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Update Nov 3: After publishing v10.6.0, I discovered that world geometry (walls and such) could still be missing in specific points of some missions, for example the final part of The Pickup. This is due to a problem in the way REDengine 4 computes level of detail for assets when high FOV values are used. It's not limited to VR (see this discussion for example). This engine bug has always been there from the beginning, and it was in fact one of the major obstacles that I had to work around in order to provide a smooth experience in VR. Since the 2.0 update the problem has actually gotten worse, so v10.6.1 attached below implements a more aggressive fix.
Should you still see missing walls/buildings in some sections of the game world, please provide a save file for me to inspect. You can also try the new "FOV correction" slider in the mod overlay (it's found in the "Advanced" section of the "CP2077" tab): slowly increase the value from 0 to 10 until the walls reappear. If you find a value that works with your save file, please include that information too!

Another maintenance release ;-)

This one focuses on Cyberpunk 2077. There is a game bug (or at least a quirk, if not an actual bug) where especially in certain parts of the game world, performing an innocuous action like interacting with an in-game computer screen will cause the engine to enter an endless cycle of resource creation/destruction. That in turn would overtax my resource tracking code, which might result in the HUD appearing jittery/duplicated, or in some cases even bring everything down in a crash to desktop. For several users the CTDs were particularly frequent when using DLSS.

Thanks to your input, and the tireless and meticulous testing by dear friend Brandon, I was finally able to reproduce the issue consistently and (hopefully) to make the resource tracking code sturdy enough that we should no longer have any crashes or problems with the HUD becoming twitchy, either in normal or DLSS mode.

Remember that just extracting the new .zip is not enough, and that you must run RealConfig whenever you update the mod! In case you still experience crashes with release 10.6.1, attached below, please make a save file with instructions on how to reliably reproduce the crash and upload it somewhere so we can take a look. (If your crashes appear to be totally random, and not tied to a specific point or action in the game, then they come from different causes and are not resource-management-related, so they probably won't be resolved by this update).

This release also takes care of another minor annoyance, namely the mod overlay defaulting to an excessively large font when playing at higher resolutions. The mod UI scaling should be more sensible now and not require you to perform corrections manually.

Keep enjoying this amazing game in VR!!! And keep pestering studios and publishers, in the hope they'll finally understand how much more immersive their digital creations can be in virtual reality []-D



Hi, I still experience as much ghosting in AER2 as AER1. I have tried CP2077 and FFVII, ghosting is such a big issue in both these games. I had tried different settings in the REAL mod and graphic settings in games, nothing seem to improve the Ghosting issue apart from switching to Mono mode. I am wondering if there is any fix available? Anyone has the same issue? Here are some info about my PC: Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900F CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz Installed RAM 64.0 GB Windows 11 RTX 4090 Connected with Quest 3 via Quest Air (ghosting is the same with my Vajor Aero headset)

Brandon(Post Maester)

Try switching the DLSS version to 3.5 for CP, 3.5.10 seems to have more shimmering. I am assuming you are talking about the shimmering around objects as "ghosting" or do you mean actual trails behind objects or motion artifacts? DLAA without any sharpening is also really good at mitigating shimmering at higher resolutions. Also make sure you are not sharpening things heavily. You can turn down deblur in the main overlay tab to see if that helps. I like using VR CAS Color as well as VR toolkit for sharpening. They both sharpen the image in the center of the image for VR but you can go into their options and expand the radius and strength etc. I was using the Realcolorr mod but I think I like Gits Fujiama version as it is not as dark and still much better starting point than Vanilla. If you try out Gits, make sure not to use the extra ini files in the second folder, only use the archive file. The other files will eat up performance to make reflections and RT look better, which you most likely won't be using anyways. For FF7 try using this guide to increase resolution https://beastsaber.notion.site/beastsaber/Final-Fantasy-VII-Config-Guide-for-Luke-Ross-s-FF7-VR-Mod-3175d069221b475c8c5ad7eb79362bc0


hi, i extracted the folder into steamapps/common/atomic heart (were the .exe is) and when i run the bat file it says it cant find a supported game, what am i doing wrong? already booted up atomic heart once

Brandon(Post Maester)

You need to go further in to binaries/win64 where the games actual .exe file is located. Some games have multiple .exe files connected to launchers etc. You will notice that the correct .exe file has a much larger size.