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Hokage Office

"Um, kid, are you sure you want to take your picture like this?" A photographer asked questiongly as he set up his camera. Naruto waved his hands towards him in exasperation.

"Yes! Now take the picture man!" The man shrugged and took the photo.

"Whatever kid,"

Naruto grinned to himself while wearing his new headband and was sitting in front of the Hokage and Iruka and other chunnin. The hokage looked at Naruto's picture and then sighed.

The hokage held the picture up to him. Naruto and his face was covered in white paint and had red markings around his face. Naruto grinned at the sight of his picture.

"Come on, Old man, I wanted to capture my true ways," Iruka twitched with irritation. He stood up and slammed his palms onto the table. Naruto wanted a photo like that because apparently his father had his photo the same way.

"Now, Listen, Naruto, you're a genin, which means you have the responsibility as one and have to act like one," Naruto wasn't really paying attention to his speech because some shouts were coming towards the room.

Everybody turned to stare as a young boy with brown spiky hair, black eyes, a yellow shirt, grey shorts, and a long blue scarf ran into the room holding a shuriken. The boy pointed towards the Hokage with a determined look.

"Old man, today's the day you die!" Just as he was running towards the Hokage, he tripped over his scarf and landed on his face in pain. Naruto sweat-dropped.

Who the hell is this kid?

The hokage sighed and shook his head.

"Konohamaru, please," The boy, named Konohamaru, slowly tried to lift his head in pain and smirked at the Hokage.

"I will defeat you and become the next hokage!" Just then, an older man wearing a bandanna around his head and wearing some old glasses and a jounin outfit came into the room looking worried. He gasped as he saw Konohamaru on the floor.

"Honorable grandson, are you all right?" Naruto raised his eyebrows.

"Grandson?" Konohamaru smirked at Naruto as he heard the shock in his voice. He swaggered over to Naruto and smirked in his face. Naruto tried not to punch this kid straight in his face.

"Yea, I'm the grandson of the Hokage, what cha going to do now weakling?" With that statement, Naruto threw any rational thought out the window. He punched Konohamaru straight in his face towards the door, careful not to use any of his super human strength or otherwise the kid would break the wall. He slammed against the wall which resulted in a bloody nose. Konohamaru looked surprised at the fact that Naruto punched him.

"I don't care if he's your freaking grandmother, you should show respect and not act like a brat!" The jounin, who was called Ebisu, jaw-dropped at the fact that the demon brat punched Konohamaru.

"Honorable grandson!" The Hokage sighed at the chaos forming in his office and wish he had something to drink.

Naruto grumbled at the thought of that punk kid as he walked down the street. Suddenly, he felt he was being followed and turned around and almost smacked his forehead in exasperation. Behind him was a fence, but the most noticeable thing there was the sheet being held by two hands and the two feet noticeable under it.

Naruto shook his head and began to walk again, the cloaked figure following him. As he rounded a corner, the figure began to pick up speed in hopes of not losing his target. As he spun around the corner, Naruto had disappeared from sight. The figure dropped his sheet and revealed Konohamaru wildly looking around for his target.

"Where the heck did he go?"

"Boo," Konohamaru jumped 2 feet in the air and jumped around to see Naruto behind him with his arms crossed across his chest.

"So, can you explain to me why you're following me twerp?" Konohamaru laughed shakily and pulled himself up and shook the dust off the clothes.

"Nice move boss, that's why I respect you as a teacher," Naruto raised his eyebrows.

"Teacher? What the heck are you talking about?" Konohamaru laughed and rubbed his nose.

"Yes from now you're my teacher and Boss" he stated and pointed a finger at Naruto who looked slightly irritated.

"Very well, if you want me to be my student, I will teach you everything I know but you have to listen to everything I SAY" Naruto stated with a strict tone that send shivers in Konohamaru's body but he was too excited that Naruto agreed that just immediately agreed without thinking twice.

Naruto grinned and brought him to the training yard, he told Komohamaru to stay still and not move. The child nodded his head and saw the red head drawn something in a blank paper before putting his opened hand in the center.

Naruto smiled approaching Konohamaru before slamming the paper on his legs.

