands of years old, I'm old enough to swear" Kurama replied with a smirk.

"Fair Enough" Naruto replied smiling at his friend's response.

Finally relaxing that the annoying sound was over, he looked at a chair where his clothes were lying on the back of the chair, he slowly walked up to it and grabbed his jacket. As he was wearing his jacket, His eyes went to the cloak that his toad-jiji had gifted him before he reached the village. The cloak was large for him right now but was more for him to use once he becomes a genin. The cloak was dark with red flames at the bottom. With the Uzumaki Symbol on the back, standing proudly.

Naruto smiled and had thanked his toad-jiji for thinking of him and giving him new clothes. And what the red head liked even more was that the cloak looked exactly like of his father except with a few small changes but still Naruto treasure it like the sword his mother had give to him.

Naruto then wore his dark pants, his scratches and injuries from his training had been healed. He took the Seal Paper and put it in his shoulder. With a hand sign the seal disappeared and couldn't be seen, toad-jiji had taught his jutsu to become invisible but when Naruto had asked how and why he had made the jutsu. His godfather had just murmured something under his breath and told him that he didn't need to know. Naruto was sure that he needed it to spy in enemy villages for information, Right? For what else could he be using it?

His seal papers could only be seen with Sharingan or Byakugan. His seal was a Chakra Storage Seal, he hide it from the naked eye since he didn't wanted people to know all his secrets.

The seal also worked as a barrier seal, that could create a protecting barrier around him that used his chakra. Combining Seals was one of three hardest parts in Learning Fuinjutsu. Naruto was able to create both a storage seal and Barrier seal and combine them in a single seal that could do both. That was what he needed to learn in Level VII of Fuinjutsu.

Naruto naturally asked if someone could combine like three seals, but toad-jiji told him that the only one that could do that was his father and mother, who could combine Three different seals, but his sensei then told him that he had never heard of combining more than three seals.

Naruto was sure there was a way to do that as well, but right now he wasn't in the level needed to start thinking about that. When it came to the seal on his stomach, he still had no clue why the seal would glow red. Kurama explained that when he had lost control, the seal had stopped him from going further but the seal apparently worked in two ways.

When Naruto had used one tail worth of chakra without losing control, the seal had not tried to stop it, almost like the seal was designed to know when Naruto had control and when not.

That was a relief to Naruto since it meant he could try to go Two Tails without the fear that he might lose control, but Kurama had warned him that the seal had a limit, if he lost control and went six tails or above, then Kurama wasn't sure if the seal would be able to do anything.

Naruto had asked what was KCM (Kyuubi Chakra Mode) that he had once mentioned to him. Kurama had told him to be able to use it, he needed the key for the seal and second to be able to control all nine tails worth of chakra and get rid of his negative side.

Naruto didn't really understand what that meant but Kurama told him to not worry about it, the red head then had asked about the Bayron Mode but Kurama had quickly dropped the subject and telling him that wasn't needed for him to know.

But Naruto didn't cared much, he wanted to be strong on his own and not rely on Kurama all the time.

Naruto prepared his food, rice with egg. He broke the egg at the top of his bowl with rice, and used a chopstick to mix them. He used a bit of melted chocolate. He kept moving his chopstick around until he thought that was good enough. He soon started eating and followed it with water.

After eating he walked to the door, he smirked seeing the seals that he had put in the house in case someone wanted to do something funny, he grabbed the letter that he was supposed to give to the teacher.

He opened the door and wear his blue shinobi sandals. He jumped from the staircase and landed in the ground and soon started walking towards the academy. Since he arrived yesterday, the word had spread in some parts of the village that the 'Demon Fox' has returned from the 'Dead' and is ready to slaughter all of them.

Naruto sighed tired of the looks some people were giving him, he knew these looks well, but not being here for four years and not really receiving them for such a long time, made him kind of forgot how it was to have them.

As he walking Naruto couldn't help but feel the negative emotions of many people around him. They glared at him, some saying that the demon had been 'Reborn' and that they should kill him again or some bullshit like that. Tired of this, Naruto jumped up to the rooftop and started walking towards the academy, he just hoped the academy would be worth it, and that he wouldn't waste his time there.

'Kurama what do you think I should do about the academy?" Naruto suddenly asked.

"What do you mean? What is there to do except listen to a boring teacher who talks too fast and calls everyone who asks questions an idiot for not understanding" Kurama replied.

Naruto chuckled slightly at his reply but decided to get to the point.

"I mean we both know that if I do very well in the academy, the civil council will be so happy . . . To complain that you're taking over my body and ready to kill all of them" Naruto replied. Kurama laughed at his response.

"Why does it matter? They will bitch and moan even if you you're the dead last, don't try to do things their way just to please a bunch of idiots who talk about things they don't understand" Kurama replied.

Naruto mentally nodded his head in agreement with what Kurama said. He thought the same but just wanted to have a second thought about this subject. Naruto slowly reached the academy.


The students who wanted to become shinobi in the future, all were waiting for the arrival of their teacher to start their study, many found the whole thing boring and one found it troublesome, so far they had only been teaching simple boring history and have a few fights here and there amongst students.

But so far nothing special, they still hadn't learn any awesome jutsu. Most of them couldn't wait until they become Genin and go in adventures to earn respect and glory, they all thought they would protect important people and fight and win against the bad guys.

The door suddenly opened to reveal a pink haired girl, who immediately screetch at the top of her lungs. "Sasuke-KUN" walking up the stairs and sitting close to his place, since Sasuke always sat alone and didn't wanted anyone to sit close to his place. He was quiet and didn't talk much mostly would respond with 'Hnn' but that was made him look 'COOL' to most of the girls in the class.

Except a certain girl, who didn't talk much because of her shyness, her eyes white like milk because of the Kekkei Genkai of her clan. The Byakugan.

Followed by the pink girl soon came a blone girl. Ino Yamanaka, she slowly shooked her head at seeing Sakura scream like that. Ino walked and sat close to Sakura who had stars in her eyes and looked at the brooding Uchiha like he was a prince in shining armor.

Close to Shikamaru's desk was seated a boy wearing a high jacket covering most of his face, dark glasses that covered his eyes, many thought of him as a freak and some who knew about his clans jutsu with bugs found him disturbing.

Close to him was seated a boy with red lines across his cheek, sharp teeth and a dog at the top of his head.

After a while every student came to the class and were waiting for the teacher. The door suddenly opened to reveal a man around his thirties, a mark that went from cheek to cheek across his nose. Seeing that everyone has come, he cleared his throat to start.

"Today will be different, right now we will welcome the new student of our class, now I. . ." He was interrupted by the boy with the dog.

"Hey what's this? How he can join us without doing the first two years" The boy almost shouted accusingly at the teacher, his dog barked in agreement with his owner.

"Kiba, the boy has permission from the hokage, if you have any problems you can go and talk to him" The teacher responded with a higher tone. The mention of the hokage made Kiba quiet and sit down without saying another word.

Understanding there wouldn't be any more interruptions, he decided to continue. "Now, I want everyone to be kind to him and treat him like a friend" he finished but he wasn't sure about this part. He understood who the boy was, unlike the others he didn't straight up hate him but still looking at him reminded him of his parents.

"Come In" The teacher shouted and the door opened to reveal Naruto walking inside, his red hair like blood was what immediately caught the attention of everyone in the class. Ino silently gasped, she remembered the tomato, Naruto.

Shikamaru was fully awake much to Choji's surprise who looked happy to see Naruto again. They three remembered him and had been sad when they had heard that he had gone outside the village to train.

Naruto noticed the look of curiosity of many around the class. He suddenly heard a voice from his right side. "Introduce yourself" the teacher Iruka said but without looking at him.