Before Konohamaru could even understand what was happening, he felt heavier, a lot heavier. Naruto grinned and took a few steps back and just kept his gaze on him.

Konohamaru tried to even move a foot but he couldn't even do that much, he felt like his legs were suddenly made of stone.

"What's Happening?"

Naruto laughed. "I put a Weight seal on your legs, you wanted to train well this is your chance, the seal will check your muscles and the power in them to adjust how much weight you should have, and I want you to walk like this for a month and after you do that. Come to me again" Naruto stated before he disappeared and leaving leafs behind.

Konohamaru was sweating and with all his strength he took a step, A Single Step?! I will Die Like, This he thought and put his hands on his knees and breathing heavily. He felt like he just ran around the Village.

But then he remembered that he wanted to train and not be treated like 'Honorable Grandson'. Taking a deep breath he took a second step.

Hokage Office - After one week

Every Jonin that will get a team this year had been called in the meeting early morning in the Hokage Office.

Hiruzen Sarutobi sat in his seat waiting for all the Jonins to arrive, Tsunade was on his left since she told him that she needed to discuss something with him. Amongst the Jonin gathered was a man with a beard, he was smoking a cigarette.

Near him was a tall and very attractive looking raven haired woman, with bright Crimson red eyes, who wore a single red sleeve and white patterned bandages with a ninja fishnet shit underneath it.

Her name was Kurenai Yuuhi and close to her was Asuma Sarutobi. Amongst them were many Jonin that had arrived to discuss about their new teams, many were surprised when they saw Tsunade of the Sannin in the office.

Just like everyone else, even the likes of Asuma were surprised when he heard that Tsunade had returned and most importantly she had apparently returned because of the kid Naruto.

Asuma had nothing against the kid and was happy to hear that the kid had family apparently and the civil council could finally shut up. Then word had spread that he had gotten the name Senju, now he was known as Naruto Uzumaki Senju.

No one really knew why the red head had gotten the Senju name but Asuma knew his father had his reasons. Despite not having the best father-son relationship, he still trusted his father and knew he wouldn't do something without a reason.

But still despite all that Asuma knew many around the Village despised Naruto, like he was Kyuubi himself and worst of all was that amongst the people that hated Naruto were a good number of Shinobi that thought of him as a monster.

Asuma hoped that this foolishness of the villagers wouldn't turn to bite them in the ass later. But knowing their luck probably would. If not most likely.

Right now they were waiting for a certain white hair Jonin that likes to be lazy and be late, if Asuma had to guess he would say that Kakashi either was in the memorial stone paying his respects or with his girlfriend. . .

Asuma felt a shiver in his whole body when he thought of her, sometimes he couldn't understand how from all the females of the Hidden Leaf Village, he decided to choose that one??!!

Kurenai noticed the sudden movement of Asuma near her and turned her eyes at him. "Anything wrong Asuma?" She asked slightly concerned but trying to keep quiet so the others around them wouldn't hear them.

Asuma glanced at her before putting out his cigarette with his chakra finger and pulling out a new one.

"Nothing really, I just thought of Kakashi and why exactly he's late this time" Asuma replied quietly with a knowing smirk and smoking his cigarette.

Kurenai raised her eyebrow in surprise but then a smirk slowly showed in her face, knowing his 'secret?' girlfriend, Asuma knew that smirk wasn't a good sign.

But before Kurenai could open her mouth to speak about why she was smirking, The Third Hokage cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. Everyone fell silent to listen to the hokage.

"Since Kakashi most likely won't come for some time, I will begin announcing the teams and their sensei" Hiruzen stated with a commanding tone. Every Jonin in the office nodded their heads in understanding and waited for Sarutobi to continue.

The old kage cleared his throat and started announcing the teams of this year before he knew it, something break the window of the office and landed like a meteor, everyone backed away except Kurenai, Asuma, The Third Hokage who sighed annoyed and started rubbing the bridge on his nose and Tsunade who didn't understand why the doors were such a hard thing to use.

What broke inside was what looked like a part of a tree with a pointed end but then poofed and from the smoke came two figures.

One of them had white hair and had an eye smile, his hands resting on the hips of the woman beside who was grinning from ear to ear.