Naruto wondered if the teacher hated him, he couldn't feel any negative emotions, well not to the same extent as the others, but he could feel a small hint of sorrow and anger inside him. Naruto then focused on the class in front of him.

"Hello There" he said with a carefree tone. The whole class sweatdrop at his choice of words.

"I meant your name" Iruka sensei said with annoyance in his tone.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I hope we have a good time" he introduced himself not knowing what else to say. His hands behind his head.

"Now would you kindly sit somewhere that you want" Iruka sensei told him with a strict tone. His eyes immediately noticed Shikamaru sitting close with who he thought was Choji, to his surprise the third chair of their desk was empty, his eyes looked at his right to see Ino sitting close to a pink haired girl.

She looked different, taller and her hair were tightened to a short ponytail. Wearing purple shirt. Naruto turned to look at the pineapple boy and decided to sit close to Shikamaru since he knew them but he didn't know if they still remember him. He walked up to them and turned to look at Shikamaru.

"Can I sit here?" He asked looking at them.

"Of course Naruto, is been a long time" Choji replied immediately, happy that their friend is back to the village. Naruto's face brightened that Choji could remember him. Sitting down, Shikamaru was in the middle and Choji on the left side.

"Shikamaru how have you been?" Naruto asked looking at Shikamaru who's head was resting against the desk, his hands like pillow.

"Troublesome, is good to see you again Naruto" he greeted him with a tired tone before returning back to sleeping. Both Choji and Naruto had a sweetdrop behind their heads.

Haha he hasn't changed at all, the same lazy, I wonder if his dream is still to sleep? Naruto asked himself happy that he could spend time with them.

Iruka cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention, except Shikamaru. Everyone turned to him and Naruto wondered what they would learn first with enthusiasm.


"This is BORING" Naruto said to himself, he couldn't believe for three hours that he had been here, the only thing they did was to talk about. . . History. He couldn't understand why? Naruto knew knowing history was important, but knowing clans, bloodlines and how to start Elemental Manipulation training was far more important for crying out loud. Or maybe learn your affinities. Hell he asked Choji, since Shikamaru had fallen asleep if they were taught how to do chakra control exercise, and the answer was 'No'.

Naruto couldn't understand Why? Learning walking in trees and standing on water was not something that needed that much thought and training and was nothing that couldn't be taught to 8 year old children.

Right now Naruto had fallen asleep, his hands like a pillow. Shikamaru was sleeping as well, leaving Choji look at them with a raised eyebrow, he didn't expect Naruto to end up like Shikamaru. Iruka was getting irritated by their laziness, he understood Shikamaru but why Naruto, he needed to know these things.

"Naruto" Iruka screamed to grab the red head's attention.

Naruto slowly raised his head and rubbed his eyes with his hand.

"You say something Iruka Sensei?" Naruto asked with a tired tone and with half closed eyes.

Iruka was boiling inside and letting out steam from his ears.

"I'm going to ask you questions? Let's see if you can answer them" he stated. Naruto just shrugged his shoulders ready to answer whatever he might throw at him.

"Well, for what was the first Hokage known for?" Iruka asked.

"He was known for his Wood Style that is the strongest bloodline to ever exist, even stronger than The Sharingan" at the mention that Mokuton was stronger than Sharingan. Sasuke clenched his teeth and fists. Naruto noticed his sudden change of emotions but didn't bother to see what was his problem.

"Mokuton could be used to control the tailed beasts including Kyuubi, the first Hokage along with Madara Uchiha were the ones to build the Hidden Village in The Leaf, the village was built with the the Mokuton ability of The First Hokage" Naruto finished.

Iruka was impressed, since he didn't expect Naruto to know the answer and apparently he knew more than needed.

After almost half an hour later, Iruka looked surprised and so was everyone in the class, even Shikamaru was slightly self aware of what was happening in the class.

Naruto had answered every question that Iruka sensei throw at him, hell even questions that the class hadn't learn yet. Iruka made a mental note to not underestimate Naruto and to be honest he was impressed with what the kid knew.

"Well, now Mizuki will come here, and you will have a honor duel against each other" Iruka stated and that grabbed the attention of everyone in the class. Even Shikamaru was fully awake now. Naruto wondered how good his friends were and if anyone around here was at his level but he could clearly feel that none of them had even High Genin Chakra.

But Naruto knew better than to underestimate them. Suddenly the door opened revealing a man close to Iruka's age. White hair and a fake smile on his face. His face looked like a triangle to Naruto. His eyes turned to look at the class when he almost immediately noticed the red head with whiskers on the face. He fought the urge to clench his teeth. So the rumors are true! The demon has returned, Mizuka thought with a creepy smile.

Naruto could feel the negative emotions from the new guy, he fought the urge to roll his eyes. He wondered if the teacher would try to do anything against him, but Naruto knew it didn't matter in the end. The man Mizuka had Low Chunin Chakra level.

They soon started leaving the class and going outside, Naruto noticed the brooding Uchiha was looking at him with a hint of irritation and curiosity. Naruto knew from Jiraiya-sensei that Uchiha clan had been massacred from Itachi Uchiha, he felt pity for him and understood how is to lose your clan.

They soon were outside, Iruka sensei turned his head to the class. "First we will practice throwing shurikens" he stated with a strict voice.

For the next hour each of the students took their turns at the target polls and the target dummies.

Shino hit seven out of the ten targets points on the target poll, and got three out of five target points on the first target dummy, four out of five on the second dummy and four out of five again on the third.

Kiba hit five out of the ten targets points on the target poll, and got three out of five target points on the first target dummy, two out of five on the second dummy and four out of five on the third.

Hinata hit seven out of the ten targets points on the target poll, and got four out of five target points on the first target dummy, three out of five on the second dummy and four out of five again on the third.

Sakura hit one out of the ten target points, earning a look of disappointment from Iruka.

Ino hit three out of the ten, she looked proud with herself that she got three and most importantly she hit more than Sakura who had a tick mark on her forehead.

Finally the last students remaining were Sasuke and Naruto, Sasuke got all the targets points on the target poll at once, where he threw all ten of his Shurikens at once, where they all hit the targets points' on the target poll dead centre at roughly the same time. Upon seeing this Sasuke's fan girls started to scream and cheer loudly at how their "Sasuke-kun" was so cool and talented and that he was the best. Sasuke for his part ignored the girls screaming, while Naruto cringed at the loud screams, after which he shook his head in annoyance, as his mother warned him in her letter about the fangirl and to stay away from them.

He could also not help but be disappointed that all the girls in the class, minus Hinata, were fan girls, which went to show how far the Konoha Academy standards had fallen, he had thought that the girls in a Shinobi Village as big as Konoha would train like Fuu or Asha but instead he found the opposite, The Hidden Leaf Village is known as the strongest Village out of five big shinobi villages but to see this kind of behavior made Naruto seriously question it. The next generation should be stronger than the last.

Naruto then turned to watch Sasuke as he then threw some more Shurikens at the target dummies where he hit four out of five target points on all three target dummies. This of course resulted in more screams of joy from Sasuke's fan girls, much to Naruto's annoyance.

After Sasuke was finished with a small smirk on his face. Naruto knew he didn't cared to have the attention of useless fangirls but to see himself being better than the others made him smirk thinking he was on top, Iruka then called Naruto up, Iruka handed him the shurikens. Naruto sighed and looked at the targets.

Many among the class were interested to see how the new guy does. Even Sasuke was slightly interested to see if he would be a loser or would be a challenge to compare himself with.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto threw all his shurikens with a single threw and all of them landed. Making a perfect score, even better then Sasuke. All the girls gasped at what they saw, especially Ino who couldn't help but notice that Naruto was apparently better than 'Sasuke-kun'.