"I told you Kakashi-kun that my method was much better" she shouted at Kakashi and then at the Jonins who for a moment didn't understand who they were.

Asuma was smiling at Kakashi who smiled back while Kurenai was shaking her head and glaring daggers at her friend for her stupid idea, it didn't take a genius to understand who came with the idea to burst in the office like you wanted to attack someone.

Hiruzen sighed tired of this and hoping that soon either Jiraiya or Tsunade would become the new kage of the hidden leaf Village. Tsunade was shaking her head but still amused by their entry.

Kurenai had a tick mark on her forehead. "What's wrong with you Anko?" She yelled at her friend who kept her smile on her face.

Kakashi - 15 minutes earlier

He was standing in front of the memorial stone, the light of the morning sun was shining and making everything brighter. Kakashi looked at the little tree in the pot near the stone, the tree had been decorated to look like a woman and a man holding their hands, he eye smiled remembering that day.

'Kakashi was standing as usually in front of the memorial stone, it had been a year since he had started seriously training his little brother, he thought happy of Naruto.

"You won't believe the talent your son has Minato-san and Kushina-san, he's just like you Sensei when it comes to training, he likes to study and is a very caring child, his smile and his hair reminds me a lot of you Kushina-san. He likes to talk about Uzumaki Clan, he says that he would wanted to visit Uzushiogakure" Kakashi said happy and smiling behind his mask.

"You would be so proud of your son, both of you. I Failed to protect Obito, Rin and you two, but I won't fail on Naruto, you have my word" Kakashi promised and kneeled in front of the memorial stone. He put his hand on the grass, he kept silent for a few moments and then heard footsteps behind him.

"I'm sure they're proud and happy with you Kakashi-sensei" he heard Naruto's voice walking closer to him. He turned around to see him carrying a small pot that had a strange small tree that had grown.

"What are you doing here Naruto?" He asked curiously.

Naruto smiled and glanced at the pot on his hands. "This is a gift for my parents, I made it myself" he said with a sad smile on his face.

Taking a closer look he saw that it looked like a man and a woman holding their hands and smiling, Kakashi was impressed by the decorations and wondered how Naruto had been able to decorate it like that but decided to ask later and left Naruto to place the pot close to the memorial stone. Kakashi kept quiet as Naruto started talking quietly.

Kakashi took a few steps back to give him some privacy.

"Tou-chan, Kaa-chan, I know is been some time but I have been busy, I'm almost done completing your rasengan tou-chan, I'm not sure about the name yet. I'm thinking to ask Kakashi-sensei for advice or maybe Toad-jiji, I-I'm not really that good with names" Naruto said nervously with a small chuckle.

He then looked at the pot and then turned back to the memorial stone. "I hope you like my gift, is a small one but I think is beautiful" Naruto said smiling and keeping silence for a long time. He just stood there and said a small prayer for his parents and hoping they were proud with him.

He took a deep breath. "I will come again once I finish the new Rasengan, I hope I'm making both of you proud" he said before standing up and turning to look at Kakashi who surprisingly had removed his mask.

Naruto looked surprised since he had never seen Kakashi-sensei without a mask. "Why exactly do you keep your mask Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked smiling.

This time instead of eye smiling, Kakashi smiled. "Only important people in my life has seen me without my mask, you're amongst them" Kakashi stated thinking of Rin, Obito, Minato-sensei, Kushina-san and Anko-chan.

Naruto smiled happy that his sensei saw him as an important person. "Thank you Kakashi-sensei" The red head said and Kakashi put his mask back on. '

Kakashi cleared his throat. "Today is the day that teams will be decided sensei, I hope your son is in my team but there's not much left that I can teach him, but still I would wish he was in my team. Then there's Sasuke Uchiha, I don't know him personally but what Naruto had told me, he's completely withdrawn and barely talks with anyone. I will try to help to move on from his revenge, Obito. I don't know if I will succeed but I will try my best. I will see you again tomorrow same time" Kakashi said smiling behind his mask before leaving the area.

Some time passed and Kakashi started walking towards the hokage office before someone put her hand on his visible eye. "Who's This?" A voice he recognized very well said behind him.

"The Snake Mistress" Kakashi replied smiling, Ano pulled out her hand before turning him around, before Kakashi could understand what happened, Anko moved his mask up and kissed his lips, the white hair was caught off guard before returning the kiss with passion.

Soon they pulled away, Kakashi tried to catch his breath and finally calm from her sudden kiss, not that he had anything against it.

"Is good to see you Anko-chan, but I'm afraid I have to go to the meeting, this one is about my team and I can't risk to be late" he stated rubbing his hair.

Anko smiled since she knew Kakashi cared to be in time this year just because Naruto has become a genin. She put an evil grin on her face before putting her open hand on his chest.

"Oh I know, that's why this year you're going to do the best entry" she stated and moving her fingers softly around his chest. Kakashi raised his eyebrows having a few ideas but not knowing what exactly she meant by 'Entry' but decided to tag along.

Anko then put her hand on his hand and literally dragged him away. "Come Now Let's Show them what A Good Entry is all About" she shouted and pointing a finger at the hokage's tower.

Kakashi sighed not seeing a way out of her grasp. "I have a bad feeling about this" he murmured.


The smoke cleared, Kakashi stood there smiling and slowly rubbing his hair and thinking why exactly they did this entry. Some of the Jonins were looking at him as if he was someone they didn't know, while Asuma was giving him a thumbs up and Kurenai shaking her head in annoyance.

Sarutobi just looked bored while Tsunade looked ready to hit someone.

"I'm surprised you have arrived so *early!* Kakashi" Sarutobi stated and pointing with a hand for him to join the others.

"Haha well I didn't have any black cat crossing my road today and no old lady to help" Kakashi replied eye smiling. While the others were thinking that he was already one hour late but for Kakashi was usual to be at least two hours late unless is something extremely important.

"Anyway, you arrived on time, I was just about to started discussing the New Genins of this year" Hokage-sama stated while noticing that Anko was still here and not moving her hand from Kakashi.

"Ahhh? Anko why don't you leave this is a meeting for Jonin who will get a new team this year and you're not a Jonin yet" Sarutobi said with a little smile. Anko clenched her teeth in annoyance.

"Is fine for her to stay let's just get over this" Tsunade suddenly said with annoyance and hoping for this gathering to end soon.

"Very well, this year has many amazing shinobis, like Naruto Uzumaki Senju, Sasuke Uchiha, Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga and many others. Rookie of The Year is Naruto, the second is Sasuke Uchiha, best Kunoichi of this year is Hinata Hyuga followed by Ino Yamanaka" The Third stated but noticed the looks of disapproval amongst some of the jonin.

Deciding to ignore it, he cleared his throat and started announcing Team 1 - Team 6. After their teams were announced, the Jonins left, leaving Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma and Anko still in the office.

"Now is Team 7, Kakashi you will be Sensei of this team, in this team will be Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki Senju and Sakura Haruno" earning a surprise look from Kakashi. "Team 8 is Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Hyuga" he continued earning a approval look from Kurenai.

"Team 10 is Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka" he finished and wanted to continue when Kurenai interrupted.

"Hokage-sama don't you think Kakashi is getting the best team amongst us, I mean I have heard of Naruto and saw the boy myself, he's quite good and I have heard he's a prodigy and Kakashi already has Sasuke" Kurenai stating facts.

"I have to agree with Kurenai" Asuma added and looking at the hokage.

"That might be true Kurenai, but the main reason why I'm doing this is because from all the genins of this year, I believe Naruto is the only one that can pull Sasuke away from his life of vengeance. And Sakura is reported to be the worst Kunoichi of this year, the only good trait is her knowledge and I think Sasuke and Naruto can help her with that" Sarutobi stated, hoping that Naruto could change Sasuke.

Before anyone could say anything Kakashi spoke. "I think Asuma and Kurenai might be right on this" Kakashi stated shocking everyone in the office, even Anko who had her mouth open since Kakashi had mentioned many times that wanted Naruto on his team. Because of his Sharingan, Kakashi knew he would definitely have Sasuke on his team.

Sarutobi gave him a look for him to continue. "I have nothing against Naruto, I have already trained him for the last four years, but he still needs to be in a team with genin that he's friends with and he's the least friendly with Sasuke and Sakura" Kakashi stated sure that his little brother would like more to be in same team perhaps with Shikamaru or Choji or even Shino. He knew of his dislike towards the Village and perhaps being in the same team with a good friend would probably help with that.