Shikamaru had a small smirk almost like he already knew the outcome, Choji had stopped eating. Kiba clenched his teeth, it wasn't enough that Sasuke was better than him and stealing all the attention but now there's a second one.

Sasuke looked interested in what he saw. So he's strong, perhaps this Naruto wouldn't be a waste of time and could be a good rival to match myself with, Sasuke thought.

Iruka had his mouth wide open, while Mizuki looked ready to burst in flames.

Getting over the shock, Iruka cleared his throat. "Excellent throw Naruto, you have perfect score, 10 points, Sasuke is second place with 9 points" Iruka went on saying how many points each one had.

Soon after the throwing and aiming train, Iruka began the Taijutsu training, where he started to call out people in pairs and had them fight each other in Taijutsu to see how well their Taijutsu skills were.

For the next forty minutes the students fought each other in Taijutsu where some won and others lost, Naruto watch their fights, but most weren't really worth watching, but even still there were a small few that were.

Some like Hinata's fight against Sakura, where Sakura attacked Hinata with her knowledge of basic Academy level Taijutsu and was easily defeated by Hinata, who used gentle fist. Hitting the ground Sakura looked up at Hinata. "Hey what's your problem?" She asked since she had apparently messed her hair when she hit the ground.

Hinata just raised an eyebrow since this was a fight where they're supposed to Fight. Iruka shooked his head and called the next match.

Another was Choji against a student named Tajo where he used his size and power to defeat Tajo. Naruto cheered for him and so did Shikamaru.

The final one of note worthy attention was Sasuke against another Academy student named Sando, where Sasuke used his more advance Taijutsu skill and training to completely overwhelm Sando and defeated him without too much trouble.

Finally came Naruto turn and his enemy was Kiba.

When he saw who he was fighting, he grinned and a cocky smile was on his face looking at the red head like tomato in front of him that didn't looked much.

"Now let's see how well you do against an alpha like me, tomato" Kiba taunted him and pointing his finger at him.

Naruto just raised an eyebrow. "Did you say something?" He asked that made Kiba's blood boil that a nobody like him was acting like he was superior to him.

Akamaru started barking at him, warning him that Naruto was stronger than even the teacher, and Akamaru could feel a bit of the demonic chakra in Naruto, that made his tail go between his legs and started whining.

Kiba looked at him confused, but then turned at Naruto. Iruka could only sigh at Kiba's behavior. "Hajime" he shouted and Kiba rushed at him with all his speed. His arms spread out ready to hit his face with his fist.

Naruto suddenly disappeared from the view and was in front of Kiba caughting him off guard, with a quick strike on his chest, Kiba felt all his insides wanting to come out, he gasped and falled on his knees and threw out everything.

"Ho . . . How d. . . " he tried to ask.

"How did I do it? Well you rushed at me completely open and you practically screamed at me "ATTACK ME" and I did that" Naruto explained looking down at him with a small smile, Kiba clenched his teeth before loosing concussions.

Akamaru rushed at his owner and started licking his face. Everyone looked surprised from what they saw, even Shikamaru looked surprised, he knew Naruto was stronger but this just proved that he was beyond stronger. He sighed "This is troublesome" he whispered to himself but Choji heard him.

"Did you see that?"

"Of course, he's Amazing"

"No just Amazing, he's Handsome as sin"

The girls started talking at each other about how Naruto looked. He sighed annoyed and walked back at the crowd.

Mizuki clenched his fist tightly, The Demon is strong, the council will know about this Demon and this time we will kill you, he thought furious that the demon brat was so strong.

Iruka looked impressed, but when he checked Kiba, he could see he wasn't hurt, he knew Naruto could have hurt him but didn't. That moment Iruka smiled at the kid and decided to see him as more than just the 'Demon Fox of The Hidden Leaf Village' .


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