Sarutobi thought about what Kakashi said and put a finger on his chin. He still thought that Naruto in same team with Sasuke and Sakura would be better, they would be the assault team.

Ino-Shika-Chjo would be the support team and Team 8 would be the Tracking Team.

"I understand your thinking Kakashi and perhaps another time, I would agree with it but I think Naruto can be a great help to Sasuke and Sakura" he replied and Kakashi smiled behind his mask.

"Very well you can leave now" Sarutobi stated and all the Jonins left leaving him with Tsunade looking annoyed.

"I still think Naruto should be trained by Jiraiya, I mean no offense to Kakashi but there's isn't much left he can teach Naruto-kun" Tsunade said.

She had requested from her sensei that Jiraiya should be Naruto's sensei but he had stated that Naruto needed ties with the village, and having more friends apparently would help with that. Tsunade knew Naruto's wish to rebuild Uzushiogakure but that meant to abandon Konoha and become a missing Nin.

Tsunade decided to stop thinking about that and decided to focus on the present.

"I understand Tsunade but Naruto will do better to have friends of his age around and not just Jiraiya" he stated and Tsunade decided to drop the subject. She sighed and stood up.

"See you later sensei" she said and left the office, while in her mind she thought of the Akatsuki. Jiraiya had told her that they would soon start observing and perhaps even testing the Jinchuuriki to see how strong they were.

She hoped Naruto was enough prepared, it would take 3 more years according to the spy until they start capturing the Jinchuuriki.

Jiraiya had said that he hoped to teach Naruto, Sage Chakra and him learning to fully control Kyuubi's chakra before the Akatsuki attacked.

When it came to medic, Naruto was good enough, because of the Kyuubi and the large amount of Chakra he has, Naruto probably would never reach the levels needed but Sage Chakra could probably help him if he got injured.


He was walking through the streets of Konoha, he was making his way to the academy. Today the teams would be announced, the red head had asked Kakashi-sensei if he could tell him but the lazy sensei had kept his mouth shut.

Naruto smiled and hoping he was in same team with Shikamaru or perhaps Choji, he hoped to god that Sakura wasn't in his team, That would be An Absolute Disaster.

Naruto sighed and thought that maybe having Ino in the team wouldn't be so bad, from all the girls in the class except Hinata, she was the second to take the job of Kunoichi seriously.

Naruto heard whispers from the crowds pointing fingers at him, apparently the word that Naruto had defeated Mizuki had spread quickly and had mixed reactions.

In one side were those that were happy and some were having second thoughts about Naruto.

But in the other side were the morons thinking that this was proof that the demon fox was getting stronger and should be eliminated.

Naruto sighed and soon reached the academy, reaching the class, he soon saw his empty seat. He greeted everyone and even Sasuke who made a sound 'hnn' and that's all he got from him.

"Naruto with who do you think you will be?" Choji asked immediately as he was eating chips and offered him some.

"I don't know Choji, I was hoping for Shikamaru, he will be the brain and the strategist, and perhaps Ino since she could use her Clan's jutsu to help to gather information, while I can be the assault of the team" Naruto replied and Shikamaru nodded in agreement while Ino blushed hearing what Naruto said.

Close to their desk was Kiba, Shino and Hinata who listened to their conversation, Hinata sighed sadly that Naruto didn't mentioned her.

"I just hope our sensei is Hot" Kiba almost shouted, earning a disapproval look from Shino and Naruto. Sasuke rolled his eyes at his comment and kept keeping his gaze outside the window.

"I'm sure I will be fine with whoever sensei I get" Naruto stated and hoping that his sensei didn't hate him but his friends didn't needed to know about Kurama yet.

They waited until Iruka finally arrived to announce the teams.



you could probably rig it so that Naruto doesn't need to get the Hokage's permission to leave the village without becoming a missing-nin by simply having it stated that due to his mother having had duel citizenship that despite the village having been destroyed the same applies to Naruto such as what happens I believe in real life when a child is born in a country to foreign diplomats the child I believe automatically becomes a citizen of that country plus the country the parents are from